Of Course Not || MINSUNG ON H...

By Patchutsksk

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Han Jisung, a transfer student at JYP Academy, is forced to be the lead role for a school project partnered w... More



745 47 37
By Patchutsksk

The 8 friends laid back and were much more relaxed after Hanna left. They began laughing and throwing some jokes here and there. Even Jisung and Jeongin who were so quite the whole time began making noise as well.

"Can you believe her? Arghhhh! She's like making everything about her. I'm not the only one smelling something rotting from her attitude right?" Hyunjin hissed.

"Hyunjin." Bang Chan said in a serious tone.

"But Chan! I know it's not nice to judge someone and hey you know me guys, this is totally out of my character to even be judgmental to anyone, and I think that really speaks volume. She's the first human being I'm actually genuinely annoyed at. You can even ask Minho, my fans can be annoying for him but I seriously love them and I don't even find anything annoying with how they shower me with attention. But this Hanna is really different."

Bang Chan sighed, clearly understand where his friend is coming from. "Fine fine. I'll admit it. Yeah. I agree just a little bit. But still though, let's not talk behind her back. That's uncalled for. Let's just understand where she's coming from? Okay?"

"But you agree with me Jisung, right?" Hyunjin asked.

"hey! I'm being behave here. Don't drag me into this." Jisung replied while awkwardly laughing.

"YESSS JINNIE! He totally agrees with you. He's just too shy to admit it. I heard him murmuring something earlier too when Hanna was being dramatic. I didn't hear anything specific though but I know it wasn't nice words he was throwing at her either. Knowing Jisung, he might even have cursed at he-cdhcbebchb" Jisung immediately covered Jeongin's mouth which made him mutter muffled words instead.

"Jeongin might be a little bit exhausted and crazy that's why he's hearing things that aren't even there. Don't believe anything he says guys." Jisung replied with a wary smile still covering Jeongin's mouth.

"Hmmmmmm. Fishy" Hyunjin said while eyeing Jisung with a grin.

"But guys, the most important opinion of all is Minho's though." Changbin said with a smirk. "What do you think of Hanna?"

"Ohhhhhh. Hot seat." Felix added.

Everyone immediately looked at Minho, waiting for his response. He looked at them dumbfounded clearly confused. "So what about me?"

"Ugh. Are you dumb?" Hyunjin said in a loud voice.

Minho immediately looked at him with piercing eyes. "Who's dumb Hyunjin?"

"Of course Me! Didn't you hear what I said? I asked myself if I was dumb. Hyunjin are you dumb? Yeah. That's what I said. Hehehe." Hyunjin nervously blurted out.

"I thought so. Good. Hmmmm" Minho replied.

"We are asking if what do you think of Hanna? Is she annoying? Are you okay with her? What? Anything?" Changbin eagerly asks.

"well, I think she's okay. What's the big deal though?" Minho asked.

"Seriously?" Jisung blurted out

"Oh shoot. I got it! I know why Minho is acting this way. he doesn't know anything about flirting or anything about girls. Right?! That's why he can't see what's wrong with Hanna's actions! I am a genius. Did you see that Seungmin? I am so smart." Hyunjin clapped at his own statement.

"Really? You don't know how to flirt? You're this gorgeous but no one ever flirted with you? Nah. I doubt it." Jisung said in schock.

"Wait wait wait. So you think I'm gorgeous?" Minho asked with a grin from ear to ear.

Jisung froze and somehow forgot his ability to speak after hearing Minho's response and seeing his smile. his ear turned bright red and his palms were visibly sweaty.

"Ohhhhhp. That slipped. HAHAHA." Hyunjin teased and then hummed an erotic BGM that somehow added more awkwardness to the tensed atmosphere.

"Hey! Nu uh. I was thinking of something for the film that's why I somehow malfunctioned there but now I have an idea! And I think you guys are gonna like it except for someone in particular." Jisung said as he looked at Hyunjin with an evil grin.

"sure Jisung. We haven't heard any suggestion from you ever so spill it." Bang Chan replied.

"I'm really convinced that Hyunjin's character would really fit to be to be Hanna's love affair though. He'll be perfect for the role." Jisung suggested.

"Hey! We already talked about this. And besides Hanna already said okay to Bang Chan. So no no no no." Hyunjin protested.

"Hear me out guys. Well you see, I have a different character in mind for Bang Chan. He can be Hanna's older brother. Or twin even. And then Minho will have a conflict with Bang Chan for breaking his sister's feelings and we can create a different climax using Bang Chan's character. Be honest, can anybody here pull off such character? No one right? Only Bang Chan. We need someone who's kinda scary and have big brother vibes. And I think Bang Chan's our man." Jisung suggested.

Everybody in the room nod their heads in agreement except for Hyunjin who's jaw just dropped. He didn't expect this coming from Jisung, he somehow agrees with Bang Chan's new character but it means that he'll be with Hanna in the film and him just thinking that makes him wanna puke.

"Actually yeah! That could work. Bang Chan can be the antagonist in the story. He can make Minho and Jisung's life much complicated that it already is! He can somehow plot a revenge for the two for breaking his sister's heart! OMG Jisung! You are a genius! Let me add this to the plot." Seungmin shrieked in excitement.

"Good job Jisung. I'm actually pretty impressed. So Hyunjin? Do you agree? Don't be a cry baby. It's just a film and everybody is agreeing. Majority wins." Bang Chan asserted.

"Yeah Hyunjin. Just shut up. Next character please." Miho teased clearly copying what Hyunjin said to him last week.

Everybody laughed at Hyunjin's tantrums. He groaned while kicking the chair in front of him. "Do I even have a choice here?"

"Nope." Everybody responded and laughed in unison.

(I remember finding SKZ and Hyunjin's plastic pants. HAHAHAHA)

"Okay so Seungmin, Felix, Jeongin and me are the only ones who still don't have a fixed character right?" Changbin asked.

"I can be Jisung's friend! I wanna be Jiji's friend here. Please please please you guys." Jeongin pleaded.

"Sure Innie. You can be Jisung's friend. How can we say no to you?" Bang Chan chuckled.

"Only you Bang Chan. Only you." Changbin teased.

"Whatever Changbin. So, It's 7 pm already. Woah. It's 7 pm already?! Time flies so fast this days. What the heck. Okay so let's just continue our meeting tonight guys. I'll chat you. It's getting kinda late."

The 8 friends fixed their things and walked out of the classroom. They bid their goodbyes to each other as they start their cars. Jisung and Jeongin were the first ones to leave the school grounds. And the last one that left was Minho.

🌸Minho's POV

I enter my car and immediately and turned on the music. Lauv's Sad Forever played. I didn't start my car yet and waited for everyone to leave.

"Bye Minho See you tomorrow bro." Bang Chan greeted.

"Bye Chan. See you." I replied while starting the engine.

I drove behind Chan while singing to the song currently playing. At the corner of my eye, I see Jisung and Jeongin on the opposite side walk still riding their bike and skateboard. Jisung laughed at whatever Jeongin just said. "Aww cute." I said as I slowed down my speed and steadily drove behind them. Bang Chan's car in front of me was already out of sight, I didn't even notice it. Whatever.


"Can't you drive faster child?! You're in a highway! Not in fairy wonderland! Stupid teenagers nowadays!" an old woman shouted through her window.

"Oh I'm sorry grandma!" I shouted back politely. That was so embarrassing. Ugh. I immediately pressed the gas pedal and increased my speed to get out of that area immediately. Jisung and Jeongin was already ahead of me too. "Should I follow them? I sound like a creep though." I checked my watch and its 7:30 already.

"It's dark and late. Yeah, I should follow them. Just to be sure they're gonna go home safe. Yeah. That's what a good friend would do and I'm a good friend." I said proudly.

Jisung is currently riding his skateboard carefree again. Just like how I saw him the first time in his board last week. I can clearly see Jisung's chubby cheeks even though the streetlights they pass by are my only source of light and I'm like 30 meters away from them.


Changbin Dwaekki is Calling....

"What's up?"

"Where are you now?"

"I'm at my house of course. Why?"

"Oh really now?"

"uuh. Yeah. Where would I be at a time like this?"

"well. Felix just saw you driving towards Yellow Wood just now which is totally out of your street."

"Uh. Noooo. Must be a different person. It's dark already"

"032918 is your plate number right? You do know we memorize each other's plate right? Hmmmm."

"Uhm. I changed my plate number already."

"You can't lie to me Minho."

"Fine. I'm taking Jisung and Jeongin home."

"What? They're at your car right now?"

"Uhm no. they're across the street riding their bike and board."

"Oh. I get it. You're secretly taking them home? Am I right? You do know that's stalking right?"

"What do you mean?! I'm just being a good friend her-Oh shoooot!"

"what happened?"

"Jisung just turned his head at my direction. I hid just in time. Phew"

"See you are stalking. A good friend won't hide. A good friend would just casually ask to take them home."

"Shut up Changbin. I think they arrive at their home already. Call you later dude. Bye"

I hung up and turned at the nearest U-turn I can find and quickly head straight home. I passed by Jisung's house and check one last time.

It was around 8:30 when I arrived. Mom and Seungmin were eating at the dinner table.

"Hi son. Why are you late? Come. Eat with us. I made your favorite."

I kissed her head and sat beside her. I looked at Seungmin who looked back at me with questioning eyes.

"I went to a friend's house before coming home Mom. Sorry I didn't text you. I forgot." I replied it wasn't a lie though.

"It's okay Son. Just eat up. Let me get some more at the kitchen." She took the bowl and head to the kitchen.

"Where have you been Hyung?" Seungmin asked

"uh. I went to Changbin and Felix."

"Oh okay."


Seungmin's screen lit up and a GC named Three Musketeers popped up. He smiled and laughed after opening the message.

"who's that?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Oh. Jeongin just sent a wacky picture of Jisung. Hahaha" Seungmin laughed.

"Gimme." I said as I snatched his phone from his hands.

"Hey! No fair! Mom! Hyung took my phone without asking my permission!"

"I just wanted to see what's so funny about it. Tss."

"I'll show you if you just asked nicely though." Seungmin said as he looked at me weirdly.

"Oh. Really? Okay? So lemme see it then."

"Why would I though?" he replied.

"Because I'm curious. Come on! I can take your phone again you know. And I'll make sure I won't give it back the second time." I said in a serious tone. It's nice to bully Seungmin sometimes. I hope he doesn't take it seriously though.

"I'll tell Mom on you. But yeah sure whatever, I'm not in the mood to argue with you today Hyung. So here." Seungmin gave me his phone and Jisung's cute face filled the screen.

"HAHAHAHAH it is funny HAHAHAH Send it to me hurry."

"uhhhh. Yeah? Sure?" Seungmin said confused.

"What?" I asked

"Well first, you and I are talking at the dinner table clearly not fighting for each other's life. Second, you're literally holding my phone without trying to throw it outside. Third, we are legit talking like normal brothers, well this is normal right? And fourth, why are you even curious about what made me laugh? Are you even the real Minho?''

"You talk too much. Now I lost my appetite. And it's all your fault." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Okay. Now the real Minho is back. Yeah. That's the real Minho right there. I legit got scared. What the heck. What's gotten into you Hyung? Are you sick or something?"

"No. Of course not. Duh."




Both of our phones ringed at the same time. We looked at each other and then opened the GC.

Bang Chan: Guys, we have a problem.
Hyunjin: Guys have you seen The Blueprint already? It doesn't look good.
Changbin: sht. I saw it. Can we take it down? Or is it too late? 


A/N: lemme stop here. hHAHAAHHA
Wait. Story time. 😭
Okay so remember when skz had a live at tiktok? So i deleted my wattpad app so that i can spare a space to dl tiktok. But i didn't re-installed wattpad back because i was too lazy. But then i saw a notification from my gmail that 3 people commented on my chapters. 😭
My heart literally skipped a million beats per minute (hyperbole)
But i was really happy. My mood literally skyrocketed and it felt really good to be appreciated. So thank you loves. Thank you for making my day, actually no, you all made this whole week amazing for me.🌸
You all just added more motivation for me to update every week. Uwu.
So thank you!!!! I hope you enjoyed this. See you next week!

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