Chapter five

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When we got to the reception everyone came up congratulating us both and I just slid past everyone to go and get some air by the sea which was just besides the reception venue. The venue was outside so it wasn't exactly hard to get there and so I sat down besides the sea. I did not want to hear anyone at the moment I had too many things in my mind and I felt my mind spinning with so much stress. I was sitting enjoying the sea for a moment when Anastasia came and sat besides me saying ' how are you feeling love? '

' Well I don't really know " I said only looking at the amazing view not even turning around to look at her.

' Well I can tell you that I think the cake is looking BEAUTIFUL you better come before I eat it all up before you can even cut it ' she said trying to make me laugh which she succeeded with. I let out a small laugh in which she joined me in laughing.

Anastasia was the kind of person who always could make you laugh no matter what you know she just had that vibe and personality.

' okay okay I'll come but just because I wanna dance and eat cake with my best friends ' I said laughing again.

' okay come on dancing queen! ' she said standing up and dragging me away to everyone else.

— — — —

The next day..

I was up in my own dreams sleeping peacefully feeling tired as fuck from the other day when Anastasia and Chloe came in my room screaming throwing pillows at me and Charles.

' WHAT IS IT IDIOTS ' I said irritated as I put a pillow over my head. God how I felt hungover from yesterday I shouldn't have drunk so much but I was stupid and did.

' come on sleepyheads we have to go to Barcelona! ' Chloe said laughing as she dragged my quilt

' I know but it's 4 in the morning we don't have to go yet ' Charles said barely opening his eyes also being tired as fuck with a bit of a hungover.

' well come on get out of bed and get ready the car is leaving in 30 minutes " Anastasia said as she did not leave us alone until we went up from the bed and started to get ready.

Charles growled and went up from bed getting ready and I did the same not that I had any choice but to do it. We finally got ready so we headed for the car. ' I'm so fucking tired ' I said as I put my head on Chloe's shoulder

' well too bad to be you then ' Chloe said, I just looked at her and then I laid back on Chloe's shoulders again not feeling like arguing back to her not today.

We arrived at the airport and I got ready to have to go through security and stuff but it came a person who lead us through security and everything in only five minutes. I was shocked it usually took me over an hour to get through security and everything

' what the hell was that ' I said when the person left us at the plane

' well being an f1 driver had its perks ' Charles said while he winked at me.

Gosh how he'd annoy me from time to time just like with everything he did and everything he said. We got on the plane and it took off within minutes. I sat and talked with Chloe while Anastasia was talking with Charles and Carlos being excited as she hadn't seen the people in the paddock in a really long time. Although she was Christian Horners daughter you could not think that girl was because oh god she was rebellious against her father.

' are you excited?? ' Chloe asked me while talking to me

' well yes and no.. ' I said being confused by my words.

' why's that? ' Chloe asked me looking kinda confused just like how confused I felt.

' well I have ghosted Lando ever since I got to know about the marriage and now I'm gonna have to be at the same race track as him ' I said whispering to Chloe so not everyone in the plane heard it. Not that it was any of their business.

' ohh right Lando the boy who almost became your boyfriend before all of this ' Chloe whispered back understanding why i whispered.

When Chloe whispered that back Anastasia said ' what are you two talking about ' as she looked back at us.

' nothing! ' Chloe and I both said quickly at the same time.

' uh okay weird '

I hadn't told anyone about Lando actually I the one ones who knew about Lando expect for Chloe was Anastasia but I could tell her that was what we were talking about as she already had loyalty to Charles. The only reason Chloe knew is because she was the one who introduced me to Lando and Anastasia was there when Chloe introduced me and Lando to each other. I don't know why I never told anyone about Lando except for Anastasia and Chloe of course but maybe it was the fact that we were never really official in the first place. Or maybe it was because I was scared of having relationships and it was even more scary when people knew about it because then it became more realistic.

And I hated when people had to go into my life, I knew that they were just trying to help me but it didn't help me that much to be honest.

My thoughts were interrupted in Carlos screaming ' SMOOTH OPERATORS WERE HERE  IN BARCELONA '

' smooth operators? " I said laughing as I was getting up from my seat and Chloe whispered ' I'm gonna be with you this whole time don't worry ' and I smiled at her.

' yeah that's my thing ' Carlos said as he looked proud over what he'd just said.

I just laughed at him and went out of the private plane as we all started making our way to hotel after getting in the car who was waiting for us outside of the plane.

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