Chapter twentyfive

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The next morning I woke up at 6am and started getting ready as our plane left at 11am and I had to get ready, shower and drop off Luna at my families house as she insisted to stay one night more and I couldn't say no to her.

As I had just gotten out of the shower Luna knocked on the door and still sleepy asked me why I was up so early. I laughed at how newly awake she looked and on top of that she rubbed her eyes which was even funnier. After some convincing I got her to go and get ready as well as we had to leave the hotel in 1 hour and 30 minutes to be able to leave her before we headed to the airport. When I was done I went into the room and saw Lewis still sleeping in bed and we were leaving in 30 minutes I just laughed and threw a pillow on him and told him to go take a shower and get ready so we could get going in time.

I went down to the lobby to get us checked out whilst those two were getting the suitcases and luggage.

As we sat in the car after much complaining from both Lewis and Luna's side that it was too early we started to drive towards my exchange family's house to drop off Luna to then go to the airport as Lewis private jet was set to land here in 3 hours so it could take us to London.

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After a long drive to drop off Luna we got into the car again and started driving towards the airport. As much as I loved Australia, London had always been my home where I felt safest at. Although I loved Monaco I'd always pushed to go to London as often as I could when I was little and when I moved out I decided to move to London. After all London was a beautiful place and I loved my apartment in London although I hadn't even there for months as I'd been busy with all this shit I was excited to finally be able to go and see my apartment again. I was gonna live with Lewis and his family but I had planned on going over some day to my apartment and spend the day there and then go back to Lewis house later that night.

Honestly it was no other place I'd rather be at right now than London, London was my happy place it had always been. It was my home country and no matter what I always felt safest there I would've went to Monaco or something with Charles if he hadn't been an asshole and right now it felt good that we gave each other space to think about things.

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As we got to the airport we went through the airport and got to the plane, as we got in the plane I saw a whole breakfast set up at the table in there and I got happy as I was super hungry and hadn't eaten yet today.

As we sat down and the plane took off we started eating and suddenly Lewis started talking.

' so are you excited for London ' Lewis voice said as he continued to eat.

' yeah I haven't been there since before I got married ' I said as I laughed at him eating and looking up at me.

' really?? ' Lewis said with food in his mouth.

' yeah sadly Charles never wanted to go here even tho I begged him ' I said laughing as I took a picture of Lewis eating.

' hey! Don't take a picture of me eating and post it ' he said as he punched my shoulder jokingly.

' it's for memories don't worry ' I said laughing harder.

We continued to talk whilst eating our breakfast and before we knew it we could see London from the plane window. London was even more beautiful at night from far up, I could see all the lights in houses and apartments and it was magical I always loved this sight to see London from a plane window always felt different. You could see it's beauty that way and honestly I loved looking out of the window when we landed where ever I loved watching as we got close to ground in the plane window to see everything from up there it was something about it. Something that just made me smile and always feel the same thing every time.

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As we had landed we went out of the plane and saw Lewis sister standing there with her car ready to pick us up and she immediately came to hug me when she saw me.

' Hii it's so nice to finally meet you Quinn! Lewis has told me so much about you!! ' Samantha Lewis sister said excitedly.

' Hii it's so nice to meet you too Lewis had told me so much about you all so it's gonna be nice to finally get to meet everyone in his family! ' I said hugging her back.

' I get no hey, welcome or a hug?? ' lewis said raising his eyebrow at us.

' okay okay brother take it easy I'm just more excited to meet Quinn than I am to meet you too ' Samantha said as she laughed and hugged Lewis.

After meeting each other we got into the car and Samantha started driving to Lewis house where his family was staying for the week and next week if I was gonna be honest I was actually a little nervous to meet the rest of his family. Although Samantha had been very welcoming and sweet to me I could never be fully sure if the others liked me as well. I really wanted all of them to like me even tho I wasn't dating Lewis or was his wife I still wanted them to like me.

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As we pulled up to the house and parked I stopped out of the car just admiring how beautiful and big Lewis house was for a moment before his sister snapped me back to it and we went inside to the others whilst Lewis took mine and his luggage.

As we stepped into the house Lewis mother ran up to us and pulled me into a bear hug and I hugged her back.

' mom! Let her breathe gosh ' Lewis voice said behind me.

' what!! I'm excited to meet the girl you've talked so much about! ' Lewis mother snapped back at him.

I laughed and said ' it's so nice to finally meet you miss Hamilton your son has said so many lovely things about you! '

' oh please call me Carmen dear! Come in come in don't be shy the other family members also wants to meet you! ' Carmen said as she led me to the living room where everyone was sitting enjoying themselves.

' guys Quinn is here!! ' Carmen said excitedly.

' hello everyone! ' I said as I came in the living room.

' hello Quinn my dear I'm Anthony it's so nice to finally meet you! ' Lewis father said as he pulled me into a hug.

' it's so nice to meet you too Lewis has spoken so highly about you all! ' I said as I hugged him back.

I heard Lewis come behind us laughing as he put his arm around me greeting everyone in his family. Whilst everyone was catching up Lewis niece and nephew came running down the stairs attacking Lewis with a big hug in excitement. As they talked with lewis they noticed me and went up to greet me and I got on my knees to greet them too. I honestly felt very welcomed by his family and I really got along with lewis niece who was Samantha's daughter.

_ _ _ _

As the evening went on we had dinner, got to know each other, went outside to sit in the garden doing some catching up / getting to know each other and I felt that these two weeks were going to be two really good ones that I honestly really needed after everything.

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