YouTuber // Sammy Wilk

By shellyeet

206K 4.1K 1.1K

Madylyn Monroe is a YouTuber. Sammy Wilk is a Singer/Rapper. What happens when they meet each other in a airp... More

⌜ author's note ⌟
⌜ chapter 1 ⌟
⌜ chapter 2 ⌟
⌜ chapter 3 ⌟
⌜ chapter 4 ⌟
⌜ chapter 5 ⌟
⌜ chapter 6 ⌟
⌜ chapter 7 ⌟
⌜ chapter 8 ⌟
⌜ chapter 9 ⌟
⌜ chapter 10 ⌟
⌜ chapter 11 ⌟
⌜ chapter 12 ⌟
⌜ chapter 13 ⌟
⌜ chapter 14 ⌟
⌜ chapter 15 ⌟
⌜ chapter 16 ⌟
⌜ chapter 17 ⌟
⌜ chapter 19 ⌟
⌜ chapter 20 ⌟
⌜ chapter 21 ⌟
⌜ chapter 22 ⌟
⌜ chapter 23 ⌟
⌜ chapter 24 ⌟
⌜ chapter 25 ⌟
⌜ chapter 26 ⌟
⌜ chapter 27 ⌟
⌜ chapter 28 ⌟
⌜ chapter 29 ⌟
⌜ chapter 30 ⌟
⌜ chapter 31 ⌟
⌜ chapter 32 ⌟
⌜ chapter 33 ⌟
⌜ chapter 34 ⌟
⌜ chapter 35 ⌟
⌜ author's note ⌟
⌜ chapter 36 ⌟
⌜ chapter 37 ⌟
⌜ chapter 38 ⌟
⌜ chapter 39 ⌟
⌜ chapter 40 ⌟
⌜ chapter 41 ⌟
⌜ chapter 42 ⌟
⌜ chapter 43 ⌟
⌜ chapter 44 ⌟
⌜ chapter 45 ⌟
⌜ chapter 46 ⌟
⌜ chapter 47 ⌟
⌜ chapter 48 ⌟
⌜ chapter 49 ⌟
⌜ chapter 50 ⌟
⌜ chapter 51 ⌟
⌜ chapter 52 ⌟
⌜ chapter 53 ⌟
⌜ chapter 54 ⌟
⌜ chapter 55 ⌟
⌜ chapter 56 ⌟
⌜ chapter 57 ⌟

⌜ chapter 18 ⌟

4.2K 71 26
By shellyeet

I sat on the edge of my bed with the camera facing me. I went on snapchat, taking a picture of my camera. You could see me taking the picture because the camera screen was facing me. I captioned it

🎥 filming in session 🎥

I added it to my story and turned off my phone, leaning over towards my camera, pressing record.

"What's up guys it's Mady here and I'm back with a new videoooooo," I say, dragging out the O.

"I'm sorry for my bed," I apologized, motioning at my bed which were filled with clothes and things.

"I just came back from Omaha yesterday," I started, "Then I remembered that I should make a video about me telling about the good news, so I thought to myself Why don't I make a video about the news so I don't forget" I say, looking up and tapping my chin.

"And now this is the video," I say, pointing at the camera, "The video you are watching right now," I laughed.

"You guys probably know this already?" I say, sounding like it was a question.

"But I'll just say it again," I laughed, waving off, "I am finally going on tour," I smiled and clapped my hands.

"And it's called the Jack and Jack tour!" I exclaimed, doing jazz hands.

"You can click here to watch Jack and Jack's video about the Jack and Jack tour," I laughed, pointing to the side.

I unlocked my phone, looking at the tour dates.

"20 shows," I say, showing a 2 on one hand and a 0 on the other.

"So we start in September," I say, reading off my phone, "And end in December."

"Hey that rhymed," I laughed at myself.

"Anyways you can also look here," I say, pointing to the side, remembering to place a picture of the tour dates, "and the link to this picture will be down below," I pointed down.

"You can also get your tickets in the link down below," I added, shutting off my phone.

"Um what else?" I asked to myself, thinking what I should say.

"Oh right!" I exclaimed, pretending a light bulb popped above my head.

"Since I am going on tour for 4 months," I showed up 4 fingers, "I am starting another YouTube channel but it's more like a vlog channel," I explained, balancing my hands up and down.

"You can subscribe to my vlog channel right here," I say, pointing to my face, "Or you can click the channel link that will be down below."

"So um yeah that's it, I'm sorry if this video is short, I just wanted to tell you about the news of me going on the Jack and Jack tour," I say into the camera.

"Give this video a thumbs up," showing a thumbs up, "If you liked that I'm going on tour."

"Or not," I laugh awkwardly, showing a thumbs down.

"But comment below if you are coming to see me or planning to see me," I say, sounding unsure.

"And also where you are from because I would like to know where my viewers are from," I finished, pointing down below.

"Before I forget," I say, holding my pointer finger up.

"I just hit 500k+ subscribers today, like what the fuck," I cursed, placing my hands on both of my cheeks so it was like 😱. I remembered to beep that word out.

"I know that seems not a lot to you but to me, that is because that's half of 1 million," I explained.

"500 thousand and more people being subscribed to me, watching my videos when I upload," I say, holding my heart.

"Like before I used to be a 14-15 year old girl in front of my camera doing all these random ass videos," I laughed, shaking my head.

"Which is embarrassing," I added.

"If it wasn't for you guys, I would probably be in my dorm room, studying for tests/exams," I joked, shaking my head.

"And that's about it," I started, "I love you all so so so much and I'll see you guys later in my next video or in my vlog video," I winked, emphasizing or.

"Byeeeee," I smiled, waving at the camera. I stopped recording and uploaded it to my laptop, editing the video.

After editing it, I uploaded it on YouTube. I went on Twitter to tweet about it.

@MadyMonroe: Making a new YouTube channel?! {link to video}#madysnewvideo

@MadyMornoe: following a few people who tweet {link to video} with #madysnewvideo.

I followed people but not until I hit follow limit. I was on my laptop when someone was calling me. It was a FaceTime call coming from Sammy.

I clicked accept and Sammy's smiling face popped up.

"Hi," he greeted, moving his phone a little. I moved the laptop so it was in front of me and I was cris crossing my legs.

"Hey," I said, taking in his appearance. He was definitely shirtless with a SnapBack on.

"You look nice," he smirked. I looked down at noticed I was in a black tank top. I had my reading glasses on and a messy bun on top of my head.

I flipped him off and blushed, not knowing what to say to that.

"So what's up?" I changed the subject, dragging the FaceTime screen on the side so I could scroll through Twitter.

"Oh nothing, just chilling," he says. I nodded, looking at him for a split second then turned back to my Twitter timeline.

"By the way, congrats on 500k subscribers," he says, making me look over to him. He was smirking which made me blush.

"I'm guessing you watched my YouTube video?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I did," he started, "Just before I called you."

I shook my head and blushed a little, looking away.

From the corner of my eye, I could see something moving in Sammy's screen.

I looked over and see a small black/gray kinda fluffy dog licking Sammy's face. I smiled, hearing Sammy laugh at the dog's action.

"Aw he's so cute," I cooed, looking at the dog through the screen.

"His name is Ozzie," he smiled, Ozzie curling up into Sammy's side, laying his down on his shoulder, facing the camera.

"How come I didn't see him when I came over?" I pouted, admiring Ozzie.

"I think he was sleeping in my parents room," he says, patting Ozzie's head.

"I should've met him."

"And he would love you," he grinned, "Just like my almost family do," he says.

"Almost family?" I asked confused.

"Yeah you just didn't meet my older brother Ben and my older sister Anne yet," he explained, me nodding at him.

"So any plans today?" I asked, scrolling through Tumblr now.

"No because you aren't here," he pouted. God he looked so cute.

"Where's Jack and Jack?"

"They are at the studio," he shrugged.


"Family day."


"With his other friends."



I laughed, shaking my head. Oh Mike.


"He's on a date with Taylor?" he says, sounding more like a question. My eyes widened, processing what he just said.

"Taylor?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah he said something about date and Taylor," he laughed, shaking his head. I knew they liked each other but why didn't they go on a date when I was over there. I could've teased them.

"Wow," I say, shaking my head. It quiet for a while, me just scrolling through Tumblr.

"I miss you," Sammy suddenly says. I averted my eyes towards Sammy and see him looking at me with sad eyes, a small frown on his face.

"I miss you too," I say softly, showing a warm smile.

"Just 2 more months," he breathed out, showing a small smile.

"What did I tell you about missing me too much?" I teased, smirking at him.

"I can't help it, I was with you the whole time you was here," he cheekily says. I shook my head and laughed.

"What are you doing?" I heard someone ask in the background. Sammy averted his eyes off the screen. Who's that?

"Oh it's Mady," he says, smiling. He looked at me for a split second then looked back at the person.

I heard a little squeal in the background and footsteps. Suddenly Sammy's Mom popped in the screen.

I instantly smiled, seeing her smile really big at me. Sammy moved his phone back, making him and his mom into view.

"Hi Mady," Mama Wilk greeted, waving at me. I looked at Sammy and see him grinning at me.

"Hi Mama Wilk," I greeted back, smiling and waving at her.

"You need to come back ASAP," she demanded, Sammy shaking his head at her.

Nodding, "I will, soon," I grinned.

"I know we met on Monday and all," she explained, "but we really enjoyed your company here," she smiled warmly at me.

"Sammy definitely enjoyed it a lot," I heard Emily yell in the background.

"Right?!" Mama Wilk laughed, looking away from the screen, probably at Emily. Sammy moved his phone mostly to him, not showing his mom.

"Hey I was talking to her," she warned, seeing the screen moved and Mama Wilk popped out.

"Sammy should've brought you here sooner, not when you were going to leave the next day," she scolded Sammy while I held my laugh in.

"I didn't know she was leaving that time," he says, his hands raising up in surrender, "I literally found out 2 days before she left."

"That's true," I smiled sadly at them. They nodded at me, understanding.

"When you come back we can look at Sammy's baby pictures," she excitedly says to me. I saw Sammy's eyes widened, shaking his head at me when his mom wasn't looking.

"Yes we should," I smirked at Sammy, while he glared at me, "I would love to see them."

She nodded, "Well I gotta go, I need to go to the store and buy groceries," she says, getting up from the bed, out of my sight.

"It was nice talking to you again," she quickly says, popping into view.

"It was nice talking to you too," I smiled at her. She smiled back and got out of the view.

"C'mon Ozzie," I heard her say, watching the dog standing up, walking off the bed, out of view.

I looked at Sammy and see him blushing, looking embarrassed.

"Sorry about my mom," he shyly says.

I shook my head, "Why are you sorry?" I asked, tilting my head to the side, "She's sweet and funny."

"I know but ... " he paused, looking away.

"Oh and I didn't lie when I said I wanted to see your baby pictures," I smirked at him. He playfully glared at me.

We talked for a while more until I had to go and take my brother Jacob to the park.

"I'll talk to you later," I say, smiling at him. He nodded and smiled at me back. I ended the call and turned of my laptop, going through my closet to look for some clothes to wear outdoors.

After finding them, I quickly changed into them and walked out of my room with a small bag on my shoulder.

"You ready Jacob?" I called out, walking down the stairs.

"Yeah!" I hear Jacob yell, little running footsteps coming from the living room. I walked over towards the front door, waiting for him to come.

After a few seconds, I see Jacob running towards me. Once he was close enough, I grabbed his hand and opened the door, letting him walk out first.

"Mom I'm going!" I yell loud enough for my mom to hear. Not bothering to wait for her reply, I stepped out of the house and closed the door behind me, making sure it was locked.

We walked over to my mom's car, getting his booster seat. Once I had his booster seat in my hand, I walked over my car and placed it in the backseat. I placed Jacob in it, strapping him in it.

I got in the drivers seat, placing my small bag in the passenger seat. I turned on my car, warming it up. I looked in the rearview to see Jacob playing his toy.

"So you want to go to the park?" I asked Jacob.

He nodded with a big smile on his face. He definitely loves the park. My mom was even thinking of buying him a playground in the backyard.

I nodded and laughed, driving out the driveway and on our way to the park.

10 minutes later, we finally arrived to the park. Quickly finding a parking space, I parked the car and grabbed my bag, putting it on my shoulder. I took Jacob out of his seat and held his hand, walking across the parking lot.

Once we were in the park, Jacob let go of my hand, running towards the slide.

"Careful Jacob!" I call out, watching him closely. I quickly walked behind him, not wanting him to get hurt.

Once he was close to the playground, he walked on top of it. I waited at the end of the slide, knowing he will come to the slide.

I heard giggling and see Jacob on top of the slide. He sat down and smiled at me. I smiled back, motioning for him to come down.

He slid down, giggling the whole way. Once he was next to my feet, I tickled him and laughed. He laughed also, squirming in my arms.

I stepped of his way and he got up from the slide and walked back up on the playground, doing it again.

We did this for a couple more times until he was tired and he wanted to go on the swings.

We walked over to the swings and I put him on the baby swing, since he was like a baby. I pushed him, making the swing go back and forth.

I continued to push him, looking around. There wasn't that much people here. Just some people sitting on the benches and some kids playing on the playground, some kids playing in the grass.

I looked over at Jacob and see him with a big smile on his face, his hair flying in the air.

I went on snapchat, video taping my brother laughing, the breeze passing by making his hair fly in the air. I captioned it

I missed my baby bro 💟👦

I added it to my story and turned off my phone, continuing to push him. After 30 minutes, we decided to get ice cream.

I strapped Jacob in his seat and got in the drivers seat, turning on my car. I waited it for warm up and turned around to look at Jacob.

"You want to get ice cream now?" I asked, a smile on my face.

His face lit up and the mention of ice cream and he nodded, smiling at me. I chuckled and nodded back, driving out of the parking lot, on our way to the nearest ice cream shop or wagon.

I parked in the nearest parking lot. We got out and walked over to the wagon and stood in line.

I felt someone poking my legs. I looked down and see Jacob with his arms up, signaling he wanted me to carry him. I sighed and lifted him up.

Once I had him on my hip, he buried his face in my neck, shy to be around all these people. I swayed lightly, waiting to order.

After a couple minutes of waiting, it was finally my turn.

"Hi welcome to Izzie's Ice cream wagon," a male cashier greeted, "What would you like to order?" he asked, smiling at me.

"I'll have a chocolate ice cream cup," I started, "And a ... " I paused, looking down at Jacob.

"A strawberry ice cream cup," he quietly says to me, not wanting to look at the cashier. I looked back at the cashier and see him smiling at me warmly.

"And a Strawberry ice cream cup," I finished. He nodded and pressed on some keys.

I was about to hand him 5 dollar bill since it was already in my hand but he pushed my hand away.

"It's on me," he says, seeing my confused face.

I smiled warmly at him and put my money away in my pocket.

"I'll get your ice creams," he says to me before walking away in the wagon. I waited patiently, looking around the menu.

I saw the cashier guy back with 2 ice cream cups in each of his hands.

"Here's the strawberry ice cream cup," he says, passing me cup. I grabbed it and gave it to Jacob who slowly took it.

"And here's the chocolate ice cream cup," he finished, passing me my cup. I took it in my left hand since Jacob was in my right arm.

"Thank you," I smiled at him, walking away from the line. I spotted an empty table and walked towards it.

I placed Jacob in a chair and I sat in the chair across of him. I looked over at Jacob and see him struggling to eat his ice cream since he wasn't high enough.

I got up from my seat and took Jacob out of his seat. I went back to my seat and place Jacob on my left knee. I grabbed his cup and slide it towards him so he could it.

I wrapped my arm around Jacob, making sure he doesn't fall my knee.

He finally took a bite of his ice cream since he was high enough. I took a bite of mine also. Mhmm, chocolate.

I went on snapchat and faced the camera towards us. I placed my phone on top of the table, making sure it took both of us with our ice cream. Jacob saw his reflection on my screen and he smiled, me doing the same. I took a picture and captioned it

Ice cream date 🍦🍨

I added it to my story and turned off my phone, putting in my bag. We continued to eat our ice cream.

I saw someone taking a seat in front of us, placing their ice cream cup on the table.

I looked up and see it was the same cashier guy from the wagon. He smiled at me, me doing the same.

"Hi," he greeted, taking a bite of his ice cream. I felt Jacob leaning into me more, shyly eating his ice cream.

"Hi," I greeted back, taking a bite of my ice cream. I took in his features. He was cute but not cute as Sammy. Wait why am I comparing him to Sammy?

"I'm Isaac," he introduced himself.

"Mady," I say, nodding at him.

"I haven't seen you around here before," he says, tilting his head at me.

"I actually live here but I just came back from Nebraska," I laughed, taking a bite of my ice cream. He nodded, taking a bite of his ice cream.

"Aren't you supposed to be working?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at him.

"I'm on break," he grinned. I shook my head and smiled a little, taking a bite of my ice cream.

"So who's this little cutie?" he cooed, looking at Jacob.

"Oh this is my brother Jacob," I started, "Say Hi Jacob," I say, gently tapping his thigh.

He shook his head and turned away from us, leaning his forehead on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, he's just shy around strangers," I apologized, looking at Isaac.

"It's alright," he reassured me, nodding his head.

"Are you done bud?" I asked, looking at at Jacob. He nodded his head, his forehead still on my shoulder.

"Look at me," I demanded softly, shaking Jacob lightly. He turned towards me and I see some ice cream around his mouth.

I look on the table and see a small basket filled with napkins. I took one and whipped his face clean.

Once I was done, he turned back to his position. I sighed and put the napkin in Jacob's half eaten ice cream cup and place it next to mines.

"So how old are you?" I asked, taking a bite of my ice cream.

"18," he says.

I nodded, "I'm 18 too."

"Are you from here or?" he asked, titling his head.

"I was born in Omaha, Nebraska and lived their until I was 12 then I moved here," I explained, taking a last bite of my now empty cup.

"What about you?" I asked, wanting to know his story.

"Born and lived in New York until I turned 18 then moved here," he explained.

"Just you or?"

"Just me," he nodded.

I felt Jacob poking shoulder, trying to get my attention. I looked down at Jacob, raising my eyebrows at him.

"I want to go home," he quietly says with pleading eyes. I nodded at him and turned to Isaac with a small smile.

"I have to go," I say, standing up, holding Jacob on my left hip.

"Right," Isaac says, standing up also. I was about to take my rubbish but he quickly spoke.

"Let me take it for you," he says, taking my rubbish away from me.

"No it's okay," I reassured him, reaching towards him.

"I work here," he says, shaking his head. I sighed in defeat, knowing he won't back down.

"We should hang out sometime," he suddenly says, making me look at me.

I smiled and nodded, not wanting to be rude.

He took out his phone and I quickly putted my number it.

I hear Jacob quietly whine into my chest.

"I have to go," I say, smiling at Isaac.

"I'll text you later," he says, putting his phone back in pocket. I nodded and walked away towards my car.

I strapped Jacob in his seat and got in the drivers seat, turning on the car.

"I don't like him," Jacob suddenly say from his seat. I looked in the rearview mirror at him. He had his arms crossed and he had a grumpy face.

"He gave us free ice cream," I laughed, lightening up the mood.

"I don't care," he grumbled, his arms crossed and he looked out the window. I shook my head at him and chuckled lightly, driving out of the parking lot and our way to home.

school sucks donkey balls 🔫

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