Slytherin Princess

By malfoyshoee

453K 8.7K 6.6K

Katherine Harvey, 5th year. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "Oh, what have I done to have the Sly... More

You better come get your man
Detention is over
Do you want to play princess for one night?
I would be lying
Christmas Party part 1
Christmas Party part 2
After Party
Little gift
Moaning Myrtle
Let's start a riot
Learning more
Louis Jones
Say the words
I don't want your girl
Valentine's day
Golden trio
There's no one like you
All of those disgusting shits couples do
He won't be jealous if he doesn't see it
Astronomy Tower
Sometimes you can't have it all
There's no secret anymore
Kath's summer break
Draco's summer break
Welcome back
Making up
Christmas with the Malfoys
Christmas with the Harveys
New book!
7 years later
Dear Thomas

Love advices

9.1K 187 68
By malfoyshoee

Hey guys! It's me again 🙃

So, I have some great news: I already wrote down what is going to happen on each chapter until chapter 50... And no, It's not the end. The chapters are short, but I'm thinking about making them longer (and them the number of chapters will obviously decrease).

This is really a short chapter, but it was fun to write and necessary before the next one...

Happy reading!

Draco's POV

The first thing I saw when I entered the common room was Katherine seated on the couch, playing with her fingers.

It was early in the morning, so people weren't there, thankfully. I could work on the second part of my plan.

"Harvey." I said, seating on her side.
"Malfoy." she looked at me with an annoyed look, but something switched inside her and she gave me a small smile "Morning."
"Morning. So, I want to talk to you."
"Yesterday. I didn't want you to see it, and I know..." she interrupted me.
"Oh, don't worry. I don't mind it." she smiled kindly.

"Wait, what?"
"I don't care that you were with Pansy. "
"But you seemed annoyed." she bit her lower lip.
"Yeah, I was trying to study. But that's all. You're single, I'm single, she's single. It's not like you would be mad if you knew I'm hooking up with someone else, right?" I clenched my jaw immediately. I didn't want it, but it was the only way to keep myself from saying something I would regret later.

"That was all?"
"Fine, so I'll go to breakfast." she stood and started to walk, only to trip on her robe. Luckly, I was just behind her, so I grabbed her on my arms to stop her fall.

"Oh, shit. Thank you." she stood, grabbing her robe to keep her from falling again.
"Why the fuck you're robe is bigger than the normal? Whose robe is this?"
"Uh... This?" she mumbled, looking down.

Before I could ask again, Louis walked past us with a grin on his face.
"Good morning beautiful people." I nodded and watched as he walked to the door, but then I noticed something.

His robe was a little bit under his knee, way smaller than normal. And then it hit me.

No way.

With my best friend?

Absolutely no fucking way.

"What the fuck, Harvey?"
"I don't know what you're talking about. I have to go."
"Really? You're fucking Louis? You said you're just friends."
"But we... You know what, Malfoy? My sex life is none of your business. So fuck off."
"You lied in my face, Harvey."
"You have no right to complain about what I do. Not when your tongue is stuck on Pansy's throat." she said angry and stormed off the room, taking off Louis robe to keep herself from stumbling again.


"What happened?" Goyle asked, concerned.

I dragged Crabbe and Goyle outside the castle on our break, so I could have a conversation about.... Katherine. Well, normally I would talk to Louis, but since he's the root for all of my current problems, he's out of the table.

Besides, I threw a punch on his cheek a few minutes ago so... yeah.

"There's something wrong with me. There's this one girl that I keep thinking off and...." they interrupted me.
"Wait, this is happening to the both of us too! Tell him, Crabbe."
"Yes, it's true. It's Katherine. We think about her all the time. Honestly, I try to tell Goyle to stop trying, because she's obviously into me."
"She's what?" I asked, confused.

"He's lying. He only says that because she asked to pair up with him on charms. But he's forgetting she bought me one chocolate frog from hogsmeade. My favourites."
"Goyle, I swear if you don't..."

"SHUT UP! Just... shut up, both of you. Crabbe, she only asked to pair up with you because you were the only one left and she wouldn't do it with Pansy. And Goyle, she only gave it to you because she had already eaten a lot, and you would never deny any kind of food. And if I see any of you touching even a finger on her, you're both dead. Did I made myself clear?" I asked, trying my best to don't punch them. They nodded with wide eyes.


Later that day, I saw Blaise seated on the couch, so I walked over to him. I know he's by far my worst option, but he's the only one left. It's not like Pansy Parkinson would help me with another girl anyway.

"Blaise, I have to talk to you."
"Sure, Malfoy. What's wrong?"
"Well... I will say my problem, and you will say what you would do if you were me."
"So you want my advice?"
"No." he chuckled.
"Normally I would made you admit you need my help, but I know you won't and I can see that you're desperate. So, shoot." he leaned back, supporting his head on his hands. I sighed.

"Fine. There is this girl I'm..."
"HOLD ON, HOLD ON. Draco fucking Malfoy need my love advices? This is the best day of my life."
"Forget it." I muttered, stooding up.
"No, no! Sorry, I won't say anything."
"You better. We are having sex, me and this girl. Like a lot of times. No one knows, but we've been doing for a while now. And everything was fine, we work well together. But now I get pissed everytime I even think about her with someone else. And I have no idea what I should do."

"Well, first of all. Tell me who this girl is. If she made you feel like THAT, her sex must be out of this world. And I'm up for a bit..." I grabbed him by his collar "I'm just kidding! It was a joke, I swear. I would never!"
"I have no idea why I though this was a good idea." I muttered to myself.

"Because I'm great with relationships. Look, just date her."
"But I don't want that cheesy shit. I don't want to hold hands and buy flowers or anything like that."
"So you don't want romance, you want her sex only for you. Well, you can talk to her about that. But, if you want her to do it, you have to stop having sex with other people to. Don't even think se will keep herself for you if you keep shagging every girl you lay your eyes on. Is she worth it?"

Yes. I don't even have to think about it. Not even for a second. And if I had to spend one entire week thinking abou it, my answer would be the same: yes. I'm not in love or something like that, it's just that I don't desire anyone else besides her. I know there's a lot of pretty girls here, but none of them attract me anymore. Not even as half as her. But I wil never show this for Blaise. So I waited a few seconds, like I was actually considering it.

"For now yes. I think."
"So, that's it. Just talk to her. And be honest with your feelings. I know you hate to hear it, but you're the worse at showing emotions And you have to change that in order to make this work." I know he's right, but I won't admitit it.
"I will do my best." I stood, ready to go to my dorm.

"Welcome, mate."
"Look, don't you dare talk about this... No, forget it. If you ever think about telling this for anyone, this will be the last thing you will do."
"Fine, I won't." he raised his hands in surrender.

So.... hope you like it!

I don't have anything more to say, just thank you for commenting, voting and sharing! It really helps me a lot, and your support make me wanna keep going!

See you soon!

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