Chapter seven

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I got dressed later on and went to our hotel room from the hotel bathroom and saw him without a shirt and my jaw dropped to the ground looking at him.

' I can see you starring with your jaw dropped love ' he said laughing at me and I quickly snapped out of it.

' oh don't flatter yourself I was starring at another thing ' I said as I walked to put on my bracelet.

He just smiled and proceeded to put on a shirt. Later on we started walking down to the lobby to meet Carlos, Chloe, Anastasia, Charles and Carlos team team. I was actually nervous to meet Charles team cause it would be the first time I would meet them. I think Charles saw how nervous I was cause he said

' don't worry they are gonna love you '

' huh? ' I said looking at him confused with my head tilted.

' my team Im sure they are gonna adore you ' he said smiling at me.

' how can you be so sure about that mr Leclerc '

' I just know it yk I'm right about most things ms Leclerc ' he added.

' if you say so mr Leclerc! ' I said punching his shoulder.

I tonight to myself that maybe he wasn't so bad after all but all those thoughts quickly changed as he was bad I tried to convince myself into. When we walked into that lobby I saw his whole team with Chloe, Anastasia and Carlos, they all were smiling at us and I didn't know what happened but in that moment I took Charles hand and squeezed it out of nervousness.

' this is my wife Quinn everyone! ' Charles proceeded to say after he greeted everyone.

I greeted everyone with one hand while I was still holding onto Charles hand with my other hand for dear life. I just had over all social anxiety when it came to people especially if it wasn't like work related. After talking and getting to know everyone a bit I started to calm down and let go of the nervousness and therefore let go of Charles hand. A while into chitchatting we all got in cars and drove to the grid to prepare for the first day of free practice.

We got to the grid and I walked in the paddock holding Charles hand cause I was nervous as hell once again and Charles didn't complain, for once he just went with it. I saw how everyone's jaws dropped seeing me walking in the paddock with Charles with us both having wedding rings on our fingers. I mean I could see why they were surprised last race Charles was single and now he was married but I tried not to thinking about everyone starring and just focus on everything I had to do when I suddenly saw Lando starring at me and Charles looking more shocked than anyone else in the paddock. God how I wanted to talk to Lando but I couldn't cause no one knew about us and maybe that was for the best cause then it wouldn't had humiliated Lando. Me and Charles got to the Ferrari garage and he got changed then kissed me goodbye on my forehead while he proceeded to say ' have fun with Chloe & Anastasia ' then just like that he went to get ready for free practice 1.

' what do you wanna do first, I can show you around the paddock or we could do something else ' Anastasia asked me smiling at me.

I went closer to her and whispered ' I want to go and talk to Lando without anyone seeing me enter the McLaren garage ' first Chloe looked at me shocked like giving me the look to show me it's not a good idea but after a lot of begging both of them finally caved and helped me get into the mclaren garage to speak to Lando. I got into the mclaren garage and started searching for Lando, later I found him in his drivers room so I went in and closed the door after me.

' oh hi Quinn what a surprising entrance you did to the race ' he said looking at me with a bit of angriness in his eyes.

' Lando listen I can explain. I do have a good reason! ' I said trying explain when he stopped me.

' I do not want to hear it, I get it you ghosted me and ignored all my calls for a few days and then later show up at my race with CHARLES LECLERC with a wedding ring on your finger which means you got married ' he said rising his voice quite a bit.

' Lando please just let me explain ' I said trying to stay calm.

' I do not want to hear it I get it honestly, your in love with Charles but you could've told me before I fell in love with you!, I don't ever want to hear a word from you ' he said rising his voice even more.

I was on the edge of tears when Lando yelled even louder ' GET OUT I SAID ' and I just looked at him before getting out of there as fast as I could.

Lando screaming gave me flashbacks from my whole childhood the flashbacks from when my father used to do that only got more and more which made me go crazy breaking down by the time I got to Chloe who immediately got me to the Ferrari garage, as to not make anyone else see me like that. While I was crying my heart out with the flashbacks still coming Charles came to me.

' Quinn tell me what's wrong what happened? '

' nothing I just ' as I said it with a breaking voice I felt Charles hug me and give me a kiss on the forehead.

Before I knew it he sat besides me just sitting there not speaking but just being there and it somehow made me feel a lot better I didn't know how it did but it did. After a little while of sitting there with Charles I calmed down and he proceeded to asked me ' do you want to talk about what happened now? '

I just shaked my head and said ' not really '.

He nodded and told me to come to him if I wanted to talk or if I needed something and then went away to free practice again. When he left I got myself together and went out to all the others. Where I saw Chloe who hugged me and asked me if I was feeling better and I just nodded my head. Chloe asked me what happened with Lando and I told her everything that happened and she just hugged me.

' oh I'm so sorry he shouldn't have screamed at you like that Quinn '.

I didn't blame Lando crazy enough the only one who knew about all that was my brother, Stacie and Chloe cause they were the only ones I told everything too. They was like my guide who got me through life. They were also together with my brother and two nieces the only one who'd always been there for me no matter what.

' can we go out and watch everyone ' I said smiling a little excitedly.

Chloe just laughed and dragged me outside to watch all the drivers practice. I had always dreamed of this so I was not gonna let anything or anyone ruin my first experience on my first race weekend. Myself and Chloe watched the cars out in the paddock then went into the garage and I made some small talk with all the employees in the garage. I felt like I really bonded with Charles team just as he said I would. For a little moment I started to consider if Charles was as bad as I thought, he was and then I laughed it off and agreed with myself that he was as bad as I had thought. But maybe a little better than I had thought he was just maybe a little..

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Sorry for not posting more chapters earlier! I have been very busy with school and my personal life but I'm gonna try to post as many new chapters as posssible!

As fast as I can so I hope you all enjoy this chapter I made it a little longer to make up for not posting new chapters earlier but I'll try to post more chapters more often 🤍

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