Chapter eighteen

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The next morning I woke up feeling good and the hungover from Friday night had gone away so I stood up and went out on a run to clear my mind before I had to get ready to see Kelly downstairs to get to the track as Lewis and Daniel had already left to the track I had asked Kelly if I could go with her and she said yes.

As I was out on a run I happened to run into Charles who was on his way to the track.

' hey aren't u already at the track? ' I said as he stopped the car to talk to me.

' no I didn't need to come early but I wanted to talk to you Quinn ' he said.

' we can talk when I come to the track okay? ' I said as I remembered what Daniel and Lewis had said that I should hear him out.

' okay but promise we'll talk when you come to the track ' Charles said smiling.

' yes I promise go now else you'll be late! '

' okay bye love you ' Charles said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek and drove away.

I stood there for a second not believing how calm he was and kind but then I shaked it off and continued with my run as I had to be back at the hotel and get ready in 30 minutes cause I was meeting Kelly in the lobby in 1 hour to leave to the track. I'm not gonna lie I loved race days it was always such a good vibe in general and it was so much excitement in the paddock everyone just being generally excited and nervous about who was going to win and all the teams working on last minute things.

_ _ _ _

As I got back from my run I got in the shower real quick and then got ready and headed down to the lobby of the hotel to meet Kelly.

' Hii Quinn! How did you sleep?? ' Kelly said as she pulled me into a hug.

' I slept great! And how did you sleep?? ' I said as I hugged her back.

' I slept amazingly if you ignore the fact that Penelope kept me awake most of the night ' she said laughing as we started walking to make it to the car.

' where is Penelope by the way?? ' I said as I noticed Penelope wasn't with us.

' in the car she couldn't wait in the lobby cause she had too much energy for a girl who was awake most of the night so she went to the car so she could watch her iPad ' Kelly said as she opened the car door.

We got in the car and there Penelope was sitting with her iPad watching YouTube. The whole car ride Kelly and Penelope talked and watched her iPad and it made me realize how much I wanted kids. I hadn't thought about it earlier as I'd been so busy with my carrier and all the things happening recently but seeing Kelly and Penelope I realized I'd really love a mini me to bond with like the bond Kelly and Penelope had. But then again my life was really complicated and when I'd return to work I'd probably not have the time for a child I tried to convince myself with but the idea of having children just stuck with me the whole car ride and how much I even tried i couldn't get rid of the thought how much I even wanted to.

As we arrived at the track and went out of the car I once again got the thoughts of having a child when I saw Kelly and Penelope walking whilst holding hands and Penelope being super excited to see max drive.

I wanted that I wanted a child that I could go to races with and support their father with. In one way i envied Kelly for that she had her little perfect family, she was in love, she had a great balanced carrier and she had unconditional love from max and Penelope not that I wanted from those two but I wanted that life. I wanted to be able to balance my work with my husbands races when I eventually returned to work and to balance it with having a little child as well but I knew that it was more complicated than that and that it wasn't that easy. Oh if it only was that easy but no reality wasn't like that and I just had to accept it weather I liked it or not cause after all it was real life not some fairytale I used to live In when I was a child.

_ _ _ _

When we passed by Mercedes garage we saw Lewis standing there so we went up to him and I hugged him and wished him good luck and said that I would be cheering for him to win as I knew that this Grand Prix in particular was one of the most important to Lewis. It was here that he had his first ever formula one win so I really hoped that he would win again.

But then we had to say goodbye as he had to go to his race engineers and plan for the race so I went to the Ferrari garage and told Kelly I would be meeting them later on in the paddock and watch the race out there with them.

I got in the Ferrari garage and I greeted everyone in the team that I actually got along with great and then I went to the back to meet Charles to talk as he wanted to. When I got there I saw Charles struggling to put his race suit on and Charlotte laughing at him and I couldn't help but also laugh as I stood there in the door frame.

' what it's hard sometimes ' Charles said as he looked at me.

' let me help you idiot ' I said still laughing.

I helped Charles put on the race suit and sip it up and continued on to talk some more to Charlotte and Charles eventually Charlotte went out so we could speak privately. I sat down on the couch in his drivers room to hear what he had to say and honestly I wasn't mad anymore I was done with being mad it didn't get me anywhere to he mad so I just realized if I didn't care it would just be better for me in the end.

' listen I'm sorry for everything Quinn ' he started off with.

' I accept your apology but I'm also sorry I got mad cuz I got scared that someone was gonna see you two and I didn't wanna have to go through that with the press and you know ' I said calmly.

' I understand that now and I promise we can be more private if you would like or if you'd like it better I can cut off everything with her ' he said.

' Noo I like her she's nice and sweet I can really understand why you fell for her Charles she is definitely wifey material ' I said smiling at him.

' soo what do you want us to do?? ' he asked me.

' well we can't get divorced cause that wouldn't look good in the media or for our families and from what I understood it as from your sister you did this for your grandmother right? So we can play happily married in front of the press and everyone else except for the drivers cause you know they already know ' I said as he looked at me for a minute.

' yeah of course but can we at least be best friends maybe?? ' Charles asked me.

I thought about it for a minute ' sure thing we can you are a nice person in general Charles ' I said as we pulled into a hug.

' now go out there and do your thing Ferrari boy! ' I said patting his back while both of us laughed.

_ _ _ _

I went out to the paddock to meet Kelly and Penelope and it ended with us three watching the race together and in the end Lewis won, max got p2 and Charles got p3 I ran to Lewis as fast as he'd gotten out of the car and hugged him and congratulated him while we both were in tears as this was a special win for him. After celebrating with Lewis I went over to Charles and we hugged and he kissed my cheek and I congratulated him for doing so well.

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