Chapter four

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I woke up at 6am to bells ringing and people running around our mansion preparing for the wedding. I didn't see Charles anywhere well that was until he came out of the shower, fuck it why did he look so good and why did we have to meet under these circumstances. If we would've met in other circumstances we could've gotten to know each other and could've fallen in love the right way. I didn't have much time to get those thoughts before I heard Charles voice say something behind me. ' I can see u starring you know ' he said laughing as I turned away ' well I'm starring at the wall don't get too excited ' I said rolling my eyes once again.

As he was about to say something back when Avery barged into our room together with Carlos and Anastasia with Chloe.

' hey love birds, you two certainly had fun last night am I wrong? ' I said teasingly to Avery as Chloe & Anastasia laughed.

' well we don't talk about that, you didn't see anything okay ' Avery said as she looked proud of herself. I just laughed at her it wasn't the first time I had walked in on her doing it so I was kinda used to it at this point.

' well now you out of the room Charles and Carlos we and the other bridesmaids and of course our stunning bride Quinn are gonna get ready ' Avery, Anastasia and Chloe all said as they high-fived feeling proud of themselves.

' yeah good luck girls ' Charles said as he winked at me and I just rolled my eyes at him cause he was so stupid.

Just as Carlos and Charles had left the room all my other best friends came in the room and I was shocked ' guys! What are you all doing here?? ' I said surprisingly as I went up to hug all of them one after one.

' your brother contacted us all and asked us to come to your wedding day! ' one of my friends said as I got emotional. Feeling like my brother did something like this for me made my heart happy ' I love you guys so much! ' I said almost crying.

' don't cry now I can't be your maid of honor if I let you cry on your wedding day ' Anastasia said laughing while she also had some tears in her eyes.

We ended up hugging each other while we laughed with tears in our eyes.We started by getting robes on with our names on the backs, then went and got our Starbucks before our makeup artists and hairdressers arrived. As I did not work without my coffee in the mornings. After we got our Starbucks we went back up to my room to get ready again and as the hairdressers and makeup artist weren't there yet we decided to sit and talk quite like catching up a bit. After what I think was about 15 minutes the hairdressers and makeup artists started coming and setting up.

' So Quinn how does it feel to marry THE Charles Leclerc ' Alexandra who was one of my closest best friends asked me.

' uh i don't know I don't even wanna do it so.. ' I said as everybody looked at me shocked with their jaws to the ground.

But before they could say anything to what I'd said the makeup artists and the hairdressers had arrived and their setups were ready. As we sat in our chairs we talked, laughed just you know catching up again just feeling like ourselves. For a while when we were all getting ready I forgot about reality, I forgot that I was gonna get married and be a married woman in less than two hours, I forgot that life was not gonna be the same anymore, I forgot that I was gonna have to put my carrier second after this. That was not the life I had always dreamed of but it was more completed than that, life wasn't a dream like I had always thought it was. The only good thing about this marriage was gonna be that I finally got to live the f1 wag life, even though this wasn't the way I had dreamed that it was gonna happen.

In my dreams I had a good carrier before I even started looking for a person to spend the rest of my life with, I mean I would've probably dated some people here and there just for fun but I wouldn't have committed to anyone before I was ready, the only thing I had always wanted was to marry out of love unlike all other people in my family but now that wasn't even gonna happen and it sucked. I was zoned out in my own world thinking my own thoughts once again when Chloe started dancing from no where with Stacie joining her and they got everyone including me to join her. I think it must have been cause she saw me zoned out she did that but I felt bad for the makeup artists who were working on us so we sat down again and let them fix us.

After a good hour or so we all were finally ready with makeup and hair, put on our dresses and heels. Then we had to head down to take some wedding photos before the ceremony. My dress was so long so that all my bridesmaids had to help me with holding the back of the dress to get down those stairs. But when we got downstairs we saw Charles and his friends standing there, oh my how he looked so good in a suit. I quickly shaked off my thoughts and just went outside to take the wedding photos to get that shit done with so it's one less. The first photos was just with me and my bridesmaids and then separate photos with one of every bridesmaids and me. Then it was unfortunately time for the photos of me and Charles, we stood so close I could feel the smell of his cologne and it was magical. I don't know what it was but we had one photo where we had to look each other in the eyes and when I looked into his eyes everything else just disappeared.

" No! " I thought to myself I do not like him I hate the man. Trying to get myself back to it.

After 20 minutes we were done with all wedding photos even with the family photos and so the ceremony begun. I walked down the isle with my brother as I did not feel to do it with my parents at all cause I was so angry with them still. While walking down the isle ( which was outside ) I saw paparazzi trying to get the best photos possibly gosh were they always all over him like that. I just rolled my eyes at it I didn't have the energy or mind to care about that at the moment I had other more important things to take care of.

As I got down to the isle my brother dropped me off there gave me a nod and then returned to the front isle where he was with my nieces and I stood across of Charles, looked at Chloe and Stacie who both smiled at me and nodded as well as my brother did.

The priest started off and after what felt like forever of talking he said ' Charles do you take Quinn to be your wife? ' he looked at me and then at his family for a moment hesitating and said ' yes I do '

Everyone sighed out of relief and then the priest turned to me saying ' Quinn do you take Charles to be your husband? ' as well as Charles i hesitated for a moment looking at Avery, Chloe and my brother and they all nodded at me once again, sighing I finally said ' yes I do '.

When I said that everyone looked relived ' well then I now pronounce you both husband and wife you may now kiss the bride ' the priest said as he looked at both of us. Charles looked me deep in my eyes and then kissed me. After that we both walked from the ceremony together and went to the reception. Who was about to get even crazier than anything that had happened this day.

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