Stepsister Next Door || SaTzu...

By Dimenth0r

495K 12.9K 5.9K

Where Sana is Tzuyu's stepsister, and Mina is Chaeyoung's stepsister... A bit different from the one shots More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Phase 2: Prologue
Phase 2: Chapter 1
Phase 2: Chapter 2
Phase 2: Chapter 3
Phase 2: Chapter 4
Phase 2: Chapter 5
Phase 2: Chapter 6
Phase 2: Chapter 7
Phase 2: Chapter 8
Phase 2: Chapter 9
Phase 2: Chapter 1O
Phase 2: Chapter 11
Phase 2: Chapter 12
Phase 2: Chapter 13
Phase 2: Chapter 14
Phase 2: Chapter 15
Next Chapter (UPDATE)

Chapter 17

11.4K 255 98
By Dimenth0r

It was a happy day for Chaeyoung, not until she comes home after school and found Jeongyeon on the living room with Mr. Son.
The latter greeted her, so she has no choice but to smile back... Rudeness is not an option, even if you don't like the person... Specially if they're being nice at you.

Chaeyoung's attention was stolen by the beautiful lady, walking down the stairs.

It's no other than Mina, and she's wearing a beautiful red dress.

Chaeyoung was about to approach her but Jeongyeon do it first, which made her take a step back and look down.

"You're just as beautiful as your mother" Mr. Son compliments Mina, as she reached the first floor.

Mina just shyly smile at her stepfather. She then leave with Jeongyeon after saying goodbye to jer family.

Chaeyoung didn't watch them leave, she walk upstairs to her room with down shoulders... She shut the door and tiredly sat on the bed, she blow air on her mouth and cry...

She silently cry inside her room...

Where no one can notice that she's tearing inside...


"Bye" Mina utter, as she goes out of Jeongyeon's car.

She didn't even wait for the latter's reply, she just quickly run into the house.

Mina promised Jeongyeon before that she will have a dinner with her family, she don't really want to go because of Chaeyoung. But Jeongyeon went to their house, and asked Mina's parents about their plan before.

And that left her with no choice but to come with Jeongyeon. Mina's worried about Chaeyoung, that's why she insisted to go home after dinner.

When Mina entered the house, her parents and Seungjae are on the living room, watching a movie. She greet them and go upstairs.

Mina rush to Chaeyoung's room without bothering to knock. She found the latter in front of her desk, doing her assignments.

Chaeyoung look back when she heard the sound of the door. Her expression soften upon seeing Mina, she put down her pen and turn her ergonomic chair to face the latter.

"Have you eaten? How was your night? You look so tired" Chaeyoung

Mina's heart melts with the latter's sweetness...

Like who wouldn't?
She expects Chaeyoung to be mad at her, but instead of telling her inappropriate words for having a dinner with Jeongyeon.... Chaeyoung asked if she's fine, the latter still care for her... And that made her fall for Chaeyoung even more.

Mina run towards Chaeyoung, she then cupped the latter's cheeks and claim her lips

"What's that for? What happened? Did that Jeongyeon did something to you?" Chaeyoung worriedly asked when the kiss ended. Mina shook her head in response "Then what's wrong?"

Mina pouts "I thought you're mad at me"

Chaeyoung sighs "Well I was, earlier... But what can I do?" She look away "You're not mine"

Mina turned the latter's face, so that Chaeyoung can look at her again "Yah... Who told you that? Is it because I went out on a dinner with Jeongyeon? I'm sorry Chaeyoung- ah, she went here and asked Mom and Dad.... I really want to say no but-" she heave a deep sigh "Fine, I won't see her again... I will also tell her that we should stop seeing each other"

Chaeyoung lift her head and smile "Really? You will do that?"

"Yeah, If that will make you believe that it's only you that I love" Mina replied and peck on Chaeyoung's lips

Chaeyoung can't remove her smile, she then wrapped her arm on Mina's waist and pull the latter to deepen their kiss. Mina sat on Chaeyoung's lap, and embrace her nape while turning her head to the side to have more access on the latter's lips.

While they're sharing a heated kiss, the door swung open

"Noona can I play with-"

Both Mina and Chaeyoung flinched before they look at the open door, and saw Seungjae standing on the doorway.


"Tzuyu" The bartender called Tzuyu, who's busy wiping the drinking glass.

Tzuyu turned to the latter "Why?"

"That customer is eyeing you since she came in" The guy points at the woman on the side of the counter "She's kinda old, but still look good"

Tzuyu's forehead furrowed, and hit the bartender's arm "Yah! That's my Mom!" She hissed

"Eh?" The bartender exclaimed

Tzuyu throw the cloth to the bartender before she head to where her stepmom is.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" Tzuyu asked

"Tzuyu can we talk outside" Her stepmom asked

Tzuyu nodded and followed her Mom, out of the bar.

"Tzuyu, why are you working in that place?" Her stepmom started

"I have to work Mom, I have to support myself now" Tzuyu replied

"You can use your credit card to support yourself"

Tzuyu shook her head "No... That's Dad's money, I don't want to use it"

"Tzuyu..." The woman reached for the latter's hand "Come home to us... We miss you, and Sana needs you"

"But-" Tzuyu

Her stepmom squeeze her hands  "Please Tzuyu... You're Dad misses you so much"

"I don't think so..." Tzuyu replied "He disowned me... He promised me that he will always be there for me when my Mom died, but he let go of me when I needed him the most"

"Tzuyu don't close your door on your father" Her mom pleaded

"But he's the one who did that to me first" Tzuyu

"It doesn't matter who started... What matters is you both know your mistakes"


Sana was outside the house to catch some fresh air, when a familiar figure stole her attention.

"Oh!" Sana's lips form a smile "Tzuyu- yah!" She then run to Tzuyu and welcome the latter with a tight hug

"Yah... Don't run" Tzuyu caress the back of Sana's head

"You're back..." Sana

"I just came to see you" Tzuyu replied "I can leave now"

"And where do you think you're going?"

That made Tzuyu and Sana, move apart and look at the porch behind them....
Tzuyu's father is standing there for awhile. He made his way to Sana and Tzuyu, the two bowed to greet their father.

"Where have you been Tzuyu?" Tzuyu's father asked, Tzuyu gulp an invisible lump in her throat, she's nervous...

And the man noticed that, so he spoke again "Do you know that it's a bad habit, leaving your pregnant girlfriend?"

"I don't understand..." Tzuyu

"You don't understand what?" Mr. Chou asked in confusion

"I don't understand why you want me out, like I'm not your child" Tzuyu's on the verge of crying, but trying her best to stop herself from doing so.

The old man's preventing himself from crying as well, that's the first time that he lay hand on his daughter.
He never hurt Tzuyu, not just because he's not into violence, but also because Tzuyu's a nice kid. She loves his daughter, she was the only reminder of his late wife... And he promised to take care of her.

Sana on the other hand is holding Tzuyu's hand, letting the latter feel that she's not alone.

Their father sighs "I was mad... I'm sorry for hitting you... Tzuyu I was disappointed... Sana's your sister"

"But I love her" Tzuyu opposed

"It's not appropriate to see you dating your stepsister" Mr. Chou

"I don't care about the people's eyes... I've been scared to be judge all my life... And I'm not gonna let their judgement take my happiness away from me" Tzuyu

"Let's go inside, it's cold out here" Mr. Chou

"I was about to leave" Tzuyu replied to her father

"Get inside" The man look at Sana then back to Tzuyu "Your mom is making a midnight snack"

It's obvious that her Father's trying to reach out for her...
Her Dad's just like her, his a man of few words... But never failed to show how he feels, and Tzuyu inherit that traits from him.

Mr. Chou's world collapse when Tzuyu leave...
And he regret everything he said that made Tzuyu mad at him... He promised himself that when he sees Tzuyu again, he'll make it up to her.

"Comeback to us Tzuyu" Mr. Chou

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