Chapter three

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I got to my room, laid down on the bed starring at the ceiling and Anastasia sat besides me asking what happened but I was too concentrated in my own thoughts to hear her. While I was all up in my own thoughts someone knocked on my door.

' if your not my parents your welcome in! ' I yelled as Stacie got up to open the door as I was too tired to get up from bed.

' another fight huh? ' I heard Chloe's voice say from behind me. Chloe was one of my closest friends and had been ever since I was very little. We'd both met at a park near my families old home in London before my parents sold it.

' Chloe! ' I said as I got up from the bed to go and hug her.

I maybe in fact hugged her so hard she could barely breathe ' yeah you won't believe what they are making me do this time ' I said frustrated as I had my head down in her chest feeling like I was mad at the whole world at that moment.

' what happened ' Chloe asked me while she sat down on my bed with Anastasia joining her in sitting down.

' well they are having me set me up for an arranged marriage and this time I have no choice other that to do it ' I said getting more frustrated the more I thought about it.

' well who are you gonna marry then?? ' Anastasia asked.

' well that's the thing I don't even know!, I will get to know tonight at the engagement dinner, which apparently there is an engagement dinner and the wedding is TOMORROW! ' I said almost yelling but I stopped myself before I yelled it out loud so everyone in the house could hear me.

Both of them stayed a while to comfort me before we had to go and get dressed for the dinner. As we then later got done we were planning on heading down to the dinner together as there was no way I was heading down there alone. I had gotten ready with my makeup just then when I looked myself in the mirror and realized the reality in which how my life was gonna change in just under a day. I wasn't fit for this life I knew it, my best friends knew it I didn't wanna get married I wasn't the type who wanted to live that married life with husband and kids. If I was honest I wasn't quite frankly sure what I even wanted in life, I didn't know if I wanted kids or if I wanted to be childless I hadn't even gotten the chance to think about what I wanted in life before I was rushed into all of this. I had always dreamt of getting engaged at a beach with the love of my life and this wasn't anything like it. And that was only if I even wanted to get engaged or married I wasn't even sure if I wanted that cause I knew I wouldn't be the best wife in the world how much I even tried.

I was a mess myself how the fuck was I supposed to be a wife and be there for someone else too. What if me and this person whoever it was didn't think the same or if we didn't even like each other then I would have to live with that and I wasn't quite sure I wanted that. Both those thoughts were a part of why I didn't want an arranged marriage from the beginning. I wasn't even sure if I even wanted a real marriage for that matter, that was something I should've gotten to figure out before being pushed into all of this.

But as usual my parents didn't even think about me and what I thought they only looked out for themselves. After all that was what they were best at, looking after themselves and not caring about anyone else if it made them happy. If something made them happy then they didn't care about the other person's happiness, in their world they thought people could suffer just to please them and that was something I quite frankly didn't stand for and I would never stand for it how much they even tried to get me to be like them.

While I was sitting at my desk starring at myself with all those thoughts in my head Anastasia interrupted me and said ' hey Quinn you ready? '  as she took the brush from my desk and started to brush through the curls Chloe had curled together.

' yeah yeah come on let's go! ' I said quickly standing up as I put on a smile and started to walk downstairs to greet my future family in

Me, Anastasia and Chloe came down the stairs and we saw.. ' CHARLES LECLERC?! ' Anastasia screamed excitedly.

Charles just laughed and besides Charles was his brother, parents, max, Christian which was Anastasias dad and Carlos?? This weekend was getting weirder and weirder. We all greeted each other, my parents and Charles parents seemed to get along well but I thought that they'd been friends since long back as I was convinced I'd seen them in photos with my parents, me and Charles on the other hand barely talked. Avery my other friend and Carlos were talking very much and seemed to be very much in love already. Couldn't I have that? After the dinner we all agreed to go outside and take a walk by the sea and that was the first time me and Charles made some small talk. Besides the awkward greeting we'd had before we made one good conversation at least.

After the walk we all got back to the house and my parents dropped a bombshell on me from nowhere once again ' well we can all go to bed now and we'll see you tomorrow! Oh and Charles you sleep in Quinn's room ' they said smiling. I wanted to scream in that moment ' WHAT ' I eventually screamed out loud but my parents just ignored me as they walked past me with Charles to show Charles the way up to my room. While everyone went up to their rooms I went to Chloe's room to look for Avery as she's snuck with Carlos a little while before us back to the house. I in the end found her maybe not In the way I thought that I would find her but I walked in on her and Carlos having some fun and I quickly turned around and went out of the room for a second not believing what I'd seen. When I saw Chloe heading for her room I went up to her and took my arm around her neck and started to walk to my room saying ' you don't wanna go in there right now Avery is uhm using your room so you'll sleep with Anastasia tonight ' as she looked at me for a moment before realizing and bursting out laughing.

' hey ' Charles said calmly to me as i came into the room after leading chloe to Anastasia's room.

' yeah hey ' I said going to my wardrobe to change

' you don't seem too happy ' Charles said as he looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

' well you know when your parents bring you home without saying why you don't expect them to tell u that they have fixed an arranged marriage for you, so I'm sorry if I'm not quite happy to see you '

' sorry for asking then ' he said.

I ended up ranting and ranting on to Charles, Anastasia and Chloe who both sat on each bed listening while I was walking back and fourth in the room ranting about it for a while. Unexpectedly all three of them were good listeners, a while later I stopped ranting and Anastasia & Chloe went back to their room while me and Charles went to our bed then we all just went to bed as it started to get late.

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