Be bad or good ? (Malereader...

By Vergil_the_chairman

519K 6.2K 7.8K

It's been a hard life for Y/N L/N. Being abused and neglected by his family and then loosing them at the age... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Few questions
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Author's note
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Mentality and insanity.
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 47
Ch. 48
Ch. 49
Ch. 50
Ch. 51
Ch. 52
Ch. 53
Ch. 54
Ch. 55 (last chapter)
Scrapped Ideas/RWBY
Ch. 61 (OG)
Ch. 62 (old)
Ch. 63 (old)
Ch. 64 (old)
What happened?

Ch. 60 ( old)

1.6K 26 11
By Vergil_the_chairman

[B/N- Brother's name]

[Y/N's POV]

Apparently my family died in a car crash when I was 8 and all my life my brother took care of me till now, I don't remember anything and don't know why I was staying in that old house. My brother said I have amnesia so that's why I can't remember.

B/N- So how do you like the mansion of mines?

I've gotta give it to him, it's a really humongous beautiful and expensive mansion that's for for sure. I gave him a thumbs up as he nodded in response, we both exited the car while two maids opened the door for us.

?- Hello Lord B/N and master Y/N. My name is kallen and I'm your personal maid, master Y/N.

She bowed down making me confused since I don't know how to respond to this, my brother whispered 'bow down as well, lil bro'. I quickly did what he said but slip and fell down with my face on her foot, she panicked and quickly help me getting up.

I told her I was fine but she didn't take no as an answer and started chewing my face, my brother laughed while I sighed not knowing why is she acting like this? I just met her and she's already this worried about me?

Kallen- Whew, no scratches or injuries. That's good.

Y/N- Like I said kallen, I'm fine.

B/N- Come on little brother, it's time to eat dinner. I invited some of my friends, hope you don't mind.

Y/N- It's fine. I can try making friends at least.

B/N- Kallen will escort you to your room by the time the food is being prepared, please take a shower.

He went to do some work as I followed kallen to my room, she seemed really happy to meet me I don't know why but I can't help but feel... suspicious about it. Almost everyone thing here in the hallway is golden-life, there's even a jacuzzi here. I know what I going to do after eating dinner.

Y/N- Excuse kallen, but Whats the relationship between two of us?

She smiled more brightly than ever and took my hand and intertwined it with my mines, I raised my left eyebrow and blinked a few times out of sheer confusion.

Kallen- *giggles* Were cousins you silly goofball~

Y/N- Ohhhh okay. Then why are you a maid then?

Kallen- I wanted to be your maid. Your 'personal' maid~

Y/N- Uh-Huh. I.. see.

I didn't get the personal part but if she really wants her to be my maid then I guess she can go for it, either way I need to recollect my old memories soon.
She took my arm and placed it between her chest, why did she do it?

Y/N- Why did you put my arm on your chest?

Kallen- *giggles* Oh Y/N~ because your adorable. I wanna keep you to myself and remove your innocence so badly right now~

Y/N- Innocence?

Oh man. She's the weird type, oh well. She's my cousin nonetheless so I guess I'll have to live with her being weird around me, Im gonna listen to some music when I get to my room. Big brother gave me a lot of options in listening to music so why not hear it?

Y/N- Oh Kallen. How old are you if you don't mind me asking? You look fairly young to be a maid.

Kallen- That's rude of you to ask but since your my lovely ''cousin' I'll answer it for you. I'm 18 and your 16, right~?

Y/N- Yeah, how'd you know?

Kallen- Lucky guess, I suppose.

We finally reached to my room, I was about to open it but she was ahead of me and opened the door for me. I thanked her and entered my room with kallen following behind me. Wow.

It's amazing! I like when it's plain and simple but I can't really complain about this room, it's so cool! I quickly sat on the chair with wheels and started spinning around like an idiot.

Y/N- Weeee!!! Ahahah!

Kallen's mind- You really have lost your memories Y/N dearest, huh? At least we can make new memories and start all over again. But now your mine and mine alone this time~

Y/N- This is so much fun yahoo!

After a few seconds I felt dizzy and kallen stopped me from spinning any more. I shook my head and got my sense, she cupped my cheeks and winked at me. I tried saying 'What are you doing?' But it didn't come out clear. She un-cupped my cheeks and bowed down.

Kallen- If you need any thing I'll be in the next room.

Y/N- Okay! Thank you again kallen!

Kallen- *chuckles* Anything for you master Y/N.

I looked over the mirror and cheeks my self out. Half of my hair is white and black? And what's with my eyes? Did no one notice this? Oh well it looks cool at least. Let's see what games I can play on this PC's of mines.

I booted the pc up and already a lot of games were there waiting for me to play them. There was over watch, paladins, Minecraft, halo 3, Call of duty: Modern warfare (2019). There's so many games installed and I don't know where to even begin man!

Y/N- I guess I can start with horror games, resident 7: biohazard. That sounds promising.

[Time skip brought to you Chibi Y/N hiding under his blanket and shaking]

Not even an hour into the game and I've alreadyquit the game, it was way too scary for me. I needed a good fast-paced action shooting game, over watch. It looks and sounds promising.

Y/N- Annnddd... start-

I heard the door open which made me fall from my chair as I hit my head in the ground while I held my head in pain. I looked over to my left and saw it was kallen who opened the door, I sighed in relief and accepted her help to get me up.

Y/N- Boy Im a glad to see you whew.

Kallen- Y-You are?

Y/N- Of course! You are my big cousin after all *chuckles*

Kallen- A-Anyways dinners ready and our guests have arrived.

Y/N- Okay! I'll just follow you since I don't know where is the dining table hehe.

We both exited the room and I closed the door behind me. I couldn't help but feel happy to be here, it's a bit lonely though. Hope I can make friends with the guests, or not make myself look like an idiot.

Y/N- Who are these guests by the way kallen?

Kallen- You'll just have to see it for yourself master Y/N.

[Yang's POV]

We entered my dads friends house and it was a fricking mansion, he's a rich one. A very rich one indeed, I still can't help but feel guilty to even be alive here. I mean that Y/N person killed his family for the sake of our everyone's lives, he even saved my life. Sure he's other self killed me but it was the real Y/N who brought me back to the land of the living.

Yang- I'll never forget for what you did for me. For all of us.

Ruby- Sis? Are you gonna enter?

Yang- Oh yeah I'm coming.

Weiss, Blake and my whole family is here. People would think that my dad is a pervert since he has 2 wives. Raven and summer. But he isn't.

Both of them loves dad dearly so they have a three-way marriage. It was annoying to wear this fancy clothes which my dads friend insisted that it isn't necessary but my dad didn't listen and forced us to wear it.

We finally reached the dining table and there is a lot of food in the table. My mouth watered at the sight of these, I mean who wouldn't drool at this? This is like heaven to me.

Summer- Come on dear, take a seat.

You don't need to tell me twice mom! I sat there between Blake and ruby. I wanted to eat the food so badly but we have to wait for my dads friend little brother.

B/N- Sorry for my little brother late timing. He's just not used to be with a lot of people.

Social anxiety huh? I heard voices in the corner, one is a female voice. And the other one sounded eerily similar to Y/N's. It can't be him, he's dead. There's no way he'll just come back to life and pop out like that, can't be.

Y/N- Sorry for being a little late everyone! I was playing my games on my PC teehee!

That voice. It can't be. I looked over to the sound of the voice and he looked... different. White and black hair? No yang bad yang! That isn't Y/N! He's dead! We saw him killed himself!

[Y/N's POV]

Y/N- Good evening everyone! My name is Y/N L/N-

The blonde guy spat his drank on the women with spiky hair on his left while the girl with black hair and cat ears which I didn't believe was real at first, coughed intensely. I went over her and patted her back a few times trying to relive the cough she just let out, the white haired girl, red and black haired and the blond women seemed genuinely scared.

Y/N- Hello? It's like you guys have seen a ghost or something *laughs*

Blond girl- Y-Your t-the r-real Y/N?!

Y/N- Wha-

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