Be bad or good ? (Malereader...

By Vergil_the_chairman

519K 6.2K 7.8K

It's been a hard life for Y/N L/N. Being abused and neglected by his family and then loosing them at the age... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Few questions
Ch. 20
Author's note
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Mentality and insanity.
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 47
Ch. 48
Ch. 49
Ch. 50
Ch. 51
Ch. 52
Ch. 53
Ch. 54
Ch. 55 (last chapter)
Scrapped Ideas/RWBY
Ch. 60 ( old)
Ch. 61 (OG)
Ch. 62 (old)
Ch. 63 (old)
Ch. 64 (old)
What happened?

Ch. 19

6.4K 106 94
By Vergil_the_chairman

How you guys doing m? Everyone doing good? Good, good. Let's get back to the story ay ?
Umm... there's a very low chance of lemons happening in this story.

Because I can't even read lemons how can I even write lemons ?

So... sorry for those who are hoping for lemons to happen.

Beach name- anse source d'argent (according to google one of the 'best' beaches in the word)

Time- 11 AM in the morning

People who are in this beach-

Y/N (that's you)

{start playing the song on the top}

[Third POV]

Ahh yes anse source d'argent according to google and people who visited their has said 'one of the most beautiful beaches in the world'. Everyone was fairly excited about the trip especially our dear young Y/N who you can is jumping, hoping around the group with ahri.

Y/N- Eek! I am so excited! Who's excited?!

Ahri- I'm excited!

They both held each other's hands and squealed in joy, while the rest just smiled at the sight of the 2 and the sight of the beach.

Vi- Seriously... where is this music even coming ?

Caitlyn- Best not to Vi.

Evelyn and Kai'sa set down their stuffs for the beach such as picnic blanket and beach towels, beach umbrella. While Jinx and sona set up camp chairs for those who needs to use it and beach chairs as well.

Jinx- Thanks for inviting us Eve!

Sona- Yeah this place is really something.

Evelyn- Your welcome girls and since it's Y/N's birthday we'll have to make it a dry special day for him.

Akali- And heads up, no sexual inter courses okay ?

Everyone except Y/N and ahri- Hai!

Tiffany- Where's Y/N and ahri?

Everyone looked to see ahri teaching Y/N how to swim and find it very adorable to see him paddling his legs and the face of real struggles of swimming.

Akagi- First come first serves ladies!

Everyone except ahri and Y/N- Oh no you Don't!

After everyone had their fun they all went back tkt he land and relaxed their talking about their daily activities and hobbies while Y/N is still swimming at the beach.

Grace- hehe Y/N looks so relaxed.

Senna- Yeah he looks pretty relaxed over there.

Senna- Yeah let's leave him be. He must be tired of crazy shenanigans.

Everyone chuckled and sighed then Kai'sa saw a shark that's 'attacking' Y/N... or so they thought.


Everyone immediately looked over to see the shark 'attacking' Y/N but was very... very confused. Now you expect sharks to just eat any living things in its sight right?

Ahri- Is it just me or is that shake hugging or nuzzling to Y/N?

They leaned in closer to see that ahri was oddly right but still couldn't believe it but sadly this is reality and it's actually happening. Y/N then stood on top of the shark and used it as a 'surf' board.

Akali- Are those dolphins? Isn't the shark I don't know... eat them ?

Fortunately for Akali no the shark didn't chew down the dolphins but bopped his head up making Y/N jump a little then the dolphins came and became his 'surf' board.

Sona- How does that even happen?

Y/N- 🎶 Yes I like pina colada 🎶

Y/N then came back to the land with the dolphin by its side... well Y/N is still in the water but he's near the land and asked if they wanted to join.

Y/N- You guys wanna join? There's room for everybody!

Qiyana- But-

Then more dolphins came from under the water and did what dolphins do with their blow holes on the top of their head spraying the ground and did dolphin noises.

Y/N- Come on you guys, it's fun!

Some still didn't feel comfortable about this while others were more than happy to join, but at the end everyone started riding the dolphins as their own 'surf' board.

Sometimes even Y/N would be the surf board of the dolphins, and everyone laughed at the sudden and hilarious change. Then the a massive wave came (not a tsunami size) came and everyone was getting ready for their positions.

Akali- Get ready everyone!

Soon the waves came and splashed everyone and enjoyed to this sensation of joy and happiness, after the wave settled down everyone was still standing on their dolphins...

Caitlyn- Wait.. Where's Y/N?!

They went wide eyed and didn't waste time trying to find Y/N but something happened which was very unexpected. They saw tentacles of octopus coming out and saw Y/N being held by it. Soon Y/N and the octopus head came out while Y/N was smiling and gave a high five to the octopus.

Senna- I still don't get it. How's that even possible?

Tiffany- That's Y/N for you.

Akagi- Some things are best left unknown.

[Time skip brought to you by Chibi Y/N flying with Chibi Otters who are on top of Chibi Y/N

Right now it's 7:00 PM and everyone is sitting on the chairs they set up (there still on the beach). Everyone was their except for Kai'sa, senna and Grace who is getting the birthday cake for the birthday boy.

Vi- So... Y/N

Y/N- Yeah Vi ?

Vi- Didn't you forgot something important today ?

Y/N- Hmmm...

Ahri, jinx and Akagi was showing hand signs of 'it's your birthday' but Y/N didn't understand and decided to check what's the date today.

Y/N- Wait a minute it's—

Kai'sa then came with the birthday cake while senna and Grace popped out the confetti's on everyone.

Girls- Happy birthday Y/N!

Evelyn and Caitlyn had those funny whistles on their mouth (idk the actual name of it but here's the picture of it

Kai'sa then placed the cake in front of Y/N, Evelyn put on a birthday hat and the funny whistle on his mouth while Qiyana had the camera ready for a picture with the tri-pod.

Y/N was trying to process what's happening since everything was happening too fast but he wasn't complaining since this is his first 'proper' birthday party.

Y/N- Wow! Thanks you guys! This really was unexpected for me... ehehe

Ahri- You really are an idiot ya know that?

Y/N- Well... yeah I guess your right ?

The cake had texts in it 'Happy birthday to Y/N' from 'Your very best friends ♥️'. Y/N couldn't help but shed a few tears from this

He never thought that this day would come but knew too well that this day would be the most Memorial Day of his entire life time.

Y/N- *sniff* I can't thank you enough everyone.

Akagi- Pssh dont mention it.

Stacey put the camera on a 10 second timer and told everyone to get in a position.

Stacey- Positions people.

Y/N being the birthday boy he was sitting between ahri and akali while Kai'sa and Evelyn placed they heads on top of Y/N's.

Stacey- Say 'cheese' everyone.

Everyone- Cheese!


Your boi has been playing spider man UwU
Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter and have an amazing day human ❤️


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