Chapter twentyone

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After being there the whole night me and Lewis decided to stay at my exchange families house for the night and then go together to the track tomorrow as it got kinda late. As everyone went up to their rooms to sleep I decided to take care of the dishes and clean the table and Lewis went to help me.

' so what do you think of them ' I said.

' I love them, they are kind and generous and made me feel very welcome ' Lewis said as he started washing the dishes.

' well I know that they love you too ' I said smiling at him.

' well that makes me happy ' Lewis added.

As we stood there in the kitchen speaking as he washed the dishes and I stood besides him just talking about anything and everything it felt somehow good. I could see myself doing this every night that we were free from work and went to see family or something. I was somehow sad before that Charles didn't come but now I didn't care anymore cause I had a great night with Lewis and my family so it didn't really matter anyway. It was just honestly something that felt so free and fun about this late night talk in the kitchen while he was washing the dishes and I sat on the counter besides him just talking and being company.

_ _ _ _

After being there for a while and we just got done with the dishes we decided to get rid of the mess in the kitchen and when I was about to put away the flour I decided to throw a bit of flour on lewis and he gasped when I did that and we started throwing flour on each other laughing when Luna came in the kitchen.

' y'all look.. crazy ' she said laughing.

' blame your sister she started it ' Lewis said also laughing.

' it was an impulsive thought in my defense '

' well maybe you should clean up yourselves I'll clean up all this ' Luna said smiling at us.

' okay sure come on Lewis ' I said as we went up to clean ourselves and then I went down to Luna again while Lewis took a shower.

' hey ' I said standing in the doorframe watching her clean.

' hey ' she said back continuing to clean.

' let me help you clean ' I said as I went to help her clean up the kitchen.

' you two looked happy ' Luna continued to say after we'd cleaned in silence of each others company for a few minutes.

' yeah he's a funny man sometimes ' I said smiling at her.

' I can see that '

I laughed and looked at her.

' you know it's funny how life changes so drastically sometimes '

' yeah but that's life isn't it we learn as we live Quinn '

_ _ _ _

Me and Luna continued to talk whilst cleaning and it felt like we really bonded well like before. As we were laughing on the floor Lewis came in the kitchen and laughed at us being on the floor laughing. As he joined us on the floor sitting there talking I felt like this was the life I'd always wanted but never could have. In one way I was jealous of the people that could live a completely normal life like this but in one way I liked the life I had I loved modeling and driving fancy cars but sometimes I wished that life had its peaceful and normal moments as well.

I looked at my phone as we were all talking and saw that Charles texted me asking where I was and I just texted him ' don't worry about it I'll see you on the track tomorrow ' and put my phone on silent I was enjoying this moment and I didn't wanna fight with him over the phone cause that would've just soured my mood.

As we had sat there for about an hour we all agreed on going to bed as I and Lewis got up and started walking I turned around at the door frame and looked at Luna who was on her phone texting her boyfriend.

' hey Luna why don't you come with me to the track tomorrow I could use some new company and plus I'm sure Lewis would love you being there '

When I said that I could see her face lit up I knew she loved spending time with me and I also knew she loved f1 and always wanted to watch it in real life sometime but they never had the money to. I had always planned on bringing her but never had the time to or she never had the time to so I figured I could just take her tomorrow.

' WHAT?! LIKE FOR REAL TAKE ME THERE? ' Luna said excitedly.

' yeah! You can come with me and we can be in the Mercedes garage and we can meet all of the drivers and you can be my company for tomorrow and on Sunday! ' I said smiling at her and Lewis smiled seeing Luna so excited.

' yes! Yes! Yes I would love to!! ' she said.

' great go to sleep now so you can get up in time tomorrow then ' I said smiling at she went with us upstairs to go to sleep excited.

_ _ _ _

The next morning I woke up by a very excited Luna telling me to get up to get ready so we could leave and a Lewis who stood in the doorway laughing at us.

' okay! Okay I'm going up chill a bit Luna ' I said in a newly awake voice.

' come on else we're gonna be late! Lewis promised I would get to try sitting in his car!! ' she said practically dragging me out of bed.

I looked at Lewis and smiled I found it sweet how he'd bonded with my exchange family and especially how he'd bonded with Luna. Luna was only 16 but she was one of the most mature 16 year olds I'd ever met. Definitely more mature than I was when I was 16 but I had family issues so that maybe made me more immature.

_ _ _ _

' okay I'm ready! ' I said after getting ready and I already heard Luna running up the stairs and before I knew it dragging me downstairs.

As we got downstairs my whole exchange family was there chatting with Lewis happily.

We three said our goodbyes to them and I promised to come back with Luna on Sunday as she was staying in my hotel cause it was easier for me that way. As we had said goodbye me, Lewis and Luna went in Lewis car and started driving to the track. In the car Luna and Lewis talked lots while I sat there mostly laughing at what they were talking about and listening to them.

After about a 30 minute drive we finally arrived at the track and we went out of the car and started walking all three together in the paddock as we walked I saw Charles and Charlotte standing there talking and it immediately clicked he wasn't here yesterday he was with her. Why hadn't he just told me that instead of lying once again. Honestly I just didn't care anymore I smiled at them as they both saw me and then focused on walking with Luna and Lewis to the Mercedes garage to let Luna try and sit in Lewis car.

As we were walking Charles came up to me and asked to talk with me and I said ' okay but make it quick ' and then turned to Luna and Lewis who stood there and said ' you guys go I'll meet you there soon and wait for the car thing until I come! I wanna film! ' I said as they nodded and walked to the Mercedes garage.

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