Chapter ten

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Qualifying soon ended, Lewis got p1, Charles got p2 and Valterri got p3 and I was just standing there watching the track in a gaze when Lewis came behind me saying ' hey are you not feeling well?? '

I looked and him saying ' well this year isn't really my best year ' while laughing a bit.

' well if it helps this ain't really my best year either ' Lewis said while joining me looking at the race track.

Before I knew what I was doing I found myself opening up to Lew about everything, about how frustrated I was about everything, how I never wanted any of this. While I was going on and on about how mad I was at everyone Lewis just stood there listening to me and giving me advice, just in general being on my side no matter what I said. When I was done I looked behind me and saw Charles looking at me and Lewis chatting, smiling and laughing he didn't seem too happy about it. So I said my goodbyes to Lewis thanked him for being such a good listener and then went to Charles to see why the fuck he seemed so mad at me.

' what's up with you other than the thing before ' I said looking at him.

' are you cheating on me? ' he said before I could add anything else.

I just looked at him in disbelief that he would even think I am that kind of a person ' why do you think that ' I said leaning on the wall behind us

' don't be dumb I and probably the whole fucking paddock saw you and Lewis talking and laughing Quinn ' right when he said that my blood started to boil.

But I kept calm saying' oh so me talking to someone means I'm cheating? ' before he could answer i said ' you know what I don't wanna hear it, I'll wait for you by the exit ' then proceeded to walk away before he could say anything more.

I was just done with him and his attitude. I didn't have the energy to fight with him not for a second time today at least. After a few minutes Charles came to the exit and we left together to go back to the hotel as it was getting late. When I was about to go and get ready for bed Anastasia & Chloe texted me asking me if I wanted to go and do something with them. I just texted them back that I was tired and was gonna stay at the hotel room today. I got ready and headed to lay next to Charles who was already sleeping but I couldn't get any sleep at all so I decided to go out and go to the pool area as it was by the sea and it would help me relax. I got up from the bed putting on my shoes quietly and I didn't even bother waking up Charles so I went outside and towards the pool. When I got to the pool I sat down by the edge of it so I could see the sea behind the pool. I was sitting there admiring the beauty of the sea when someone came behind me and I jumped as I did not expect that.

' sorry I didn't mean to scare you ' I heard Lewis voice say behind me.

I looked back at him  ' next time don't come up like that at night ' i laughed.

' is it okay if I sit here? '

I just nodded as I really liked his company anyway.

' why are you out here ' he asked me while we were both sitting on the edge of the pool with our feet in the pool whilst looking at the sea behind the pool admiring its beautiful.

I thought about what to say.

' well I couldn't sleep cause I couldn't get things off my mind what about you? '

' well one part is for the same reason as you're here and the second part is honestly I am just not feeling the best at the moment.

I looked at him as he looked at the sea in front of us and I felt some kind of feeling that I had never felt before. The feeling was warm and I didn't know how to explain it but what I knew was that I'd never felt it with anyone else. No one had ever listened to me like he does, no one had ever even cared about my problems or feelings expect for my brother, Chloe, Anastasia and now Lewis it was making me feel some kinda way he was a really good friend. We both talked for a few hours at least. When we noticed that the time was getting late and we should head back to our rooms as it was getting late. He went with me to my room, dropped me off to make sure I came back safely and then we said goodnight as we hugged and I went to sleep as it was a big day tomorrow.

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