
By geek_and_nina

235K 6.2K 368

collection of hollstein one shots More

Childhood Friends Headcanon
Hollstein Meets On A Plane AU
Gingerbread and Hot Chocolate
Welcome to the 21st Century
Blame It On The Alcohol and the Waltzing
Giants and Elves
Hollstein On Deck
Body Swap
Gender Swap
Human Studies
Carmilla Finds Out That She Has Stolen Laura's First Kiss
Elevator Trope
High School Teachers AU
Damn Leather Pants
Class Clown Gets The Grumpy One to Laugh
Coming Out
Tippy Toes
Tiny Sick Gay Laura
You Ate All Of My Cereal
Up for Discussion
Catch That Cat
On Display
Journalist and Actress
Waking Up Together Isn't Always A Good Thing
Video Games
NSFW: Picture It
Weeks, Months, and Years
Hours and Days
Insides and Outsides
Beginnings, Middles, and Ends
Beach Burn
The Only Way
Huge Spider
Accidentally Married
Watching Crappy TV Together
First Kiss
Hollstein: Halloween
Laura's Dead
DB Cooper
School Dance
Washing Dishes
Soulmate AU #2
Doing Laundry
Forced Marriage
Shopping for a New Apartment
A Night In
Breaking Waves
Cold Hands
Cupcakes for Carmilla
February Air
The Hour When Everything Comes to Life
Watching Them
Hair Cut
Movie Night
Blood Cakes
Camping AU
Blast from the Past
Secret Identity
Princess Bride AU
Formal Wear
Songwriter AU

Oceans (Featuring Catmilla)

7.7K 176 26
By geek_and_nina

"Come on, Carm. I really want you to come with me." Laura pleaded from inside of the bathroom.

"I'm a cat, therefore not a big fan of the water, Sweetpea." Carmilla protested from her seat perched on the hotel bed she had been sharing with Laura.

"Neither is Perry. Just sit under the umbrella with her and relax." Laura suggested, her words muffled by the hair tie clenched between her teeth.

"Whoa." Was all Carnilla had to say when Laura stepped out of the bathroom in nothing but the blue bikini. "I'll come, just never wear anything but that ever again...whoa." She reiterated.

"Geez, this isn't even the skimpy one." Laura teased.

"I don't even have a bathing suit." Carmilla said triumphantly, thinking that she'd much rather stay in the hotel room and get Laura out of the bikini.

"That's a non-issue. I bought you two of them. In black of course." Laura announced happily, despite her face reddening from Carmilla's intense seduction eyes.

"Here we are." Laura said as she pulled the black two piece out of the bag, the kind that doesn't wrap around but is connected by the two black rings on the hips.

Carmilla grinned wickedly as Laura pulled a coverup on over her suit


"If you play nicely. I'll let you put my sunscreen on for me." Laura teased some more as Carm took the bikini into the bathroom to change.

"You say that like it would be such a hardship for you, Cupcake." She teased right back. They continued to banter until Carmilla was done changing.

"Okay, okay. Just tell me I don't look too ridiculous." She said as she stepped out of the bathroom.

"You look, wow."

"Ya know, I think I've heard that phrase somewhere before." Carmilla laughed. The black cloth matched her hair and contrasted with her vampire's porcelain skin in an amazing way.

"Breathe, Creampuff, breathe." Carmilla reminded her.

"Right, yeah, here." Laura coughed and passed her a shift styled cover-up.

"You ready to go then, vampire?" She asked.

"I go where you go, human." Carmilla replied, catching Laura's hips as she opened the door, kissing her soundly on the mouth before closing the still open door with her foot before they could go through it.

"Just to warn away any beach prowlers." Carmilla says, a thigh pressing between Laura's legs to pin her the door. Laura moaned and Carmilla's fangs exposed themselves.

A flash of fear and excitement flashed through Laura's blood, triggered as usual by the way Carmilla's eyes had gone darker and softer than they ever did in public. Her tongue lazed out between the fangs and traced Laura's collarbone, directly below the twin scars marking Carmilla's possession of this human. Now, she would mark her I a way even the humans would understand.

"Nnmmh." Was Laura's only offering of protest as her fingers interlaced in the long black locks of hair and pulled her still closer, her other hand's blunt fingernails taking down Carmilla's backs

"There, I bet they'll leave you alone now." She proclaimed, wiping her thumb over the forming bruise on Laura's pulse point.

"Mmmhm, yep, that'll do it, yeah." Laura mumbles, still waiting until her knees were capable of holding her up on their own.

Gently, she pulled Carmilla's face down so that she could connect their mouths.

"There." She said breathing heavily. "Now we can go." She said cheerily. She swept out of the room, giggling when Carmilla groaned and slouched against the door and followed.

On the beach, Carmilla relaxed on the blanket with Perry, watching LaF and Laura play in the water and build sandcastles. The sun, even though they were in the shade, , was wonderfully warm and eventually she simply transformed into her cat form and napped while Perry stroked her back.

"Carmilla, wake up! Something's going on." Perry whisper yelled at her, shaking her until she popped back into human form.

"No, go into Panther mode that'll scare them off." Perry fussed.

"Not when I'm dealing with humans. What's going on?" Carmilla asked, scanning the area for her person.

"Those guys won't leave Laura alone and I'm pretty sure LaFontaine is going to get themself beaten up again. Go and do something about it, you useless vampire." Perry ordered.

"Fine. I'll go handle it. Stay here." Carmilla said, putting on her big, floppy sun hat and walked out to where the human boys were messing with her human and her human's best friend.

"What's up, Laura?" She asked calmly and casually.

"Carm..." Laura sighed in relief.

"OOOHHH, you're hot. We were just trying to get the shorty hottie here, to come and join in our wet tshirt contest. Maybe you could come too." The taller and more muscular of the two offered as he eyeballed her up and down in a way that made her skin crawl.

"I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that my girlfriend said no and now you two are just pestering my friends."

"Carmilla..." Laura whispered as the boys cracked their knuckles.

"Leave them alone and be on your way. Your generation understands nothing of how to talk to a lady." She said in her most threatening vampire tone.

"You're not turning me down though, are you Shorty? It's okay, I've always wanted a lesbian." The only slightly less huge guy asked Laura and Carmilla was afraid that everyone would be able to hear her blood boiling.

"She's said 'no' four times now, dick-for-brains." Protested LaFontaine.

"Maybe we could have a threesome." The big one suggested.

"That's enough!" Laura yelled and kicked the guy in the family jewels before single handedly handing the two men their asses, driving them down to their knees.

"That's my girl." Carmilla chuckled watching the fiesty little blonde break bones, while standing back and restraining LaF with one hand.

"Stop being such damn bullies! When a girl says no, she means no. I have a girlfriend for Tennant's sake." She explained as they held themselves and moaned on the ground.

"I think they've had enough, Creampuff." Carmilla told her.

"Scram." She hissed at the beach prowlers and let them feel enough of her vampiric aura to send them running.

Laura immediately wilted slightly and returned to Carmilla and LaF, melting into the arm Carmilla wrapped around her shoulders.

"Why didn't you let me help?" LaF argued, still looking for a fight, their face red and fists clenched.

"Laura didn't need it. She needed to prove that she doesn't need protecting." Carmilla explained.

"You did well, Buttercup. I think it's time we headed back."

"Agreed." Said LaFontaine.

When Laura stepped out of the shower, she nearly stepped on the panther relaxing on her bath mat.

" Carmilla! You've got to stop materializing into locked rooms!" Laura scolded, rushing to wrap herself in a fluffy and white towel.

Carmilla responded by licking her upper thigh with a rough, sandpaper, Panther tongue, before returning to her human form, leaning against the double sink counter, naked.

"Thank you, for the back-up earlier. I don't know if I would have been able to handle those idiots without you there." Laura said, running a hand through her wet hair.

"Honey, the whole point of me not biting their heads off for even thinking of looking at you in such a manner as they had been was for you to prove that you could handle a situation like that as you did. You are so much stronger than you think, love." Carmilla said honestly, trying very hard to remain serious as Laura stood there in nothing but a loosely wrapped towel. Somehow, even though more skin was showing in the bikini, this was possibly the most attractive she had ever seen Laura.

 "Thank you, anyway, Carmilla." She said with a shrug, stepping forward and kissing her, one hand burying itself in her hair as Carmilla placed one hand gently on Laura's hip and one hand cupping her neck.


"I love you." Laura whispered.

"Not nearly as much as I love you." Carmilla responded, her grip on Laura tightening as she pulled her ever closer. They had only been a 'real' couple for a few weeks and the Vampiress was very careful and respectful of how slow Laura might want to take the physical aspect of the relationship and always watched for boundaries. This was why she was very surprised when her little human very purposefully and very slowly dropped the towel that severed as the only boundary between the two.

Carmilla's skin began to tingle when Laura's hands began exploring her body and tugging for the lacy shift to come off.

Laura's mouth latched on the mirror spot of where Carmilla had left her mark on her collarbone. She had to reach up so far on he tiptoes that it almost made the three hundred year old vampire laugh as she lifted Laura up. With her super human strength it was as though the younger girl weighed nothing. Her legs automatically locked around Carmilla's waist and her arm folded around her neck as Carmilla let out a hoarse moan, her neck tilted back and red lips slightly parted to reveal the tip of a pearly white fang. Carmilla had never before seen Laura's eyes that dilated.

"I love you." She murmured into the vampire's ,her vampire's neck.

"334 years of existence, and you're the first girl to have ever said that to me." She whispered back, lining Laura's jaw with kisses.

"Really? That seems highly unlikely." Laura protested. Carmilla pulled back (but only a little) and looked straight on into Laura's honey golden brown eyes.

"Here me clearly on this one Laura, I will never again lie to you." Carmilla promised.

"Understood." Laura nods as Carmilla backs her up to the kitchen counter and kisses her way down the human's chest, lingering here and there on her ribs or hips.

"You've made a mess on the counter, love." Carmilla teased, interweaving the fingers of one of each of their hands together. All Laura could do was mumble incoherently in response. Carmilla chuckled darkly and Laura felt that thrill rush down her spine again, the one that said she wasn't sure if she was going to get eaten or get eaten. The. She was rendered incapable of thought by Carmilla's tongue on her inner thigh. An open mouthed kiss was placed right below her belly-button before the Vampiress took her for her for herself right there on the kitchen counter, overlooking the ocean.

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