To New Beginnings.

By raghadCa

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It all made sense now, the journal, the letters and her death. I was never lost; it was there but I was just... More

Chapter one: The endless night
Cut off
Fear of abandonment
Missed out
Hurtful truth
A human pole
Charity work
Important info! ❤️☺️
Opening up
Blocked out
Safe haven
Too good to be true
Two worlds
Deeply falling
Lost hope
Broken souls
Fearful memories
Losing control
Losing myself
Cardiac death
The letter
Something missing.
Her death.
He left
Lost yet found
Hidden in a box
Truth, be told
Guys 🥹
The deadly truth

Missing home

207 59 33
By raghadCa

I woke up with sweat on my forehead and tears in my eyes, due to the nightmares I still have each and every night. I sometimes even have flashbacks of what happened that specific night.

Ever since that day, everything changed. Starting from mom and dad. They started arguing daily about who's fault it was. Although, I changed the most. I pushed everyone away and became an introvert. I even tried to push Valery away, but I just couldn't. Everyone else tried to be there for me, but I just couldn't bear losing anyone else. Little did I know that I was.

Valery on the other hand was the one that has been there for all of us. She would try to stop mom and dad from fighting. She tried hard to help me through it. I guess that's why mom and dad always chose her over us. Despite what she goes through throughout her life she manages to put her family ahead. We do the same, but not her specific way.
" She was the beaming light of the house " that's what mom always used to tell us.
Sometimes I even blame her for what happened.
In the end, I guess it wasn't her fault for being herself. I also blamed dad and mom for always choosing Valery over me and Aaron. They were always proud of Valery that they forgot about us. To be honest, I never really tried to make them proud of me because seeing how much Aaron tried pleasing them I knew I didn't have a chance.

It was six am. Which means I woke up on time.
After freshening up I changed into a pair of light blue ripped jeans and a cozy blush pink cropped sweater topping it off with my creme boots and a creme bag.

I wasn't really in a mood for makeup, so I just applied mascara, and lip gloss. I simply straightened my hair and curled the ends of my dirty blonde locks.
Through the intercoms came out non-other than Tyler grunting.
" five minutes and I'm leaving "

I'm starting to hate this device. Note sarcasm.
Who knows? It might come in handy.
I looked at myself in the mirror for the last time before grabbing my bag and phone taking the elevator downstairs.

Alex, Alessandro and Tyler were having breakfast at the bar. Even Anna was seated drinking coffee wearing a very elegant suit, so I'm guessing. She's going to work. I don't know, I am just making assumptions since we haven't introduced ourselves properly.
" Good morning " I greeted

" Good morning hun. I love your outfit!" Anna shrieked with a bright smile on her face.

" Thanks, I was thinking it was too simple " I admitted

" it's perfect. Hope you have a great day "

" I hope so " I mumble under my breath.

" I'm off to work, bye and Tyler drive safe " She scolded. Yep, just like I assumed. She's going to work.

" Yeah, yeah " Tyler kissed his mom.
I was about to walk out when one of the twins stopped me.

" Hazel "

" yeah " I responded

" you know we do have food right? Also, it's not healthy for you to go out without breakfast. " Alessandro stated. How did I know he was Alessandro? It seemed obvious that Alessandro was the wise one.

" I usually don't eat breakfast " I explained when I heard the honk which I assume is Tyler's car.

" here, You'll thank me later " he handed me a granola bar.

" Thanks " I smile

" The pleasure is all mine " he winked.
Uhh, maybe I was wrong? Maybe he was Alex?

I was gawking at Tyler's car, but then reminded myself that they're rich and I'm supposed to get used to this.
" like what you see " Alex smirked
" sorta "

I teased while I climbed in the back seat of Tyler's Dodge Challenger leaving the passenger seat open for one of the twins to sit in.

The whole drive to school was silent. I was glancing out of the window once in a while trying to distract my thoughts. As you can see I'm nervous. I can't particularly say that I was the popular one back at my old school. I was the type that had a low status trying not to bump into trouble.

Although, I did have my own group of friends. That is until I blocked everyone out. I loved them too much afraid that I'll lose them. Now when I think about it. I was so afraid of losing them when I notice that I truly lost them for good.
I was softly nudged by one of the twins breaking my phase.
" yeah " I glanced at him

" we're here " Alex notified

" oh sorry " I apologized when I look out the window at the school.
Elwood public high was written in bold on a big sign at the entrance of the huge building. It was five times bigger than my old school. It brought me to my senses thinking how odd it is that the Andersons go to a public school when I really assumed they'd attend a private school. Don't judge me for judging them it's just they can afford private schools so why send them to the public?

Everyone was looking at us. Eh, who am I kidding? They are probably looking at Tyler and the boys, yet that wouldn't stop the butterflies in my stomach.
I hopped out of the car, took my phone and stood in front of Tyler's car.

" I'll show you around alright? " one of the twins kindly offered. I'm not gonna lie, but I have no clue which is which right now.

" I'm Hazel, you are? " I smiled sheepishly at Alessandro, no Alex, no Ales- I mumbled in my head.

" I'm Alex, remember me? " He joked in amusement.
Alessandro tumbled out of the car ordering me to hand him my phone

" what? Why?? " I defended holding my phone to my chest.

" trust me, will ya? " he teased while Alex whines about how long we're taking.

" fine " I handed it to him unlocked.

He fidgeted with my phone for a couple of seconds, handed it to me and mumbled

" done " He mumbled handing it over which only led me to give him a look.

" I added my number in case you need help with anything else. " he described.

" Great, thanks " I waved to Alessandro as he left.

" okay cmon follow me " Alex insisted

" roger that " I joked

I held on to my sweater, luckily it was oversized so I clutched onto it as my life will depend on it.
Everyone was staring at me and whispering. This is one of the main things I hate about being a newbie. Everyone stares at you nonstop. Also, they make up rumours just to make everything worse.

" don't worry, a couple of days and they'll forget about you and get on with the latest topic. But for now, it's all you " Alex teased

"you are not helping " I stated

" I suck at pep talk. I'm used to Alessandro
doing all the work " Alex admitted.
He might not know how to pep talk, but he did know how to distract me from all the eyes staring at me. I didn't even notice we arrived in front of the office until he spoke up again.

" Do you want me to go in with you? " Alex offered

" Nah, it's fine you can go I'll deal with the rest alone " I objected

" I can wait " he demanded

" no, seriously go! you'll be late for class.
Thank you tho " I mumbled and walked into the office before he could object again.

Behind the desk was Nancy a woman that was probably around her forties. I read her badge in case you're wondering.

" Hi, I'm Hazel Harrison. I'm new here. I was hoping I can get my schedule and my locker number. " I breathed

" Hello Dear, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there " she mumbled. I just nodded in response.

" here you go darling " she handed me a paper that held both my schedule and the lock number.

" Thank you Ms. Nancy " I chirped and walked out and into a wave of students rushing to their first class.

I chose to look for my locker first so that I can put my bag in it. It didn't take me long though thankful for Nancy that showed me the way.
I held my schedule again and checked my first period. Great, not.
I had to start my day with physics. Out of all the subjects it had to be physics. My least favourite subject.

I had my eyes stuck on the paper in my hand walking slowly which ended me up bumping into someone.

" I'm sorry I was too focused on my schedule. " I mumbled looking up. He seems familiar. Shut up Hazel you're new here.
How the hell is he familiar?
My inner voice scolded.

" you're all good " He grinned
" wait, I know you. You're milkshake girl! " the guy blurted with a huge smile etched on his face.

" excuse me? " I chuckle

" I'm Blake. Tyler's friend. We met at the mall remember "

" of course, how can I not? " I teas

" looks like you were lost. Need some help? "

" Yeah, I was looking for Room 304 " I explained.

" Well then, let me lead the way " Blake joked attempting to bow which caught a lot of attention.
I kept wondering how he and Tyler are friends. They are the exact opposite of each other.
Blake broke the silence

" By the way, I hope you feel better now" Blake mumbled awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
I got taken back. I didn't think he would ask that.

" Yeah I'm fine " I mumbled

" that's great. You should sit with us at lunch. " Blake offered

" Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea. I don't want to intrude on your privacy. Also, I'm sure Tyler would want that " I notified

" Don't overthink it "

" I'll think about it. Thanks again " I replied exactly what he asked me not to which he noticed and replied with a snort that was led by a laugh.

" anytime "

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I walked into the classroom trying my best to avoid the teacher's attention but due to my luck, I didn't.

" Excuse me, is there a good reason why you are late? " the teacher questioned

" Actually yes, I'm new here " I stated

" Then you must be Miss Harrison "

" that's me "

" go ahead and take a seat. Next time try not to be late " I nodded and sat in the last empty chair.
The class was boring just as I assumed, probably worse. Mr. Lincoln wouldn't stop talking. He kept going on and on about gravity. Don't blame me for not knowing what he was talking about precisely. As soon as I heard that heavenly sound which they call the bell I shot out of my seat and into the crowd of students. Luckily, my next class was next door so I didn't have to wander around asking.
I was technically first to class. There were only a few students seated talking with their friends. The class went in a blur. The teacher as usual would attempt to ruin my mood and call my name to introduce myself which I didn't think was necessary. Then would start mumbling about the lesson.

The third and fourth periods went in a glance. It was the usual. I had the third period with Blake and his other friend but I tried to be out of his eyesight. Don't get me wrong Blake is bubbly and fun to hang around, but I wasn't gonna change my perspective about letting people into my life.
It was finally the best part of the day. Yep, lunch you guessed it. Plus, I was kinda anxious because everyone was still staring at me and lunch is basically the time of day where everyone gossips about the new whereabouts. I didn't let it affect me though I grabbed my lunch and sat at a table consisting of one girl only.

" excuse me, do you mind if I sit here? " I asked

" not at all " the girl smiled. The girl is gorgeous. She had the prettiest eyes. Her hair was pitch black and was short. She slew the look. I was starting to wonder why she's sitting alone. She was the type you picture has a boyfriend and a group of friends

" thanks " I mumbled

" no worries, I'm Melanie by the way " she smiled

" Hazel "

" So how was your day? Was it worse than mine? "

" til now it's okay. It's a whole lot better than my old school so it's - " I got interrupted with a voice calling my name "

" Hey, Looks like you met Lennie " Blake chanted while he and Seth sat at the table.

" Lennie? " " do you guys know each other? "
I questioned confused

" Blake for the hundredth time, stop calling me that! " Melanie replied

" why? Don't you like my nickname? " he wiggles his eyebrows

" wait, how do you know Hazel? " Melanie asked.

" she's Hazel you know the girl that's living with Tyler's fam " Blake mentioned in a duh tone.

" Ohh! milkshake girl?! " Melanie squealed I ended up glaring at Blake knowing he made that nickname.

" don't look at me. Amelia made that nickname " Blake raises his hands in surrender.

" I can't believe I didn't recognize you. You're new, your name is Hazel and you're drop-dead gorgeous. " Melanie stated

" you're blind " Seth scoffed talking for the first time he arrived.
" that she is " Blake agreed

" shut up" Melanie grunted

It was the moment I had to stay quiet. This is the moment where I noticed that I sat at their table. I felt my cheeks flush in embarrassment at the sudden situation. Earlier I rejected sitting at their table and now here I am.
It wasn't really my fault. I had no idea this is their table. So I chose to leave before Tyler would arrive and make a fuss about it.

" What is taking Lia so long to get me my food!? " Blake whined.

" for once do us a favour and quit whining! " Seth pleased

" Sounds like you're the one that's whining " Blake retorted which made me chuckle.

" It was nice meeting you Melanie and thanks again for letting me sit here " I smiled standing up.

" you know lunch just started right? " Blake

" Yeah, umm I'm going to the library "
" no, you're not " " not happening "
Blake and Melanie said in unison

" Seriously, it's better if I leave " I assured

" nope," Blake demanded as he held my forearm stopping me from standing up.

The guys seemed pretty nice. Blake was being really kind towards me I'm starting to think it's pity , but deep down I think that's just him. He has green eyes and blonde hair. Yes, he is very attractive. All of them are , even Seth. Seth on the other hand has black hair and hazel eyes.
We were all deep in conversation when Amelia came with Blake's food.

" Fricken finally " Blake hollered

" Next time do me a favour and go get your own food yourself " Amelia grunted

" you think I'll let ya torture me again, not happening. " Blake retorted

" Hazel! Hey, I didn't see you there. I was too busy listening to whiny over here. " Amelia uttered.

" Hi " I smiled back

" what's up? What brought you here? " Amelia smiled

" umm, I'm great. How are you? "

" the usual. So how are you now? Are you feeling better? " Amelia asked. I was taken back not knowing what to reply assuming she wouldn't ask me this. Especially in front of all of them.

" why? What happened? Are you okay? " Melanie questioned.
I was about to reply when a voice jumped to it.

" yeah she's fine " Blake replied

I don't know what just happened , but I know that I didn't like it. My tears were on the verge of falling but luckily I stopped them.
Everything was getting back to normal when Tyler came and humiliated me even more.

" What is she doing here? " he hissed at Blake as If I wasn't even there.

" dude calm down we invited her " Blake replied. It was definitely my cue to leave. I didn't want this to get bigger so I just walked away. I saw a glimpse of regret in Tyler's eyes before I left, but I'm probably hallucinating. I didn't want to run to the bathroom because I know that girls will end up walking in on me in there , and I truly didn't want that. I chose to go to my next period but to my lack of luck, it was on the other side of the building. Although, It wasn't really hard to track since the hallways were empty.

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