Chapter fiftyone

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I was in Bali with Isa and my friend Alexandra, I'd moved back in with Charles and we had canceled the divorce. We were gonna try to make this work for Liv, at least I hoped we could.

But the first step to that was some space from each other, that's why I decided to take a trip to Bali with Isa & Alexandra while Charles had his race this week and then Liv was with Charles mother Pascale. Sure me and Charles FaceTimed every day but we still gave each other space and we wanted to take things slow this time, so we could hopefully take it in our pace.

I was on my way out to meet Isa and Alexandra for dinner, they were in the living room of our like house we had here in Bali and I was just searching for my necklace I had hidden somewhere here. I still hadn't packed everything up yet so some things were like packed down somewhere here, I thought at least.

Maybe I'd just forgotten it??

No I couldn't have, I was sure I held it in my hands as I put it in my jewelry travel bag but it wasn't there, but I thought I packed it down when I was talking with Charles.

Maybe it was just me who's head was spinning after the long flight here, maybe I needed to relax a bit.

As I headed out I saw Isa and Alexandra there and I hugged them both, we all three then went out for dinner. As we arrived at the restaurant the waiter led us to our table and then gave us all a menu so we could choose what we wanted to order. I chose a stake with sallad, Isa chose pasta and Alexandra chose pasta with sallad. The waited smiled at us and told us our order would soon arrive, I thanked her and she went on her way to get our drinks while Isa spoke.

' so when are you getting back into modeling? ' Isa asked.

' I don't know, I've focused on becoming a mother and a good wife to Charles so we will see, I'm aiming for next year '

' that's great! ' Alexandra added.

' yeah, I've put my work life on hold with everything that happened you know '

' yeah, I totally understand you ' Isa said.

Call me crazy but I never thought I'd not look forward to going back to modeling, ever since I became a mother, being a mother is all I've wanted to do. Now when things weren't really themselves as well I really wanted to just be a mother and live my life a bit.

I didn't get to live my life before I was rushed into everything, I also think everything happened so fast so me and Charles didn't have the time to stop and just fall in love. Although that's what we were gonna do this time, take it slow and fall in love and not take it fast. It would take as long as it took but honestly, we had all the time in the world this time. None of us were going anywhere, I certainly wasn't and I knew Charles wasn't either, well except for races that is.

As we were sitting there I heard my phone ring and I looked to see it was Charles FaceTiming me, I picked up and excused me from the girls for a moment to answer.

' hi beautiful girl ' he said as he answered.

I laughed.

' hi pretty boy, how's it going ' I asked him.

' eh, it would be better with you here '

' dont get me wrong i love FaceTime you but i do actually love real you more then FaceTime you ' he added.

I laughed, it sounded so much like he was just saying the last thing to save himself.

' I miss you too, but hey you will come to Bali soon won't you?? '

' I will definitely come after the race, meetings, press conferences, team things etc so in maybe four days or something ' he said.

' that's such a long time, but we'll see it like a challenge okay '

He laughed.

' alright then, how's it going for you?? '

' well.. ' I said thinking a bit.

' I lost my necklace I got a couple of years ago but other than that it's going good, Isa is missing Carlos a lot though. She keeps checking her phone to see if he messaged or called her so me and Alexandra are just honestly trying to keep her from going insane '

Charles laughed, his beautiful dimples also shown.

' well I will make sure to tell Carlos to check in on her more often '

' you should, she's attached to the man '

As he was about to answer someone said something to him and he just sighed as he turned back to me who was still on FaceTime with him.

' I'm sorry love, I have to go we have a meeting but I will call you later okay?? '

' alright! I will cheer for you from Bali on Saturday and Sunday ' I smiled.

' i bet you will, see you soon love '

' see you soon mi amor ' I said.

We hung up as I sat there by the sea for a bit then I decided to go back to the girls and keep eating because I was still hungry and I definitely needed to go and eat before they had eaten everything of theirs up.

For the rest of the day we just had some stuff to do like go and shop some clothes and other stuff and at the end of the day we went to a fancy restaurant that actually neither of us had ever been at, this was gonna be exciting. The food was actually quite decent, not as good as I thought it would be but very close. The view from the restaurant was insane though, it was sea view which was really beautiful. Actually it made me wanna jump in and take a swim but I knew better then to do that, then we went back to my like house there on the resort and we all watched movies and stuff before they went to their houses at the restort.

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