Hinata Harem

By kiripimaeijiro

165K 3.5K 2.1K

Hinata is a sweet lovable little ray of sunshine, that of course means that everyone wants to protect him wit... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Merry Christmas
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
New Book

Chapter 24

1.5K 46 7
By kiripimaeijiro


       Kei apologized to the coaches and left with hinata. "What happened for real" he said trying to see if hinata was scared of something. "How many times do I have to tell you" "yeah but why were you having sex with some random guy in a closet?" "I don't know" he said bluntly. Kei was mad. "You know what maybe your ex was right maybe you are a slut" kei ran off. Hinata was left outside his door dying inside and panicking.

-recap over 3rd pov-

      Kuroo came outside to look for hinata and saw him curled into a ball. "OH MY GOD SHOYO WHAT HAPPENED" he quickly scooped the boy up and brought him inside. Hinata couldn't talk he was panicking too much. "Shhh calm down shoyo I'm right here oki? I'm here to help but you have to breathe" kuroo said calmly.

       Hinata was calming down finally and kuroo was still hugging him. "H-he said m-my ex was r-r-right" hinata started bawling his eyes out again. "Who did" kuroo said struggling to keep his anger in. "K-kei..." hinata was shaking and crying. Kuroo pulled out his phone and called suga. "Get over here now we have important shit to discuss" he hung up before suga could say anything back.

         Suga ran over with Asahi but no kei. "Where the fuck is that bitch" kuroo said anger flaring. "Who?" Suga was confused. "Tsukishima told hinata his ex was right about him being a slut and I'm gonna fucking murder him" kuroo said laying hinata down softly. "Woah wait calm down kei wouldn't say that are you sure that's what happened?" Suga was confused and scared. "He told me it sitting right here panicking in my arms" kuroo yelled.

        Asahi was getting angry too but keeping his calm. "You're 100%?" He asked trying not to let his anger get the best of him. "1000% that bitch I should've known he would pull a stunt like this" kuroo said pulling his phone out again. He sent a text to tsukishima telling him to meet him and suga in the feild. They left Asahi with hinata so he could watch him.

       When they got there tsukki was already there. "YOU MOTHER FUCKER HOW DARE YOU TELL THAT PRECIOUS LITTLE FUCKING ANGEL HIS ABUSIVE EX WAS RIGHT" kuroo yelled anger taking over. "Did he tell you what I saw him doing? I'm guessing not so I'll tell you the whole thing. I caught him fucking some random old guy in a closet." Kei said calmly. Suga was shocked but kuroo only got more angry.

       "HE WOULDN'T FUCK SOME OLD GUY IN A CLOSET HES CLAUSTROPHOBIC AND AFRAID OF THE DARK YOU PSYCHO" kuroo yelled walking closer to kei about to punch him. Suga grabbed him and held him back. "Well explain to me why he told me he was just having sex I even dragged him to the coaches cuz I was worried and he told them the same thing" kei defended himself.

       "Did he look you in the eyes..." suga said knowing exactly what happened. "No? Why?" Kei questioned. "He won't look you in the eyes if he's lying.... it doesn't matter if he did something horrible he'll always look you in the eyes unless he's lying..." suga said tearing up. "What did his voice sound like" kuroo questioned. "Monotone whats going on here" kuroo ran back to hinata.

      "hinata omg are you oki you need to tell me where he went what did he tell you" Asahi was confused and suga and kei followed also confused. "H-he said k-kill me....and that i-i was just a bother in everyone's lives" hinata whispered. Kuroos blood was boiling again but seeing hinata scared just made him tear up. No one else in the room heard him except kuroo. "Go find that son of a bitch and tell me when you do" kuroo spat at tsukki.

          Hinata hadn't bothered looking up from kuroos chest. He didn't realize tsukki was there until he talked. "S-shoyo I'm so sorry" when he touched hinata, hinata backed away against a wall shivering and panicking. Tsukkis heart broke and kuroo ran to him to hug him again. He knows tsukki isn't his ex but he acted so much like him.

        He made hinata feel worthless then apologized later. It was like deja vu for the scared teen. Suga dragged tsukki out and made him go look for the man. When suga walked back in Asahi was holding hinata and kuroo pulled suga aside. "One of hinatas exes used to use shit like brooms and mops to beat him... thats why tsukki didn't see a weapon because he used the stuff around him and I've met this man before" kuroo stopped himself so he could calm down.

         "H-he breaks hinatas will to do anything. He basically tells him that he'll attack his friends or that hinatas just a burden on everyone and makes up stuff that makes him feel like nothing" suga couldn't believe his ears. Just as kuroo was about to continue they heard some people laughing outside the door. "Yeah this is the sluts room didn't you hear the boss said they were caught fucking in a closet" kuroo lost it.

         He opened the door and went face to face with the other teens. "Did your boss tell you he raped him, because he did. Your boss probably also didn't tell you that I'm a cops kid so I could get away with murder if I need" kuroo was smiling maniacally at the teens who were terrified. "H-he raped him...." the smaller one said. "Yeah he fucking did our friend is in there having panic attack after panic attack because of your pedophile boss" kuroo yelled.

         Asahi heard what was going on and closed the door. "Shhh its oki look everyones here to protect you don't worry" Asahi layed down next to hinata and let him cuddle up to him. The intercom came on suddenly. "Everyone lock your doors there have been 3 reported attacks by a tall fat man who's bald and wearing a red track suit. Police are searching every room they have master keys and will tell you they are police before entering and searching. Please stay safe and stay hidden" the intercom went off and kuroo dragged the teens inside with them.

         "Whyd you drag us in here" the tall one asked. "Because you're boss might get you next asshole he's attacked three times no one knows how many more he's planning" kuroo snapped. He walked to the bed with suga and Asahi and they huddled around hinata. The teens just sat on the floor and got on their phones. Sugas phone went off it was a text from kei.
[Kei: I'm safe I'm with the coaches I can't be near hinata while he in that state I really fucked up suga]
[Suga: yes you did]
Suga changed his name in chat to sugawara
Suga changed keis name in chat to tsukishima
[Tsukishima: suga?]
[Sugawara: its sugawara and you will fix this situation tsukishima until you do dont text this number]
          Suga blocked his number and put his phone away. "Suga c-can you tell kei I'm sorry" hinata cried. "You can tell him later right now let's just lay down and take a nap oki? You have had a stressful day and we can go get ice cream after if you want" suga smiled softly and kissed hinatas cheek. Hinata nodded and layed down on top of kuroo.

         Hinata quickly fell asleep and the rest of the boys in the room stayed in a comfortable silence. After a while there was a knock at the door. "I'm going to open the door its the police" he said loudly before opening the door. "Shit sorry didn't know he was asleep we have to check but we'll be quiet" the cop said softly. Suga just nodded and let the cop do his business.

          "Well you boys have a nice night" then he left locking the door on his way out. After about 3 hours the intercom came back on. "The man has been caught identified and arrested you may all leave your rooms now" the intercom woke hinata up. "Huh?" He groaned sleepily. "The man's been arrested baby"suga smiled as hinata started to cry smiling.

          The teens left and suga managed to calm hinata down. "Hey shoyo... are you oki?" Kuroo asked worried. "N-no but it's fine its nothing I can't get over" hinata smiled. "Hey you don't have to get over stuff by yourself" kuroo assured him playing with his hair. "I know... thank you tetsurou....I can't wait to go to your house" hinata sighed smiling softly.

         "Speaking of houses sugar I forgot to tell you.... my dad was arrested and my mom was given a new job" suga said smiling wide. "That's amazing suga I'm a good luck charm" hinata joked hugging suga. "We should pack up the bus will be ready at dinner time coach said they had surprises for us" kuroo said sighing. "Well go pack you two" hinata said giggling softly. "Nuh uh I'm not leaving you alone no matter what" kuroo said.

          Hinata busted out laughing. "Whats so funny" kuroo asked confused. "You guys are blind as bats dude Asahi is literally asleep behind me" he said laughing. "Not anymore"Asahi grunted. "Aw I'm sorry come here teddy bear we can cuddle" hinata said rolling off of kuroo. Asahi chuckled and sat up. "No you should get packed we can cuddle on the bus" "Ugh fine your no fun" hinata pouted.

           "Cmon I'll let you wear my hoodie if you listen to asahi" kuroo knew hinata always wanted one of his hoodies. "Oki I'm up" hinata shot up and went to packing. Everyone busted out laughing. "What kuroo never gives anyone his hoodies and he smells good" hinata giggled blushing a bit. "Chibi-chan my mom said she'll pick you up first and then pick me up on the way home" kuroo said looking at his phone.

         Hinata nodded and finished packing. "I want the one your wearing the others have sweat on them" hinata giggled. "Oki my prince" he smirked. Hinata turned bright red. "Oh you really liked that oki its staying then" kuroo chuckled making Hinata even more red. Kuroo handing hinata his hoodie and then left with suga not before blowing hinata a kiss.

        "I hate him" hinata grumbled. "No you don't dork" Asahi poked his cheek. "Hush let's go get you packed up" hinata said picking up his backpack and drawstring bag. "Cmon you're too slow" Asahi joked. "Oh hush and cmon" hinata said grabbing his hand. They ran to asahis room and hinata helped him pack.

         They hung out until the busses were pulled out front. "Kuroo I don't wanna leave you" hinata whined. "Hey no tetsurou?" He fake whined. "Tetsurou hush I don't wanna leave" hinata hugged him tight. "Cmon shoyo we'll hang out with you at kuroos house" kenma said trying to pry hinata off himself.

        "Fine but I want to see you there" hinata whined. "You will prince I promise he'll be there just please go so we can hang out faster" kuroo said hugging him tight. "I can't go if you don't let me go" he giggled. "I know ugh bye" kuroo let him go. Hinata jumped and kissed his cheek. "Bye see ya later" hinata giggled. He ran into the bus and to the back.

        Kuroo and kenma walked to their bus and got on. "Kuroo you need to ask take him on a real date I'll hang out with  yall for a like while but you need to take him out" kenma said. "I know I'm going too mom said she had plans for the first night though" kuroo said sighing. "Alright everyone it seems us and fukurodanis busses seem to be having troubles we will be shifting a few players to different busses and they'll drop you off last" the coach said.

        We were all filed off the bus and I thanked whatever God existed as I was put on the karasuno bus. I looked for hinata and quickly stole the spot next to him while he wasn't looking. "Hey my prince" I said looking at him. "AGH omg tetsurou why are you on this bus you'll get in trouble" hinata slightly panicked. "No I won't our bus and fukurodanis bus had problems so they separated us speaking of fukurodani here come bokuto" kuroo said excited.

         Bokuto ran to the back of the bus along with akaashi who followed him sighing. "Broooo" bokuto said sitting next to kuroo on our bed. "Hey bro, hey akaashi" kuroo said. "Akaashi you can join us if you'd like" hinata smiled softly patting beside him. Akaashi smiled softly and took the seat.

        "Hey bokuto, hey akaashi how have you guys been?" Hinata asked clearly insinuating something. "Howd you know?" Akaashi asked smirking. "Well bokuto looks at you and emo mode goes away" hinata smirked back. "Whats going on?" Bokuto and kuroo and Asahi ask. "Oh hinata found out me and bokuto are dating but to be honest when he looks at you his emo mode goes away too shoyo~" akaashi teased.

        "Jeez whats with everyone and teasing me i hate all of you" hinata huffed and hid under the blanket. "Oh c'mon my little prince dont you love us?" Kuroo said reaching under the blanket and pulling over him too. "Hey get out of my blanket " hinata tried to sound offended. "Actually its my blanket" Asahi said laughing a bit. "Mine now just like tetsurou's hoodie" hinata stuck his tongue out at kuroo.

       Kuroo quickly kissed hinata and licked across his tongue. "Well I'm fine with that it looks better on you" kuroo smirked leaving the blanket. Hinata was a blushing mess when they pulled the blanket off him. "F-fuck off" he stuttered. "Awe you sound so cute when you're frustrated" akaashi whispered in his ear. "Look at the baby owl~" bokuto joined in the other ear.

       Hinata hid behind Asahi. "Guys stop you'll break him" Asahi laughed hard. "Yall are mean" hinata said pulling the hood over his face. "And your adorable" suga turned around to add. The bus still hadn't moved and now everyone was confused. "Were missing a student, tsukishima" ukai said. "I'm here sorry my bag opened and everything fell out" he yelled.

        Hinatas mood did a full 180. He was now actually hiding behind Asahi shivering and pale. "Shhh its oki you're oki" kuroo and Asahi were whispering. "Woah what happened between them" akaashi said as he saw suga glare at tsukki and tsukki tear up. "I'll tell you later" kuroo whispered. "Hey akaashi you can sit with me if you'd like" suga said voice cracking. Akaashi knew he was needed.

         "Bokuto I'm right in front of you if you need me" he said as he moved to the seat with suga. As soon as he sat down suga grabbed his hand and squeezed it hard. "Woah suga are you oki" akaashi was very concerned suga had never looked like this before. "I-im fine" suga said with a mix of sadness, anger and a pinch of disappointment.

       Akaashi wrapped his arm around suga and let him sleep on him. Normally bokuto would've gotten all insecure but even he could feel the mood suga was. "H-hey kuroo can I umm....koala bear you" hinata said nervously. "Cmon" kuroo said grabbing hinata and pulling him into his lap. Asahi yawned and layed back. "Thank you I'm going to sleep" hinata chuckled a bit.

      "Hey prince you should sleep too its 7 hours for us" kuroo cooed. "Oki just don't let me go" hinata said softly. Kuroo held on to him tight and everyone layed down. It turned into a big cuddle ring with everyone cuddling the person next to them. Soon kuroo had to wake hinata up as it was time for them to get off.

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