Chapter two

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After all that I got in my car who was waiting for me outside of the building where I had my shoot and went to my hotel to take my bags. Which were already packed, got a comfy fit on, checked out of that hotel. After that was done I jumped in the car who I had taken here. Which also was still waiting for me at the entrance of the hotel I got in, greeted my driver and told him to drive to the airport.

While I was in the car my best friend Anastasia called me and I picked up

' Hey Stacie! ' I said happy as she was always the highlight of my day. No matter how hard of a day i had she always made it 10 times better.

' Hey Quinn my love!, how are you? ' she asked me in her normally excited voice.

' Well I'm on my way to the airport to take dads private plane back to Monaco to see my family again, so not really the best but what about
you?? '

' well I'm waiting for you at the airport so I know I'm great '

I heard her angelic voice laughing in the background. I was in shock for a moment still processing her words.

' WHAT DID YOU SAY ' I said as I almost yelled in the car but held it as quiet as I could.

' Yeah love! I'm going with you to Monaco, your dad called me and sent me the private plane to pick me up, to then pick you up on the way so come on and hurry through the airport! '

' yeah I'm at the airport in three minutes I'll hurry through security when I get there! ' I said being super excited as well as she was.

' okay good bye love, see you soon! '

' Bye see you soon Stacie! " i said as I hung up the phone.

After what felt like an eternity but in reality was only 3 minutes. I got to the airport, took my luggage from the car and I hurried through the airport to go and see Anastasia.

A good 20 minutes had passed and I finally got through security and all that shit. I actually hated traveling only because of the airport if it was only just arriving and going directly to the plane I wouldn't have anything against it. I think I would've loved it because I always loved the airport feeling just not how long it took to get through the airport. Then I went directly to the plane and when I got on the plane I greeted Anastasia and after only a few minutes we took of for Monaco. On the plane I was feeling nervous as I only wanted to know why my father sounded so happy. Anastasia on the other hand was going on and on about some guy she had met that she started dating but I didn't listen as my thoughts were only on what my dad wanted me.

' Hello? Earth to the Quinn ' I heard Stacie say while I was stuck in my own world dreaming way in my thoughts.

' huh what? ' I said shaking my head as I snapped out of it and switched my focus to Anastasia.

' what were you think about?? ' she asked me with a worried face while she was stuffing food in her mouth.

' well it's nothing that is that important, just thoughts you know '

' well if you say so but if you want to talk about anything I'm here okay? ' she said trying to be supportive.

I knew she knew that something was wrong she knew me too well to think it was nothing but she also knew that sometimes I just didn't feel like talking about what was on my mind right in that moment. I decided to change the subject as I didn't wanna talk about this stuff ' so tell me more about that dude ' I said as I was smiling at her.

' well his name is Aaron, he is working with my dad and oh god he's so hot '

' ahh I'm so happy for you Stacie! ' I said being super excited for her.

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