Chapter nine

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I woke up the next morning to Charles, Lewis, Danny, Carlos, Max and Checo all screaming in the living room of our hotel room so I went out of bed to look what all the idiots were doing.

I came in the kind of living room in the hotel room and I saw all the idiots in front of the huge tv playing some kind of f1 game.

' why are y'all so loud ' I said with a sleepy voice.

' we are playing video games and Lewis is absolutely destroying all of us ' Charles said being very focused on the game.

' well like f1 in real life then ' I said laughing at them all looking so silly as they tried everything to beat Lew but he just didn't even put in effort to beat them.

I took a photo of all of them and posted it on my Instagram story with the caption ' when they can't beat him in games either ' and then proceeded to sit on the couch next to them just looking at what they were doing with a cup of coffee.

' what's that supposed to mean we beat him ' Danny said and I just looked at Danny and he eventually looked at me saying ' sometimes... '
I laughed and proceeded to say.

' yeah like never ' before I made my way to the room to get my makeup, hair and outfit for the day done.

After I was done getting ready I went out and saw the boys still playing their game. Looking like a bunch of small children sitting in front of a tv screen playing their games.

' y'all have to get up! We have to be at the paddock in 30 minutes and y'all are still not dressed! ' I said loud so they would hear me.

' wait! ' Charles said as he was really focused on the game.

' NOW CHARLES LECLERC ' I said screaming at him.

When I said that I could hear all the boys saying ' ohh you're in trouble with your wife Charles! ' and he just groaned, but I went up and turned off the tv so they couldn't play their video game and sent them all to get dressed.

Lew was the first one to get ready and said ' thanks for letting us all crash here it was fun '

' well if your definition of fun is having 6 men in a penthouse hotel room screaming at their game since 4 in the morning acting like little boys when they are all over 25 then yes so fun! ' I said looking back at Lew who laughed his ass off and at max who was looking at Lew like he was fricking crazy or something. But to max's defense Lewis is kind of crazy sometimes but if he asked I never said that ever. As everyone was ready we all decided to go down to the lobby and head to the car who was waiting for us all to drive us to the paddock. After a while of all the boys talking in mouth of each other we finally arrived at the paddock and before we went into the paddock I took Charles hand and he whispered in my ear ' what are you doing ' I looked at him and whispered back to him

' just play along Leclerc! Trying to make this marriage seem realistic '.

He just looked at me like he was about to kiss me when we all had to start going into the paddock and I smiled at everyone as we walked in the paddock holding hands. We stopped a few times as Charles and the others had to sign some autographs and then we stopped in the paddock again when Charles talked with Lew and Danny before they all headed to their own garages but when we did that he had his arms wrapped around me and I was in his arms just feeling more safe than ever before. It was like his arms was meant for me to be in, then we went to the Ferrari garage and Charles started getting ready for the race as he kissed me on my forehead before he left and said ' be safe and keep yourself entertained while I'm out there ' and I for once didn't want him to leave me. It felt weird cause for the first time I did not want Charles to leave me at all I wanted him to stay with me and hold me in his arms like he did when he talked to Lew and Danny out there. I eventually just decided to go and search for Chloe & Anastasia to have someone to watch qualifying with as I didn't want to watch it alone.

I was looking around the paddock for the girls when I saw them talking to Danny, so I went up to them and started talking with them for a bit. We were all up in our conversation when I saw something in the distance.. it was Charles? With some woman. And they seemed too close, I was starring and I didn't even know why I cared so much about it I mean I hated the guy!

But something inside of me just burnt when I saw Charles being so close with that girl. Chloe saw me starring at something and when she saw Charles and that woman she immediately asked me ' are you jealous? ' and I looked at her having her THE look.

' uhm Danny would you mind if I speak alone with Chloe & Stacie for a moment for uh private stuff ' I said smiling at Denny who nodded his head and then walked away getting ready for the race.

I turned to Chloe and said ' I am not jealous! Just I don't know maybe she works for him and it's her job to stand so close to him and laugh at everything he says.. ' still starring at Charles and that girl, Chloe looked at me.

' oh you are soooo jealous ' she said, I thought about it for a moment before telling myself that I didn't like him and I was gonna stick by that
until I died.

' I am not jealous in fact I really don't care! ' I said walking away from Chloe towards Charles and that woman.

When I came up to them I kissed Charles on the lips and said ' Hello! I am Quinn, Charles wife! Who are you? ' suddenly she looked at me embarrassed.

' oh.. uhm i am just a fan haha I'm gonna leave you two alone! So nice to meet you Charles! ' she said leaving like thunder.

When she left Charles looked at me with a serious face and said ' what the hell was that Quinn! ' almost screaming and looking very angry.

' calm down! I just introduced myself ' I said rolling my eyes at him.

' that was clearly something else don't lie to me Quinn!! ' he said screaming making everyone in the paddock turn their eyes at us and when Charles noticed he just laughed and took me somewhere private.

He started going off on me about what the hell I did, why I did it and I just sat there with my hatred for him growing more and more for every moment. In the end I just stood up from the chair I was sitting on, looked at him who was standing up practically screaming at me saying ' I am going out of here cause I am tired of your crap! You're not my dad so don't act like you are ' then looked him deep in his eyes for a good few minutes before I broke it off and went out of the door out to the paddock and decided to watch from there with Chloe & Stacie.

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