I-Island Academy's Class Pres...

By LuckyyBubbles

578K 26.5K 11.2K

After the final exams for Class 1-A, the school took an unexpected turn to collab with a couple of other hero... More

Chapter 1: The Hero-Teamwork Project
Chapter 2: Arrival in UA
Chapter 3: One Minute and Thirty Seconds
Chapter 4: Only Four?
Chapter 5: Lunch Rush's Cafeteria
Chapter 6: Ketsubutsu Academy
Chapter 7: Disapproval of the Class Presidents
Chapter 8: Another Dorm-mate!?
Chapter 9: The Good/Bad News
Chapter 10: Unexpected Apologies
Chapter 11: Warm-Up
Chapter 12: Naval Battle
Chapter 13: Lousy Kisser
Chapter 14: Proper Introductions
Chapter 15: Roleplay
Chapter 16: Kissed then Hugged
Chapter 17: Overly Competitive
Chapter 18: Inconveniences
Chapter 19: Cold Soft Shoulders
Chapter 20: Encounters
Chapter 21: Snacks Before a Mission
Chapter 22: The Unexpected
Alternate Timeline: OVA 1- 2K reads special edition!
Chapter 23: Divine Punishment
Chapter 24: More Responsibilities
Alternate Timeline: OVA 2 - 3K reads special edition!
Chapter 25: Temporary Transfer Student
Chapter 26: Free Meal
Chapter 27: Eating with Kyo-kun
Alternate Timeline: OVA 3 - 4K reads special
Alternate Timeline: OVA 4 - 5K reads special
Alternate Timeline: OVA 5 - 6K reads special
Alternate Timeline: OVA 6 - 7K reads special
Chapter 28: The Assault
Chapter 29: Lockdown
Chapter 30: Lucas?
Chapter 31: Flatline
Chapter 32: Bakugou's Guilt
Chapter 33: Frustrations
Chapter 34: Monday
Chapter 35: The Consequences
Chapter 36: Mercy
Chapter 37: Cu?
Chapter 38: Fever
Chapter 39: Granola Bar or Seafood Udon?
Chapter 40: The Name-Tag Ripping!
Chapter 41: Surprise Attack VS Unimaginable Speed
Chapter 42: The Battle Starts!
Chapter 43: (L/n) (Y/n) VS Ibara Shiozaki
Chapter 44:Their Rampage: (L/n) (Y/n) VS Takaki Nui!
Chapter 45: The Clash of Emotions
Chapter 46: Quirk Limiter
The Author's not so typical day
Chapter 47: The Desperate Boy! (100K READS SPECIAL!)
Chapter 48: Bridal Hugger
Chapter 49: More Drawbacks
Chapter 50: Kageyasu's Mess
Chapter 51: Incoming Call
Chapter 52: The Villain
Chapter 53: Dread
Chapter 54: Omelette Rice
Chapter 55: More Omelette Rice?
Chapter 56: The Reveal- Part 1: Axel
Chapter 57: The Reveal - Part 2: Lucas
Chapter 58: The Reveal - Part 3: Suzu & Kai
Chapter 59: Nicknames
Chapter 60: Fire & Squishy Incident
Chapter 61: Complex Planning
Chapter 62: Sent and Received

Chapter 63: Forthcoming Assembly

3.9K 202 113
By LuckyyBubbles

★⌒ヽ(˘꒳˘ *) Take a few breaks if needed!
This chapter is 2K + words!



"These mongrels never give us a break," Principal Law uttered in disgust.

His eyes scanned the abrupt and disturbing email from (Y/n)'s doctor and frowned. His fingertips tapped rather roughly on his mahogany desk as if he played the piano with aggression. His other hand, combs through his roughly-tamed orange hair, making it more messy than usual.

"You seem to be in a dire situation, you old crane."

"Tch, please refer to him with professionalism and figure out how to handle your choice of nicknames."

"Come on now, let's not start something foolish. We are supposed to be in a nice, formal meeting."

Principal Law groaned and rubbed rough circles on his temples. His eyes rested upon the present E.S.F unit and compiled a few things in his head before he interrupted them with the unpleasant news. Professor Blight who has stood by the walls of the room, watched the principal extend his patience with the usual rowdiness of the E.S.F unit; which is never the case in such serious meetings such as these.

"Principal Law, would you mind finally tell us what has been in your mind these past couple of minutes and why you had to stop the meeting midway?"

The students in the room quickly turned quiet and realized the aura that their principal emitted as his eyes rested on his computer screen. Principal Law finally let out a devastating sigh, making the others in the room silent.

"It appears we have miscalculated the pacing and the intelligence of our foe," He held his hands together, still looking troubled.

"Keep your eyebrows together like that and it might get stuck like that for eternity," a boy with light blue hair commented.

"Silence, Silver. Now is not the time to say such things," the girl scolded again.

"It seems to me that none of you are yet in the right mindset to be attending this meeting," Principal Law growled under his breath.

The girl with bright red hair colour and wearing opaque sunglasses shook her head and turned her head away from the other two boys harshly.

"You can blame them for their inadequate manners, Principal."

"You better not be referring to me, you cardinal," Silver hissed.

He batted his silver wings in annoyance, causing some papers on Principal Law's desk to drop onto the ground. His silver eyes glinted towards the girl, making his eyes seem more white than usual.

"Jeez dude, you better stop with those scary looks. You look more and more of a blind bird than an angel with your looks," a boy with white hair and pink eyes teased. His fingers repeatedly twirled around his one braid on his bangs while he chuckled lowly at the two.

"Enough!" Principal Law roared, finally fed up with the rambles of the three. "The three of you need to get your head out of the gutters. This is about (L/n) (Y/n) and her current issues!"

"What?" Silver flapped his wings, "The last time I saw that little chick, she was fine. Even her quirk was in complete and utter control. She railed those criminals like they were nothing with her sheathed-katana."

More paper dropped to the floor from Principal Law's desk from Silver's wings. Principal Law watched his papers drop to the floor and scrunched his nose in annoyance.

"At any rate, a few days is enough to rattle a person's well-being. (Y/n) has not only been sent to the hospital with a life-threatening situation but in a matter of days she made contact with that villain again."

The boy with white hair stopped toying with his braid and finally looked serious. "You don't mean that villain, do you?"

"No doubt it is. And not only that, the villain has even kidnapped the same doctor to who she told her damn quirk limiter. If this knowledge is spread to that villain— who knows what will happen."

"That is quite a hiccup for (Y/n)," Professor Blight spoke up again. "If it is true that (Y/n)'s doctor is kidnapped," he paused. "Her situation right now will make it even harder to do a rescue mission."

Principal Law almost wanted to facepalm. How could he forget that stupid situation with the hero students of UA. He sighed, feeling a headache roll in.

"What situation, may I ask?" The white-haired boy asked out of curiosity.

Professor Blight hesitated to reply and scratched his right cheek. "Well you see, she got struck by a quirk called sweat glue."

"And what? She's stuck to a bunch of other boys?" The red-haired girl joked.

Principal Law and Professor Blight flinched making Silver holloered out loud at their reaction.

"Hey did you hear that Takumi!?" Silver slapped his back, "The little chick is in a 'sticky' situation!" He laughed out loud, making his white feathers ruffle.

Takumi slanted his eyes staring at the Principal with a newfound ambition. He stepped forward with a fiery vibe making his usual pink eyes fume in red.

"I propose to visit UA High with the intention of guarding (L/n) (Y/n) and supervise the Hero-Class' assessment for the Grand Ceremonial Trial theme! I will take (L/n) out of her situation and rescue the doctor," Takumi aggressively spoke with an authoritative voice.

Principal Law glanced over to Professor Blight who just shot him a reassuring smile. They both seem to like the idea, even the other two E.S.F units were nodding in approval of Takumi's 'on-the-spot' plan.

"But we all know you're only going to meddle with the Hero-Class Takumi. You don't stand a chance with those three," Silver teased further despite his agreement to his plan.

"Shut it, you low-life chicken!" Takumi screeched out of nowhere. "I specifically told those little boys to keep an eye on (Y/n). And what do I hear? Her going to the hospital and being stuck to other boys!?" He yanked Silver's collar. "Not on my watch," he whispered harshly to his ears with predatorial eyes.

"Okay okay, we get it you're head over heels about the little chick! Can you let go of my uniform now!?" Silver rolled his eyes, making his white feather lashes flap in a particular way.

Akane flicked her red hair and also rolled her eyes, "boys."

"It is decided then," Principal Law slammed his hands on his desk while standing up. "Yukihira Takumi shall assist the Hero-Class with their assessment and rescue (L/n) (Y/n)'s doctor." He looked over to the other two, "Both Shibui Akane and Karasu Silver will stand by and wait for further instructions."

Professor Blight finally got off the wall and walked towards the Principal, "And Shoichi Raiko will assist the Principal and I to transfer UA's new defence system."

Silver bit his lip, trying to hold in his laughter as he watched Takumi's jaw-dropping reaction to Professor Blight's sudden announcement.

"What the hell do you mean Raiko will be there!?" Takumi's eyes widened.




You sneezed out of the blue, startling both Bakugou and Midoriya.

"Get away from me you blasted woman!" Bakugou shot you a disgusted look.

You looked at his overdramatic reaction to your sneeze and could only conclude that Bakugou is a complete germaphobe.

"Hey man, that's not how you talk to girls," Kirishima almost immediately scolded him after feeling Suzu's hand flinch.

"It's a shame we are still stuck together after twenty-four hours. This is a hinder to all the things I have to finish," your eyebrows twitched in annoyance as you glanced over to Bakugou.

"True, I don't think you haven't even visited your own bedroom after all the events that have happened," Axel pointed out nonchalantly.

You stiffened after realizing that you indeed have not gone up to your room. The last time you remember going up to your room was when that happened.

You inconveniently shuddered making Bakugou arch his brows, even Midoriya tilted his head with curiosity towards you. You trembled slightly after reminiscing the purple salivating pervert and having three guys stare at you in your bath towel.

"What? Is there something wrong with your room?"

You shook your head at Suzu, "y- no."

Your classmates stared at you, thinking they did something wrong with the room. Without your notice, they all started to communicate with their eyes and eyebrows.


Kai scrunched his nose as he looked over to Suzu. In return, Suzu shook his shoulder with the expression of 'don't look at me!'

Axel leaned over to (Y/n), "I guess we didn't pull through with the interior design, right Kai-san and Suzu-san?"

Everyone in the room looked at the three.

"What do you mean Axel-san?" (Y/n) blinked in confusion.

"We sneaked into Class 1-A's dorm to repack your luggage and make it cozy. We thought that after your time in the hospital we ought to make it up to you," Axel smiled.

(Y/n) stared at Axel, jaw-dropping a little after noticing how long it was ago when she went to the hospital.

"Thank you, you didn't need to make up anything for me," (Y/n) nodded. "And besides, I should be the one making it up to the three of you... I've let others affect me to this extent. I need to stand my ground so you won't see me in pain anymore."

Bakugou glanced over to (Y/n) feeling his guilt risen unexpectedly. However, his feelings were nothing compared to (Y/n)'s classmates.

"You seriously need to stop saying things like that (L/n)-san," Axel stared at her in defeat.

"We know that you are a class-president, but hiding away your emotions won't do you any good," Suzu added.

The guys from UA felt sweat-drops accumulating since they all started to feel like they were eavesdropping on something very personal. But as usual, Bakugou snapped out of guilt, letting himself speak.

"What is the point of this bullshit!" Bakugou remarked angrily while looking at Suzu. "You're all dense as fuck if you haven't seen her emotions."

Bakugou's face reddened and huffed. 'Seriously? Suzu by now should even feel her emotions! She hugged him to calm him down in that damn auditorium for fuck's sake!'

And for once Kai is shunned to silence for a split second as he repeated what Bakugou said in his mind. 'Then— (Y/n)... will never... no.... he just doesn't know (Y/n) as I know her.'

"How would you know? You've only met her a couple of times. Who the hell are you to tell me you know her better than us?" Kai challenged.

Bakugou's face churned to pure anger, feeling belittled by Kai. "The hell did you just say hair gel-boy!? You're blind as a fucking bat if you haven't seen her get flushed or even kept her composure!"

Bakugou aggressively held out both of his hands and activated his quirk. Creating little sparks in both of his palms.

"Kacchan! Your hand!," Midoriya exclaimed, stopping Bakugou from attacking Kai.

(Y/n) looked at her free left hand and Bakugou's right free hand.

"We got separated," (Y/n) breathed out in awe.

(' ᴗ`✿)

A/N: Happy 1 year anniversary to this book <3!

I wanted to make this chapter special but didn't know how! So I decided to introduce the other characters I planned for the future early! (I'm so excited how Kai, Suzu, and Axel will react when they meet  Takumi and Raiko <3) I hope you've taken a liking to them!

Also, thank you for your endless support and patience :) I know I have slowed down drastically with my upload dates and I am very grateful some of you are still here and reading!

& update! We hit 300K reads!? Whooah------!

You are the best~ *˚*( ω ).₊̣̇.
Take care and see you again!

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