Be bad or good ? (Malereader...

By Vergil_the_chairman

519K 6.2K 7.8K

It's been a hard life for Y/N L/N. Being abused and neglected by his family and then loosing them at the age... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 18
Few questions
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Author's note
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Mentality and insanity.
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 47
Ch. 48
Ch. 49
Ch. 50
Ch. 51
Ch. 52
Ch. 53
Ch. 54
Ch. 55 (last chapter)
Scrapped Ideas/RWBY
Ch. 60 ( old)
Ch. 61 (OG)
Ch. 62 (old)
Ch. 63 (old)
Ch. 64 (old)
What happened?

Ch. 17

6.9K 115 105
By Vergil_the_chairman

[Third POV]

Y/N immediately checked who it was and he couldn't believe at the first but what the man said made it very sure its his...

?- Son...

He said weakly. Y/N kept his hands on his back trying to hold back his tears.

Y/N- I t-thought you w-were dead!

His father coughed and smiled weakly.

?- I'm sorry I couldn't be the father you wanted...

He coughed again and saw he had blood on his hands making Y/N eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

Y/N- If you were alive then why didn't you come to me for help.

He placed both his hands on his and chest and produced electricity using it as a defibrillator.
He shot the electricity to his chest.
It didn't work.

Y/N- No...

He did it again.

Y/N- No no...

Then again

Y/N- No No no...

After many failed attempts the ambulance came after 15 minutes and took his father's unconscious body and rushed to the hospital.

Y/N just sat down on the ground who was on his knees and couldn't believe. He thought he died 5 years ago from the car crash.

Akali- Was that really your... father Y/N?

He didn't answer and didn't know how to feel about the situation he's father is in right now, his family has always been the abusive towards him and never showed once a single moment of love to him.

[Time skip to the hospital]

Ahri, akali, Kai'sa, Evelyn and Y/N was in the room with Y/N's father who had only 5 minutes before his dead since he's been having kidney problems and had no match till now.

Y/N- Where were you... In the last 5 years dad?

Dad- I'm sorry... I wasn't in the right mindset back then.

Y/N- No No no...

Y/N then smiled angrily at him and tears was falling down on his face.

Y/N- I saw the look on your face. On everyone's faces! You all enjoyed beating Shit out of me right?

Then it clicked to him that the car accident was meant for Y/N and not his entire family.

Y/N- September 26, 7:08 PM. That car crash wasn't really an accident was it?

His father was shocked and slowly nodded his head.

Y/N- It was meant for me wasn't it? But instead you killed mom, your 2 daughters and the only 2 survivors were me and you. But you left me to die and selfish thought only about yourself, I bet you didn't regret killing your 'family'.

Father- I know I'm sorry...

The 4 just watched the scene in awe having no idea how to comprehend the situation between the father and son.

Y/N- You wanna know what's the only thing that's fucking pissing me off right now?

He then grabbed the shirt of his father making akali trying to hold him down.

Y/N- Even after all those years of abuses, being neglected and being treats like a sack of shit.

He then let go of this fathers shirt and he went back to his Chair which was beside ahri.

Y/N- I still love you guys...

He started breaking down in tears and sniffled multiple times too. Ahri took some tissues and passed to Y/N who accepted and used it.

His father was in pure shock that he's son, the one and only son he had and abused the shit out of him still loved him even after all that. His father smiled and chuckled weakly.

Father- I don't know where do you get this much kindness and I bet it's from none of us.

His vision started getting and hazy knew he's time was coming up.

Father- But what ever it is. Keep going and be strong.

What the father didn't expect is for his son to hug him so suddenly.

Father- 'Even after all this of abuse and neglect. Even trying to kill you at one point, you still love me as a father.

His father couldn't help but shed a tear out for joy knowing his son will be a fine man with a bright future.

Father- There's a little something I left at your 'old' home. It's an old sword but you can keep it as your first... gift from your dad.

Then a loud ringing sound was heard in the room and Akali, Evelyn, Kai'sa and ahri knew that Y/N's father is dead.

The doctors and nurse came rushing in and told the other workers to make the visitors exit the room. Usually the visitors would resist in exiting the room and see their beloved ones for the last time.

But for Y/N he already accepted that he's father is gone and co-operated with the nurses who made his and girls exit the room.

Y/N stood in front of the door seeing the doffs and rises trying to bring him back to life but he wasn't dumb and knew he already died when the loud ringing sound came.

Y/N then came and sat between akali and Kai'sa but what shocked them the most was that he was smiling. Not an insane or sad or relieved smil, it was a smile pure of joy.

[Time skip to the KDA penthouse]

The girls didn't know what to do with Y/N who was smiling through out the car trip from the wedding to their home. They didn't know if he was in the right mindset or depressed or something. Ahri then broke the silence.

Ahri- Y/N? Are you okay?

He nodded and kept looking looking at the sword his father left him before his death, akali was curious as to what kind of sword it was but it looked ordinary in her eyes.

Akali- So umm... any idea what that sword is?

He shook his head over the sword from the scabbard and examined it closely.

Kai'sa- I bet your family would know about to akali

She thought about for a second and had smile carved on her face.

Akali- How about we celebrate Christmas with my family ayy ?

The three seemed satisfied and happy about the idea but was worried about Y/N since he's father just died today and he needed time to process with the situation.

Evelyn- Y/N? You okay?

He placed the sword back on the scabbard and stood from his seat, the girls thought his smile faded but it was still on his face then he smiled at the girls.

Y/N- Of course, it'll be embarrassing for me at first but I'll get through it... I think.

Everyone bursted out laughing and Y/N soon enough also joined in laughing and was grateful he had people who loved him and the girls were happy to see him still the usual him.

Y/N- I'm really thankful to have met you 4 ya know?

The girls 'awww' at him then he remembered he didn't like that response and covered his face blushing.

[Time skip to 3 AM]

Y/N woke up from his bed and almost forgot to write a song about his father and wanted to say his goodbyes through a song.

He got from his and went to his table and started working on his lyrics.

Unknowingly to Y/N he was being watched by Evelyn who was smiling knowing her beloved us all in peace and promised to herself.

Evelyn- 'I promise to you Y/N that we 4 will never hurt you in any way and will always protect. All though I'm still gonna rape you tonight.... ok maybe not'.

[Time skip. 1 month after the death of Y/N's dad]

11 AM in the morning.

In the KDA penthouse

In the kitchen

[Ahri POV]

It's been a month since Y/N's dad passed away and it took a toll on Y/N but after sometime through out with his father he just smiled and was being his normal self. I wasn't convinced at first so I asked him a few questions and it was crystal clear that he was doing fine.

Evelyn- People Y/N uploaded the song he's been writing on for a while, playing it right now in the speaker.

Y/N wasn't here at home, he said he'll just go for a quick and jog and will be back quickly.

Akali connected her phone to the speaker and played Y/N's song and none of us are on this single by the way.

Y/N on the speaker-

Oh, before they turn off all the lights
I won't read you your wrongs or your rights
The time has gone
I'll tell you goodnight, close the door
Tell you I love you once more
The time has gone
So here it is

"I'm not your son, you're not my father
We're just two grown men saying goodbye"

No need to forgive, no need to forget
I know your mistakes and you know mine
And while you're sleeping, I'll try to make you proud
So daddy, won't you just close your eyes?

Don't be afraid, it's my turn
To chase the monsters away
Oh, well I'll read a story to you
Only difference is this one is true
The time has gone
I folded your clothes on the chair
I hope you sleep well, don't be scared

The time has gone
So here it is
I'm not your son, you're not my father
We're just two grown men saying goodbye
No need to forgive, no need to forget
I know your mistakes and you know mine

And while you're sleeping, I'll try to make you proud
So daddy, won't you just close your eyes?
Don't be afraid, it's my turn
To chase the monsters away
Sleep a lifetime
Yes, and breathe a last word
You can feel my hand on your own

I will be the last one, so I'll leave a light on
Let there be no darkness in your heart
But I'm not your son, you're not my father
We're just two grown men saying goodbye

No need to forgive, no need to forget
I know your mistakes and you know mine
And while you're sleeping, I'll try to make you proud
So daddy, won't you just close your eyes?
Don't be afraid, it's my turn
To chase the monsters away.

He ended the song there then looked at the camera and spoke.

Y/N- If you have any loved ones like, fiends, family and more. Make sure to enjoy your time with them and tell them things you want to say Because... there's a time where you won't have a chance to say it. So please make them notice that you love them very much with your hearts content.

He smiled and wiped a small tear falling down from his eyes, then the video there.

Some of us were in tears and were happy to know that he's doing well and we're wondering where exactly is Y/N.

[Narrator POV]

The scene changes to Y/N who was helping homeless people and sick kids on the hospital.

It wasn't too long before the news came and saw that Y/N was reported being seen helping people around the city and everyone was very pleased by this.

The girls saw this and smiled knowing that
Y/N will be very good with kids... their kids to be exact.

" We all got both light and dark inside of us.
What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are ".

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