Of Course Not || MINSUNG ON H...

By Patchutsksk

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Han Jisung, a transfer student at JYP Academy, is forced to be the lead role for a school project partnered w... More



638 42 25
By Patchutsksk


8 doods with no boobs

Seungmin: Are you sure Hyung? A fake relationship with Hanna?

Minho: Yeah yeah. I'm sure.

Bang Chan: Wait. But if you say fake, aren't we like deceiving the people around us?

Changbin: yeah? We are kinda deceiving them if we agree to this. So what's the plan?

Bang Chan: is this really worth it though? Is the film even worth it? Minho hasn't even been in a relationship before. Isn't it unfair if we push Minho to do this? I think he's just pressured to comply since we all kinda agreed with what Hanna said.

Felix: Now I'm sad. Sorry if you feel uncomfortable Minhooooooo.

Minho: what are you guys saying? I'm literally fine. I also have a mind of my own. I know what I'm doing.
And isn't it a time where I should really find a girlfriend? All of you already have one, well I mean boyfriends but still the same thing. Smh.

Bang Chan: Why do you sound angry though but hey! I do not!

Hyunjin: @SeungminKim hello hear that?

Jeongin: Well? We can just like have it into a one-time type of thing? Aren't people just hyped up because it's new?
I'm sure this will die down after a week right? And then Minho doesn't have to act anymore. It's just to hype up potential audiences, right? That was Hanna's point right?

Seungmin: But the end of the semester is like 3 months away. Are we really sure that the excitement will still be present till then? I know you guys are really popular but aren't people like that? Our generation's attention span is really short and people might even forget it after a month even.

Changbin: Seungman has a point. And I think it's really unfair for Minho too. Thinking about having your first ever relationship as fake is pretty sad. I mean Minho can have anyone he wants for the matter of fact. And he'll just settle for a fake one? We can be better than this guys. I think we don't need to ride on this. We don't have to deny nor confirm it. We can think of other advertisement schemes too.

Minho: but what if I don't fake it?

Bang Chan: what do you mean?

Hyunjin: What?

Felix: You mean make it real?

Minho: yeah?

Seungmin ran up to his brother's room after reading Minho's reply on their gc.

"Hyung? What do you mean?! Open up this door." Seungmin shouts as he knocks on the door multiple times.

"What? No. Go away." Minho shouted back. "You are annoying!"

"You literally just said you don't like being in a relationship with her like an hour ago. And now you're gonna say you're not even gonna fake it? Where's the logic in that?" Seungmin shouted through the crack.

Their mom suddenly came out from her room across the hall which made him jump "Son? What's going on here? Why are you shouting? It's literally 9:30 already."

"Uhm nothing Mom. I'm just talking with hyung. Sorry for disturbing you."

"Knock then. Minho? Open up. Your brother's her-"

"So what if I'll have a girlfriend? Why do you-?" Minho spats as he opens the door but gets surprised as he sees his Mom and not Seungmin.

Seungmin who was behind their mom was gesturing him to stop talking.

"Oh mom. Why are you here?" Minho asks calmly.

"Did I hear it right?! You're already having a girlfriend? Oh my baby boy is big now! Who is she? Is she beautiful? Who are her parents? Where did you meet this girl? My son is growing up so fast! We should invite her here! I'll immediately clean the house and then cook some food!" their mom said very excited.

"Mom. Mom. Look at me. Hey Mom? It's just a misunderstanding I still don't have a girlfriend. I'm still thinking about it. Don't freak out." Minho said as she held his Mom's shoulders trying to calm her excitement.

"But I am still very happy to hear that Minho. I just hope you are not like your father going around and playing with this girl's feelings. I'm looking forward into meeting her though. Invite her maybe on Sunday?" Minho's mom blurted out excitedly

"Wait mom isn't this too soon? I mean Hyung doesn't even know the girl fully yet? And you already want her to come here? What if she's a psychopath? I mean she isn't. but what if?" Seungmin said trying to control the situation.

"Isn't that an even great idea? At least I have to know her first before Minho actually dates her right? I can help your brother decide if the girl is right for her. I mean I know your brother more than anyone in the world." She said as she winked at Minho. Seungmin saw it too but he didn't thought of it further.

"Well I guess? But this sunday mom? Isn't it too soon?" Seungmin asked

"The sooner the better right? Okay I am so excited! I'll now go to my room because I really need some good night sleep, just keep your voices quite dear please. Good night pumpkins!" Their mom said as she kisses their cheeks and walks away while typing something from her phone. "Honey? Minho is actually having a girlfriend, yes I just talked with him. I'm gonna meet her maybe on sunday and I'll send you a picture of her okay? I am so excited for him. Finally, he's going to-" her faint voice disappears as she enters her room.

"Shoot. That escalated quickly. Now what are you gonna do? Mom is surely expecting someone on sunday and she didn't even listen to anything I said. This is gonna go downhill Hyung. Are you seriously gonna bring Hanna here?" Seungmin asked.

"This is all your fault. You could have just chatted me or something. Ahhhh! I'm gonna think about it. Now go." Minho said as he closed the door on Seungmin's face.

"Was it my fault? Yeah. I shouldn't have barged into his room. Ugh. Seungmin you messed up here big time. Shoot." Seungmin blabbers as he sulkily walks to his room

8 doods with no boobs

Minho: but what if I don't fake it?

Bang Chan: what do you mean?

Hyunjin: What?

Felix: You mean make it real?

Minho: yeah

Bang Chan: what do you mean yeah? Seriously?

Changbin: Woah woah. Wait a minute.


Seungmin: I messed up.

Bang Chan: now what happened?

Minho: Let's meet up at Hyunjin's tomorrow. I'll explain. I'm sign off now. Bye.

Hyunjin: Wait The house isn't available tomorrow. Dad sent some cleaning workers. I think he's gonna come home soon.

Minho: Let's meet at Miroh then. I'll treat you guys lunch. Same time tomorrow.

🌸Minho's POV

I close my phone and place it on my bed side table. I face the ceiling in the hopes to clear my head from my clouded thoughts all because of him. But why? I mean what if he doesn't reply. It's not like he needs to care if I'll have a girlfriend. I mean it's barely even a week till we became friends. And I know I shouldn't feel upset about it. I know that. But WHYYY! Even I.N was present in the gc and even responded too and we are not even that close yet. What if something happened to him? Should I chat him again? Nah. I.N should have said something if that's the case.

I look at Dori who was laying on the bed I made for her. A cute basket filled with soft blankets to keep her warm.

She was snuggling peacefully but she then bolted upright and looked at me. She must have sensed I was looking at her. "Hello Dori. Why are you still awake?" I said as I take her small body and place her on my bed. "Your dad is ignoring me. Should I chat him again?" I asked.

She looked at me and licked her fur. "Is that a yes Dori? Hmmmm"

I look at my phone beside me. Should I though? Nah. He can't even open my message why would I chat him again. And to think that it's my first ever message to him. Tss.



I hurriedly check my phone and sloppily entered my password in the hopes that it was him, finally checking on me but to my demise, it's just another tagged fan art by someone from JYPA, again. This has been the 25th fan art. The other message was from Hanna saying her good night, I replied a good night message and turned off my phone. Was this a sign? Hahahahaha. Signs? Are you really that corny Minho? Oh god. Why am I laughing now?

"What are you looking at me Dori? Huh? You think I'm a clown too?" I asked her but she just looked at me again and jumped from the bed.

"Fine fine. I'll leave you alone." I said as I pick her up and put her on her basket. "Good night Dori." I kissed her cute nose and walked back to my bed.

I check the time, it's 10 pm and I don't have anything to do anymore. I place my phone on my stomach and laid down facing the ceiling. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

I remember what Changbin asked me earlier, "What do I think of Hanna?"

Hmmm. What do I think of her? Well, she is pretty. She's smart. She's sweet with me. Uhm, what else? Why do you enter a relationship for anyway?

I took my phone again and messaged Changbin, I think he know's how to answer my question.


Minho: Bro.

Changbin: Yoh?

Minho: why are you in a relationship with Felix?

Changbin: because I love him man.

Minho: how did you know you love him?

Changbin: You'll just know it I guess?
I mean no, you'll just feel it.

Minho: feel what?

Changbin: a zing? I don't know what you call it.
But I just felt it with Felix

Minho: how would I know if I felt it with someone?

Changbin: Like who? Hanna or?

Minho: Yeah? Or who what? Who else is there?

Changbin: dude. Are you seriously thinking of dating her for real?

Minho: That's why I'm asking you dimwit.

Changbin: You don't have to though.

Minho: But I also want to feel it.
I don't know bro. There's just something in me that keeps on bothering me. Do you get it? A lingering feeling of some sort? It began I think when Hanna started giving me attention more. So I think I'm attracted to her? But I don't know.

Changbin: Or you're attracted to somebody else and you're confusing it with Hanna.

Minho: What do you mean? Jisung? HAHAHA no.

Changbin: but I didn't say any name though. 😏
HAH Caught you

Minho: caught me with what? Don't know what you mean.

Changbin: Okay. I see. 😏
You don't have to rush it. Take your time. Love requires smooth sailing to peacefully arrive to your destination.
Okay here's what you're going to do. Invite Hanna tomorrow. Let's hangout at Miroh for a while and then you can spend time with her. How will you know if something's up when you don't spend time with her yeah?

Minho:is this what love is doing to people?
Making them poetic?

ut yeah. I guess you're right? Okay I'll chat her. Thanks bro.

After the talk with Changbin, I sent a message to Hanna to meet up at Miroh after lunch and she responded immediately. She asked if it was a date but I didn't know what to reply. But then when I said that we are gonna hangout together with my friends, she just said okay and sent her good night. So I'm confused if it is a date or not. But whatever.

I lay down again on my bed and opened my spotify, my phone is connected to the installed speaker on my room so it was just an ease. The song that played was strawberries and cigarettes.


The notification sound suddenly surrounded my room and it felt like the energy vibrated differently. I ignored it and got off of my bed and head to the kitchen to get some cold water, I'm parched. I brought the glass full of water with me.

When I came back, I looked at my phone and it felt like it was calling for me to pick it up.

"I bet it's just another fan art or something similar. Tss."

Han Jisung sent you a message

After reading the notification I immediately panicked and spilt some of the water in the glass that I was holding. "Clumsy Minho."

I was nervous to open the message. My palms were sweating and my heart was beating fast. It's late already, why would he reply to me just now? Tss. He should have a really nice explanation then

Han Jisung

Minho: You unsent a message
You unsent a message
You unsent a message
You unsent a message

Jisung: Hi! Hmmmm. So 4 messages? And you just unsent them like that? What's with you with erasing messages huh? Hahaha

Minho:Why are you still up?
Do you want to know? Hmmmm

Jisung: I'm not sleepy anymore. I just woke up.
Well yeah. Of course. Hahahah I mean it's the first ever message Lee Minho sent me, it must be important.

Minho: make me then 😝

Jisung: Seriously? Haha. Come on. Okay okay so I was watching national geographic earlier.

Minho: Okay and then?

Jisung: so I'm gonna tell you a very interesting trivia.

Minho: what is it?

Jisung: You know, cheetahs are so fast.

Minho: wow. The more you know.

Jisung: now come on. What is it?

Minho: Didn't you check the gc?

Jisung: Nah. I fell asleep

Minho: Hey
So what do you think?
Uh. I just need your advice since you were so quiet in the gc.

Uhm Jisung?

Jisung: I don't understand wait. I'll check the gc.

h my god.

So are you gonna have a girlfriend now?
Good for you then

Minho: not yet? Changbin asked me to slow things a bit and spend some time with her first before jumping into it.
But Jisung?
But what's your advice though?

Jisung: Oh well, same thing maybe? Spend time with the person first.
I mean do you like Hanna though?

Minho: I don't know?

Jisung: Do your heart beat fast when you see her?

Minho: No? Not that I know of?

Jisung: Do you find her attractive?

Minho: Maybe? I don't know

Jisung: Do you want to talk to her all the time?

Minho: No? I'm not that talkative with anybody?

Jisung: Oh. Really? But you can't stop talking when we were trapped last week. Tssss.
You are hopeless Minho. Maybe just follow what Changbin said.
Wait why are you even asking me?

Minho: because we are friends? And you're a good friend.

Jisung: Oh yeah. Friend.
Good night then. I'm gonna sleep now. Bye

Minho: Hey. I'm still not done though. -_-
Heeeey? Didn't you say you weren't sleepy anymore?
Did I say something wrong?
Hmm. Good night then. See you tomorrow okay?



Minho didn't sleep immediately. He spent his time trying to reread their first conversation.

"Did I say something wrong? But I don't see anything wrong with what we were talking about? Jisung is still a weird kid." He said shaking his head.

He checks the clock and its 1 am already. He slowly drifted to sleep and had a dream with the same person that keeps on bugging his head all night long. 


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