Chapter fourtythree

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The next morning I woke up to Lewis laying bedsides me all cuddled up to me with Roscoe.

I smiled seeing the sight of him and Roscoe laying there sleeping. It was something I'd love to wake up to everyday, honestly it was. It had been many ups and downs for me and Lewis but in the end now we were together stronger than ever. Well that was at least what I thought then maybe we weren't as strong in the end but that was up to see later.

But today all we were gonna focus on was having a good day. We all had originally planned on Lewis friends coming over to eat here but then we decided after eating we were all going on Lewis yacht.

I was planning on going on the jet skis tho with Chloe while everyone else did whatever they wanted to do.

' good morning my beautiful girlfriend ' I suddenly heard Lewis say as I was sitting up looking at my phone.

' good morning handsome '

' I like calling you my girlfriend '

' oh is that so?? '

' yep, definitely better than calling you by your name '

I just laughed.

We sat in bed talking some more before we made out way downstairs where the breakfast was already done. It smelled delicious which made me wonder who made it because I knew damn well no one of us could cook, well except from me obviously.

' who cooked here it smells delicious '

' I did actually ' Samantha said as she came behind us hugging both me and her brother.

We all sat down and ate some breakfast together before we all had to get back to our rooms to get ready as all of our guests were coming over in about an hour.

— — — —

' mi amor can you help me? ' I heard Lewis voice say from in our room.

' coming! '

I laughed as I went out of the bathroom in our room to where he stood struggling.

As I got done helping Lewis I kissed him then he was all off to meet his friends who just started arriving one by one. I just went back to getting ready but then Chloe came in the room so I got distracted and talked some with Chloe instead of finishing getting ready. Although soon enough her fiancé called her downstairs and I went back to getting ready, not that I had anything else to do anyway.

' Quinn can you come downstairs! ' Lewis yelled.

I just went downstairs without saying anything when I saw Lewis, Grayson, some girl I'd never seen, Chloe and Samantha in the kitchen. I started walking towards them when Lewis saw me and came up to me.

' hello my love ' he said as he kissed me.

' hey, what are you guys doing? '

I looked at the whole mess they'd all done in the kitchen, then I looked at Lewis who had his arm around my shoulder.

' uh well, we're trying to cook but I don't know how that's going '

' well seems it isn't going that well '

' hey Quinn ' Grayson said.

' hello Grayson nice to meet you again ' I answered back smiling politely.

' hello I'm Grace ' the unfamiliar woman who stood besides me said.

' hello Grace, I'm Quinn '

' mi amor can you help me with the food? ' Lewis interrupted.

' of course '

I went to help lewis but the whole time me and Lewis were together I could see Grace staring angrily at us from a distance. I could see Grayson also staring like Grace from time to time, it was a angry and jealous mixed look from what I saw. I tried to not care so much about it but it was easier said than done with those looks from those two.

Later on after we'd all eaten I went to go and fix the dishes while Lewis was busy catching up with his old friends when Grayson offered to help me, I didn't think much of it and agreed to let him help. I did need help to carry in the dishes so some help wouldn't hurt plus everyone else were busy with talking.

We just stood there him drying the dishes I'd just washed and I washing the dishes when he suddenly spoke.

' are you and Lewis together? '

' yeah we are why? '

' no reason I just wondered '

I thought it was weird but I didn't say anything as he was Lewis friend after all so maybe he just wondered because he wanted to know it Lewis was taken or not. I didn't know but I didn't want to find out either, I wanted to stay away from the drama this time not go towards it.

After that we talked some more and had more normal conversations. Grayson was a funny person he made me laugh a lot and he had many funny childhood stories of him and Lewis which were always interesting to listen to.

' hey could we maybe be friends? '

' sure why not, I don't see a problem with that '

' cool, could I get your number so I can text you later? '

I thought about it before I gave in and gave him my number. I didn't want Lewis to be mad about it so I decided to tell Lewis about it later and about me and Grayson becoming friends.

I knew he would be fine with it but I just wanted to be open with him about it.

— — — —

As we then got to the yacht a few hours later the first thing me and Chloe did was get to the jet skis when we were out on sea.

' where are you going, my love ' Lewis asked as me and Chloe started making our way.

' me and Chloe decided to take the jet skis a little bit if that's fine '

' yeah that's fine, just be careful and have fun '

I smiled as me and Chloe practically ran to the jet skis, I was super excited for this as I loved to drive jet skis. Chloe had only driven one once so she was more excited than I was, if that was even possible that Is.

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