Chapter twentynine

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As I was about to close my eyes I heard a familiar voice approaching. In my head I just thought I was hallucinating as no cars drove here at this hour but before I closed my eyes I heard the voice again.

Before I knew i saw Lewis with a worried face looking down on me as I laid there on the ground, he put his jacket around me as he held my head in his hands. My lips had already turned blue a few moments back I just looked up at Lewis for a moment.

' I'm sorry ' I said before I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then felt my eyes closing slowly.

' No Quinn, don't you dare give up on me now your gonna get through this and your gonna stay with me ' I heard Lewis voice say before I felt everything go quiet.

After that everything got blurry I didn't remember much of what had happened, then not even a minute later everything went dark. The calmness I felt at that moment was something I'd never felt. It was like the whole world stopped for a good minute and everything was just so peaceful.

This kind of peace was something I'd never felt and I was gonna admit it felt great. I felt like for once in my life I didn't feel pain this time I felt at peace.

— — — —

A good while later I opened my eyes to see Lewis sitting besides me holding my hand with Sam and Chloe by his side. Barely being able to keep my eyes open but trying my best I heard Chloe sitting besides me.

' it's okay!, close your eyes we are here now, you're safe Quinn ' hearing Chloe's soft voice Im gonna admit felt good.

As I closed my eyes again I heard Chloe sobbing while Sam went to hug her. Then I felt Lewis hand in mine followed by Chloe's hand in my other hand which made me feel calm.

A good while later I slowly started to open my eyes. The first thing I saw when I opened them was Chloe sitting besides me reading a book, when she saw me opening my eyes she immediately yelled for Sam & Lewis. Not even a minute later I saw Lewis entering the room and immediately going to hug me.

' keep calm your gonna squish me to death ' I said laughing a bit with my voice still being weak.

' never scare me like that ever again Quinn! ' Chloe said as she hugged me too.

' I promise I'm gonna think through what I do next time ' I said as I slowly sat up with Lewis helping me.

' when I got the call from Lewis I immediately rushed to London ' Chloe then added.

' I know you care about me and I love you ' I said as I felt like I was still freezing.

While I sat there with Lewis, Chloe & Samantha I felt my body still freezing even though i was sure I'd been inside for quite a while. It was like my body was still weak even if I thought I could stand up my body still wasn't ready so I just sat in bed not even trying to get up knowing my legs wouldn't have the strength to stand up. After a while Chloe and Samantha left to go and make some dinner while Lewis stayed with me.

' how did I get here? ' I asked Lewis after sitting there in silence for a good minute.

' I carried you in the car and drove you here and put you in my bed so you could get extra warm, don't worry I slept in a guest room ' he said as he looked at me.

I looked at him then I hugged him without saying anything. At first he looked shocked but hugged me back, I hugged him for a good while just the feeling of being in his arms felt good, it felt warming. I then pulled away and when he asked me what happened I found myself opening up about the whole night to him. About how I didn't wanna get a divorce from Charles, how I'd actually fallen for him. He just sat there listening to me as I ranted and ranted on about Charles and then when I was done he just said.

' what's meant to be will be, you and Charles will find each other in the end if you are meant to be Quinn, I know you love him lots ' I smiled at him for being such a good friend this whole time.

— — — —

After we had sat there and talked for a little while Chloe came up and told us dinner was ready. Which then she and Lewis proceeded to help me downstairs as my legs were still sore.

When we sat down at the table Lewis niece came up and hugged me. For a moment I was taken aback by this gesture from her but then I hugged her back feeling emotional. The thoughts I had about me and Charles were shattered however I knew how even life ended up he would be a great father there was nothing I doubted about that. Then if he would be the father of my children was a completely different thing. I wished that I could have that little family with him, although I knew damn well that he didn't want the same thing as me, well maybe he wanted the same as me but just not with me. If he felt so stuck with me I could give him that damn divorce. I wanted to be done with everything and go to a get away.

— — — —

A week later

I woke up to Lewis packing his things.

' hey ' I said rubbing my eyes still feeling newly awake.

' oh hey did I wake you up?? ' Lewis said as he came and sat on the bed next to me.

' yeah kind of ' I said laughing with my voice being just a little weak.

' sorry, didn't mean to I'm packing for the Italian Grand Prix ' Lewis said as he stocked my hair.

' Oo can I come with you?? ' I said smiling at him.

' are you sure?? I don't think it's a very good idea with what happened last week '

' yeah i'm sure Chloe is gonna be there, i am feeling better and I'm just a little sore plus Chloe can help me while you work ' I said smiling at him.

' ummm i don't know ' he said looking at me.

' please I'm gonna die of boredom here plus if you leave me I will have to be alone '

' okay fine but I pack your things and you take it cool until we have to leave okay? ' he said finally agreeing.

I hugged him excitedly while he went back to packing both me and his things. After he was done packing he brought me an outfit I could wear to the airport.

After I'd changed we got into the car and he started driving to the airport while I was excited on getting to go back to Italy. I loved Italy it was just amazing there I loved the culture and the food especially the food. Plus going to support Lewis was always a bonus and I guess the race also was.

As we'd got to the airport we went through it to get to the plane and then got on the plane. A few minutes after we'd got on Lewis plane we boarded and we were off to Italy.

I started talking about Italy and how excited I was while Lewis sat there listening to me as per usual. He was actually one of the first people who always listened to what I had to say no matter what it was all about he listened. That's maybe one of the reasons I loved talking with Lewis cause he was so easy to talk to and he was a great listener on top of that. I couldn't forget he always remembered the small things like I could tell him anything small and he would remember it and make an effort to make something of that for me and I found that quite sweet. In general Lewis was just such a good friend to have around and in the end he was always by my side.

— — — —

A few hours later we landed in Italy and when I got out of the plane I suddenly got even more excited. As Lewis was helping me go down the stairs I started dancing and forcing him to dance with me it was just the Italy vibe who made me want to dance.

One of the flight attendants got us dancing on film so I posted it on my story not thinking much about it. I thought the video was cute so I posted it not really caring what everyone else was gonna say and think.

As we got in the car after that and passed by parts of Italy I hadn't seen in years I just looked out of the window admiring Italy's beauty. Soon before I knew it we were at the hotel every team were staying at and in the lobby we happened to meet Daniel who I ran up to and hugged. If I was gonna be honest I hadn't seen Daniel in weeks so I was quite happy to see him, although I would never tell him that not over my dead body I would.

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