Chapter fourtysix

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I woke up hearing music playing in the kitchen while I smelled a lot of delicious food, I didn't hesitate to get up and get dressed to see what Kelly was doing.

As I walked into the kitchen I saw Kelly making breakfast, or if I could say it right she was making a whole damn six course breakfast.

' maybe you should live here permanently ' i said laughing.

Kelly turned around as she hadn't yet realized I stood behind her watching as she danced to the music making some delicious breakfast, when she heard that tho she laughed.

' kick Lewis out, make him live with max and we can move in together with Penelope and my dear goddaughter ' Kelly said.

I laughed.

' let's do that, they can live with each other it's fine ' I said.

I took a seat at the kitchen island as me and Kelly kept talking away on all of our plans for the coming months, Kelly had promised to help me during my first year with the baby because it was my first child after all. I really appreciated that Kelly was really there for me through it all, she had been one of the biggest supports for me these past few months. I just knew living with her these months would be the funniest time of my life, Lewis would be away much for work and for races but when he would be home me and Kelly had planned that we would do many different things with the boys and the children just max, Kelly, me, lewis, Penelope and my lovely daughter who I would soon give birth to and I couldn't be more excited.

However Kelly was soon done cooking so we both sat down at the dining table which was next to the living room and just sat there talking about how it would be when the baby came and etc.

I also decided to ask her about giving birth, my main question was if it hurt just as bad as I thought it did. She comforted me with that it did but that I would forget about it all the minute I held my daughter in my arms for the first time, she also said that in that moment everything else doesn't matter then it's only me and my daughter which yes I have to admit her saying that actually calmed me down a little bit.

Although soon enough we had to clean the table from all of the food and get ready because we were going out to my doctors appointment and then meet up Charlotte for lunch, as we were done with getting ready we got in the car and Kelly started driving to the hospital.

' good morning Quinn, good morning Kelly ' my doctor said as we all entered the room.

At this point my doctor knew who Kelly was as she'd gone with me to every doctors appointment even if Lewis also came she went with us and when Lewis couldn't because of work and the races she went with me alone.

' good morning doctor ' I said smiling.

' how are you feeling today? '

' well good, anxious about the birth part but overall I'm feeling good '

' that's great, let's take a look and go over the birth plan later on ' my doctor said.

As we'd checked up everything she said it looked good and that everything was going as planned, we sat there for a good hour and planned over how I wanted the birth to go and who I wanted there, I just said I wanted Kelly and Lewis in the room, the others could wait outside in the waiting area.

Later as we were done with planning everything my doctor said goodbyes and me and Kelly also said our goodbyes to the doctor before heading to the car so we could meet up with Charlotte.

' can you text her we're on our way ' Kelly asked.

' yeah, sure I'll text her right now '

I texted Charlotte that we were on our way and that we'd be at the restaurant in 10 minutes, god I was already exhausted.

Later on we arrived at the restaurant and saw Charlotte standing in front of the restaurant waiting for us, we walked up towards her and I hugged her as I greeted her.

' heyy!, how are you ' Charlotte asked.

' I'm good, what about you? ' I said as Kelly and Charlotte greeted each other.

' I've been good, are you excited to become a mother? '

' oh yeah, nervous as well but yeah '

We got lead to a table outside with a view of boats and the lovely Monaco city, as we sat down we ordered what we wanted for lunch and then we sat there talking about a little of everything. I wasn't gonna lie, Charlotte was such a sweet girl and I was glad we started becoming friends, she was trying her best to make up for everything she did and I appreciated that she at least tried her best to make it up to me.

I wasn't the one to hold onto grudges so I had actually dropped it long ago when I got together with Lewis, I was happy with my little family I was building for myself with Lewis so I didn't need to hold onto old grudges.

I had told her before she didn't have to make it up to me, that I'd dropped it long ago but she still insisted to so I just let her.

' so how's your love life going ' Kelly asked charlotte.

' well, it's on pause at the moment '
' I haven't dated anyone since Charles ' she added.

I felt kinda bad as I knew how much she loved Charles, not sure Charles had the same love as he was already dating someone new. Alexandra I think her name was? I didn't know much because I didn't follow what Charles did anymore I had been quite busy in my own stuff.

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