K-5 (Full)

Door LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... Meer

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
Mage Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Follow the Ice
Sandra Unleashed!
Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

Mage or Monster

44 1 0
Door LeslieHowell021

Inside an old empty lab, Vela was trying her very best to recreate her camouflage neurochemical on the lab table after the battle between her and the K-5. She paid no attention to the fact that she's surrounded by cages that are filled with strange mystical creatures as the only test subjects available to her research. The creatures have pink bodies with five tentacles, short white crown, red eyes with blue sclera.

"If those mages thought they have stopped me, then they were wrong." Vela said angrily to herself. "Even though these weird jellyfishes are the only ones for my experiments, I almost recreated my camouflage neurochemical combined with their own powers." She held up a syringe of neon green liquid in her hand. "When it is complete, all of those people who rejected me will tremble before the power of Dr. Vela North."

The enraged Vela nearly finished making her serum, unaware of two mystical jellyfish mages were hanging on the power lines above her. Then, some power lines were chewing on that send each one flying into beakers full of volatile chemicals, igniting a large explosion around the empty room. The explosion also caused all of Vela's body to get mutilated and the chemical that she was working on seeped through her scars. All the mystical jellyfish creatures began to flee out of the room from the flames.

"No! Help me! Please!" Vela commanded.

At her words, all the mystical jellyfish creatures came flying back to help their master. That's when Vela discovered her mental control over the mystical jellyfish creatures. Now that she's a mage human hybrid with the ability to control every mystical jellyfish creature at her will, she'll proceed her plans to get her revenge on the city.


In the Crete Fortress, the siblings have a friendly match against Sage. They crouched in a huddle behind their mother for a full-proof plan.

"Ok, here's the plan." Kirana said. "Ariana is gonna strike first."

"Wait, why me?" Ariana hissed. "I'm going to get creamed!"

"Well, getting creamed is part of your everyday training defeat." Camilla joked.

Ariana scowled at her hotheaded sister's words.

"Will this really work than last time?" Ezra asked.

"Trust me. It's all part of my plan to catch mother off guard." Kirana grinned confidently.

"Uh, Kirana, don't get me wrong." Talia remarked. "But us against mother is one way of getting our butts whipped when it comes to your plans."

"Ok, Talia, you attack." Kirana scowled.

"I'm doomed." Talia muttered.

"Alright, now that's outta the way, let's do this!" Camilla snapped impatiently.

The K-5 got up from the floor and silently surrounded their mother, who tilted her head slightly because she can sense her four daughters and son with her eyes closed. Sage stepped one foot forward and ready to defend herself. As Kirana gave her younger sisters a nod, Talia charged Sage from behind and leaped into the air to aim her foot at her mother's head. Sage quickly reached behind to grip the orange mage kunoichi's legs, pulling her closer in her direction and kicking her youngest daughter away. Camilla charged forward and leapt into the air as she was ready to take Sage down. Sage took the red mage kunoichi by the wrist before flipping her onto the ground. Ezra charged forward and jumped to knock Sage down, but she seized the teal mage ninja's arms and flipped him on the ground. Ariana delivered a spinning back kick to her mother's head, but Sage grabbed the purple mage kunoichi's ankle and punched Ariana right into Camilla and Talia. Before Sage spun around to defend herself against Kirana, the blue mage kunoichi sped forward and delivered a punch directly in Sage's face with a quick fist. Ezra, Ariana, Camilla, and Talia gasped as Kirana was shocked at what she just did.

"Mother, I'm so sorry!" Kirana apologized with a gasp.

With Kirana distracted by her apology, Sage grabbed her oldest daughter by the wrist and pinned her on the ground.

"Well done, Kirana." Sage praised as she released her daughter from her grasp. "But you hesitated and that made you vulnerable just when you had the perfect advantage to strike more."

"Understand, mother." Kirana said with a groan as she got up off the floor.

"That will be all for today." Sage said as she walked to her room that was conjoined to the dojo. "Have the rest of a day off."

After Sage entered her room and shut the sliding doors behind her, the three mage kunoichis and mage ninja stood up and surrounded Kirana with smiles on their faces.

"Awesome, Kirana!" Ezra said.

"Kirana! That was...wow!" Talia said in awe.

"Not bad, sis!" Camilla smiled.

"I can't believe you actually tagged mother!" Ariana said. "That was so epic!"

"Well, it was all teamwork, after all." Kirana grinned. "We are definitely getting better every day."

"We might be even close on catching up to mother." Ariana said.

"Yeah, maybe we won't need her to train us at all once we are master mages." Talia agreed.

"I don't know, guys." Ezra said. "Maybe we might still need mother to help us."

From her room, Sage heard her childrens' conservation that left her deeply concern.


In Ezra's bedroom, the teal mage ninja was reading a spell book and pulled out a candle that was lit. Ezra took a deep breath and concentrated his powers to lift the flame away from the candle. Ezra smiled but the flame immediately distinguished when he didn't focus.

"Darn it." Ezra slumped. "These spells are tricky. I'll get there eventually, I guess."


Meanwhile, Vela was observing the whole city from the building rooftop in her new Kurage humanoid form with two Kurages hovering next to her. She has light pink skin and red eyes. She also wore a long-sleeved black bodysuit, dark pink thigh-high boots, and a dark pink hooded cape.

"With my Kurage army, this world will be cowering in the shadows." Vela said cruelly. "Then, I shall reclaim the city and no one will be able to stop me."

With a wave of her hand, Vela unleashed the large number of Kurages to invade the city that created a huge panic for the humans. Casey and Norbit were walking down the street and suddenly saw a bunch of Kurages flying to their direction, causing Casey to grab Norbit and run as fast as he can on his skates without a thought of fighting them.

From the building window, Vela had watched the entire city littered with Kurages scaring the humans at their sight.

"Well done, my Kurages. My plan is working perfectly." Vela said with a smile. "But those five mages are still out there and I know all of you aren't strong enough to stop them on your own." Her two fingers touched her forehead. "But I do sense a master mage who can help us out."

As Vela unleashed her telepathic waves throughout the city, one of the strong waves went up to the sky and into the Crete Fortress.


Back in the Crete Fortress, Sage was quietly meditating herself in the dojo until suddenly she heard the Kurage Queen's voice within her head.

"Join me! Join me!" Vela whispered.

Sage's eyes opened wide as she bent down on the ground and clapped her hands to her forehead with a scream while resisting control from the Kurage Queen that brought her back to reality.


Instantly, the K-5 heard their mother's scream and rushed inside the dojo. They gasped to see Sage breathing heavily on the floor.

"Mom?" Ezra asked in concern.

"Mother!" Ariana said as she and her siblings helped Sage off the floor. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Sage said weakly.

"Are you sure?" Kirana asked cautiously. "You don't seem..."

Suddenly, the sound of the rock music had interrupted Kirana.

"Hey, it's Casey!" Ariana exclaimed.

Camilla and Talia made kissing sounds, much to Ariana's annoyance. Ariana irritatedly snapped her fingers and two rocky hands from the floor pulled her sisters' faces down to the ground as she took out her K-Phone and answered the call.

"Hey, Casey." Ariana said casually. "What's going on?"

"Ariana, Norbit and I need some help!" Casey said in a panic through the phone. "We're having a little bit of a problem here!"

"Don't worry, Casey! We'll be right there!" Ariana said. She hung up her phone and stared back at her siblings. "Casey and Norbit need our help! We have to go!"


Outside, the K-5 ran across the building rooftops. They could even hear the screaming humans running away from the Kurages below.

"Casey and Norbit are just up ahead." Ezra informed.

"Man, the city is so dark today!" Talia said. "There's flying jellyfishes everywhere."

"Actually, the entire jellyfish population doesn't fly in New York. They're underwater..." Ariana said as she ran on the right side of Talia.

"Do not make me smack you in the head right now!" Camilla said threateningly as she ran on the left side of Talia.

"Uh, guys, we may have a problem." Kirana said.

The K-5 reached to Casey and Norbit's location and stopped on the building ledge. They could see Casey Jones and Norbit hiding behind the rooftop doorway while peeking through the door at the swarm of flying Kurages.

"Look, there they are!" Talia exclaimed.

"We're coming, Casey! Keep Norbit at your side!" Ariana shouted. "Don't move!"

"Casey, I would advise you to please remember caution." Norbit said.

"Easier said than done!" Casey replied.

The K-5 hopped over the building and landed in front of the rooftop doorway, confronting the swarm of Kurages face to face with the mages. Ariana contained Casey in her purple magic sphere she casted while Ezra did the same to Norbit with his teal magic sphere and they went back to the building across from where they stood on as Kirana, Camilla, and Talia quickly followed her. As the Kurages flew towards them, Camilla turned around and unleashed a powerful orb of fire from her palms at them before hopping back to her siblings and her friends. The team looked back to watch several Kurages scattered away from the fire attack. Ariana released Casey and Ezra released Norbit.

"Does anyone know what the heck is going on?" Casey blurted out. "And what are those things?"

"They appear to be sea creatures." Norbit said. "But they are somehow fighting from land instead of the ocean. Do any of you know how that is possible?

"Those are actually Kurages." Ariana explained. "A mystical race of telepathic sea creatures that can be found in the deep seas of the ocean. But since they were well coordinated around the city, there has to be a mage with that higher intelligence on controlling them."

"So, you're saying that you sense a someone is controlling every Kurage in the city." Talia said.

"Wait a minute." Camilla said in realization. "Does a mage with telepathic power can also enslave any people telepathically?"

"But that means that mage could enslave us or..." Ezra explained in thought.

"Mother!" Kirana exclaimed with her wide eyes.


Meanwhile, Sage was floating a bit close to the floor. Her eyes widened open as she found herself standing on ghost white water as a base inside her mind. The place has a pale pinkish background and a glowing white aura.

"Why must you fight?" Vela questioned. "You know you can't resist my control. You will come to me eventually."

"You can't control me." Sage hissed. "But I'm much stronger than you think!"

"That power gave me strength." Vela giggled. "Together, we do anything and we will be unstoppable!"

"No!" Sage shouted. "We're nothing alike! My powers come from peace while your powers come from destruction!"

"Just like your past life ended in destruction." Vela said.

Vela conjured the sight of Sage's former home burning to the ground with her deceased Caesar dead on the ground in front of her eyes.

"Sooner or later, you will join my army." Vela said sinisterly.


As the K-5, Norbit, and Casey raced back into the fortress, they ran into the dojo and found Sage lying weakly on the floor. They ran to the white mage and helped her to her feet.

"Are you okay, Sage?" Casey asked with concern.

"Mother, are you alright?" Kirana asked.

"No, Kirana." Sage said. "Your former adversary, Dr. Vela North, has returned."

"Vela's behind this?" Ariana said. "But how's that even possible?"

"Somehow, she has acquired a telepathic connection with every Kurages in her control after a freak accident in her lab." Sage explained. "And she now calls herself, the Kurage Queen."

"Now this is personal. No one messes with our mother's mind." Talia said angrily.

"You're right, Talia. We gotta take her down!" Ezra agreed.

"Agreed, Ezra. The Kurage Queen will not rest until she has complete control of this city and my mind." Sage said. She slowly walked towards her memory shrine and took down her old family photo. "Everything I had in my life is gone. My husband, my son, and even my home clan. You five are all I have left in my life."

"Don't worry, mother." Camilla assured. "We'll stop her."

"But we need find her first." Ariana pointed out.

"Thanks to the Kurage Queen, I was able to see into her mind." Sage said. "She's in her lair in an abandoned utility building across TCRI."

Suddenly, Sage screamed out loud as she dropped the picture and holding her head with her hands. Ezra and Casey helped her back to her feet before Sage started collapsing to the floor again.

"Fight her, mother. Stay strong." Ezra said firmly.

"I will." Sage replied. "Just go."

"Don't worry." Casey said. "Casey Jones will look after Sage."

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Talia nodded as they exited the dojo. Ezra bent down to pick up the picture and stared at it for a minute before joining his older sisters.


The K-5 arrived at the abandoned utility building and entered quietly into the main room. They walked through the dark hallways, but they stopped when they heard a strange sound in the air.

"Do you guys hear that?" Ariana said.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra looked down the hallway and saw a swarm of Kurages zooming through the halls.

"You gotta be kidding me." Camilla muttered.

"How did they find us so fast?!" Ezra exclaimed.

"Any ideas, Kirana?" Ariana asked.

"Yeah, run!" Kirana shouted.

The K-5 began running down the hallway as fast as they can with the Kurages chasing them. Ariana launched herself into the air and summoned a giant rocky hand from the ceiling that grabbed her and her four siblings, leaving the Kurages flying down below them without notice.

"Brilliant, Ariana!" Kirana said. "Keep moving!"

With a nod, Ariana motioned the giant rock hand to move forward.


Back in the Crete Fortress, the Kurage Queen was resuming her efforts to take control of Sage's mind.

"Why do you even care about this new life of yours so much?" The Kurage Queen questioned.

"Because that's...where I...belong." Sage groaned as she could feel her strength getting weaker by the second.

"Oh really? Your children have begun to outgrow you to their full potential." The Kurage Queen taunted.

The Kurage Queen conjured the sight of the sparring session earlier where Kirana punched Sage straight to the face.

"They even mentioned that they don't need you anymore. Even though your son mentioned that he'll need you, he'll grow up." The Kurage Queen continued. "But I do. Come to me and join your real family."

"Nooooo!" Sage cried.

The Kurage Queen finally have control over Sage.

Casey heard Sage's scream from the kitchen and entered back in the dojo with a hockey stick in his hands, but he stopped when a thick mist started to form around the area. He didn't like it not one bit.

"Sage?" Casey called out. "Is everything okay?"

Casey stepped through the mist and turned around to walk backwards before bumping into something. He gasped sharply as he whipped around and stared wide-eyed when he noticed the white mage held her white energized fists in the air and her eyes were glowing dark pink. Sage immediately charged at Casey with several white energy bolts. Casey was able to dodge each one with his skates and ran for cover, but one energy bolt made him fall to the floor and moved to the corner when Sage was walking closer above him. Norbit walked in and saw the attacking. Before Sage was about to harm Casey severely, she stopped as the Kurage Queen's voice was calling to her mind.

"Forget the boy and the robot, Sage. Come to me now." The Kurage Queen ordered.

Obeying her command, Sage moved away from Casey and exited the fortress. Norbit walked over to Casey and helped him up.

"Casey, are you alright?" Norbit asked.

"Okay, now that was freaky." Casey muttered.


Meanwhile, Ariana continued to motion the giant rock hand to move with her earth magic.

"Okay, I know the Kurages are part of our mage race and all, but I'm officially freaking out by all of this." Talia said as she was staring down at the roaming Kurages.

Finally, the giant rock hand stopped to the end of the wall where the mages can see a wall of Kurages blocking their path in front of them.

"Ariana, check out that wall." Kirana said.

Ariana touched the ceiling wall with her right palm and picked up several figures behind the end wall through the vibrations.

"The Kurage Queen is in there." Ariana stated. "Her utility chamber is on the other side of that wall."

"But how are we supposed to get past them?" Talia asked, pointing her finger to the Kurages.

"Ezra, can you make an energy ball?" Kirana said to her teal mage brother.

"You got it." Ezra said with a nod.

Ezra used his left hand to make a mist of teal magic at the Kurages and used his right hand to make a teal energy ball to throw at the teal mist. The teal mist and the energy ball clashed together to form a powerful steam at the Kurages, causing the psychic mystic creatures to scatter away from the wall.

"Works like a charm." Ezra smirked.

"Nice, Ezra. Let's go!" Kirana said.


As the K-5 destroyed the end wall, they entered inside the enormous room that led them to the main room area that has several Kurages scattering around. Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra found themselves confronted by Vela North, who was standing on a platform high above them with her fellow Kurages.

"Ah, mage ninjas, we meet again." Vela said.

"Except last time, North, you didn't bleached your skin into a flamingo color!" Camilla retorted.

Kirana, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra giggled at their sister's joke.

"I am the Kurage Queen!" Vela shouted in frustration. "The Kurage Queen!"

"Sad." Talia coughed into her fist.

"Sorry, but we don't actually about your discovery." Kirana retorted. "We've got a few tricks to bone with you!"

Suddenly, the K-5 flinched at the sound of rock music.

"Right at the moment, Ariana?" Ezra remarked.

Ariana turned away from her siblings and quickly took out her K-Phone to answer the call.

"Uh, Casey, this really isn't the best time to call me right now." Ariana answered.

"Ariana, it's Sage! She's gone!" Casey shouted through the phone.

"Gone? Gone where?" Ariana asked.

"Right here." A low, raspy voice answered.

Slowly, the four mage kunoichis and mage ninja turned and gasped surprisingly. They saw Sage stepping into the room with glowing dark pink eyes. Sage is now under the Kurage Queen's control, much to the mages' horror.

"Mother!" Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra gasped collectively.

"She's mine now." The Kurage Queen said with a chuckle.

"Mother, please snap out of it!" Ezra shouted. "She's controlling your mind. You have to fight it."

Sage stared at her children as she ignored Ezra's pleading words.

"Sage, destroy them!" The Kurage Queen ordered.

"With pleasure." Sage said with a monotone voice.

Sage took a few steps forward towards the four mage kunoichis and mage ninja.

"Are we really gonna do this?" Ezra asked uncomfortably.

"We beat her once, we can do it again." Kirana replied. "Remember, do not hesitate."

Sage clenched her fists and summoned white energy engulfing them.

"Let's. Take. Mother. Down." Kirana said.

The K-5 summoned their elemental magic and charged forward together. Kirana ran forward to attack her mother. Ariana ran forward after her, then Ezra went after her, Camilla went after him, and then Talia went after her. They attacked together, but their elemental fists ended up on the ground at the same place. They all felt the presence of Sage right behind them, making the mages turn to see her with fear. Sage sent her children flying by delivering five quick white energized kicks.

The K-5 were thrown against the wall. Talia, Camilla, Ezra, and Kirana hit the wall on their backs and slumped on the floor while Ariana hit the wall on her face and fell on her back to the floor.

"Now I'm starting to see everything clearly." Ariana said to her siblings as she looked back at Sage. "She has been going easy on us for all these years!"

Ariana suddenly ran forward and went to attack Sage with a swift kick, but Sage dodged out of the way. Ariana then summoned up the ground beneath her and ruptured it to send out a wave of violent earth rushing towards her mother, but Sage jumped in the air and kicked the purple mage kunoichi back to the wall. Talia swiftly created several arrows made of air and fired them at Sage, but the white mage protected herself with a white energy force field and then fired a powerful white energy blast that sent the orange mage kunoichi to the wall on the other side of the room before falling to the floor. Camilla ran forward and channeled her flaming powers around herself to fire out the flames forward in the shape of a giant dragon at Sage, but Sage moved out of the way and flipped over Camilla to kick her in the face with a foot that sent the red mage kunoichi to the ground at Kirana's feet.

Kirana stood silent for a moment and stared at Sage with her sad, begging eyes. Ezra got up and stared at the fight that's about to happen.

"Mother, please!" Kirana pleaded.

Sage didn't respond and ran forward as Kirana did the same. They fought using their fast kicks and punches, dodging and blocking each other's attacks with speed and agility. But Sage eventually knocked Kirana to the ground, putting her foot on the blue mage kunoichi's chest and raised her fist in the air. Ezra quickly shot lightning at Sage's hand to back her away from Kirana. The teal mage ninja quickly ran over to protect his older sister.

"Finish him." Vela commanded.

"Wait!" Ezra said, stopping her mother from finishing Kirana up. "Remember who you are! Shiroibara Sage."

Ezra conjured up the family picture and Sage stared down at with narrow eyes as if the photo was snapping her out of it.

"Please, mother. We need you." Kirana said softly as she got up and stood behind Ezra.

"Don't listen to her." The Kurage Queen said as she levitated herself down and stood over Sage with a cruel grin. "Your place is with me."

"My place...is with...my children!" Sage cried out.

Suddenly, Sage's dark pink eyes went back to normal and she charged forward at the Kurage Queen. Sage delivered a powerful punch that was strong enough to create a small explosion for the Kurage Queen to get hit hard at the wall and fell on the ground floor unconsciously. That even made the mages blinking in surprise.

"Mother!" The K-5 exclaimed happily as they hugged their mother tightly.

The K-5 and Sage watched as a wave of Kurages flew over the unconscious Kurage Queen and took their leave out of their sight.


Back in the Crete Fortress, Sage was meditating peacefully and levitated herself up when Kirana entered the dojo to check on her.

"Mother, are you positive that you are alright?" Kirana asked cautiously.

"Yes, Kirana, I'm okay." Sage replied with a smile. "Thanks to you and your siblings."

"Well, you did hesitate." Kirana grinned. "And like you said, hesitation makes you vulnerable."

"Yup!" Talia said, peering around a corner of the dojo entrance.

Camilla appeared beside Talia and crossed her arms while Ariana appeared behind them with a greeting two fingered salute. Ezra walked beside Camilla and smiled.

"Yes, I'm proud of all of you." Sage smiled.

"But who knows." Kirana said with a cocky grin. "Maybe we'll be even better master mage kunoichis than you in the future."

Sage's eyes narrowed as she grabbed Kirana's wrist and threw her over her shoulder into the wall. Kirana slid down and landed on her back with dizzy eyes.

"It's gonna take every skill I've taught you to keep up with a master mage like me." Sage said as she walked towards her room.

Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra giggled as they knelt next to their oldest sister.

"Great to have you back, mother." Kirana groaned.

Sage glanced over her shoulder and giggled.

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