Chapter fourtyeight

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A weeks later..

I found myself walking in the paddock with Liv and Kelly who had been by my side since I gave birth, this was the first time Liv would ever be at one of Lewis races.

I wasn't gonna lie, I was excited and nervous.

I believed that it would all be fine, Liv was a baby who socialized pretty easily, plus I would have Kelly by my side. Although I wasn't mostly worried about Liv socializing with all the millions of different people, I was mostly worried about running into Charles. I hadn't talked to him since I told him the baby wasn't his, then I hadn't been at a single race since then. Maybe I was just overthinking it, it surely couldn't be that bad as I thought, plus I would have Kelly with me at all times so it was good.

As we walked in the paddock I was pushing Liv's stroller as I talked with Kelly when I saw Charles looking at us from a distance, god how I hadn't missed him.

Anywho Carlos came running up to us the second he saw us, I didn't mind Carlos to be honest.

' hi Quinn ' he said as he hugged me.

' hey Carlos ' I answered back smiling.

As Carlos saw Olivia he smiled, he also waved to Olivia who giggled.

' hello little Hamilton '

I laughed at how he said little Hamilton, soon enough Pierre, Carlos, Lando, Oscar and Yuki all stood around Olivia's stroller.

' what's her name ' Carlos asked.

' Olviia Grace Hamilton ' I answered.

' Olivia, that's so cute ' Lando said completely gushing over Liv.

I just stood there with Kelly laughing at how all the boys were so obsessed with looking at Olivia, soon enough Lewis got towards us all and he also laughed seeing everyone around Liv's stroller with her kicking her feet and clapping her hands as she giggled.

' hello everyone ' Lewis said laughing as all the boys quickly turned around.

' hey Lewis, don't mind us ' Lando said.

Lewis just laughed as he went to me and kissed me then held his arm around my waist, for about a good 30 minutes we all just stood there with the boys gushing over Liv while lewis and I just laughed at them all speaking with their baby voices.

Later on we we'd stood there for like a good few amount of minutes max and Danny came running and told everyone to get going to their garages to do their work, I just laughed as everyone went away and then max and Daniel went to pick up Liv as they walked away with her.

' I better follow them before they kidnap our daughter ' I said laughing as I kissed Lewis.

' alright, that's probably for the best '

I went to Daniel and max who we're introducing Liv to the whole Red Bull garage, then they took her to their interviews and I just let them because I knew they took good care of her. I also knew she loved her godfathers so it shouldn't be such a big problem, plus they wouldn't listen if I told them to give her back to me.

I just sat down in the Red Bull hospitality with some coffee and decided to sit there and wait for Danny and max to come back with Liv, I also texted them that I was in the cafeteria so they would know.

After a while of sitting there drinking coffee with Kelly max and Daniel were finally done with their interviews and came back with Liv, they both were still having their full attention on Olivia as they came to us.

' how'd the press conference go? ' I asked them.

' good, we sat with Lewis and we all three played with Olivia meanwhile others got questions and Liv even answered a question herself ' max said proudly.

' what question might that be ' I asked them laughing as they handed her to me.

' well an interviewer asked us if she was a dads girl or a moms girl and I got my mic to her mouth and I asked who she liked more and she pointed at Lewis as she giggled '

I just laughed at their silly words, then they had go and do some other work while I stayed there with Liv and Kelly.

Anywho after that I decided to go and sit in the main f1 hospitality with Liv so she could sleep a little, plus I was waiting for my brother to come and we'd agreed to meet up at the main f1 hospitality.

' hey Quinn.. ' I heard a familiar voice say behind me as I turned around to see who it was.

' oh Charles, such a unpleasant surprise '

' oh come on Quinn, don't be like that ' he said.

' I'll be like however the fuck I want, now what do you want Charles '

He looked at me then at Olivia who was laying in the stroller, half asleep and half awake.

' can I hold her? '

' I don't know Charles, I need to ask Lewis and I don't think he will like that ' I answered.

' so you have to ask him about everything? '

I still said no because I had to ask Lewis first if it was okay with him but after Charles begged me some more I agreed and he picked Liv up from the stroller and stood there holding her.

' she looks a lot like me ' Charles said as he smiled holding Liv in his arms.

' she looks a lot like Lewis is what I think ' I answered him back annoyed.

Just as Charles held Liv Lewis came in and he didn't look too happy, I quickly got up the minute Lewis got there.

' hey my love ' i said as I kissed him.

' hey, what are you two doing '

' well Charles wanted to hold Liv quickly so I let him, I hope that's fine ' I said.

' yeah, yeah whatever ' Lewis said.

' uhm I have to go, I'll see you later ' he added as he just stroked my arm and went away again.

I looked as Lewis got to George, and they talked for a quick second and then they walked off together as Charles was still holding Liv, I got to my senses and took Liv from Charles as I packed our stuff and went back to the hotel with Liv. I didn't even have the energy to stay so I went to Kelly and she drove us back to the hotel, she even stayed with us for a while.

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