Of Course Not || MINSUNG ON H...

By Patchutsksk

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Han Jisung, a transfer student at JYP Academy, is forced to be the lead role for a school project partnered w... More



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By Patchutsksk

The sun was rising up behind the clouds as the sky filled with splashes of yellow and blue blended colors. It was like a painting in Jisung's eyes.  They were still at the roof deck enjoying the sunrise view. They shivered as a light morning breeze passed them by. It was around 7:40 am when they decided to come back inside.

"So this is what this place looks like. It's actually pretty neat compared to ours. Cluttered but clean and not to mention huge." Jisung said.

"Thank goodness. I just realized i never sneezed last night. It's really clean, look." Minho said while showing his clean palm after wiping the furniture. "Not even a peck of dust."

"Pretty clean for an attic. Hmmm suspicious. But Nana must have cleaned it before and we just got lucky we didn't endured being trapped at a dump."

They roamed arounf trying to get a clear view of the huge room. Jisung picks up some stuff he came across to. Race cars, old ornaments and paintings
"Hey this is where you entered last night right? I didn't realize this entrance was covered with books. Wow." Jisung exclaimed as he rummaged the displays.

"An attic with an entrance. Is that even possible? Is this even an attic? Hey look i found some snacks! Must be expired. Hah. Hey wait this was the snacks Felix brought yesterday." Minho wondered. "Why is it laying here?"

"Oh I see now. I think this isn't just a coincidence. They planned this! Those little bitc-"

"Why didn't i find it suspicious when Hyunjin asked me to come with him? And the weird thing is, I easily complied. Just like that." Minho facepalms.

"I think they did this to  befriend us? Well, it worked obviously but I won't leave without having my revenge." Jisung said with a smirk. "It will be the perfect revenge if they thought their plan didn't work. Yeah?"

"How? Pretend we still hate each other?  Or or or we can make things worse than what they expected! Let's not just ignore each other, we can fight infront of them maybe throw some arguments here and there!" Minho suggested.

"This is actually pretty exciting. I'm totally in! And you can go hard on me. I can take it. Let's scare the living sh*t out of them." Jisung exclaimed.

"Deal! Oh I'm gonna make them regret making their dumb decisions. Hah! This is gonna be totally epic! You can punch me if you want?  Or shove me. I won't retaliate! I promise. Just to make things a little spicier."

And the two high fived each other and giggled.

"You said Felix bought this yesterday? They must left it here for us. They really prepared for this huh. I'm impressed." Jisung said as he read the labels of the imported snacks.

"Wanna take a bite?" Minho asked as he opened the bag of chips. "They even left two water bottles. Woah."

"Yeah sure. I'm kinda starving."

The two continued eating as they sat on the floor. Discussing their ideas on how they can pull their scheme with each other. Dori who was attacking the toys on the corner caught their attention.

"Hey look at Dori. Such a cutie. To be honest, i never had a pet before but i really want one. My dad was allergic to animal fur so i was not allowed to have a pet." Jisung said as he frowned.

"You said he wasn't in the picture even before right? How can he still have an effect on what you want in your house?" Minho asked.

"Well technically yes and no, he would sometimes visit us. Maybe once or twice a month? He worked in Korea while we were in Malaysia."

"Oh. That's why. Well same for me. When i was a kid, my dad was also allergic to animals. I remember a time when i brought a kitten in the house and his face immediately puffed up. I was grounded for like a week and Mom took the kitty to some animal shelter." Minho said.

"So how are you gonna take care of it? You're gonna get in trouble if you bring Dori home."

"Nah. I can manage. Let's take turns. We can buy some things for her too."

"Are you sure though? I can really take care of her myself. But yeah yeah, i can accompany you. Just call m-"

A slight knock on the door broke their conversation.
"Guys? Are you there?" Hyunjin's muffled voice came out.

The two signals each other to be quiet and quietly laughed as they get ready for their acting.

"Guys? Can you hear me? Minho? Jisung?" Bang Chan asked as he knocked the door louder.

"Guys! We can't open the door. The key is inside!" Changbin shouted.

Jisung gestures Minho to approach the door. As he quickly hid at the roof deck.

"You know I'm gonna kill all of you when i get out of here right? Where's the key?" Minho shouted through the crack of the door as he looked at Jisung who was trying to hold his laughter.
Jisung then gave Minho a thumbs up.

"Oh God. We messed up big time. This is on you Hyinjin. What if Jisung's already dead and rotting in their?" Seungmin's muffled voice at the other side who waa clearly nervous.

"It's inside the left drawer of the big desk. Try to find a big key Minho." Hyunjin shouted nervously.

Minho made his way to the drawer and found the key. When he opened the door, Jeongin and Seungmin quickly entered the room.

"JISUNG? WHERE ARE YOU?" Jeongin shouted. "Where's Jisung?!"

"I don't know. Why do i care." Minho said with a blank face.

"Ugh! Hyung! Just asnwer it! Jisung? Jisung?! Hey! He's here Innie!"

"Oh god! He left you here? He really let you sleep outside? You could have freezed to death! Oh god. I should have know this was a stupid idea." Seungmin cupped Jisung's face as he searched for something wrong in Jisung's body.

"Jiji. I should have known better. I'm sorry  i was also part of this. Did he hurt you?"

Jisung felt amused with his friends reactions. Yesterday, he was literally the same as his friends. His memories before came running back in his mind on how he judged Minho's character even though he didn't knew him personally and how they exaggerated his actions to fit the narrative they have about Minho in their head.

Jisung decided it was better not to respond to create more terror in the part of his friends. He was mentally laughing right now. 'Revenge is sweet.'

Outsode of the room, minho was standing infront of his 4 friends while crossing his arms. "Explain."

"Okay Minho. Calm down. We just wanted what's best for everyone. You clearly weren't in good terms with Jisung and it would literally ruin our film if we wouldn't do anything with your chemistry with each other. You understand that right?"

"I don't understand and I don't care about that little BRAT! He annoyed me the whole night. I would have strangled him last night if it weren't for the little kitty I'm holding right now and i could really strangle the 4 of you right now if i want to."

Seungmin, jisung and jeongin exit the door as they approached the group.

"Ugh. Can you just leave? I hate seeing your face." Minho spat at Jisung while the other glared at him.

The rest of the group eyed each other as Jisung aggressively bump Minho's left shoulder. "Come on guys. You heard him."

Seungmin and Jeongin hesitantly approached Jisung who was fast walking towards the stairs.

"Jisung. You don't have to go now. Atleast stay for breakfast. We want to make it up to you. Please? And then let's talk about how we can compromise and make some adjustments for you. If you're really not comfortable around Minho." Bang Chan said.

"Yeah Sungie. Please. We admit that we are at fault for setting you guys up. We just wanted you guys to be friends, and now we just made it worse." Felix added.

"Can you guys stop?! I can't be with him in the same room again let alone eat in the same table!" Jisung shouted.

The group panicked as he they felt the seriousness in Jisung's tone. Everyone looked at Jeongin who was their last resort.

"Jiji. I promise you, after we eat breakfast we are gonna go home straight away. Besdies, Seungmin is our only ride back home and he won't take us if you won't stay. Please Jiji? I'll make it up to you. I promise!"

"You know, i could have tolerated him longer if you guys just let us be. But now i really can't. Even he can't stand me. But fine, fine. I'll stay for breakfast. And only because you guys said you're gonna make up for what you did."

The rest of the group suddenly breathe out in unison. They held their breath in, scared of what Jisung could have decided but it was better than nothing.
This was the first time they saw him get angry and it was not a good sight.

"So no one's gonna ask what i want? I'll just be the one to leave then." Minho said in a hard tone. "Move it."

Jisung has an idea and he has to act now. He placed his foot infront of Minho to trip him. He made sure to make his gestures bigger for everyone to see.

Minho who was fast enough to analyze the situation made a pretty convincing fall. He quickly groaned as he punched the floor.
"You son of a bi-!"

Everyone gasped as the disaster unfolds infront of them. They were glued to their feet as everything flashed for a second. Novody moved an inch trying to understand what was going on.

"I didn't do anything, you're juststupid and that's it." Jisung said in a mocking voice.

Minho shoved Jisung a little harder which made hin fall in his butt. Minho didn't calculate the force he made and wanted to help the other stand but he stopped himself.
Bang Chan who snapped out was the first to stop Minho. "Dude! What are you doing?!"

"You saw what he did! Get off me! I'm gonna kill him!" Minho said as he struggled in Bang Chan's hold.

The others were still in awe as the situation got chaotic in less than a minute. No one stoped Minho except for Bang Chan and no one helped Jisung to stand.

"Fine fine! I'll stop! Now get off me Chan!" Minho said as he raised his hand in surrender.

Bang Chan loosened his grip  and lowered his guard thinking it was okay to do it but Minho quickly took the chance to get a hold of Jisung  and throw a punch.

Everybody expected Minho's knuckles to land on Jisung's face but the two just laughed loudly.

"hHAHAHAHAHA you should have seen your face guys. AHAHAHSHSHSHSS you were so scared!" Minho said laughing.

"You were so good! hHAAHAHAHAH God, i even thought you were serious back there. But damn, you guys really believed us? Hahahaha" Jisung asked.





"WAIT WAIT. Everybody be quiet! You guys knew already?! When? How?!" Bang Chan asked.

"Just this morning. You were really dumb for leaving that snacks you know. Well it could have worked but i saw Felix bring this yesterday. And then we connected the dots." Minho said wiling his tears from laughing.

"And yeah. We are friends. Right?"
Jisung and Minho high-fived each other as they start to laugh again.

"CAN YOU PLEASE DON'T DO THAT AGAIN? That was really scary Jiji!" Jeongin said teary eyed.

"Well, you guys did it first. We just wanted a little revenge. Hah. Don't cry Innie. But you should have seen your face. Damn if only we recorded it."

"Oh God. We just made this two monsters ourselves. What have we done guys? Minho was scary even before but i didn't realize Jisung can this be terrifying!" Hyunjin said while looking at the floor still shocked.

"How did you even manage to be together? And actually be friends and even plot this stupid, scary and very convincing revenge!? Lile how?!" Seungmin asked.

"We actually have a lot in common with each other.  And he's not pretty bad." Jisung said as he shot Minho a glance.

"So what did you do last night?" Changbin asked while smirking.

"Stop with your dirty thoughts Changbin! God. And that's confidential." Minho replied and winked at Jisung.

Changbin saw it and quickly observed Jisung's body language.

'Hmmmmm. Interesting.' Changbin thought.

"Okay okay! I can smell the Roasted Chicken Nana made and i know everyone is hungry so let's continue this at the kitchen. You seriously have a lot to tell us! No confidential between friends!" Hyunjin said as he walked between Jisung and Minho and held them towards the stairs.

Everyone was at ease as they sat on the table. It felt as if the atmosphere became much more lighter than yesterday. They felt as if they were complete and happier.

Jisung and Minho sat beside each other. And the rest who noticed this would bob their head in disbelief and laugh.

"I seriously still can't believe you're actually friends. Yeah this was the plan all along but seeing it now is just too surreal. I would even believe if you guys reveal this was just a prank all along and you guys really hate each other. Oh gosh." Hyunjin said dramatically.

"Exactly! It feels weird seeing you guys sit next to each other and actually laughing like this. It's nice and refreshing." Bang Chan added.

"Does this mean we are officially truly friends?! Omg! I am so happy right now!" Felix said as he hugged Changbin's arm.

"I still think Minho hyung has a gunpoint ready for Jisung any minute now. Hah. But yeah. This is too good to be true." Seungmin replied.

"Hey! It's not just you guys who's in disbelief as well. We can't believe it too you know. It just happened. Poof! I'm actually kinda thankful you guys trapped us there." Jisung revealed.

"Do you know what this means?" Changbin asked the group.

"What?" Everybody asked in unison.

"Jisung is the first friend Minho actually made." Changbin said while eyeing Jisung.

"Woah? What do you mean?" Jeongin asked.

"Well Innie, we 4 were bound to be bestfriends even before birth. Our parents were all bestfriends too. We spent our childhood with each other up until now. And Minho, right here isn't the most friendly obviously. So long story short, we are the only people he's actually friends with." Bang Chan said.

"Oh really? So should i be flattered right now?" Jisung laughed at Minho who was quiet at the corner.

"Shut up Jisung. Hahahs Let's just eat you guys. I'm starving."

I AM SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE. I made it a lil bit longer just to make up for the 1 day late. I was too caught up with school works. But i promise I'll try to uodate on time in the weekends! I hope you enjoyed. T_T

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