Chapter fourty

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Lewis pov:

I just landed back in London again after being in Monaco this past week as there was no race last week just being with friends. I unfortunately wasn't planning on staying for long I was just gonna go and get Quinn then we were both leaving for Barcelona. Well that was if I even succeeded to get her to come with me I knew she had been avoiding being at the races, but Daniel wouldn't stop annoying me about bringing her to the races. I was gonna try to get her with me not only to shut Daniel up but as I got the results on Saturday so I wanted her there when I got the call. I didn't tell her but I was also nervous to know if it was my child or not, I really wanted it to be mine but there was no guarantee.

I wanted to be a father so bad and I wanted it to be mine and Quinn's baby that we could raise together. If we were not together then at least co parent. I knew she would be a great mother that's why I hoped it was mine cause I would love to have Quinn as the mother to my children or child.

As I got in the car with Roscoe I started driving towards Quinn's house.

I tried my best remembering where her house was I remembered she'd told me where her house was and I remembered that I'd been there before once.

Well at the time when we actually spoke to each other, at the moment we hadn't really had time to speak to each other. She'd been busy with her own stuff and I'd been busy with work, friends and the new girl I'd met.

I liked her but she wasn't Quinn and she would never be. But I knew Quinn didn't like me like that so I tried my best to just move on from her and find someone else.

It was hard cause every time I met someone I broke it off because I still liked her and I couldn't imagine myself with anyone else. Although now I'd found a girl who I had known since my childhood and she seemed nice even tho she wasn't Quinn I could see myself with her in some way. I knew Quinn would never like me like that and I had to accept it even tho I didn't want to.

Later as I got to her house I parked in her driveway and took Roscoe out of the car and walked up to her door.

For a moment I hesitated.

Then I finally nocked on the door. Soon I heard footsteps coming close to the door.

As the door opened I saw a tired Quinn. I couldn't help but laugh she seemed very newly awake.

' Hii Roscoe! ' she said as she kneeled down to pet him

' hi lewis your also here ' she then said.

I just laughed ' well can we come in?? '

She nodded as she stepped to the side so we could come in.

She led me to the dining / living room and offered me something to drink. I just told her I wanted a coffee as she nodded and went into the kitchen.

I heard her fix some coffee when she came out with a bowl of water for Roscoe as she put it down he licked her face as he drank. She just laughed with her adorable laugh who I couldn't get enough of.

I saw how big her bump had gotten so I couldn't help but smile.

As she then came back with my coffee, gave it to me and then sat down I started the conversation.

' so how have you been ' I said.

' well morning sickness has been painful but otherwise everything have been going well '

' that's great that it's only morning sickness '

' yeah ' she said as she smiled with her adorable smile.

How her smile and laugh was adorable.

' well I really came here to ask you to come with me to the race this weekend ' i said as I felt nervous about her answer.

' I don't know, I've been keeping away from there for a reason '

' please I get the results on Saturday and Daniel won't stop asking me to take you to a race ' i begged.

' fine! But I'll have to get 30 minutes to pack ' she eventually budged.

' yes of course me and Roscoe will wait here '

As she smiled and went upstairs to pack I couldn't help but smile for myself.

— — — —

For the rest of the time me and Roscoe just sat downstairs waiting for her to get ready. I didn't mind to wait for her I gladly did actually.

' I'm done '

' great, Let me take your bags to the car '

As we sat down in the car i started driving to the airport. Roscoe was gonna come with us as Quinn could be with him and I figured she could use Roscoe's company while i was busy with work.

' so what have you been up to? ' she asked.

I smiled.

' well I've been preparing for the new season and being with friends ' I then answered back.

' have you been seeing someone? '

' actually I met someone, but we're taking it slow '

' I'm happy for you Lewis! '

' really? ' I said feeling surprised.

' yeah, I really am you deserve happiness '

I didn't show her it but I felt sad. I already knew she didn't want to be with me but those words made it more real, I wasn't gonna force her to be with me but man I had really fallen for her.

I had ever since the first time we met when we were younger.

She never noticed it I think she saw us as a little more like friends than a lover. Which was fine but I'd always been in love with her ever since we first met at the grid in 2014 when she spent a weekend with Mercedes.

I never told her about how I felt because I'd always thought she just liked me as a friend but when she and I had that little period before she went back to Charles I felt like we might've had something at least.

Now I didn't really know anymore, I still loved her a lot but I still don't think she loves me.

The arrangement | Charles Leclerc Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora