Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNati...

By randomreader000000

317K 6.3K 2.8K

After surviving three years into the apocalypse Bailey Hawthorne strongly believes she has the new world figu... More

S1E03: Part 1
S1E03: Part 2
S1E04: Part 1
S1E04: Part 2
S1E05: Part 1
S1E05: Part 2
S1E10: Part 1
S1E10: Part 2
S1E11: Part 1
S1E11: Part 2
S1E12: Part 1
S1E12: Part 2
S1E13: Part 1
S1E13: Part 2
S2E01: Part 1
S2E01: Part 2
S2E05: Part 1
S2E05: Part 2
S2E06: Part 1
S2E06: Part 2
S2E07: Part 1
S2E07: Part 2
S2E09: Part 1
S2E09: Part 2
S2E14: Part 1
S2E14: Part 2
S2E15: Part 1
S2E15: Part 2
S3E03: Part 1
S3E03: Part 2
S3E05: Part 1
S3E05: Part 2
S3E05: Part 3
S3E06: Part 1
S3E06: Part 2
S3E12: Part 1
S3E12: Part 2
S4E01 & S4E02
S5E01 & S5E02: Part 1
S5E02: Part 2
S5E02: Part 3
S5E02: Part 4
S5E02: Part 5
S5E02: Part 6
S5E02: Part 7
S5E02: Part 8
S5E02: Part 9
S5E02: Part 10
S5E03: Part 1
S5E03: Part 2
S5E04: Part 1
S5E04: Part 2
S6E10: Part 1
S6E10: Part 2
Oneshots pt 1 of 4
Oneshots pt 2 of 4
Oneshots pt 3 of 4
Oneshots pt 4 of 4
Oneshots pt 1 of 4
Oneshots pt 2 of 4
Oneshots pt 3 of 4
Not an Update - A Memorial
Oneshots pt 4 of 4
S8E01: Part 1
S8E01: Part 2
S8E06: Part 2
Deleted Scenes
Update - Big News!


816 20 0
By randomreader000000


Third Person POV

Warren and George made arrangements to meet Citizen Z in Hackerville before they'd dropped Bailey, Doc and 10K back at Limbo with the mining Talkers and the lithium. Apparently Kaya had also informed Addy and Finn of their discovery and their plans so the red head was already there when they arrived. Instead of going down into the red tinted basement they stayed on the first floor which had its own bar, some extra unused signage and some dusty tables. 10K brought Bailey to a red leather loveseat throwing the white sheet off it so she could sit down and rest while he knelt on one knee in front of her, both of them now back to their usual clothes and out of those radiation suits.

"10K I'm fine." She insisted from the couch where she'd agreed to sit but he couldn't get her to lie down. She knew that if her symptoms were going to get worse it would have happened during the last few hours they'd been riding in the truck.

"Doc said you need to take it easy." He replied.

"But –"

"You told me that I should learn to accept other people's help." He said and she remembered telling him that after he'd lost his hand, "And I know you hate people who are hypocrites."

She tried to think of a response but ended up sitting there with her mouth opening and closing while he fought off a smirk knowing how rare it was for her to lose an argument.

"I don't know how much longer we can wait for Finn or the others." Addy muttered not far from them leaning against the bar, "Should have never split up. If we don't get these Talkers some bizkits or brains or something they're going to start turning Z fast."

"Oh really? Tell me something I don't know." Murphy replied, "And then Doc shows up with these battery lickers? I mean, what the hell's up with that?" he asked as he and Addy moved across the room to where the tank of lithium bricks in water were.

"How are the miners doing?" Doc asked coming over.

"Great." Addy replied, "Great, super great, as long as your definition of great is starving for brains and slowly turning zombie."

"Dude I think your fish are dead." Murphy said crouching by the tank and tapping the glass.

"Man they ain't fish in there. Those are bricks made of pure lithium. That's what they're using the Talkers to mine for." Doc explained while 10K stood from in front of the couch and left Bailey as he joined the others, though he didn't move far from her.

"Yeah, that's why they eat the batteries." He said as they turned to him, "It's the lithium."

"Wait, yeah I saw this before on the black market." Addy said examining the contents of the tank, "Altura militia were feeding it to Talkers like crack. They were slicing it like truffles, treating it like nitro, it's super flammable, that's why it's in the liquid."

"They eat those?" Doc asked.

"Yeah just a slice on the tongue, it worked like the brains."

"Uh, how's your truffle slicing skills?" Murphy asked her just as a loud pounding started on the door. Bailey sat up straighter on the couch as 10K hurried over to her. Murphy moved to the door and peeked out.

"It's Es-tees!" he whispered back urgently and Bailey wrapped her arm over 10K's shoulders while he brought his arm around her waist and helped her into the back storage room where she could hide. Just because her symptoms hadn't gotten worse didn't mean she was back to one hundred percent yet and her balance was still off when she moved on her own. The Talkers scrammed too all going down different halls and finding rooms to hide in. 10K stayed beside her as she leaned against the wall next to a stack of boxes all full of extra liquor for the bar.

"Welcome to Limbo!" Murphy said putting on a smile and opening the door enough to peek his head out, "Oh Ray-moan!" he greeted and now it was clear he was saying Estes name wrong on purpose, "What a pleasure to see you again! And I see you brought your back up dancers."

"It's Roman, open up Murphy." He corrected in an unamused tone.

"Oh sorry, but we're closed to the public." He said then they all heard guns cocking and 10K moved to go back into the main room with his gun in case they needed him. Bailey grabbed his forearm and stopped him as he looked at her. She didn't know what to tell him but by the look on her face he seemed to get the gist of it.

"I know." He said, "I will be."

She nodded knowing he hadn't needed the reminder to be careful but she still worried about him either way.

"You're sheltering escaped Talkers." She heard Estes accuse Murphy.

Murphy scoffed, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"We know they're here. Open up."

"Look, don't you need a search warrant or something?"

"Warrant? This is the apocalypse." Estes said.

"Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that."

"Stand back." Then there was a crash as the doors flew open and Estes and his men barged inside.

"I really should clean up a little bit before you –" Murphy began but when he turned it was only Doc, Addy and 10K sitting at a table playing cards. The tank of lithium had been shoved under the table and was hidden by the tablecloth.

"Welcome to Limbo." Murphy said cheerfully again, "Or at least what's left of it."

Doc was shuffling the cards while Estes' guards searched the place. Bailey heard the commotion and using the wall to help keep her upright she crept behind a stack of boxes of booze and wedged herself as far into the shadows as she could, thankful the storage closet didn't have a light in it.

"Mini reunion?" Estes asked looking at the three at the card table. "How touching. What's the occasion?"

"It's Thursday." Murphy replied, "Hey Doc it's Thursday right?"

"I dunno, Wednesday, Thursday. . . "

"Thursday." Murphy shrugged with a smile.

"Doc from what I understand you are quite the uh, maverick, when it comes to strip poker?" Addy said carrying on conversation to appear normal.

"Strip poker, I got one word of advice: layering."

"Join me Murphy." Estes said going over to their table and pulling out a chair for himself.

"Of course." Murphy chuckled, "But there is a two drink minimum."

It was quiet for a moment and Bailey, even though far from the group, could still feel the tension in the air from her hiding place.

"There were dozens of Talkers here." Estes said calmly as Murphy sat across from him at the table between Doc and Addy while 10K was left beside Estes.

"Says who?" Murphy asked smiling.


"I don't see any Talkers here." Murphy replied still casually.

"Seeing is one thing, believing another. I believe they are here."

"Well who are ya gonna believe? Me? Or your spidey sense?" Murphy asked.

"Maybe I'll just wait it out, test my theory." Estes said and that tense silence filled the room again.

"About that two drink minimum." Murphy said again doing anything to break that odd silence.

"Water for everyone."

"That's two bullets per glass." Murphy told Estes.

"Put it on Altura's tab."

"Altura doesn't have a tab here." Murphy said with his distaste showing through as Doc and Addy looked at each other and Addy, with the hand she had under the table aimed her handgun into the lithium tank so if this went south all she had to do was pull the trigger and they'd all go up. Then one of the guards slapped down a handful of bullets in front of Murphy and he left to go get the water.

"Should I deal you in?" Doc asked when he'd finished shuffling and started dealing the cards.

"No." Estes said as if that answer was obvious as Murphy returned with a smile and two glasses of water.

"While we're waiting, have you seen George and that friend of hers Lieutenant Warren?" Estes asked.

"Nope." Murphy said setting down the water and taking his seat again.

"But you were such good friends." Estes pushed the subject.

"Well I don't have her chipped now do I?" Murphy asked a bit sarcastically.

Then Estes turned to 10K beside him, "We're still looking for Bailey Hawthorne as well."

"I didn't know you had lost her." 10K replied looking at the cards in his hand trying not to make it obvious that he wasn't making eye contact. "Last I saw her your guards were dragging her off to jail."

"Yes, well, she vanished the same day you did." Estes replied now turning in his chair so he was fully facing 10K, "Even though Altura was in lockdown, it's. . . curious."

"Well I left to find a new hand." 10K said turning to him and holding up his antler prosthetic.

"I see. . ." Estes trailed off and 10K lowered his antler and turned back to his cards.

"Yeah, Altura's options didn't really give the Kid what he needed." Doc said trying to help 10K out.

Estes glanced at Doc before looking back to 10K, "And you have no idea where Hawthorne would have gone? Where she would have sought refuge?"

10K shook his head back to looking at his cards before swallowing nervously and looking at Doc and Addy, "Go fish."

- Altura -

Sun Mei was testing blood samples under a microscope when there was an urgent knock on her door. When she opened it she found Red with another girl.

"Lock the door." Red said ushering her friend inside quickly and removed her red scarf which she'd used to help hide the girl's face.

"It's okay, I'm the only one here." Sun assured her.

"This is my friend Becky." Red explained, "She came to me for help when she got sick, I've been hiding her ever since."

"Is she a –"

"Talker? Yes." Red nodded.

"So hungry. . ." Becky muttered.

"Okay, let's see how dead you are." Sun said bringing her near a window for more light and examining a rash she had on the side of her face, "That looks like toxic shock. Some infection overwhelmed her immune system."

"I came as soon as I could, there was so many militia –"

"It wouldn't have mattered." Sun cut her off, "Everything's becoming antibiotic resistant. There's nothing you could have done."

Then Becky started growling and they pushed her into a chair and strapped her down.

"She needs bizkits." Red said.

"I know but I don't have any the militia took it all, every crumb." Sun explained while Becky lunged and hit Red with a powerful head butt sending her to the floor. Sun was left to try and restrain Becky herself while Red was on her hands and knees, one hand on the spot Becky smashed with her head. She tried to regain her strength as she stood and helped Sun Mei strap Becky down. Once she was secure Sun brought Red away from her friend and took a good look at the quickly bruising spot on her face.

"Looks like it's going to hurt for a while." Sun said after checking Red's bruise.

"I'm fine. She didn't mean it." She said holding her cheekbone and moving over to rest by the counter. That's when she noticed what Sun Mei had been working on before she'd barged in. "What's this? You're analyzing blood samples?"

"Yeah, by hand when I really need a computer." Sun Mei said joining her.

"What are you looking for?"

"An anomaly. A mutation? Something that gives deceased humans the immunity that lithium gives them."

"Any luck?"

"Not really. Well. . . actually, there's one sample that shows the anomaly I'm looking for but. . . it won't do us any good." She said passing her the sample and Red looked at the label.

"Murphy? That's great." Red scoffed.

"First I would have to isolate the positive gene but Murphy's blood is so full of crap that I wouldn't know which gene has what effect."

Then Becky started thrashing and growling on the table again.

"Becs!" Red shouted heading back to her, "There must be something we can do for her!"

-Limbo -

As they continued their card game Estes' pocket started buzzing and he pulled out a cellphone.

"Oh screw you Ghostking2.0." he muttered looking at the screen.

"Excuse me?" Murphy asked.

"Nothing, sorry. Just some former employees turned, vandals."

"You have a cellphone?" Murphy asked sounding jealous.

"My apologies Mr. Murphy it seems all your Talker friends have vanished, bravo." He clapped but no one joined in, "I really do wish you'd reconsider my offer and come work for Altura. We could really use your sales experience." Then he turned to his guards, "Time to go!"

"So soon?" Murphy asked though he didn't seem displeased at all.

Once Estes and his men were gone and they were sure the coast was clear they got the Talkers out of hiding and readied the lithium. 10K went and got Bailey who walked out of the closet on her own now though that didn't stop him from hovering as he watched her in case she stumbled or fell from another dizzy spell. He brought her over to the bar and got her some water before Doc called him away and Addy carefully cut up a slice of the lithium brick.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Murphy asked Addy who held a razor blade in her hand.

"No. However I saw the Altura militia sell them for ten bullets a slice, you just have to be very careful while cutting it it's like nitro, but it melts right in your mouth." She said as she carefully sliced it and started feeding it to the growing line of Talkers.

"Murphy!" 10K called rushing back in, "Doc says you got to come, apparently someone's kid is missing."

"Kid? Man it's like one thing after another." He mumbled going across the room to where Doc was with two distraught Talker parents.

"Murphy, these are the kid's parents. His name's Mason, and they haven't seen him since this morning." Doc explained.

"Kay well we'll go look for him. Mason!" Murphy said going to search for the boy.

"We'll find him." Doc consoled the parents, "Really."

They searched all throughout Limbo but there was no sign of the kid. Addy had gotten through half of the line of Talkers and Bailey was getting restless but tried to be a good patient when 10K joined her.

"Still looking?" Addy asked.

"Yeah still no sign of him." 10K replied.

"He's got to be around here someplace." Doc said coming over too.

"Unless he ran off when the guards came storming through the place." Bailey suggested, "Could have scared him enough to run."

"These Talkers blend into the furniture." Murphy complained as he lifted sheets off the furniture and looked for the kid. "Mason!"

"Shh, you hear that?" Doc asked, "I heard a knocking." Then it happened again, knock knock knock.

"It's coming from the back door." Murphy said, "Maybe it's the kid." And he rushed to the back entrance with Doc following him. Murphy opened the door and the kid was standing there.

"Found him!" he shouted as someone rounded the corner and rested their hands on Mason's shoulders –Estes.

"I believe I have something that belongs to you." He said smiling victoriously. "Did you really think you'd get away with this?" he asked as Doc came out and saw all the guards with guns aimed at them.

"Get away with what?" Murphy asked calmly.

"I'm just trying to help them." Estes explained.

"You know I'm hearing this." Murphy said flapping his hand like you'd do to make a puppet talk, "But I'm seeing this." He said making his hand point like a gun, "What with all the round ups and the lock downs and unleashing the vigilantes. . . not very supportive quite frankly."

"It's for their own good." Estes said.

"Come on man, even for the zombie apocalypse that's lame." Doc said standing beside Murphy.

From behind the group of guards 10K was sneaking around finding the best spot to snipe Estes from. He'd overheard Estes from the hall and he'd quickly run back and warned Addy and Bailey. Addy had hid the Talkers while Bailey refused to hide again.

"Bailey we do not have time for this." He said worried Estes might break down the door again and come storming inside. He grabbed her arm and tried to tug her into the storage closet again but she pulled her hand free.

"I'm not going to sit here and do nothing."

"Yes you are." he said trying to grab her again and lead her somewhere safe.

"Where are you going?" she asked noticing he was headed for the same back room as earlier. He paused not sure why she'd asked the question. Bailey huffed which blew some loose strands of hair from her face as she crossed her arms, "It makes no sense for both of us to hide -"

"I need to make sure you're okay."

"I can handle standing in a dark room by myself." she replied before taking another deep breath, "Look, I'll hide but you don't come with me. They might need you out there."

He paused staring at her but she didn't back down. "Deal?"

He huffed this time and nodded before he reluctantly grabbed his gun as she just as reluctantly hid again.

He got behind a large white truck and aimed through the scope. He got his aim right on the back of Estes' head and took a deep breath bringing his finger to the trigger. Then there was the click of a loading gun and he felt something tap the back of his head. He turned and saw one of the guards ready to shoot his brains out and he dropped his gun and rolled his eyes as he glared.

"What do you really want?" Murphy asked.

"All the Talker's you have hidden away in there." Estes replied.

"I don't have any Talkers hidden in Limbo but even if I did – which I don't – I couldn't just give them to you. They're not mine to give. I don't own them."

"Then you won't mind if I just take them." Estes said sounding like he was running out of patience.

"Look I'm just a simple businessman trying to make an honest bizkit." Murphy said smiling.

"Cut the crap Murphy." Estes said then from the left they saw 10K walk out with his hands – well, hand and antler – raised as another guard had their gun to the back of his head. He gave them a shrug like 'I tried' and they turned back to Estes.

"So is this you and your band of merrymen trying to be supportive?" Murphy asked.

"I'm done wasting my time, disarm them." Estes ordered leading Mason into Limbo and through the back hall until they were back in the main room which once again appeared to be empty. Murphy, Doc and 10K followed with their hands up while the guards behind them kept their guns at their backs ready to shoot them.

"I'm very sorry little boy." Estes said loudly trying to lure Mason's parents along with the other Talkers out of hiding, "But you see nobody's here. Your parents are gone they left you. Look at you you're shaking, hey you know what? I'd be scared too if my parent's abandoned me, but we have to go now and you're never going to see them again."

When he stopped talking they could hear sniffling and Estes followed the sound to the basement door. When he opened it the room was full of Talkers.

"Tell them to send more trucks." Estes instructed his guard looking over the jackpot of Talkers he'd found.

-Altura -

"Do something!" Red shouted as Becky thrashed.

"There's only one thing left to do." Sun said going to a drawer and taking out a gun.

"We can't! Not yet!" Red shouted, "Please!"

"She's already turning." Sun argued.

"What about Murphy's blood? It cured 10K and Warren!"

"It also drove everyone on Zona mad!"

"Murphy's blood might save her. What's stopping you?" Red asked desperately.

"I can't torture anymore Talkers."

Then Becky's arm broke one of the restraints and she grabbed Red by the throat.

"We've gotta try." She choked out. "Inject her. Hurry."

Sun brought a needle over and stuck it in Becky's arm. She let go of Red and started taking deep breaths as her head lolled from side to side. Then she gasped and looked up at Red.

"That was. . . wow. God, Red I'm so sorry." She cried. "Your eye."

"You didn't mean it." Red said leaning down to hug Becky as she sobbed into her shoulder.

"Thank you." Becky whispered to Sun who looked at the needle in her hand then Red pulled back.

"She's burning up." Red said as they watched Becky.

"The infection that killed her. It's come back." Sun Mei said in realization as Becky started screaming in pain, "She's dying all over again."

Becky kept thrashing until she went still, "Red. . Red help me." Then she started thrashing and growling again.

"What's happening?" Red asked horrified.

"She's stuck in some kind of loop. The infection kills her but Murphy's blood rehumanizes her which makes the infection kill her again starting the cycle over." Sun explained.

"Make it stop!" Becky cried as blood started to drip from her eyes. Red got a cloth to dab it off as Sun watched miserably.

"Her only peace is in death." Sun said sadly.

"What should we do?" Red asked.

"I know what I'd want if it was me."

"No!" Red shouted again as Sun Mei got her gun again.

"Hey." Red cried looking at Becky. "Don't be afraid."

"Thank you. You tried." She said sounding weak and in pain. Then Sun brought the gun to her head as Red moved to the counter and looked away crying.

"I give you mercy."

-Limbo -

Doc, Murphy, 10K and Addy were all outside as Estes' guards led the Talkers single file out the back door and into the trucks.

"What's gonna happen to them?" Murphy asked.

"Don't worry we'll take care of them. I promise, they'll be safer in their own space." Estes told him.

"I'm going with them."

"Murphy no." Doc argued.

"I gotta." He insisted watching the Talkers be herded into the windowless truck like cattle.

"Probably just as well, I mean technically speaking you are a Talker." Estes said, "Vigilantes might get the wrong idea. You'd be safer under our protection."

"I feel safer already." Murphy said sarcastically.

"You sure you won't reconsider my offer to come work for Altura? We have more in common than you think." Estes tried to persuade him.

"No we don't." Murphy said flatly looking Estes dead in the eye.

"Well if you change your mind we have excellent dental." Estes said as Murphy hopped in the truck.

"Watch your step. There you go." He said helping more Talkers and offering them a red hand.

"Is that everybody?" Estes asked.

"Just those three." One of his guards replied gesturing to Doc, 10K and Addy.

"Sorry, we're human." Doc said as Estes' eyes lingered on their trio, then he turned his head and nodded at one of his guards. Then 10K was hit in the back and fell forward onto the ground on his knees as a couple of the nearest guards grabbed his arms and hauled him back inside while Estes followed.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Doc shouted following them in.

"What do you think you're doing?" Addy demanded right behind him.

"I had a good feeling we'd find the Talkers here." Estes said as his guards brought 10K back to the main room where they'd been playing cards earlier, "I have more than a hunch someone else is here as well." Estes said looking carefully around the room before standing in front of 10K who was back to kneeling on the floor with a guard aiming a gun to his head.

"Where did you hide her?" Estes asked looking down at 10K.

"I told you I haven't seen her." 10K said sticking to his story. He let out a grunt when the guard spun his rifle and hit him in the side of the head with it, pushing him forward. Luckily he'd thrown his good hand out and caught himself before he hit the floor, all the while glaring at Estes.

"Oh I wish Pandora was here." Estes said under his breath as he smiled and only 10K heard, though he looked confused, he had no idea who Pandora was, "She'd love this."

Then he looked up at his guard again and 10K was grabbed by his hair and hauled to his feet as the guard drew a knife and held it to his throat. Doc and Addy tried to step forward but the other guards held them back, blocking them from getting to their friend.

"Bailey Hawthorne!" Estes shouted looking around the room for any sign of movement.

"I told you she's not here!" 10K said through clenched teeth.

"Just like the Talkers weren't here?" Estes asked him before going back to his shouting, "Bailey, I've got no problem killing your friends one by one until you come out. And it won't be quick. Do you really want to hear them screaming instead of just giving yourself over to Altura's justice?"

He paused seeing if his words would have any effect but when no one showed up he continued, "The sniper's already missing a hand." He said and 10K started to struggle at the idea of losing more limbs. "Do you really want to be the reason he starts losing more?"

He waited again and even Doc and Addy looked around seeing if she would come out. After a moment Estes turned back to his guard and nodded. 10K, who'd been expecting the guards knife to start slowly digging into his throat didn't expect the blade to be pushed to the hilt into the soft flesh between his collarbone and shoulder and he couldn't stop himself from shouting in pain.

His scream didn't last long before there was a shout, "Wait!"

They turned to the bar where the closet door opened and Bailey came out holding the frame for support. Estes smiled before turning to 10K who had his jaw locked trying to keep himself from giving away just how much pain he was in. Estes nodded and the guard pulled his knife from his shoulder as two other guards seized Bailey and dragged her out from behind the bar. 10K fell back to his knees bringing his only hand to his right shoulder and gripping it tight to try and stop the bleeding. He glared at Estes again as he passed by him and his guard followed with Bailey in tow. He tried to get up and help her but Doc was by his side the next second urging him to stay down while he started to tug his jacket and shirt down from his shoulder so he could clean the stab wound.

"Move 'em out." Estes ordered as they exited the building again and headed for their trucks.

"Did I mention that I'm claustrophobic?" Murphy asked as the guards shut the door to the back of the truck on him.

"No, you didn't." Estes replied, "Don't worry though it's just a short ride to the nice air conditioned busses that'll lead you to your new lives."

"New lives?" Murphy asked again his voice now muted through the door. Estes and his guards got in the driver's seats pushing Bailey in between them preventing any chance of her escaping again.

-Hackerville -

"You would think the leader of Altura would have faster Wi-Fi." Kaya complained over the video chat she had set up with Ghostking2.0 as she hacked through Estes' files. So far she'd found the video Citizen Z took the day of the bombed vote and could conclude that Estes had it in an editing program trying to make it look like Dante had planted the bomb.

"Wait a minute, what is this? Anybody know what this is?" she asked as she sent them a file on the computer that was all blacked out.

"Hey baby, use the restore python script." CZ coached as she initiated it and it began unredacting the document. Meanwhile on another screen they'd hacked the security cameras and saw guards headed her way.

"Hey Kaya, you gotta get out of there you got some guards coming to you right now, go!" Warren ordered.

"Kaya get out of there!" CZ shouted with concern. Kaya made her way out of the dark office using the shadows to her advantage as the laptop, which had only been partially closed, continued to unredact the file. After the guards found the office empty one shut the laptop entirely cutting off the program, leaving only parts of the document readable.

Newmerica Confidential: FMC is created by - to explore the effects of a total eradication of the - Newmerica must create a utopian - free of the Zombie Virus.

- from- FMC surveyed, explored and - (8) final solutions - commissioned by - solutions -

Background: The ZN1 virus was first - United States,- "Black Summer" to the remaining population.- was- only 8 countries reported any 'human' life, while most were over- run by the-

But the title is what spooked all of them as George stepped forward.

"Final Mercy? What's Final Mercy?"

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