Of Course Not || MINSUNG ON H...

By Patchutsksk

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Han Jisung, a transfer student at JYP Academy, is forced to be the lead role for a school project partnered w... More



713 48 36
By Patchutsksk

They sat in silence, appreciating the sunset by the sandy beach. The sky gradually turned into a mix of pink, blue and orange tone. It was magnificent, and the two was lucky enough to witness this side of nature, a beautiful masterpiece indeed.

And from then on, Jisung decided that he didn't want to be sad anymore and ruin the moment for the both of them. He wanted to remember this memory to be a positive one, the day Minho considered him as a special friend, and it's a memory worth to be happy for. And to Jisung's surprise he was actually contented with it, with what he has now and what he is to the people around him, especially to Minho.

But Jisung couldn't stop himself from reminiscing his past. If only he knew what to do the first time this same circumstance faced him before, but too late to dwell on it now. He was given a new chance and now he has the choice to create better decisions.

"Hey Jisung?"

"Oh uh. What did you say Minho? Sorry I was... thinking."

"What keeps on bothering you? Maybe I can help? You've been spaced out a lot lately." Minho said in a concerned tone while playing woth the pebbles beside them.

"Don't mind me. I'm always spaced out. The sky looks really beautiful by the way. It's like a natural filter ."

"Wanna walk along the shore? Uhm we can film it. I think you'll look pretty on camera."

Jisung then gladly sat up, his shoes on his left hand and his right hand reaching out for Minho. "Well? What are you waiting for. Come on."

Minho gave him a genuine smile before accepting his reach.

"And gimme that camera. I know Puppy will be furious if he only sees your face in all of the clips there."

The two finally walked the shore holding hands. But Jisung gained a little bit confidence and held Minho's shoulder, holding him closer to himself which earned a huge of smile from the other.

The waves splashing, the seagulls squawking and the whistling wind dominated the calm area. They shared a unique kind of silence throught out their walk. It was not awkward nor eerie but deep inside both of them agreed that it was the walk they will forever remember.

And it gave Jisung the perfect opportunity to meditate and clear his mind and heart. ''We are good friends. And we should be like one. Good friends.'' Jisung mentally chanted to himself in the hopes that even for a little bit he can embody yyit.

The sky is finally covered with darkness and the two decided to leave the beach since the water was starting to come up. According to the bystanders, it was gonna be a high tide that night.

"Do you wanna go home or do you still want to stroll around town? It's more beautiful at night since the night lights are on." Minho said half expecting.

"I can spare an hour or two? If it's for the vlog? I still have uhm, 2 t-shirts that I didn't use. It'll be a waste if we don't use it."

"Hmmmmm. I have an idea! This is a surprise again. Just sit back there and relax. I'm sure you're gonna enjoy this."

Minho's driving was weirdly slow compared to his normal speed. It was like he was unconsciously trying to extend their time alone with each other.

After a 20 minute ride, they finally arrive in an amusement park at the outskirts of the town.

"Surprise! Here we are."

"Are we going inside? Are you serious right now?!" Jisung asked excitedly as he hurries his way out Minho's car. He jumped up and down as he can't hide his excitement. A few eyes were on them especially on Minho but the two didn't bother, some JYPA students were present at the area too and they recognize Minho immediately despite wearing a cap and a black mask on.

But it was the least problem they had at the moment. The amusement park wss relatively big compared to the parks Jisung had been to when he was young back in Malaysia. The top part of the rides were peeking through the entrance and Jisung was mentally listing what rides he wanted to do that night and due to the wide expanse, he was also calculating how many hours can they spend in each to finish everything up.

Minho on the other hand didn't forget to record Jisung's cute reaction. He was also silently thanking that Jisung was as thrilled as he was for the place he picked to end their night. "Jisung, you're like a kid who seen an amusement park for the first time. So because of that, it's my treat. You can ride whatever you want and buy any snacks your stomach can handle."

"Can we come back here again if we have the time? We can't possibly finish everything in one night right?" Jisung asked while still in awe by the food stalls, rides, and souvenir stores they pass by.

"Of course, anything for you Jisung." Minho smiled

The park has a parade scheduled every sunday night and they arrived practically on time to see the event. As they wander, Minho's eye caught something interesting in particular. "Let's buy a head band first. This is a must when you go to amusement parks. Here you can wear the squirrel, since you are one." Minho said as he puts the headband on Jisung.

"And i can have...hmmmm the rabbit one maybe?"

"The giraffe looks really cute too." Jisung replied as he skims

"I'll pick the giraffe then since you find it cute."

"So we are all set. Come on! Let's ride that yellow one! We absolutely have to ride that one. And that one too! And this!" Jisung said excitedly as he points to the rides next to each other.

"It's night already but the lines are still long. I think we can't ride everything Jisung. I can still take you out some other time if you want?"

"Like on a date? Ha ha ha. Sure. As long as if it's your treat." Jisung said confidently. His self meditation might have actually worked since he was already being comfortable with Minho in a non romantic way. Or since he thought he was.

They both decided to ride the Spinning Gravity since Jisung found it really amusing. They waited in line for 10 minutes but no second was wasted between them. The area was very crowded so they had to be really close to each other the whole time but it wasn't a big deal. They told each other stories about their childhood endeavours and they surprisingly found a lot in common about each other's traits and interests.

After the ride, the two got off as they laugh with each other's reactions.
"You were screaming really loud. Oh god. I think my eardrums bled out there. Good thing we didn't filmed that, our face would have been horrible on camera with all that screaming, especially yours. " Jisung joked.

"Yada yada yada. You weren't any different Jisung. But I'm really tired. We only had one ride but I'm already drained out. Want to eat for a bit? Have dinner maybe it's 8 pm already. Aren't you hungry?"

"Nah. I can eat churros and some hotdogs maybe? I can spend a day without eating dinner. And besides, I don't want you to spend a lot with me. I don't wanna be a burden."

"You are not a burden Jisung and you will never be. But yeah. I'm not in the mood for some heavy dinner too. So churros and hotdogs it is."

After eating by the fountain, they quickly scanned the rest of the amusement park. They spotted a karaoke booth but unfortunately it was already occupied.

"We can use this photobooth instead?" Minho suggested.

"Have our pictures taken together?"

"Yeah. Let's come inside!"

They entered the photobooth together unaware that some JYPA students spotted them and even waited outside to snoop around.

"This one is 1000 won." Minho said excitedly.
"Shhhh. There's someone outside."

"Keep your voice down. It might be your fans lurking."

"Who cares. Don't even know them. Hey hey! It's starting. Strike your pose Jisung."

They waited for atleast 10 minutes inside the booth and trying to take many pictures as much as possible as they waited for the snooping people to finally clear the area. And fortunately they probably have given up and left the place.

"We look handsome here. Keep yours in your wallet and I'll keep mine." Jisung suggested.

On their way to the exit doors, they passed by some animal exhibit and stopped for a quick look. Jisung checked his phone and it was already 9 pm. His mom already sent a message asking what time was he coming home.

"We should go home. I know you're exhausted already and your mom's finding you. Come on Jisung. We can just go back here some other time."

"Yeah, i guess you're right. Let's head home."

They finally arrived at Minho's car with wide grins from ear to ear. The ride home was loud and fun. Their energy didn't subside even  for a bit after all that adventure they shared.

"A day well spent. Thank you again Minho. See you on monday! And I hope your dinner with Hanna tomorrow will be great. I know it will. I'm.... I'm rooting for the both of you." Jisung flashed a smile but he himself was not even sure if it was truly geniune or was it mixed by a bit of sadness all at once.

Minho left Yellow wood with the happiest heart of all. He really enjoyed this moment with Jisung alone. Again, spent a lot of his firsts with the other. First, sunset at the beach, first photobooth, first amusement park ride, and the list just goes on.

He didn't question what he felt for the person he shared all those memories with. Not knowing it wasn't just a simple infatuation for a friend anymore.

As he arrived home, he knocked on Seungmin's door and gave him his camera. His smile still hasn't faltered for even an inch.

"You look oddly happy. Did it go well? Is my camera still alive?"

"Yeah. It was fun. Thanks for the camera by the way. Goodnight. I'm off to bed." Minho said as he march his way towards his room.

"Hyung! You are acting weird whenever you hang around Jisung but it's the good kind of weird!" Seungmin shouts to the other.

"Jisung really is the positive influence in Hyung's life. YES! They are going pretty well."


The next day, Minho's mom was busy the first minute she got up from bed. She cleaned the house, prepped their garden outside and even head to the nearest mall for a last minute shopping for some new ornaments she can add in her house decorations. She was beyond excited for the dinner happening later this evening.

Seungmin who was anxious would tail their Mom around telling her not to expect too much and prepping her as well on what kind of a person Hanna was but of course without actually ruining her name to the elegant woman.

"Mom, please don't be weird later and ask about dating stuff or anything similar. Hyung still isn't sure about this person either so don't try to meddle with his decisions Mom okay? And the girl might have high hopes if you'll act as if you're that excited for Hyung to actually have a girlfriend. Just let Hyung handle it himself."

"But I am excited sweety. I have been waiting for your brother to bring home someone since he began locking the door of his room. Well not that I'm checking but anyways don't worry. I won't be weird and just to remind you sweety, I was a teenager too like the both of you. Don't worry about me too much."

"Then why did you even buy this? We already have plenty of vases and paintings on our walls. Why add some more? it's just a dinner mom. And it's not like Hanna would care about all of this."

"Hi mom. Good morning. So what are you guys up to? Do you need some help?" Minho interupted.

"We are fine Minho. I'm just cooking a simple dish for our lunch later. But you can help me with Seungmin cook the dishes I'm preparing the whole afternoon in the kitchen. Will you dear?"

"Oh. About that. Hanna, the girl you wanted to meet? She asked me if i can go along with her at the mall later. She wants to buy a new dress to wear for our dinner. So maybe i can't? Let's just order food so that you guys won't be bothered at all. It's just Hanna."

"What do you mean it's just Hanna? Dear, that's gonna be your future girlfriend,  of course we need to take care of her."

"MOM! What did i tell you!? Stop being weird. Hyung can handle it. Ugh." Seungmin yelled which made their mom laugh.

"Oh you boys are the ones who are being weird right now. This is all normal. No need to be awkward with this kind of conversations. I'm sure you guys are gonna laugh at this exact moment when you grow up to be big men. Moments like this shouldn't be awkward to you at all sweety, you're big now. When i was your age i also had my first boyfriend. Anyways, i am expecting the both of you to tell me first if anything happens with your love lifes okay? I'll be very sad if I won't be the first one to know the news."

Their mom reached the boys for a hug and the two gladly complied. They sandwich hugged their mom as she was giggling from the sudden warm atmosphere they were sharing. The family hugged for a long time.

The two sons, despite being number one enemies of each other, they still are and forever be a family. A rare moment indeed but they both knew that it was gonna be a quite a sight present in their home much often in the future, now that Minho was beginning to be open to them more. "I hope we can always be like this honey. Both of you are getting big faster this days. Look you're both taller than me now. "

The family hug broke as Minho's phone went buzzing indicating that someone was calling. Minho stepped out to answer it and came back after a few seconds.

"We are meeting at the mall Mom. I'll just come back home for a late lunch. So save some for me. I'm watching you Seungmin."


Minho was now inside District 9's mall walking towards the second floor with Hanna by her side. She was attempting to cling onto Minho's arms but Minho was fidgety and was completely oblivious of the failed attempts Hanna made.

They entered a famous clothing store. All the casual dressess and formal wears were expensive but it wasn't a surpise to Minho since a lot of  his wardrobe was also bought from here, abroad even especially when Seungmin's father would bring them a lot occasionally.

"Do you like this? Or this? What does your Mom likes? Will she like this? Hmmm. Should i buy the most expensive one? Oh. She might think I'm wasting my money over a dress..." Hanna talks non-stop not even letting Minho respond to her questions. But Minho didn't mind it and just sat by the velvety sofa at the center of the store.

As he watched Hanna rummaging around the rack of dresses, he randomly thinks of the "date" he and Jisung had yesterday. And he lets out a chuckle, remembering how cute the other was.

"Okay i think I'm done finding my top 5. Okay so I'll fit this and you can rate it okay? Stay there." Minho just nod and checked his phone. It was already getting boring as the seconds pass and Hanna wasn't even actually giving him any attention. She was too focused on the material things surrounding their so called relationship and because of that, Minho was getting very impatient but he was trying to be a gentleman, he would atleast try.

After an hour in the store, Hanna finally chose the dress she was gonna wear tonight.

The two were riding  down the escalator. Minho asked Hanna if she wanted to buy anything else or if they should head home to prepare for the night but Hanna didn't respond which was a weird gesture for her.
Minho immediately looked at Hanna but the other was unfaced, her eyes were fixed at something or someone and tears were building up on her eyes fast.

"Hanna. Are you okay? What happened?"

Hanna subconsciously points towards an inconvenient looking couple. An older man in his late fifties with a younger woman around her twenties walking hand in hand at the ground floor. Hanna's eyes followed them as her tears fell one by one.

Minho immediately held Hanna closer to his chest and covered her eyes away from the couple. He then  pars her hair trying to comfort her. He didn't wanna ask anymore question, it was already obvious.

"Don't look. Close your eyes. I'll hold you."

And automatically, Hanna wraps her hand around Minho's body as they walk towards the exit. She was sobbing. And Minho knew, his shirt was already soaking wet from the girls' tears.

As they approach the doors, Minho caught a glimpse of another pair walking towards the entrance of the mall. He second looked at the new comer to confirm his doubts.

"Jisung. Why are you here? With.... With that boy?"

Minho's mind went blank for a second. Jisung was smiling widely while listening to the other talking.
"He didn't even see me." His grip around Hanna's shoulder tightened amd his pace speed up.

The two arrived to the parking lot and he helped her find her parked car. Her face was still in shock and full of tears and Minho could feel the change in Hanna's overall aura.

"Do you want me to take you home? I'll just leave my car here. You can't handle driving with all that emotion you're carrying right now."

"Are you sure Minho? I can't think straight right now. I feel betrayed. I'm angry. I'm hurt. I want to go home. I think I can't make it later. I'm sorry. Please take me home."

"Don't  be sorry. It's not your fault. And you need rest right now. That was a lot to take in. I'm sorry."
Minho carefully assisted Hanna to the passenger seat of her car.

The ride home was quiet and cold. He parked her car at their garage and helped Hanna go inside their house. An old lady welcomed them and took Hanna from his arms. Maybe it was her aunty or her mom. He then bid them good bye and called a taxi ride.


Minho: tell mom Hanna can't make it. I'll explain later.

Seungmin: what happened? Did she ditch you again? That girl is cjdjddidje.

Minho: No. It's not her fault. I'll explain later.

Seungmin: Mom said she doesn't want to waste the food we prepared.
Call Stray Kids to come here instead.

Minho: Okay. I'll tell them.


doods with no boobs

Minho: Dinner at my place later. Hanna can't make it. Family matters and it was messed up. I feel bad for her.

Bang Chan: is she okay? I'll come. Be there at 7.

Changbin: Felix and I have plans but we'll see later.

Hyunjin: oh. Dinner at Seungmin's house? I'm in.

Minho: @YangJjeongin @JisungHan coming?

Jeongin: Don't know about Jiji. And we don't know where you live.

Seungmin: is that even a problem. I'll go at your place later.


Minho arrived at the parking lot mall. His keys on his hand, inches away from his door car but something was still bothering him. "Who was that boy Jisung was with?" He then decided to find the two and check it for himself.


Minho: dude. If you see Felix going around the mall with some random guy. What does that mean?

Changbin: well it means that the boy is dead meat once i find him. why?

Minho: Jisung is at the mall rn with some guy I don't know of.

Changbin: and? What's your problem with that?

Minho: idk.
What if it was a bad guy?
Or what if he was hostaged?
He's new around here right. Why would he have a friend other than us.

Changbin: why are you defensive. Are you jealous? Hmmm

Minho: of course not! Why would i be. You are no help. Smh

Changbin: Bro Jisung can be friends with whoever he wants.
And if you have a problem with that then Jisung nor that friend is not the problem.
It's you.
What's with you and Jisung?
You're just friends right?
If you find me hanging out with a person you don't know. Would you be like this too? No right? 😂
So I'm gonna ask this again.
What's with you and Jisung?

Minho: Whats with the long ass message. Tss. I'm not reading that. Bye.


"Changbin is really something. Tss. And I'm the problem. Why would i be the problem "what's with you and Jisung." What kind of question is that. Can't I be concerned for a friend." Minho bickered as he was still roaming around the mall up to the edges to find the people he was looking for. His steps were heavy.

And to his luck, he finds Jisung buying a caramel ice cream by himself at a fast food joint. He casually approached the area and bought at the same line Jisung was. He then waited for a few minutes before calling him to avoid suspicion.


The other looked at all direction before finally seeing the person calling him from behind. "Minho? What are you doing here? Were you there the entire time? Sorry i didn't see you. What a small world we have."

"Yeah yeah. Your hair at the back looked familiar so i called if it was you. So uhm why are you here? Are you with someone?" Minho sounded to eager but his  tone of voice was seemingly different, darker.

"Oh I'm just loosening up and trying to  familiarize myself with district 9. And yeah. But we seperated earlier. He was gonna meet up with his mom at the top floor. Are you alone?"

"So who was it?" His tone of voice was slowly showing hints of jealousy

"Oh. The person i was with earlier? It was just my uhm, a friend back in Malaysia. He has a girlfriend here in Korea so they had a family vacation here."

"Oh. Girlfriend? Ohhhhh." Minho was in relief. A lump on his chest immediately washed away and he felt much more better. "Good to know it wasn't some creep following you around."

"Uhm. Who are we referring to? Are you talking about the friend I was with earlier? Why? Did you see him?" Jisung asked suspiciously.

"No no. I was just asking. I saw you just now so how would I see you walking around with that boy in this big mall. Know what i mean?" Minho awkwardly laughs. "Anyways will you come to the dinner later?"

"Dinner? I thought Hanna was the one who's coming. What happened?"

"Long story. But the boys are gonna come too. So you should as well. Just wear a casual outfit or anything you're comfortable with. My mom doesn't care about those things anyway."

"Oh? So everyone's coming? I'll be there too I guess. So I should go home right? To get ready?"

"Yeah2. Should I take you home?"

"No. Don't worry. I have my board. And i miss riding this baby. But I'll see you later Minho. And i have a few things to buy on my way home." Jisung replied reassuringly.

They both walked towards the exit and went their separate ways.

The clock was ticking fast that afternoon. It was already quarter to 7 and Minho was getting nervous as the minutes pass. And he doesn't know why. The nervousness he felt was something not good. But he shrugged it off and texted his friends instead.

8 doods with no boobs

Minho: are you guys coming?

Changbin: bro. Felix and I can't make it. Family dinner aswell. Maybe next time?

Bang Chan: me too bud. My parents apparently have a surprise party for Sana, any minute now. And I'm sorry I didn't texted you earlier. I just also knew now.

Hyunjin: Nu uh. I'm coming no matter what happens.

Jeongin: i might be late since something came up. But Jiji is definitely coming. Puppy is gonna fetch him.

Minho: okay don't worry guys. This was also so sudden so i didnt really expect everyone to come. But thanks.

Earlier that afternoon

Minsung for the win

Seungmin: guys. If hyung texts you about the dinner say yes but then make an excuse last minute.
Let's make Jisung come here. Alone.
I really want Mom to meet the right one for Hyung.
Please please please.
Hanna couldn't make it.
It's like the universe is the one who's sabotaging their plans.  

Bang Chan: awwwww. Seungmin. Sure. I can't come anyway. It's sana's birthday.
Amd hey. We don't know what happened to Hanna so let's not talk behind her back.

Felix : Changbin will finally meet my parents in a dinner later. So we can't go aswell anyway.

Bang Chan: Lh! So that's later? I know they will love your boy friend, Felix.

Hyunjin: hmmmmm.

Jeongin: okay i have a plan. Just fetch Jiji here later okay. So that he won't have an excuse not to go without me.

A/N: i can't edit this. Im too sleepy. Timorrow maybe. Please bare with it for now. My mind only works the last minute. 😭 I had wrtiters block the whole week. aHHHHHH. *Insert side effects*

Edit: OKAY. i finally salvage some parts. Lol. I hope it's better now. The plan was to include the dinner at this chapter but it's too long already and I can't omit anything since every detail and event was sooooo important. So see you next week then! Love you all. 🌸

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