Window into the Past

By princess_leah_organa

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Joanna "Joy" Jones gets her letter to Hogwarts and attends there, along with the Boy Who Lived. Although, Joy... More



31 3 0
By princess_leah_organa

Once the sun started to rise, we all went to the Portkey to get back to my house.

After the attacks, we wanted out of there as soon as possible

Tia opened the door and we went inside, finding an extremely emotional Mrs Weasley and a very tired looking Dad.

His eyes lit up once he laid eyes on me. "Oh, thank Merlin,"

He pulled me into his arms and held onto me tightly. Sirius was there in his dog form with Pip next to him. He whined and brushed up against me. "We saw it in the Daily Prophet," Dad told Tia. "Although Skeeter wrote the article."

"Stupid woman," Tia grumbled. I was still clinging onto Dad as he looked at Tia. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Remus," she nodded.

"Dad, it was really scary."

"What happened sweetheart?" he asked me gently. "A Death Eater tried to attack us," I told him.

"WHAT?!" he yelped. "A Death Eater attacked you both?!" 

"He shot a stunning curse at Joy, I fought him, giving her time to run but I couldn't find her anywhere," Tia explained. "I'm just glad you're both okay," Dad sighed with relief.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were heading upstairs and looked back at me to talk to me. "I'm gonna go start packing for Hogwarts," I said to Tia and I followed my friends up.

I closed the door behind me. "What's up?" I asked them. "On Saturday, my scar was hurting," Harry admitted. "I had a dream about Voldemort.."

"Don't say his name!" me and Ron yelped. "Sorry," Harry mumbled. "You-Know-Who and Wormtail."

My face fell once I heard that. "I hate that..that whole night was on a full moon, if it was a different day we would've gotten him, he took advantage of the fact that my dad was changing."

Harry looked down. "Yeah, we should have let Sirius kill him while we had the chance."

"Yep," I sighed. "Sorry, continue."

"They were plotting to kill someone," he told us. "Trelawney predicted that his servant would rejoin him and he'd rise greater than ever."

"Have you told Sirius?" I asked him. Harry shook his head. "No, should I tell him?"

"YES!" me and Ron exclaimed in unison. "He's your godfather, Harry, he'd want to know," Hermione added. "Tell him before we leave for Hogwarts," I said. My eyes drifted outside. "Wanna play Quidditch?"

"Joy!" Hermione scolded me. "Don't change the subject!"

"Yes!" Harry and Ron agreed. "Oh, why do I bother?" Hermione mumbled.

We went out to the back garden. "We don't have Bludgers but we have soft balls," I told them.

I poked my head inside. "Whoever wants to play Quidditch, outside!" I shouted.


I hardly slept that night and I kept having nightmares about the Death Eaters and the Dark Mark.

I opened the door slowly and crept downstairs. It was pretty late, everyone was asleep. 

I walked into the kitchen and made myself a hot chocolate, usually what I do if I can't sleep.

"Miss Joy, you should be asleep," Angie piped up. "So should you," I pointed out. "What happened at the Cup, Miss? If I'm allowed to ask," Angie said.

"You don't have to ask permission, you can ask me anything," I told her. "But it was horrible."

Looking at Angie reminded me of Winky. "Angie? Be honest with me, do you like it here?"

"Speaking freely?"

I nodded.

"I love it, Miss, the Jones family are a good family, most of my kind have it rough but the Jones family treat Angie like family," she said.

A smile grew on my face. "Thanks Ang, for everything."

Angie went off and I kept sipping my hot chocolate. Sirius came in, in dog form and sat next to me.

You should be asleep, what are doing up at this hour?

"I can't sleep," I told him.

Sirius changed back and sat on the stool. "I was terrified. I thought that you and Tia were dead."

"We're okay but I saw them killing Muggles, they were doing it for fun and once I saw the Dark Mark I was freaking out," I murmured, my voice shaking. "Tia gave me time to run for it but I spent that entire time thinking she was dead, that they hurt her or worse over her blood status," I started crying and Sirius stood up and wrapped his arms around me. "You and Tia aren't going anywhere, not on my watch and not on Moony's either."

Sirius stroked my ash blonde hair gently. "Thanks. Padfoot," I murmured, hugging him back. "Is that hot chocolate?" he looked at my cup.

"Maybe," I muttered.

"Wow, you are so Moony's daughter."


I sat on the couch, reading my book as the Weasleys were discussing what Rita Skeeter wrote in the Daily Prophet. "Joy, come here!" Tia called.

I went upstairs to see Tia with a dark red dress. "Try this on."

"Why?" I frowned. "Because Molly bought this because it was on your school list."

"Uh, okay," I took the dress and went into the bathroom to put it on. "Does it fit well?" Tia called from the other side. "Yeah," I called back opening the door.

It had one strap and went down to my ankles. "Oh Joy, you look amazing sweetheart," Tia cooed. "It's for the ball, isn't it?" I raised my eyebrow.


"I knew it!"

I looked at myself in the mirror.

"It's really nice," I said about the dress. I went back into the bathroom and put my t-shirt and overalls back on.

Tia carefully folded my dress and put it in my trunk. "New books for school and for your entertainment, enough Wolfsbane for the full moons," she told me. "Ooh, nineteenth century," I looked at the back of the three books. "Big love triangle," she told me. "But the thing is, you want the girl to be with both guys."

"I just have to figure out who I like more?"


I packed the books into my trunk. "You'll be there all year, Tia."

"Yes, helping organise that stupid thing that the Ministry is funding," she complained. "But do me a favour, Joy, pretend that I'm not there, I still want you to have a normal year."

"I'm sure you won't be too bad," I muttered. "As long as me and you can have Butterbeer in Hogsmeade."

"Deal," she smiled.

"Joy?" I heard Dad's voice on the other side of the door. "Can I come in?"


He opened the door and Tia went out as he came in. "So, now you'll have another relative cramping your style this year?"

"Guess so," I laughed. "Anyway, I wanted to give you this," he handed me a blue leather bound notebook. "It's enchanted, so if you write something down in your notebook, I'll be able to see it in mine."

"So we'd be able to communicate quicker? This is genius!" I smiled. "Exactly, Sirius will be bored so he'll steal this half of the time."

"Thank you, Dad," I hugged him. "I love it."

"And Joy, I know you're worrying about everything from June," Dad sighed. "But I'm sure nothing will happen."

I nodded and he left.

I carefully put the notebook into my trunk and I heard my door open.

You alone?

"Yeah, why?"

Sirius turned back into his human self. "Harry told me about his scar, I want both you and him to keep me up to date on anything alright? Anything. I'll steal your dad's notebook, poor Biscuit will be going into retirement this year."

Biscuit hooted happily from his cage. "I don't think he cares," I laughed.


"Hmm?" I looked up at Sirius. "You know you'll be alone on full moons right?"

"I'll be okay, Padfoot, I promise," I said, packing the Marauder's map into my trunk. "And let me know if Snivellus gives you any trouble, I'll happily come back and turn him into a greasy little toad."

I smirked and I hugged Sirius.

"Don't get too bored here."

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