It's Magic...? (MCYT AU, With...

By apositivecatboi

286K 11.9K 32K

"What is that?" George walks toward the white mass in the rain. He picks it up, and it looked so much like... More

Meet Me Again
How Are You Here?
Your Mask, Your Rumour
I'm Really Cold
Crash Course
hi guys!!
I'd do anything for You
Rumour Trouble (Again)
Flower Field
On Watch
Doki Doki!
Tell Me
Club President
Schlatt's Deal
New Location
There You Are
Jump, Fall, Tumble
Sir Who
Blob #8
Prepare For Trouble, And Make That Triple!
Lost And Found: College Years
shameless plugging
redesigns because I said so


9.2K 365 1.9K
By apositivecatboi

TW: Swearing

10K already?!
Thank you all so much for liking this book
I'm gonna write extra this chapter, 3000 words instead of my usual 1000
I typed this weird oneshot/occurence thing from my mind in one whole chapter, because I had this plot thing when this book first started

So I just wanted to put this in so it won't bug me forever

I'm sorry if it's slightly angsty , I'm listening to patchwork staccato and it's getting to me

Mmm so it's gonna be badly paced.


4 AM, Overworld

Endermen were, naturally curious , and albeit smart. They saw the portal in the middle of the village, and instantly wanted to go in.

They didn't want to do it themselves, though.

The Endermen found dungeon spawners, and even spider spawners.

Somethings about to go down.
Curiosity kills the cat, after all.


7 AM, Dormitories (152)

Dream was making potions. He put fox fur in, with a bit of sweet berry juice.

After hearing the bubbles sound, he took it out to see a soft orange white coloured liquid. He put a sticky note on it writing 'Fox Repellant Prototype 1'. Maybe it's the fact that foxes have been stealing his stuff as of late. He set it down dangerously close to the table edge, not aware of its current position.

Suddenly, the door opens to reveal Fundy, holding a tray of muffins. Unfortunately, Dream wasnt able to get rid of the things on the table before Fundy was in.

"Bad told me to bring this to you—woah! Didn't know you were a chemist!"

"Didn't someone teach you to knock," Dream mumbled, frantically putting away ingredients.

"Oh! Sorry, old habits die hard." Fundy placed the tray down in the kitchen, and pered over Dream's work on the desk on the side of the room. Fundy's stomach slightly brushed the prototype potion, knocking it to the ground, breaking on contact.

It exploded into marvelous orange coloured smoke, glass dissapearing into thin air as it sticks onto Fundy.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," Fundy said in-between coughs, until he caught Dream staring at him. "What? Something on my face?"

Dream sprinted to the kitchen to retrieve milk, and Fundy took out his phone to see two fox ears on his head. He looked down to see a fox tail.

Dream went back to show a cup of milk with a slight hint of gold.
"Oh my god, oh my god, here...drink this milk! It'll get the effect off—"

Fundy was frozen. But suddenly, a smile grew on his face.

"Thanks Dream!" He ran off and slammed the door.



8 AM, Mathematics.

Fundy burst in the room, fashionably late. Dream was already there, hoping that Fundy was in his class.


I guess the fox potion boosted his confidence.

"Mr. Floris! You are 10 minutes late. Where were you?" Ms. Taylor scolded.

"Oh! I was in the bathroom."

"And what did I say about wearing your cat ear headbands to class? This isn't a cosplay event, it's a class!" The teacher walked to Fundy, and tried pulling his ear off.

"Ow! Ow, stop that," He whined. He rubbed the ear that was pulled. "And I'll have you know that these are real!"

He wagged his tail, and pushed his hair out of the way to show that the ears were connected.


Dream stood up, he didn't want more reporters flocking, so he confronted Fundy.

"Fundy," He started.


"Drink the milk." He picked out a bottle of milk out from his bag. Unfortunately, this time it wasn't mixed with amnesiac.

Fundy was confused.

Suddenly, a spider dropped into Dream's face. Not a normal spider, it's the type you find in the Overworld.

"Oh, how did you get here?" He chuckled, grabbing George's pen. He grabbed the thing and stabbed the head, making it turn into smoke.

George was absolutely horrified.

"Wait, if they are here...?" George stopped, looking out the window, seeing spider spawners. He looked to the door to see zombies.

It wasn't long until you heard something from the speakers.

"Everybody stay in your classes!" The principal warned. "Everyone who aren't in a room, run to one immediately."

Dream and George saw the very agitated faces of their classmates.

Dream didn't have his stuff on him, neither did George. They needed an enderchest, or something as a weapon.

"Any of you have a weapon?" Dream suddenly asked. "Or anything?"

Skeppy looked towards Dream.

"Well, I guess I was going to use it for a prank, but..." He pulled a confetti cannon out. "Nothing much."

Dream picked it up, and saw Tubbo in the corner in the room, talking to Fundy.


He turned his head towards him.

Dream put his hand out, and Tubbo dropped an enderchest.

"You are full of surprises, Tubbo." Dream said, placing it down and grabbing his netherite sword. He tossed a diamond one to George.

"Dream! George, what are you doing?" Ms Taylor asked, worry lacing her voice.

"Saving the school, I paid to be here."

Dream tossed a sword to Tubbo.

"Anyone here who can fight?" He asked.

Somebody raised his hand from the corner.

It was a pinkette who always wore royal garments. Dream didn't know how he didn't see him before.

"I can." He smiled. "The names Dave, call me Techno."

Leader of the Martial Arts Club.
Works well with fighting, either close combat or if its in distance.


Dream threw a sword at him, enchanted and all.

Ring! Ring!

George's phone was going off.


"Hey, George, you heard the announcement—Agh, get away !"

"Sapnap!" George smiled. "You okay in your class?"

"Fine, but the spiders are getting to me, even if their currently docile."

"It's alright. Do you have an ender chest?"

"Unfortunately, no."

"Ugh, this is going to get annoying." Dream groaned. He stabbed a stray spider lying around.

"Uhm, Dream ? I actually never used a weapon before." Tubbo awkwardly said, waving the sword back and forth.

"Jump to land crits, and swing to hit." Dream bluntly said, fighting a few more spiders crawling through the vents. "George, we need to find the spawners."

"We do, but where would they be? The campus is huge."

"Spiders are most likely outside, and zombies are inside. We need to find out what brought the spawners here."

"My brain..." Skeppy whined. He grabbed a stone sword and tried killing a spider, but was unfortunately, attacked back. "Ow!"

Dream stabbed the spider before it does much more.

"It'll go aggressive if you attack it, get a Shield or something."Dream scolded, throwing him a piece of bread." Eat and regen. "

" Regen? It attacked me—oh."

Thats when he saw something that only he can see; his health bar.

" This is a dream, this is a dream..." He was confused and overwhelmed.

George looked at Skeppy, who was overwhelmed and confused.

"This isn't a dream," George sighed. " You aren't handling it well, I guess."

" Of course! We're all gonna die, it's a zombie apocalypse! "

" Nah, we aren't. A simple zombie would do much. "Dream piped in. He looked blank, but he clearly was trying to comfort him, in his own way." If it was a wither, yeah. But this? It's just a zombie outbreak, no biggie. "

Dream then turned towards the Teacher, who was just as confused.

" Drink this. "

Dream forced amnesiac down her throat, mixed with a sleeping potion.

"Goodbye, wake up later."

She dropped to the ground, sound asleep.

"George, Techno, Tubbo. Come on, time to kill a bunch of mobs."

"Wait, I still don't understand!" Techno asked, walking to Dream.

"You don't need to." Dream looked away.

"Fundy, you come too. I'm still gonna have to fix your ears, so for now you're dragged into this."

"Wait!" Bad voiced from the back. "I can help!"

George looked back to see Bad, standing up.

"I still don't understand many things, you own a sword, finding zombies normal, literally anything !" Bad exclaimed. "Even you, George! I knew you for years, and now it's like you're a whole new person!"

Bad softened his gaze, and picked up a sword.

"If this can make me reconnect, I will do so."

"Bad, I—" George stopped himself, then looked at Dream." Please let him. "

Dream tossed a shield to Bad.

" Okay, if you really insist. "


There was a horde of skeletons and zombies in the hallways. Maybe they stalled for too long.

Dream and the others didn't want to deal with a horde right now, they'd prefer finding the spawners first.

Dream used the confetti cannon as a distraction, and all of them ran towards the end of the hallway. They found a person fighting for their lives.


Martial Arts Member
Practices fighting for fun, sometimes does pranks.

"Techno, help—ow !"

Techno jumped up and aimed for the zombie's head. It turned into a puff of smoke. He proceeded to kill the other zombies and skeletons.


Dream gave him some food, which he encouraged him to eat, and while that happened, George and Dream were killing more mobs.

"Guys! Over here!" Tubbo yelled. He found a spawner, and it was a skeleton one.

George swiftly broke it, and fought the skeletons, while bringing Harvey to a nearby classroom. Dream killed more, fighting alongside Techno. Bad and Tubbo were exploring the floor upstairs. Fundy was confused, but still being able to fight.

Bad's POV (this is so surprising!!!!! A PoV????????? )

I walked the halls with Tubbo, filled with monsters we luckily hid from. Both of us didn't know how to fight, yet we wanted to do this.

Suddenly, an arrow hit Tubbo's arm, but no blood came. It only made him turn red for a split second, and he swiftly looked behind him to find a living skeleton pointing a bow towards us.

We ran and ran, not bothering, and went to the roof. It wasn't considered a floor, but it existed.

Zombies and skeletons followed, and burned in the sun. It wasn't a lovely sight, at all.

I don't understand how Dream finds this a 'no biggie'.

Is this what they were hiding from me? Or is this just one?

Oh how I just wanted to bake muffins.
Maybe talk to Skeppy?
Maybe ask to see where the little blob went? It was really cute.

Before I know it, all of them turned into puffs of smoke, little green orbs, bones and flesh were all that was left of the monsters.

We picked them up, eventually just deciding to throw it off the roof.

I looked around, and saw a little square cage, with a spider in it. A few spiders were out, making webs around it.

"Is that a spawner?"


We texted George to alert him that we found a spider spawner.


Bad sighed. He looked at the sword he was holding, and the shield strapped on his arm. It wasn't long before George, Dream, Fundy and Techno arrived.

Dream broke the spawner and killed all the spiders.

3rd Person PoV

Everyone marched down the desolate hallways, only the thuds of their footsteps were heard.

Sometimes a zombie, skeleton or spider will pop up every now and then, but Dream, George or Techno would kill it.

They found a classroom which was labeled 'History 4' and saw Sapnap in it.

Knock knock.

The door opened, and Sapnap pulled everyone into a group hug.

"You guys are alive!" Sapnap looked at Fundy. "What happened to you, dude?"

"Ah, I accidentally dropped one of Dream's bottles, and—" Fundy smiled, showing off his tail. "This happened!"

Inside the classroom, Wilbur, Tommy, and Phil are here.



Both of them hugged, and pulled away.

"Did you fight any monsters?" Tommy smiled.

"Hell yeah I did!"

Mr. Morris was absolutely shocked.
"What were you kids doing out there?! You could've gotten killed!"

By surprise, an arrow shot Dream.

He looked behind him and sprinted towards it, and proceeding to kill it. He returned, holding bones.

"You see, Dream, George and possibly Tubbo," Techno trailed. "Know more about this than we do. He only told us to fight."

Dream, once again, in a horrifying way, shoved a bottle of amnesiac mixed with sleeping potion on the teacher.

George was creeped out.

"Yeah ?" He answered almost immediately. You can literally feel him sparkling.

"Why are you feeding all the adults amnesiac?" George asked, looking down on his feet.

"Oh, adults are kind of tattletales. For them..." He turned to the others in the room. "They're lucky I ran out of amnesiac, but once I get more, I'm definitely making them forget."

Wilbur shivered, and hugged a girl near him.

Cooking Club Leader
Is German, kind and therapeutic, one of the kindest girls you will ever meet! Wants to open a bakery with Wilbur once she is done studying.

"Don't worry, Will! I can convince him not to give us amnesiac!" Niki said softly, but full of determination. "I don't want to forget you!"

"It will only make you forget this event, Niki." George smiled reassuringly. "It won't make you forget everything."

Dream lightly chuckled. "George, do you count that as reassuring?"

"I guess?"

"Well that is... not good at all."

Another girl loudly laughed. "You call THAT reassuring?"

"MINX! You don't want to encourage him to force feed us amnesiac!" Phil yelled from his table.

(minx may not be a mcyter but still she's cool and I need more females)

Cooking Club Member
Irish woman, has the loudest laughs and radiates dom energy.

Dream just wheezed, and an awful silence occurred.

" You got asthma or something?" Minx pointed out. "Or are you a living kettle?"



"We really need to get out there and find more spawners, " Dream pointed out. "We've been stalling for too long."

Sapnap laughs and grabs a sword. "Time to put my practice to use!"

Niki looked over to the crew, and sighed.

"Atleast eat something, you may be really hungry, or tired right now..." She offered them each a piece of bread from a plastic bag she had.

"Great, regen!"


They ran out the door, and started killing. Some of the students in History looked out the windows on the doors to see, no blood, but puffs of smoke.

Dream was getting cornered, into an empty classroom. It seems like all the mobs were tagetting him.

Every hit overwhelmed him, and he dropped his sword in the midst of the mob crowd.

The sound of losing health happened, and everyone in the team were trying to kill the mobs, but the mobs payed no attention.


"Dream!"  George called, even if it did nothing.

They watched as Dream was being crushed by the massive amount of mobs.

And then...

Dream disappeared into a cloud of smoke, dropping loads of exp, and items.

"Dream!" They finally cleared the mobs to find nothing but his items.

Everyone is horrified.

Fundy looked down, ears drooping.


Dream died.
All he saw was a big 'YOU DIED' on his screen, and a message. 'Dream was squished too much'.

Huh, it wasn't a big deal, and he tapped respawn.

He ended up in his bed in the Dormitories.

"Well, better get to them before they start a funeral," He chuckled. He picked up more amnesiac (with sleeping potion ofcourse) cleared the mobs away in the Dormitories and destroyed a spider spawner on the way.

It was quite peaceful, somehow.

He got to History 4, and looked around.

" Where's George? " He asked the students.

"Dream? How are you alive?" Wilbur asked. "George and the others said you died!"

"They're gonna start a funeral, and I'm not even dead. Great."

"I believe they went to the cafeteria," Niki said. "They were gonna clear that one."

"Thanks...?" Dream put his hand out, with an awkward smile.

"Its Niki."

"Thank you Niki."

He sprinted down the desolate hallways, and used an elevator to get down. Why was there an elevator? I don't know, secret underground basement in the school?

But first, he force fed every teacher who was in the school with amnesiac, which luckily all of them were in the teacher's lounge to talk about something (Mr. Morris and Miss Taylor were running late.) And he went to every class to splash all students inside with a weak 30 minutes amnesiac. For the seniors, after a bit of convincing from Niki, Wilbur and Phil, he didn't bother giving them amnesiac on the condition they stay quiet.

He got to the stone path, running to the cafeteria. There were police, and they were questioning the crew. Everyone looked upset.

"George!" Dream waved his spare diamond sword in the air.

"Dream! Your alive!" They hugged, then Sapnap joined, then Fundy, then Tubbo, then Bad, but Techno refused to hug.

"Come on you muffin!" Bad got out of the hug, and pulled Techno in.

"All right..."

"Group hug!"

The police were just confused.

"How did you...?" George looked up to Dream.


After the interview, they concluded that the principal (who had called the police) had hallucinations because none of the other teachers were able to vouch for him, nor any other students. The senior class stayed quiet. The police didn't bother checking the cameras (which was a flaw) and left. Apparently there were no cameras for classrooms (because Teachers watch).

But a certain group hacked into the cameras, and saw the incident.

"Ah, an infestation?" Stampy watched the TV show footage of Dream and the Team fighting.

"Maybe the creature gave them powers?" A proffesor asked.

"Maybe. What happened to the dorm cameras?"

"The kid called Thomas  found out about the cameras, he heard me."


"He lied about his name being Tomathy as a joke," Stampy pointed out.


"We need to install the cameras again, just make sure to put sleeping gas in to make sure he's actually asleep." Sir looked at another agent. "Can you do that for me, Agent Sky?"

"Yes, sir." Agent Sky nodded, sunglasses shimmering because of the light that the TV emitted.

"Also, Stampy?" Sir said.


"I got you a new job. Go ask Mrs. Bravura about it."

"You mean the one that's super cheerful?"

"Yeah. She's in her office."

"Yes, sir."

He walked out of the room, and started walking towards the North side of the facility.

While walking, he's seen other creatures. Wither skeletons, Zombies, even square pigs!

Once he reached the room, he was immediately greeted with a hug.

"Stampy! You're here!" She hugged the man.

"Yeah. What do have for me, Mrs. Bravura?" Stampy went to the point.

"Stampy, you can just call me Aphmau, you know! An for that, we're gonna be homeroom teachers in that school you were assigned to!" She smiled. "You are gonna be homeroom teacher, and I'm gonna be assistant homeroom teacher !"

"Oh, god..."

"You were a teacher before, isn't that right?" Aphmau looked at a file, which were presumably Stampy's records.

"Yes, I was... But I was an art teacher!"

"Well, we can rearrange you..." Aphmau looked kinda bummed. "Then I'd be all alone..."

"Fine, fine. Friends stick together, after all."

---- ¦]

I'm sorry for a late update i---
I made sure I had a deadline (Tuesday, aka tmr) so I can do this faster, other than that procrastinating hit me hard
3234 words

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