Hinata Harem

By kiripimaeijiro

165K 3.5K 2.1K

Hinata is a sweet lovable little ray of sunshine, that of course means that everyone wants to protect him wit... More

Would you like more haikyuu?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Merry Christmas
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
New Book

Chapter 18

2.2K 71 15
By kiripimaeijiro


        "I could go hug terushima if you don't hurry up and get back to the camp" hinata teased. It worked kuroo was getting a little grumpy at the thought. "He better not touch my chibi-chan" kuroo giggled as he led hinata to the front desk. "Ummm kuroo you might want to stop i can see your boxers" hinata giggled and blushed. "I don't believe you" kuroo said genuinely thinking it was a prank. "Alright but umm why purple kiss marks? Why not red?" Hinata giggled.

-recap over 3rd pov-

           Kuroo quickly ran back into the room and found his clothes. He put them on and then went back out. "You still haven't answered my question" hinata said holding kuroos hand. "Hm? What question? " Kuroo asked confused. "Why purple?" Hinata asked again. "I don't know I like purple I guess" kuroo blushed "maybe you're not an alleycat just a house cat pretending to be all tough" hinata poked his side making kuroo laugh a bit.

           "You don't wanna tickle me because I do something much worst back" kuroo said smirking at hinata. "The worst you could do is make me giggle you're not as tough as you look" hinata teased. "Oh really? Oki then hold your breath for a second" kuroo said. "What wh-" Hinata was cut off by kuroo picking him up and wrapping hinatas legs around his waist. "I'm harmless huh?  Well your face is a tomato right now" kuroo chuckled.

         "If you drop me I swear I will hurt you tetsurou" hinata threatened. "Why would I ever hurt my adorable chibi-chan?" Kuroo smirked at hinata. "Sugas gonna kill you you know" hinata giggled. "Why is that" "because he's right there"hinata pointed at the waiting room. More specifically a very angry suga who was making his way over. Kuroo quickly ran into his room. "You couldn't warned me" he whined

         "Whats the fun in that?" Hinata chuckled as suga opened the door. "Why are you carrying my boyfriend like that" suga said rather angrily. "Suga please calm down its oki" unlatched from kuroo and hugged suga. "Besides what would you do if I liked him huh?" Hinata said genuinely curious. He may have a tiny crush on the taller cat. "That would be fine but I would like to know before hand" suga said still a little angry.

          "Don't worry you'd be the first to know" kuroo chimed in. "Well besides me because I pry into every aspect of his life" kuroos mom chimed in behind suga. "Hi I'm kuroos mom, you must be sugawara he talks a great deal about how he wants to beat you" his mom blabbering on and on. "Mom you say I'm gonna overwhelm people have you met yourself"kuroo laughed. His mom gave him a glare to shut up and he did.

         "Oh honey she'll be here in 15 minutes but you can go back to camp now if you want I already checked you out" his mom said smiling sweetly again. "Aww but I wanna meet my other mom" hinata giggled. The whole room awed at him they were all fascinated by how cute he was. "Well she's not what you'd expect so be prepared" kuroo warned.

          Hinata could expect much different from kuroo but he was quickly proven wrong. A woman walked in the door in a full suit and a very serious look on her face. "Kuroo I assume you're oki since your dressed and walking?" She asked hugging her son. "Yes momma I'm oki, someone wanted to meet you but I better warn you dodge" he whispered. "Huh?-" before she could finish her sentence hinata had jumped on her for a hug.

         Kuroo was about to pull hinata off when his momma regained her balance. "Quite the energy ball aren't you?" She said calmly. "Normally I would've hurt you but you're just too darn cute I see what Kuroo meant all those times now." She smiled at hinata. "Awwww Kuroo you talk about me?" Hinata teased the now blushing male. "All the time is chibi-chan this, chibi-chan that, you're like the main character in his story" she exclaimed.

         "Story?" Hinata asked. She quickly covered her mouth. "Momma why'd you have to tell him" kuroo said with a frustrated look on his face. "You're writing a story about me?" Hinatas smile was even wider if possible. "Yes and no you can't read it or ever see it" kuroo said stern. "B-but please tetsurou" hinata hugged him tight while giving him puppy eyes. "You know I hate you" kuroo said mad that he was giving into the puppy eyes.

       "Y-you hate me?" Hinata fake stuttered he knew exactly which strings to pull on kuroos heart. "OMG NO SHOYO I DON'T HATE YOU I'M SO SORRY" kuroo hugged him tight. Hinata giggled and got off kuroo. "So you'll let me read it?" Hinata said with the eyes again. "Fine but only once, you owe me two favors now and I'll make sure I use them wisely" kuroo smirked. "Quit being a creep" hinata giggled.

        The room went silent except hinata and kuroo chuckling. "Y-you just insulted him...and he took it?" His momma asked nervous. "We always talk like this why?" She looked like she was about to explode. "You're our new son in law come here you're moving in tonight that's it" kuroos mom and suga couldn't help but laugh as his momma pulled them into a huge hug.

        They all got ready to leave. Kuroo hugged his moms goodbye and they made hinata hug them too. Hinata knew he had to tell suga about their deal somehow. Suddenly it hit him. "Oh suga umm so one of kuroos moms is a cop and so is his neighbor well when she saw your face she told me something." Hinata was about to lie through his teeth so he had to calm his nerves by holding sugas hand.

        "She said they were working on a case in our town with teenage son that looked like you. Maybe they're working on your case I mean you did say your dad had gotten violent at bars a few times right?" Hinata said as confidently as he could. "Y-you really think so? God mom would be so happy if dad were in jail" suga smiled wide at the new found hope."yeah well hey I also have some different news" he said sadly.

         Suga looked confused but hugged hinata. "T-they kind of want me to actually move in with them for a while because of kuroo but you can still stay at my house and you and kei can get closer" hinata smirked as he giggled. "Would you hush dork and I'll make sure to pay you back for any food I eat" suga said calmly. "What no don't be silly you're not supposed to be worrying about anything except volleyball" hinata smiled going back to hand holding with suga and kuroo.

         "And you mister alleycat you better not cause trouble while I'm there or I'll leave" hinata said sternly at kuroo. He quickly nodded and they walked a little more. "I can call ushi so we don't have to get on the bus he has his license and a car already" hinata smiled softly. They nodded and waited for ushijima to get there. "Are you oki?" Ushi instantly asked kuroo. "Yeah I'm fine thanks ushijima" kuroo smiled at him.

        They rode back to the camp in silence but not awkward. It was actually kind of comforting. Hinata ended up falling asleep on kuroos shoulder and suga was jamming out to music through headphones. They got back to the camp and woke hinata up. Everyone surrounded the group nervously. "Guys we're all fine chill" hinata chimed in. "Lets go play volleyball so I can wake up" hinata said as he dragged kuroo to the gym.

       They all played a few games before it was dinner time. Hinata quickly found terushima and sat next to him. "You've been avoiding me" hinata said sadly. It's true terushima felt guilty because it was his team member who caused all the drama. "S-sorry I just have a lot on my mind" he answered bluntly. "Stop beating yourself up you couldn't have known... its not your fault he was only here to torment me you weren't at fault here" hinata said tears welling up.

         Terushima hugged hinata. "I-i just wish I had known there wouldn't be an issue kuroo wouldn't have gotten hurt everyone wouldn't stare at my team like we're monsters" he was full out crying now. Hinata was getting more angry. "What do you mean teru-san?" He looked up at him. "T-they just stare at us no one even dared to play with us they all think were evil" teru was crying harder.

        Hinata stood up and found the coaches. "We're having a meeting right now im sorry for the chaos today but I have to talk to everyone" hinata bowed to them and they agreed. They sat in the feild and hinata pulled teru next to him. "NOW I'VE HEARD SOME PRETTY CRAPPY NEWS TODAY MOST OF WHICH INCLUDES ALL OF YOU TREATING THIS TEAM LIKE MONSTERS" hinata yelled. Teru tapped him on the shoulder and whispered, "karasuno were the only ones who didn't avoid us"

       He felt like his heart jumped he was glad his team weren't horrible. "SO EVERYONE EXCEPT APARANTLY MY TEAM HAS AN ISSUE WITH THEM?" hinata asked. Just about every team looked down ashamed. "You know what... you should be very ashamed and disappointed in yourselves I have been through hell and back and yet yall seem to forget your decent manners." Hinata was on the verge of crying.

         "What do you all think happened because I know what happened I was there and I can tell you terushima and his team had nothing to do with my attack" hinata said holding terus hand tight. "I seriously can't believe after everything all of you still judge people based on the outside I'm ashamed to be seen around you" hinata said as a tear fell. "Clean up your act and quit acting like entitled brats or don't play a game that takes teamwork something yall obviously lack" hinata walked away.

         Every team was just silent including karasuno. They couldn't believe their precious little crow was actually brave enough to do that. Suga told everyone to give hinata and terushima some alone time. They went back to hinatas room. "I'm sorry teru-san I know that was harsh but I couldn't help it they were being assholes to my friend"hinata hugged terushima tight.

       Normally this is where teru would try and get into someone's pants. Not with hinata though. He has known hinata for two years and never once tried to get into his pants. He was in love in with the tangerine he wanted to win his heart. Hinata knew terushima was in love too. He thought teru would ask when he's ready but he still hasn't. "Hey teru?" Hinata looked up at him.

       "Yes sho?" Teru looked down slightly smiling. "Would you want to have a sleepover? I have a few friends I want you to be friends with too" hinata smiled slightly. "Sure any friend of yours is a friend of mine" teru smiled wide at him. Hinata quickly texted, lev, kenma, kuroo, oikawa, and iwaizumi.
Hinata: hey guys wanna have a sleepover with me and terushima?
Lev: sure I'm in
Kenma: only if you're there
Hinata: of course I'll be there silly
Kenma: then I'm in
Kuroo: you know I'm there chibi-chan
Oikawa: hey only I call him chibi-chan and yes I'll be there
Iwaizumi: do I have to?
Hinata: yes you do pweeze?
Iwaizumi: fine ill bring snacks
          Hinata told terushima and they quickly fixed the room to hold 8 people. They were interrupted by a knock. "Come in" hinata yelled. "I just wanted to check on you before I went to my room" suga said with kei behind him. "T-thank you guys I'm actually preparing for a sleepover with a few guys" hinata giggled. "Oki well ummm if anything happens inform us and don't leave it details and be quiet daichi is the room behind you" suga giggled

          "Suga we're not doing that sort of thing" hinata blushed dark red. "Oki whatever you say I love you be safe" kei said hugging hinata. "I love you too and hey don't you ever try and get away from me or I'll have to tickle you" hinata threatened as kei tried to leave the hug. "Fine fine but will a kiss suffice I'm tired and I wanna go cuddle with suga" kei whined. "Fine but don't you go leaving details out either" hinata giggled eyeing suga.

          They kissed goodnight and suga and kei left. A little while after the group showed up. "Oh crap I forgot to warn yall ushi is my roomate" hinata said a little nervous. "Wait the ushijima? The fucking monster that is ushijima?" Oikawa said a little disgusted. "If you wanna keep talking get the hell out of my room" hinata hissed at oikawa. He didn't give a shit that oikawa didn't like ushijima. "You want to start shit go start it with someone else I'm going to have fun with my friends whether your here or not so don't ruin my fucking night" hinata spat again.

        Oikawa backed down after iwaizumi also gave him glares of murder. He never liked when his friend basically bullied people. It always pissed him of especially with ushijima. All the man did was compliment oikawa and oikawa got pissed. He couldn't understand it. "Oki well now that that's over I was wondering if ya'll wanted to watch some horror movies?" Hinata asked all excited again.

        Everyone was baffled by his complete 180 in moods. "Sure they sounds like fun" lev said completely oblivious to everyone moods. "Oki everyone find a place to sit, kuroo you terushima me an ushi can fit on the bed." Hinata said dragging the taller males into the bed and waiting for his partner to come back. As if on cue ushijima opened the door to a surprise.

          Hinata was quick to say something. "I'm so sorry if you don't wanna join you can leave I know I shouldn't asked you first but I got really excited and just invited them before thinking and you should know I really love you and really want you to jo-" before he could finish his mouth was covered with ushis lips. "Breathe honey I don't want you to pass out and sure I'll join you guys" ushi smiled softly.

          They got into position and turned on the tv they stole from the coaches. "Lets watch nightmare on elm street" terushima suggested. They turned it on and passed out snacks. Everyone was comfy with blankets and pillows and cuddling the people next to them. It got to a particularly gory part and hinata hid his face behind ushijima and terushima.

         Both males chuckled at him and pulled him out from behind them. Hinata somehow ended up laying on both their laps while terushima played with his hair. Anytime gore came up he would cover hinatas eyes and ushi would squeeze his hand. About half way through the movie the trio quickly realized most eyes were on them. They got nervous and shifted so hosts was in between the two males with kuroo behind.

         Another 20 minutes goes by and most are asleep including hinata. The only ones awake are ushi terushima and kuroo. The reason for them being awake, hinata was sprawled out across the males. They all blushed hard and worked slowly to fix hinata. Ushi put hinata on his chest and kuroo and teru layed on both sides. They woke up to quite a shock when everyone was gone and they were all cuddling ushi.

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