The lost ~Hatori Love Story

Da mehellokittyKYE711

76.7K 1.5K 195

Who would've known Hatori would fall in love again. Especially with someone who isn't exactly apart of the zo... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Bunz Note
Chapter 28

Chapter 12

2.3K 42 0
Da mehellokittyKYE711

It started back again where nothing but snow surrounded me as I ran through the forest being chased by bloodthirsty creatures.

  My legs could only carry me so far, which gave out as I began to pant heavily gasping for air to feel my lungs. The creatures began to dash closer to me as their feet can be heard heavily dashing through the snow.

It almost sounded like a stampede the closer they got to me.

Once they were insight I narrowed my eyes trying to get a good look at them. They weren't any ordinary creatures, they were like wolves or maybe hounds. It was hard to make out what they were being that they had skeleton heads, horns, sharp fangs, and red glowing eyes.

I tried to stand up although I haven't fully recovered yet only to slip and fall back to the ground again. Realizing that running was pointless at this time so the only other thing that I thought to do was just cover my face with my arm waiting for the impact to happen.

They should have attacked me by now.

I slowly removed my arm from my face to see that they were slowly back away while screeching. They seemed to be scared to come any closer to me.

They weren't scared of me before.

An Icy cold breath blew directly on the back of my neck as I froze right where I was slowly managing to turn around not wanting to know what the creature was behind me.

As soon as my pupils came into contact with another menacing creature that towered above me. This one's mouth opens far back to its cheeks baring its razor-sharp teeth at me with blood dripping from its mouth.

The creature seem human-like but it just wasn't human. Its claws and teeth looked to be sharp enough to even tear through metal if it needed too.

"Yukimi Run!!!" A familiar voice called out to me. "You must get away from him or he will kill you" It dawned on me quickly. The voice calling out to me was my mother's voice but where was she.

"Mom!!!" I wanted to get up and run but for some reason, my legs wouldn't move, my body wouldn't move. I felt stuck in my dream being forced to watch this monster end my life.  I felt like I no longer had control of anything right now. 

Why couldn't I get up and run?

The monster claws slashed across my body right before my eyes causing everything to quickly turn black. It's like I didn't have time to react to what happened at all.


I shot up panting heavily as I glided my hands over my stomach to realize that I was just having another nightmare. Looking around the room I realized that I was still down in the living room where I had fallen asleep as I slowly began to calm myself down noticing that Hatori was asleep stretched out on the couch as well.

My eyes flickered over to the clock to see that it was still early meaning everyone must still be asleep, however, I took this opportunity to quietly freshen up and change my clothes running back over my nightmare.

Once I had finished freshening up I headed back downstairs quietly with some supplies, a pillow, and a blanket trying not to wake anyone.

I slowly and gently placed the pillow under Hatori's head as well as placing the blanket over him as well as it was starting to get slightly chilly down here.

"Yukimi" I heard a soft and gentle voice call my name.

Slightly turning my head to see Kisa rubbing her eyes.

"Are you alright?" I asked her quietly seeing as something seemed to be wrong.

"I had a nightmare" She whined a bit as I reached out to her pulling her into a tight hug as I comforted her.

"I did too" Her eyes slightly widened before she looked over at the few supplies I had on the table.

"What are you going to do to Uncle Hatori?" She looked back at me as I smiled down at her thinking she could help me. 

"I'm going to give him a morning spa treatment" He chuckled at her."Do you want to help?" I asked putting a few rollers at the front of his hair moving his bangs out of the way as Kisa nodded.

I handed her a cucumber face mask and an applicator to put on Hatori's face.  She cheered up pretty quickly seeing that she must have been enjoying this.

I grabbed my kitty headband with cat ears on them putting her hair back before grabbing a pink face mask applying it on her face making her silently chuckle. She was so adorable, I wonder if my sister ever did these things with me. I don't really remember spending much time with her now that I think about it.

I cut a few cucumbers placing them over Hatori's eyes making sure he was still sleeping.

We both began to massage Hatori's feet chuckling a bit right before Shigure came in walking over to us to see what we were doing.

"I want massages too!!!" Shigure yelled and whined acting like a child causing Hatori to stir around and sit up. The cucumbers fell from his eyes as he looked at up and back at Shigure.

"Of course Shigure...I don't mind giving you massages" I smiled up at him looking back at Hatori who gave him another death glare.

"I don't allow it" Hatori looked down at me as I was still massaging his foot.

"Yukimi said she would" Shigure chimed as he started to loosen his clothes a bit making Kisa and I both shriek loudly.

Quickly I moved to shield Kisa and my eyes away from Shigure.

This lead to Hatori threatening to kill Shigure again as well as Yuki and Kyo who were also getting riled up. I didn't even know that they were down here or even up at that matter.

"I'm only joking" As the three stood around him making him uncomfortable as he smiled at them.

"Even that joke was too far for you" Hatori commented.

Not long after the small ruckus woke everyone else up in the house.  I removed Hatori's and kisa's face mask with a warm wet cloth adding moisturizer and other stuff to their faces.

"Yukimi, what led you to do this?" Hatori asked staring at me as I rubbed his face with moisturizer.

"I um...Well, you see... I just woke up and I kind of got bored..." I was awkwardly trying to explain it as my words had gotten all jumbled together.  "I'm sorry" I apologized thinking he might have not liked that I did this without his permission.

"No need, Thank you" He said ruffling my hair.

~Akito's short POV

It's been three weeks since the incident with Yukimi at the festival and two weeks since the beach. I couldn't stop thinking about it.

"If she wants to be apart of this family so bad, I will show her just how scary the consequences are" Out of anger I flung the teapot against the wall listening to it shatter at contact. "She will regret ever stepping up to me... She will learn her place"

My feet dragged over to where Kureno was as I pulled my Kimono over my shoulder gently gripping his chin resting my arm over our heads peering down at him.

"How do you even know her?" He asked staring up at me.

"She was someone I met when I went to school with Yuki" The feeling I get when I'm near her is aggravating me so much. "she is the wolf of the zodiac" His eyes widened with surprise when I told him this.

Its been a while since a wolf had been born into the curse.

It was a rare occurrence.

There was a soft knock on the door followed by a soft gentle voice.

"Young master, Hatori is here for your check-up" One of the maids said making me chuckle a bit.

Hatori has been hanging with them for quite some time. He should know her whereabouts.

"Send him in"

While Hatori was checking my heart rate I decided to ask him some questions assuming that he would able to answer them. If he can't then maybe I should pay Shigure a visit.

"How is our lone wolf Yukimi doing?"

"Haven't heard from her since the beach, no one has" I forced him to look into my eyes as he spoke to me. Hatori doesn't lie for anything so of course, I would trust his words, however, I still like to dig on my own.

"Is that so?" I asked raising a brow.

I smirked down at him releasing him from the grip.

He put his equipment away.

"With all those rumors of you two being a couple I'd assume you'd know" He remained silent as I broke it with the question I've been wanting to ask him. "Do you like her?"

"I-I don't know"

"If I ever found out the rumors were true, you know what would happen" I leaned closer to him whispering in his ear. "you don't want her to end up like Kana, Do you?"

"No" He said blankly as I back away standing to my feet motioning him to leave my presence.

"Could it be possible she likes him too?" My eyes quickly narrowed by his choice of words.

"Why would you think that?" I clenched my fist at his question. Kureno should know of all people that I absolutely wouldn't let them date. It disgusts me to see anyone dare to try and leave.

"Just an assumption" He continued with a blank expression upon his face.

Quickly I lunged at him grabbing a hold of his shirt pulling him closer to me raising my hand as if I was going to slap him across the face.

Resting my hand gently on his face instead I rested my forehead letting silence take place as I thought about what he said.

~Hatori's POV

A few weeks have passed since the last I've seen Yukimi. None of us has yet to hear from Yukimi and its hard not to think about.

Especially when Shigure purposely calls me to ask about her.

I can't help but wonder if she's alright especially when its possible her father has done something to her.


Why is she stuck in my head so often?

Everywhere I go, people, always ask me about her or wondering if something happened because they don't see us together.

That night I remember nearly kissing her, however, I had to stop myself. I can't fall in love with her if I want to protect her.

Protecting her might mean keeping her at a distance.

If Akito continues to think that we're together then it won't end well at all.

Everyone thinks I have a crush on her, a high school student. She is a very gentle, friendly, outgoing personality pretty much like Tohru and Kana. She even attempted to try and help me knock out some of my paperwork only to end up cleaning my office instead.

I chuckled at the thoughts of her as reminisced about the enjoyable moments we had together.

She's the type of person that always made sure to put others before herself no matter the cost. Even during that night when Akito harmed her, told her the truth of how he felt, and made her cry. She still can't bring herself to dislike him. Not due to the bond but deep down I could see it was because she cared for him.

She said he will always be her friend whether he accepts her or not.

"Do you like her?" Akito's voice kept ringing in my head. "you don't want her to end up like Kana, Do you?" I gasped softly as my eyes widened upon remembering Akito's last question.

When I think of what happens to Kana and thinking of what could happen to Yukimi. Its different, kana definitely wasn't able to handle the situation and broke.

I had to free her from that pain in the end.

Yukimi is different, she doesn't seem to fear Akito at all. She broke down at all the things Akito said and done but she was still able to smile at the end of it all.

I could never make Yukimi happy. Momiji teases that she likes me and I like her but how could I know how she truly feels if she doesn't tell me.

At the beach house, I told her how I felt that night.


"Yukimi... I do indeed have feelings for you, but I need to keep you distant in order to protect you" She snored lightly indicating that she had fallen asleep also meaning that she didn't hear what I was saying to her.

Probably for the best she didn't hear. I shouldn't give her hope when there isn't a possibility that we'd be together.

Yukimi, I'm sorry.


MEOW!!!!!! My eyes flickered towards a small creature purring and brushing against my pants leg.

"Hello, little fella" I slowly squatted down to its level as he looked to be in horrible condition. He was dirty but his leg was broken, blood dripped down from his wound and I could tell he'd been crying.

I picked the small cat up, he was still very young to be in such a condition such as this. People must have walked past him all day.

"Your alone aren't you?" I was talking to a cat as I walked down the street heading to a nearby animal hospital. The cat would meow here and there especially when I spoke to him. His small shivering frame and his sadden expression, how could anyone walk past that.

So much for having a relaxing day off today.

All I could think about was Yukimi and then I found this little guy.

The bell to the front door rung as I entered the hospital looking around casually.

"Emergency!!!" I heard a familiar soft voice yell as the female rushed up towards me. "Sir, we must get medical treatment on the cat Asa-" She stopped speaking when I finally looked down at her especially when my eyes made contact with her beautiful gold-brown ones.

This made me tune out of what she was saying and the fact that someone was trying to take the cat from me. The cat had its claws in my skin just a bit to try to keep from being taken but it failed and left me with a small scratch.

"I- I um erm erm" She tried to find her words again but failed. Me standing there made it no better either as I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Long time no see, Yukimi" I managed to give her a slight smile, which isn't something I usually do.

"Uh Um yes yes I'm sorry" Still as cute as ever and my eyes widened a bit when I saw that she was wearing nursing clothes.

"It's alright" I chuckled at her nervousness, but it was unexpected that we'd run into each other like this. "I see you got a job" She smiled widely nodding to me leading me over to the front desk.

"Yes I did, I quit my old one as this one will help me with college" She explained that she wanted to study in veterinary medicine. "The expenses on the cat today would be free since you bought it in, would you like to keep him?" She asked typing on the computer a bit.

"I don't know" The cat did seem to attach to me already and it would give me more of a reason to see her more often now that I know she works here.

"You know Hatori, I think having a pet would take some of the stress off of you" It was nice of her to worry but could I really juggle work and having a pet. "I wouldn't also mind helping you out either" How is it that I'm meeting someone like Kana all over again?

Am I met to find happiness again? Should I give love another try?

"I'll take the cat" She squealed excitedly as she began to type more on the computer as I shook my head.

"do you have a name?" I can't believe I was taking in a cat to give Yukimi a reason to see me.

"Not yet" I looked at her shaking my head.

She printed out several different papers explaining them all to me but all I really did was just listen.

"Well Hatori, the cat should be ready for pick up in just about three days from now" She gave me a folder with all the paperwork in it as I only had to sign a few of them.

"Oh my, is this Hatori? The guy you speak so highly about" Her cheeks became flushed similar to the color crimson as she bit her lips shaking her head vigorously as her co-worker appeared next to us.

"Whaaat!! I don't recall such thing" She nervously said turning to hide her face.

"Is that so?" My eyebrows raised watching her nervously try to reassure me that her co-worker was wrong. I couldn't help but start to laugh at amusing her actions. "I'm sorry"

"It was nice running into you again Yukimi" I waved to her as I began to head to the exit before turning around abruptly. "Please do contact everyone soon, they're worried" I noted to her before heading out the door.

I guess my day wasn't so bad after all.

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