Chapter fourtynine

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I walked into the club with Lewis holding his hand but the moment we came inside the club he let go of my hand and said he was gonna go and get a drink.

I knew something was up with him, he'd been distant all weekend and when he won today he'd only hugged me then he'd taken Liv and celebrated with the team, I mean I couldn't say anything about it but it wasn't his usual self he'd been kind of avoiding me.

We'd let Olivia stay with Lewis father as we went to this party to celebrate his victory, which Anthony was more than happy to do. But I still thought something was up with Lewis which didn't really seem normal.

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Lewis pov:

' I don't know Daniel ' Lewis said as he took his drink.

' but I mean she probably just wanted to be nice towards him you know ' Daniel answered him sitting opposite of Lewis.

' but it's just that I can't get like them out of my head because she left me once for him who says she's not gonna do it again, and honestly I can't handle it again Daniel. I love her, I really do '

' your just overthinking this Lewis '

Maybe Daniel was right and Lewis was really overthinking it, but he just couldn't get it out of his head what Charles had said. Did Liv look like him? At this point Lewis was just unsure of everything. The doctor who had taken the paternity test said Lewis was the father but who said she didn't get it wrong, even doctors do wrongs sometimes.

' Daniel, does Liv look a lot like Charles? ' Lewis asked daniel.

' I don't think so, but I mean it's too soon to tell who she looks like because she's only a few weeks you haven't even seen her hair yet but I mean her eye color is definitely from you '

' i don't know '

' why did you ask that?? ' Daniel asked Lewis with all of the music blasting in the club.

' because Charles said you know that Liv looks a lot like him and it got me thinking '

There was silence between the two for a moment.

' I mean the doctor said she was mine when we took the paternity test but she could get it mixed up you know '

' I don't think it's Charles baby to be honest, if I can say what I think. I think Liv looks a lot like you Lewis '

Maybe Daniel was right, but Lewis had just had so many thoughts this weekend that he was starting to become unsure. But however he couldn't handle it if it turned out Liv wasn't his because he'd created a strong bond with Liv.

He really really didn't wanna loose her now, although he knew if it turned out that she was not his daughter he had no other choice because that would've not been fair towards Charles in the end. Maybe he should just ask Quinn to do one dna test on Liv again to confirm it, because the doctor could've been wrong although Lewis didn't want the results to have been wrong but he knew if it was Charles daughter he deserved to be the father figure in Liv's life. Mostly because he already loved that little child so much that he would be ready to suffer just to make sure she got her real father in her life and if that wasn't Lewis and it actually was Charles then Lewis would let Charles know and let him be the parent figure in Ari's life although it hurt like hell.

Daniel saw how Lewis was so gone just sitting there thinking so he decided to speak.

' why don't you go to Quinn and talk with her, partners are meant to talk with each other about these things '

' I will, but right now she's having so much fun with her friends I don't wanna destroy that '

' alright, but talk with her later '

— — —

Back to Quinn

I was highly drunk dancing on the dance floor I'd lost where Lewis was but he was probably somewhere in here, not that he seemed to be so interested in speaking or being with me at the moment but still.

I loved Lewis deeply and I wouldn't give up on us now, I would talk with him tomorrow.

However as I was dancing I felt a pair of strong hands grab my waist and start dancing with me and when I turned around it was Charles, I didn't know why but I took him by his hand and led him towards the bathrooms.

I didn't know what got into me but right now I wasn't sober enough to think through.

As Charles lifted me up kissing me he started to take off my dress while I unbuttoned his shirt, then I started unbuttoning his pants and feeling his body against mine wasn't the same as when Lewis body was against mine but it got rid of my anger in that moment. Which was probably why I did it, to feel good again because I'd been so angry about Lewis being so distant from me this weekend.

As he slid into me I moaned ' fuck yes, Charles I'd missed this ' I said as he was still going.

Right in everything the door flung open and I didn't notice for the first minute but when I noticed I told Charles to stop which he didn't hear at first but then the third time he heard and we both stopped as we turned around in horror to see max, Daniel and Lewis standing there.

' Lewis, I can explain ' I said as I started picking up my clothes from the floor.

' no need, I see that your having fun here well here's a fun thing as well we're done ' he said as I could see years starting to form in his eyes and Daniel laying a hand on Lewis shoulder.

' no please lewis, I love you '

' yeah really seems like it when you go and fuck your ex '

' please lewis ' i said with tears in my eyes trying to get closer to him but max stopped me.

Lewis just took a look at me as he stormed out and I ran after not giving a single thought to Charles who still was in the bathroom.

' lewis please! ' I yelled after him as we'd gotten out of the club.

' I don't wanna hear you right now '

' you were so distant to me all weekend I thought you might've also cheated on me and my anger got the best out of me! '

Right then Daniel spoke.

' Quinn you need to learn how to grow up, Lewis was there for you when you needed him, then you left him for Charles who if you don't remember was fucking toxic towards you and then you let Charles hold Olivia without asking Lewis if it was okay THEN you fuck Charles AGAIN. Lewis has done nothing but do right by you this whole time so I don't get it how you can think like that and let your anger get the best of you when you didn't even speak to Lewis! '

I froze for a minute.

Daniel had never been so angry as he was at this moment.

' I know but! '

' no buts Quinn, I will take Liv with me to Monaco because I need to do a dna test with her because the paternity test we took might've been wrong and if it turns out she's Charles kid we're done for good. But if she's mine we'll talk about something because she's gonna be the only reason I'll even speak to you ' Lewis said as he and Danny got into the car and drove away.

I got down on the ground with my hands in my hair and I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Kelly with max and they both sat besides me.

This time I'd really fucked up becuase I can't control my emotions, or my actions and my stupid decisions and emotions might've cost me the person I loved the most in this world. I just sat there crying with Kelly and max sitting besides me in silence.

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