How The Bad Became Beautiful

By ShayStarz97

758 3 0

Raya-Leigh Bennett a shy, troubled, struggling 20 years old who has seen mental health with her own eyes now... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5 Shopping
Part 6 Back At Work
Part 7 End Of The Day and Getting Ready
Part 8 A Wild Night Out
Part 9 The Flowerbed
Part 10 The Takeaway
Part 11 The Girl With The Broken Soul
Part 12 The Cigarette Theory/Lie with me Nate
Part 13
Part 14 The Raggedy-Ass Cat
Part 15
Part 16 The Shower and The Scars
Part 17
Part 18 The Drive Back
Part 19 Back At Raya's
Part 20
Part 22
Part 23 Levi's Demons
Part 24
Part 25 The Drive To The Lake
Part 26 The Lake
Part 27 Raya's Relationship Past
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30 Date Prep (All Raya's POV)
Part 31 Getting Ready For a Date
Part 32 Beginning of The Date
Part 33
Part 34 The Dinner
Part 35 The Movie
Part 36 "Do You Want Me Or..."
Part 37 Raya's Interview
Part 38 Levi's At Mum's
Part 39 Levi At Dad's
Part 40
Part 41 "Promise Me"
Part 42
Part 43 Getting Ready for The Meal/Levi and Raya's Heart to Heart
Part 44 The Meal Out/To Levi!
Part 45
Part 46 When I See You Again...
Part 47
Part 48 Raya's Surprise!
Part 49 Back At Raya's
Part 50 "Let's Make Love"
Part 51 Afterglow
Part 52 Julian's
Part 53 The Worst News Imaginable
Part 54
Part 55 Levi's Letter
Part 56 The Measure of A Broken Heart
Part 57 The Funeral
Part 58
Authors Note and Dedications

Part 21 In Town

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By ShayStarz97

Raya's POV: 

As we walk up to the bus stop I have a billion questions for Soph like you wouldn't believe, "so what's been happening since I've been away?" says Sophia "nothing much I'm still working at that shitty cafe" I say "don't slate it babe I mean yeah it's shit and that but at the same time it's only temporary until you find your feet" says Sophia "it's just not what I had in mind" I say "I know but then again no ones first jobs amazing unless they think it is anyway" says Sophia "yeah I get that" I say "yeah anyway how's Curtis?" asks Sophia "same old gay and camp as Christmas but that's Curtis" I say "yeah love that lad he's a goofball but by god he's funny" says Sophia "gonna have to pop into the cafe at some point and see him" "yeah" I say "yeah anyway what's that Willow thing up to?" asks Sophia changing the subject, if you're asking about Willow and Sophia they don't get along as they are two completely different people Sophia's very quiet and very straight talking and Willow well Willow's your typical party girl, loud, brash and loopy they've never been overly close and can't stand the sight of each other yeah I mean I get Soph's point and everything but Willow's just Willow you take her with a pinch of salt "she's fine went out with her and Curtis at the weekend" I say "what?!" says Sophia her blue eyes turning red with rage at the mention of that very name "honestly Raya you're better than that I mean yeah you smoke and have an occasional drink but seriously she's an arse-clown who if she doesn't sort her act out she'll have a ton of shit to pay for" "I know" I say looking at the floor "honestly hun I've been friends with girls like that I know what they're about" says Sophia "and I mean Curtis and her don't see eye to eye either" "yeah I know" I say "yeah Curtis always slags her off to me so why..." says Sophia "he didn't want to but he came to make sure I was protected" I say "exactly I don't understand how you can hang around Willow" says Sophia "but Soph you've got to remember back when my parents were at each others throats Willow let me stop at her house" I remind Soph "yeah I get that but honestly hun times have changed she's no longer 12 she's 20 years old and you're 20 too so sometimes you have to let go as she's no good chick" says Sophia, she peaks behind my shoulder "anyway bus is here now" Sophia starts to flag the bus down when we get on the bus, we pay the driver for 2 Daily Riders and take a seat.

When we get a seat on the bus Sophia turns to me "Raya I'm sorry chick it's just I don't like her" says Sophia "I know but you are right in a way" I say "because she does need to stop the drinking but I guess we're sort of all fucked up on something" "yeah I get that" says Sophia "I mean I get she doesn't have the same problems you and I have but alcohol's a cause of depression" "bloody hell what textbook you been reading?" I laugh "I watch a lot of Jezza" laughs Sophia "kinda makes you feel better doesn't it though?" I say "what do you mean?" asks Soph "like you look at the people who go on that show and they straight up can't just talk it over like normal people so they have to do it through a television show where they have a referee which is Jezza, and a bouncer Steve and the other bloke when things get over the top," I say "yeah hun makes you think fuck I might not have the best life in the world but at least I'm not a loser like them," says Sophia and the journey to town continues.

The second we are in the bus station, I and Sophia get up and head to the doors and thank the bus driver as soon as he lets us off, "where should we head first?" says Sophia "how about this we get a Starbucks, then take a nosy 'round town?" I suggest "good idea," says Soph and we head off to Starbucks. 
Sophia and I take a walk through the mall area of town the places I don't work as trust me everyone's the same here think they've got it easier and that why because River Island sells clothing and accessories for ridiculous prices they think they've got it better bullshit for what robbing money off people fuck off, Soph and I carry on walking and chattering between us until we get to the Starbucks "what's your drink today?" I ask Sophia as we step into Starbucks "I'm probably gonna get a caramel latte what about you?" says Soph "probably a caramel frappe" I say "can't beat them can you" laughed Soph as we get that "who's next  please" and myself and Soph step forward and order our drinks "Soph we sitting in or heading out?" I say "we'll sit in have more of a catchup," says Soph "alright babe sitting in," I say turning back to the barista then writes my name on a plastic cup and then makes my drink. 
After waiting for a short while I and Soph finally got our drinks and went to sit at a table nearest the window "so how's Kris been?" I ask "missing me as he does then again Raya we've been dating since he moved here from Poland so," says Sophia "yeah I missed him as well but you've got to work haven't you really" I nod politely, "yeah you have," I say "yeah so this night out ended up pulling or?" laughs Sophia "look at me do you really think anyone would want to?" I say insulting myself "shut up Raya you are beautiful and if the guys want Willow over you then their stupid as at least you're not loud and attention-seeking, yeah you're quiet and introverted and straight-talking but you have a big heart just you've been broken along the way and that in my opinion is more beautiful than a girl who gets a ton of guys who are only seeing physical beauty not inside beauty and I know with you like the mental health and stuff..." says Soph before she stops in her tracks, and begins whispering "but you've got something more than Willow's ever going to have and I mean that" she smiles and winks at me "I'll believe you" I say "but how about the C word?" asks Sophia, I roll my eyes fucking Connor "well..." I begin Sophia looks wide-eyed at me "he carries on coming in and tries making my life hell but I swear to god if you'd have seen Curtis the other day if Curtis wasn't working my god he'd have taken Connor's head clean off" I tell her "haha good lad Curtis" says Sophia a big, cheeky grin all over her face as she rolls her eyes "I don't understand why he does it when we ended 6 months ago" I say "I know hun I mean I know he's a massive prick but it's like he enjoys the reaction in a way I mean I know it's easier for you but when Curtis steps in its like Curtis won't just let him speak down to you I mean I know he's like family to you but honestly if he piped down and shit and let you do your thing of ignoring Connor I reckon Connor would stop coming in" says Sophia "I get Curtis will always see me like a little sister or a cousin but what you're saying is the truth so" I say, we sit there carrying on sipping coffee and chattering before we get up and go for a walk around town.

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