Chapter twelve

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When we eventually got to the hotel we all went up to our rooms. When we got to the room Charles started getting ready for something.

' what are you getting ready for '

He looked at me and said ' I forgot to tell you but all the drivers and their girlfriends / wife's are going on a dinner in one and a half hour '.

I looked at him. ' so?? I'm coming with you or what '

For a moment he looked like he had thought of bringing someone else as he was hesitant but eventually said ' yeah so get ready ' I just walked out to the bathroom not having the energy to fight with him or even care that he didn't tell me sooner. After a while of getting ready I heard Charles yelling my name so I went out to see what all that was about.

When I came to him he asked me ' are you ready yet? We have to leave in five minutes '

I looked at him as he was smiling like an idiot looking at his phone ' give me a minute' I said as I walked back to the bathroom.

My anger just grew more and more with this man why couldn't he just be honest with me and just be communicating, of course he didn't have to like me but he could at least let me know if he was seeing someone so I would know. It would be so much easier than if he had to lie all the time.
I went out of the bathroom and told Charles I was ready so then we both went down to the lobby of the hotel, greeted lewis and some other friends and got in the car to drive to the restaurant we were meeting everyone else at. In the car the atmosphere was weird but I just ignored it and put the radio on a loud volume. When we had a good 20 awkward minutes in the car we finally got to the restaurant and went inside to greet the others. We met up with everyone else and greeted each other when eventually an employee came and showed us all 30 people to our table.
As everyone was chatting on and on about stuff I was sitting there feeling a little out of place as Charles was talking to Lando who was besides Charles while I was trying to avoid even looking at Lando. Chloe was busy talking with Lewis, Anastasia was busy avoiding Lewis and Avery was as usual busy with Carlos and I wasn't even surprised about that. While everyone else was busy drinking alcohol, talking I was trying to get out and get some fresh air.

' uhm Charles I am just going out for a second to get some fresh air because I'm feeling a little light headed ' I said whispering to Charles.

' okay do you want me to come with you? ' he said back to me being a little drunk.

' no no you stay here I'll be fine ' I answered making my way through everyone to get outside.

When I finally got outside I sighed but it was a sigh of relief actually. It was getting loud in there and I just needed to have some calm right now. While I was looking at the beautiful sky I thought to myself what my life had became it all just changed one day. It felt weird that my life wasn't the same as it had been a couple of months ago but I couldn't really say that I missed my old life. It was cold and alone but I at least had my freedom back then. A kind of freedom I didn't have now and that was kind of the only thing I missed about my life before and I had amazing friends and colleagues in London that I just left behind which wasn't my meaning to do. Right when I was all up in my own thoughts I heard Daniel come behind me.

' hey what are you doing here ' Daniel said standing besides me watching the sky.

' I needed to get some fresh air ' I said smiling at him.

' well drunk people aren't the funniest people most of the time when your the only sober one ' he said trying to lift the mood.

I laughed lightly and said ' well yeah seems like that makes us the only two sober ones here at the moment '

' well yeah Lewis was trying to make me do shots with him but I said I couldn't ' he said smiling.

' sounds like the Lewis I know ' I said laughing at how stupid Lewis was. That was why he and Stacie fit together so well, they just didn't want to see it themselves.

We both talked a while and I got to know Daniel a little more. I mean we both had became kind of friends in the last few months but now it felt like we had gotten closer lately and Daniel was that kind of friend who you could always tell anything to and he'd be there and try to make you feel better. His smile also always made everyone feel better but after a while of talking Daniel said

' should we go back inside to the beasts? '

' ohh so they're beasts now? ' I said laughing at him.

' yeah they are have you seen them all in there Jesus they are wild ' he said laughing as well.

' okay come on let's go inside to the beasts then '

' okay Ladies first ' Daniel said opening the door for me.

I laughed at him while we went inside again and joined the others. And after a while of being there everyone decided it was best to head back to the hotel and continue the party there.

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