Of Course Not || MINSUNG ON H...

By Patchutsksk

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Han Jisung, a transfer student at JYP Academy, is forced to be the lead role for a school project partnered w... More



779 39 3
By Patchutsksk

Minho is currently eating quietly beside Jisung. He would steal little glances at him sometimes. He just can't help it.

"Spill it. How did it happen?" Hyunjin asked as he stuffed a chicken leg into his mouth.

"Yeah guys. It's really not fair if you won't tell us what happened. This is a monumental event to be kept as a secret." Felix agreed.

Jisung looked at Minho as if asking if they should share what happened last night. But deep inside Minho wanted their interaction to be theirs alone.

Minho just nod and continued eating his breakfast like it wasn't a big deal.

"Well, we were arguing about some howling inside the attic. I think he's afraid of ghosts. Hah." Jisung looked at Minho pointing his thumb at him while laughing.

The rest of the group eyed each other nervously.

"OH! I almost forgot! My speaker! Wait you guys." Hyunjin said as he ran up the stairs.

"Hyunjin wait!" Changbin shouts at him but Hyunjin was too quick.  Later on, he came back holding a speaker with cob webs still sticking on it.

"I almost forget this at the attic. I'll charge this later." Hyunjin said as he placed the speaker on the counter top.

"At the attic? Speaker? Why would you have a bluetooth speaker at the atti-? OHHHHH! IT WAS PART OF YOUR PLAN!" Jisung said in a loud voice as he stood up with wide eyes.

"You set us up using howling noises?! Okay i'm literally gonna kill you now Hyunjin." Minho said as he glared at the other.

"It wasn't me! It was Changbin and Felix's idea! They were just using my speaker!" Hyunjin replied defensively.

"Minho, calm down. I didn't thought you were still scared of ghosts! And besides nothing happened to you right? And Jisung was there. And and it was just a little bit of howling. It wasn't that scary." Changbin replied nervously.

"Yeah Minho, and we couldn't think of anything to scare you with except for this. And it's all in the past. All is well afterall. Come on pal." Bang Chan said enthusiastically trying to change the atmosphere.

"Fine fine. I'm gonna forget that happened, just because I'm not afraid anymore. But you might want to sleep with one eye open some time in the future." Minho replied smirking.

"What do you mean not afraid anymore? Hahaha you were literally over me everytime you hear some rustling." Jisung teased.

"I can still remember Minho being afraid of ghosts when we were kids. I would tease him about it and he would cry to my Mom and then she would scold me about it. Such a sly boy." Hyunjin reminisced.

"Yaaaah! We don't need to go down memory lane!" Minho said in defense

"Remember when our classmates in elementary played spirit of the glass at the playground and Minho was nervous as hell and even told the teacher on them. He was the least favorite classmate that week. Hahaha!" Changbin added.

"Oh really? Hah! You were a crybaby and a whimp before ey? That's a surprise." Jisung teased.

"So that's why he would always ask me to come with him at the basement whenever he needs some stuff down there. He would always use the reason  'Mom told him so' Hmmmm." Seungmin added.

The rest of the group shared some of their funny moments with Minho. He was also having fun and would laugh at some of his friends statements and would cringe at the same time.

"It's your fault they're embarrassing me." Minho glared at Jisung  and then laughed as he realized the other has a dirt mark on his left cheek. "You look astray with that dirt on your face. Hahaha Wipe it. Here". Minho said softly as he guides Jisung's hand to the dirt.
"No here. Fine. Let me." He wipes it himself.

Stray Kids noticed this and immediately looked at each other. Changbin and Bang Chan smirked while  Hyunjin's jaw dropped. Minho's unusual gesture stirred a reaction from his bestfriends.

Changbin tapped Bang Chan's leg beneath the table and pointed subtlety towards the two.

"I know." Bang Chan mouths as he grinned.

Hyunjin then looked at his two bestfriends and gestures his eyes towards the two.
"Yeah" Changbin and Bang Chan replied in unison still smirking.

The rest of the group were quite clueless and just continued talking with each other.

"Seungmin, can you pass the lettuce please." Felix asked which caught Minho's attention. He stopped helping Jisung and naturally sat up straight.

"Is it gone?" Jisung asked softly.

"Uh. Yeah yeah." Minho said awkwardly.

The table was still noisy as everyone was talking to each other about anything under the sun. Jisung then tries to finsh his meal quicker as he noticed that he was the only one who still has food on his plate.

"Hey Jiji? We are not gonna leave after this right? We can still stay for a little while?" Jeongin asked Jisung.

"Sure Innie. Why? Do you guys still have something in mind to do?" Jisung asked the group.

Everyone smiled brightly and screamed, "POOL PARTY!"

"We still wanted to make it up to you guys so we are gonna have a pool party later." Felix said smiling.

"We thought of this last night without you and i think it's really gonna pull through." Bang Chan added. "Impromptu plans are the best afterall."

"Pool party? But I didn't bring any swimming trunks with me." Jisung said.

"Don't worry Jiji. I went home earlier with Seungmin to ask Mom if we can stay for a bit and then I grabbed some of our essentials. I basically memorize all of your clothes so it's all ready. Told you I'll make it up to you." Jeongin said proudly.

"Really? Oh. Didn't expect this. Hahaha sure then. But where's the pool? Don't tell me Hyunjin has a pool tucked in here somewhere?!" Jisung asked laughing.

"Oh you don't know what you're missing out Squirrel. It's amazing." Seungmin said.

"Nah. I think after last night, I've already seen the best view of this area." Jisung replied.

"Well then, if you say so Squirrel." 

"Hey, how about you? Do you have a swimming trunk with you?" Jisung asked Minho.

"Yeah. We always go here to hangout so we already have some extra clothes ready here. This is basically our second home." Minho replied.

"Awwww. That's nice."

The group got ready and changed into their swimming trunks and put on sunscreen.
Hyunjin wanted to impress Seungmin  and applied a ton of sunscreen all over his face.
The rest just face palmed and laughed. Jeongin who found this really amusing copied the other and also applied a handful of sunscreen on his face.

"You look stupid Hyunjin. And stop corrupting Jeongin's mind." Seungmin teased.

"But it's not Jeongin's mind i want to corrupt." Hyunjin replied pouting.

Seungmin's heart melt from the overflowing cuteness the other just radiated. Before he can't resist any much longer, he stopped himself from showing any reactions.

"Nice try Hyunjin. Ha Ha." Seungmin replied.

"COME ON GUYS! ARE YOU READY?!" Bang Chan said enthusiastically. "Are you ready Jisung?"

They arrived at the pool behind Hyunjin's mansion. And expectedly Jisung was at an awe after seeing the sight.


"This wasn't visible at the attic even though i can see your far away neighbors from up there. What the heck." Jisung added.

"Saw our neighbors? How?" Hyunjin asked.

"Oh. We discovered your roof deck thingy? I don't know what to call it. But we basically spent the whole night there, stargazing."Jisung replied

"Yeah. I have been coming here since i was a kid but i didn't knew that part of the house even existed." Minho added which surprised Jisung.

"Oh you're here already." Jisung said and smiled at the other.

"Ohhhhh! I forgot about that area. Damn. Good thing you guys saw it. I'll ask Dad to renovate it and make it bigger. Jeongin was right, you are a curious squirrel."

"What are we waiting for?! Let's all dive in!" Bang Chan shouted as he grabbed Jeongin and hugged him as they splashed into the water.

"Cripsy! Why did you do that! I wasn't ready! Hahshsha"

And then everyone jumped in aswell.

They splashed water at each other's faces and would play games after games till their hearts content. Everyone had a good time and was just relaxing after some heart racing activities.

Jisung who was floating alone bumped into Minho's back. "Oh sorry. Oh it's you. Hahaha"

"You know how to float?" Minho asked.

"Uhm yeah, don't you? I can teach you if you want." Jisung offered.

"Sure! I always wanted to learn it but nobody would teach me." Minho replied.

"Okay so how can i put this? Hmmm. Can you like lay down on the water? If you know what i mean? Don't worry I'll hold you."

Minho  complied and made his body lighter.  The two looked eye to eye and exchange smiles. Minho then closed his eyes and completely trusted Jisung.

Jisung got a close up view of Minho's Godly features. His tall and pointed nose, his long lashes, his red lips. He just realized that Minho was really handsome, like really really handsome. And the memory at the attic came flashing back. 'I was so close to Minho last night, so close that I could really take on his lip-. No no no what are you thinking Jisung?! Stop it!'
Jisung snapped back into reality and saw that Minho was still laying on the water infront of him.

"You know, my dad was the one who taught me this." Jisung said after he composed himself back into reality

"Uh hmmm. So did you get it the first try?"

"Shhhhh. Stop talking. Just relax for a bit." Jisung shushed as he held Minho's back and head assisting him to float. Minho tensed as he felt Jisung's hand on his bare back.

"Relax Minho, I'm here. I won't leave you. And yeah. I kinda got it the first try. And trust me okay? Just relax your body and be like the water. Don't fight it." Jisung said as he slowly took his hand off and walked a step back from Minho.

"Just relax. Don't worry. Just close your eyes." Jisung said in a soothing voice. "Okay, now open your eyes and see for yourself.  You're doing it for like a few minutes already."

Minho opened his eyes and saw Jisung was a few steps back and he was floating all by himself.

"You were floating for quite a while now. I was just here ready if you sank but you didn't. You were light as a feather. Now try it yourself. Just lay down and think of happy thoughs so you won't tense up. And then go and float! Be free!" Jisung said as he splashed Minho with water.

"So can i think of last night?" Minho asked.

"Last night?" Jisung's cheeks suddenly turned bright red. "Why last night?"

"Well uhm, it's the only happy thought i can think of right now. Yeah.  Uhm and I experienced stargazing and met Dori. E-even if you were the one I'm with, it was still pretty cool." Minho replied.

"Oh. Really? You think so? It was pretty cool i guess." Jisung replied.

"Actually, it was more awesome because you were there. Yeah. It was." Minho quickly added.

Jisung's ears was now bloodshot red by the sudden compliment he got from the other.  He became flustered and fidgets more in the water.

"Are you okay? I think you already have a sunburn. You're really red right now." Minho said as he approached Jisung.

"Wait what? Maybe i am. It's really hot here don't you think? Yeah? I'll just dive for a sec. Okay bye!"  Jisung quickly dive into the water trying to avoid Minho.



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