Be bad or good ? (Malereader...

By Vergil_the_chairman

519K 6.2K 7.8K

It's been a hard life for Y/N L/N. Being abused and neglected by his family and then loosing them at the age... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Few questions
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Author's note
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Mentality and insanity.
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 47
Ch. 48
Ch. 49
Ch. 50
Ch. 51
Ch. 52
Ch. 53
Ch. 54
Ch. 55 (last chapter)
Scrapped Ideas/RWBY
Ch. 60 ( old)
Ch. 61 (OG)
Ch. 62 (old)
Ch. 63 (old)
Ch. 64 (old)
What happened?

Ch. 32

4.4K 74 85
By Vergil_the_chairman

Ay yo how you pull up? I pull up 😎 now then Get ready for the story because this won't be a relaxing one for long 😉


December 20, Sunday.

1:30 PM

Out of the jet.

[Y/N's POV]

We have arrived at Ionia. Well out of the jet at least, were currently waiting for our pick up ride ahri called.

Y/N- You weren't lying Kai'sa. This place looks really nice!

Kai'sa- Of course. Why would lie to you my love~?

Y/N- No reason really, but still i feel anxious about them falling down though.

Akali- Trust me it won't Y/N, I live here so i know what's what.

Ahri- Oooh! There's our pick-up ride!

Y/N- It's been a while I last rode a normal car.

I picked up my luggage's and properly put the straps of my back pack properly, I opened the trunk and placed my belongings there following ahri, Kai'sa, akali and lastly Evelyn. I let everyone else in first before I did, after everyone went in i just realized there isn't any space left.

Y/N- Ah shoot, there isn't any space left.

The smile on their faces were screaming "trouble" and i knew where this would be going too. Ahri patted her thigh a few times.

Ahri- *giggles*

Y/N- *sigh*

[Time skip brought to by Chibi Y/N playing Sub way surfers while Chibi Ahri is on top of him]

Akali said we're almost there and i really wanted to be there as quick as possible because of the position i am right now isn't really best. I'm laying on 3 of their laps, my head is on ahri's, my middle part is on akali and my lower part is on kai'sa.

Y/N- I know what your thinking Kai'sa but don't.

Kai'sa- You know I'll do it.

Ahri- Do it.
Akali nodded at Kai'sa.

Y/N- Kai'sa no!

She started tickling my foot and i held back my feet making Akali tickle my tummy and ahri tickling my upper body part.


They didn't stop and contient tickling until Evelyn told them to stop and so i did. I thank Evelyn for stopping them but she was no different and started tickling me with her "lashers" I think thats what there called.

Evelyn- Your laugh is so adorable you know that~?


Before it would be another long session of tickling, we Arrived to our destination. Akali's family house hold to be exact, after getting a good look of it. It's one of those traditional houses i think.

I could be wrong but that doesn't matter right now, what matters is that i get the hell out of here before anything crazy happens in the car. Ahri opened the door so i smoke dashed out of there immediately, I went behind the car and opened the trunk. After settling all of the stuffs on the ground, the others picked their stuffs and thanked. I nodded in response and looked back at the house.

I see 1 man that looks to be akali's dad and 1 woman that has to be akali's mom. I even noticed Akagi came so i waved at her and she waved back with a smile.

Y/N- Wow i almost forgot about Akagi.

We went inside the house and i was pretty right. It's a tradition Japanese home. Akali' parents and akali talked to each other about what happened to their lives and also talked to others. I was left alone and quiet since i didn't know what to talk about other than introductions.

?- *gasp* daddy! Daddy! Thats the same mister that saved me when the building was on fire!

Akali's dad- Really? I just wanna say thank young man. Say what's your name again? Sorry but when it comes to names it's kinda hard to remember it at first.

Y/N- It's fine really Mr.tethi. I just did what i had to do thats all.

Akali's dad- None sense Y/N. You don't have to call me Mr.tethi, Haru is quite fine by me. And this is my wife haku.

I bowed to her and she bowed a little in response. We talked about how i met her daughter and her friends.

Haku- Are you sure your just "friends" with my daughter?

Haru- Now now honey we dont want to jump into any conclusions... yet.

From the looks of it, akali's dad whose name is 'Haru' is the relaxing type. He doesn't look type nor act tough, he's very laid back and kind as well. Same goes to his wife but his wife is a bit like... akali in a way-ish.

*Knock knock*

Haru- I'll get it.

He set down his daughter beside who stemmed happy and exited to be with me, I chuckled a bit and started talking to her. I found out her name is hikage and she's 9 years old. Wait a minute why do i feel like i forgot something...

[Third POV]

Everyone was having a good time in the living room. Talking to each other, laughing at each other, jokes all that ordinary stuffs. But outside of the tethi household. Haru is getting death threats from this local thug who isn't all 'local'.

Thug- Where's the money Tethi?

He pointed the gun at his clearly trying to intimidate in which he succeeded in doing so, Haru swear dropped a bit since he couldn't give me more because he's almost broke.

Haru- I'm sorry but i can't give you no more, my family needs it!

He lowered his gun down and put his hand up. From a distance it's signaling the other thugs to 'break in' the house hold. After a few seconds 5 more thugs came out from the trees and broke the down the door. Haru tried to stop him but one of the thugs knocked him out with the Handle of the gun.

The 2 thugs entered the living room and shot the ceiling a few times alerting everyone to put their hands behind there hands.

Thug 1- Hey kid! What did I just say?

Thug2- Hands behind your head!

He pointed the top do the gun on Y/N's head who just kept smiling but not the cocky, sadistic, creepy smiles. It's one of the confident smiles not cocky jsut confident.

Y/N- Oh no a gun. What will i ever do?

This pissed the thugs off especially the one who was holding the gun in his head. The gun with the thug tried to knock him out like he did to Haru but instead god subdued by the neon beam shot by Y/N.
The thug with the crowbar took a few steps back ward in fear but shook his head gaining his composure.

He rushed through Y/N who just casually side story and shot a neon beam in his left leg having the same result as the last thug.

Y/N- Now then is there any more of you guys?

He didn't answer since well... he couldn't after being subdued like that, Y/N face palm himself remembering they can't talk after being subdued by his neon powers.

Y/N- Welp i guess I'll have to find out for my self right? You guys stay here and don't go out. Who knows what's out there.

Akali was about to protest being held inside and not helping out then Ahri placed her hand on her shoulder and smiled.

Ahri- Let him go, he'll be fine.

Kai'sa- Yeah and plus we finally get to see him in action right?

She sighed in defeat then didn't say anything letting Y/N go Outside and check if there was more of them. When Y/N went outside he saw Haru laying down in the ground passed out, he carried Haru and set him beside his wife.

Y/N- Feel free to watch the show while i take this speaker.

He carried a medium-sized speaker with his right hand and exited the house. The girls wanted to see the "show" and so they did, they did so by standing at the doorway entrance/exit of the house. Y/N placed the speaker beside Evelyn and connected his phone to the speaker.

Y/N- Done... and done!

He summoned 8 clones of him, the 8th one having a saxophone on his hand and sun glasses too. He just sat at the porch and waited for the "show" commence. The girls (Akali, ahri, Kai'sa, Akagi and Evelyn) didn't know what to expect but was nervous nonetheless of what's going to happen.

After a few minutes of Y/N stretching and crackled his knuckles and neck. A lot of thugs came out of the trees all armed with guns, weapons, snipers and rocket launchers.

Buff thug- I can't wait to squish you little man!

The biggest thug smirked and cracked his knuckles waiting to pound Y/N to the ground. Like hell he can do that.

{Play the song on top! Quick quick!}

Clone with the saxophone- 어서 오세요, 저랑 처음 맞나요? (Welcome, it's your first time with me right?)

Akagi- Since when does he speak Korean?

The girls shrugged and watched the clone with the saxophone playing the "Play" button on the phone.

Y/N- Ay yo ladies and gentlemen!

Clone 1- Woah!

The thugs let out a battle cry while Y/N and his clones just stood idly still.

{beat drop}

The clone with the saxophone started playing.

Ahri Couldn't help but laugh at the sight while the others saw Y/N and his clones fighting and beating the Crap out of the enemies. All the clones of Y/N had electricity circling around their fists.

Just like in the game (spider man ps4), each punch will electrocute others around the person who gets punched by this.
The thugs were having a very difficult time trying to defeat or even kill Y/N, a red dot marking was placed on his head. He knew it was there and waited for him to take the shot, he was fighting 3 thugs at once while the sniper already took the by the Time.

Y/N dodged at the last second, the bullet going right pass by him. The bullet hit the grenade on the thugs waist making it explode defeating the 3 at one, now Why defeat and not kill? It's simple really. All the thugs have crazy good armor that explosions from a grenade impact will do nothing but knock them out unconsciously.

The third clone threw a stasis bubble at the group behind the second one of Y/N who was whipping his chain at the thugs. The thugs got hit by the stasis bubble and started floating in the air, during the levitation the third clown who was currently riding the buff thug like a bull and made him trip by creating electric wires.

Middle of the buff thug being electrocuted, the thug fell down unconscious and more started shooting at the third clone who just kept on dodging each shot pissing the thugs even more than ever. 3 clones of
Y/N flew up to the sky and stayed there waiting for the right moment to strike.

No one seemed to notice this Except for Y/N himself of course. The number of thugs were becoming less and less every minute, some of the thugs called in the big guns and they were on their way.

One thug in particular had a rocket launcher aiming at the girls who were just watching. Y/N saw this knew what he had to do, he waited for him to shoot it at them while he kept on shooting smoke shots, neon beams, concrete shots at the thugs.

The thug finally shit the rocket launchers that was coming to the girls way. Evelyn saw this and warned everyone to take cover but it was too late since it was very close to hitting them. One of the brute thugs was about to hit Y/N in the gut which would sent him flying towards the girls, he took the hit and went fast.

Y/N luckily reached their in Time and placed both of his feet on the rocket and started riding it like a surf board in the beach.

Akali- Woah..

Ahri- How is that even possible?

Kai'sa- I don't know but it looks fun.

Evelyn- Is he badass cutie now or something?

He rode the rocket launcher around spraying video torrent shots at the thug from the air. Then 3 APC tanks came and was about to shoot until Y/N flipped the rocket to the APC and shot 3 cinder middles with it causing a humongous explosion.

Akagi- That was so awesome!

More APC's and even helicopters equipped with Gatling guns and rocket launches at their disposal.
And a new looking tank came to the show. 5 of them to be exact, then the boss came out of the tank.


In the middle of the boss getting in the tank, Y/N just casually walked to the girls and leaned to the wall.

Ahri- Ummm... what are you doing?

Y/N- Just watch.

The 3 clones of Y/N that were up were about to perform "Orbital drop" all together while Y/N would do "Hell fire swarm". Y/N just stood in front of the Thugs with crazy weapons and vehicles, he held his hand up and summoned a lot of angled and demons as well, hence the name "Hellfire swarm".

After summoning a lot of angels and demons that were ready to throw them selves to the ground. A certain smoke sound of sorts could be heard at the sky. Everyone looked up to see the three clones of
Y/N about to hit them with "Orbital drop" and Y/N pushed his hand down making the demons and angels follow with the the three Y/N'.

Boss- Oh Crap...




Destruction and destruction were being pummeled to the ground hitting the thugs and vehicles as well. All of the vehicles exploded including the helicopters that exploded mid-air. Soon the the tres got caught in fire making Y/N rush over there and freeze the burning trees.

Y/N- Whew that was... close.

Seconds after saving people from a close-call forest fire, sirens of police and ambulances could be heard from a distance.

Evelyn- Wait who called police?

Akali- Yeah i didn't see anyone in their phones.

Clone with the saxophone- I did.

He showed his phone to them, the screen saying "911". He closed his phone and put back to his pocket soon after all the clones of Y/N disappeared even the saxophone as well.

Akagi- How does the saxophone disappear as well?

Her sister shrugged and looked back to see Y/N exhausted from the fight. Everyone went back to the house and let akali's parents do the talking since
Y/N didn't have the energy to do it after the "show".

Hikage then came and was about to Hug Y/N until he passed out from exhaustion. Ahri caught him before he could collapse to the ground, one of
Ahri's tails came and used it self as a pillow for Y/N and a cushion fro her to sit.

Then a certain family member of akali came up to the door and saw a familiar young boy laying down unconscious

?- What the hell just happened?


I think this is hands down the biggest chapter i ever wrote in my life. No I'm not calling, I may sound like I'm capping but I'm not capping.

So... how was this chapter ;—; ?

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