He knows I'm into Hentai (Vko...

By cookie_n_tea

419K 22K 10.8K

Jeon Jungkook was conflicted about his sexuality after breaking up with his girlfriend. He had his own theori... More

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Lord of Seoul (new book!)

forty five

4K 195 29
By cookie_n_tea

Soobin walked out of the auditorium at 4pm sharp, being done with his script reading. He was complimented by Jungwoo for being the ideal boy to play the role of Charles Marlow, the shy good natured handsome young man. He was proud of himself too. And as far as the play is concerned, he thought sihyeon was best suited for him as the heroine of the play. He was quick to get comfortable with her while also keeping his distance. Seo Kangjoon's words constantly ringing in the back of his mind were a great encouragement for him to take the initiative to converse with her.

Look for a girl. Hyung would be proud.

He waved sihyeon goodbye as they walked out of the school gates but soon halted when he saw yeonjun leaning against the stone-y fence. Soobin tried to walk past him, in an attempt to ignore him and give him the message that he does not want to talk. But of course, yeonjun wouldn't get it.

"Soobin." Yeonjun caught soobin's wrist, calling his name in a soft tone.

"I don't want to talk to you." Soobin said, still not looking at yeonjun.

"We both know that's a lie." Yeonjun smiled at soobin's cute little glare. "Are you alright binnie? I've been worried about you.."

"No need to be worried. I'm absolutely fine." Soobin pulled his hand out of yeonjun's.

"What happened Soobin? Not only that night. But what happened to you.. why are you behaving like this?"

"You wanted me to get over you and I'm doing just that!" Soobin said, annoyed. "Why are you making this more difficult for me?!"

Soobin's words held the truth that yeonjun would never understand. He was yelling at yeonjun to stay away but begging yeonjun to help him at the same time. On the contrary, yeonjun was losing his patience with Soobin. He grabbed soobin's shoulders and brought him closer, shaking him a little.

"Get off-"

"Stop pushing me away and tell me what the hell is wrong with you?!"

Soobin kept pushing while Yeonjun kept pulling him. Both determined to fulfill their cause. Both were worried about each other, cared for each other but had totally different ways of showing it. The older wanted to hide the younger in his arms away from world in order to protect him, while the younger wanted to keep as such distance as possible from the older for the same purpose.

"What's going on here?" A voice interrupted their wrestling match. It distracted yeonjun enough, making it easier for Soobin to get out of his hold.

"Soobin- ssi, your dad asked me to pick you up. Why don't you get inside hmm?" Officer Hoseok smiled brightly at the pale boy. Soobin nodded, following the officer's instruction and sitting in the passenger seat.

"I wasn't trying to hurt him." Yeonjun huffed, palms out in defense.

"I know. I also know that you're one of his friends. Which is why I won't report this to the chief." Hoseok said calmly, though he was glaring at yeonjun.

Officer Hoseok watched yeonjun sigh still looking at Soobin. He didn't waste much time then. He walked to his car, getting inside and driving away from the school. He was ordered to keep Soobin safe. And even though he knew yeonjun was not hurting Soobin physically, that boy was still the cause of some mental pain that Hoseok understood after watching them from afar.

"You missed the turn." Soobin pointed out when Hoseok drove straight instead of turning right at the signal.

"We aren't going to your house Soobin-ssi." Hoseok gave Soobin a friendly smile. "I'm taking you to your Seokjin Appa."

"Oh." Soobin slumped back in his seat. The car was silent again until Hoseok's phone rang and he pressed a button on his GPS screen to answer it.

"Where the hell are you and why the hell am I stuck with Lay?" A grumpy voice filled the small space of the car.

"Dropping off Soobin. I'll be there in twenty." Hoseok chuckled at his partner, hearing a groan.

"Shut up and try getting along with him you grumpy grandpa." Hoseok said in a playfully stern voice. "I'm driving, I'll call you later. 'kay?"

"Alright. Take care of the kid." Hoseok's partner hung up just like that. Soobin blinked twice, watching Hoseok laugh at the seemingly absurd behaviour of his partner.

"Do you also have grumpy friends like him? They are such a pass time!" Officer Hoseok's laughter was contagious, to say the least. Looking at him, Soobin realised that even he was smiling. But then he frowned.

"Won't you.. ask me?"

"Ask what?" Hoseok gave Soobin a confused glance before concentrating back on the road.

"What happened that night..." Soobin looked out the window.

"To be honest, that's none of my business. You certainly don't want to talk about it either. All I really want, is to make sure you're alright because that's more important. Not only to me but your family as well." Hoseok stopped at a red light.

"But there's something I do want to know." The officer's sudden cheery tone grabbed soobin's attention. "Do you like ice cream?"

Although that question caught Soobin off guard. It did light up his eyes and make him giggle.

"I like ice cream cake." Soobin gave a shy smile which did not go unnoticed by the officer who began driving again once the light was green.

"That's such a great invention, I tell you. I love baked goods and adding ice cream to it. Oh my god!" Hoseok's mouth watered thinking about the dessert. Just thinking about it made him lick his lips and taste the flavours.

"Me too!" Soobin almost jumped in his seat surprising Hoseok.

"Want to grab a quick dessert then?" Hoseok asked, already parking in front of a café.

Soobin practically bounced out of the car and into the café going straight towards the cake section. Hoseok chuckled at the young boy, feeling satisfied to at least have him smiling. Soobin pointed at three different flavours of ice cream cake but demanded only one out of the them, since Hoseok was paying. Though Hoseok assured him that he could order as much as he wants. Soobin felt tempted for a second before remembering that he was going to his Seokjin Appa after this and if his Appa got to know that he ate more than one cake he'd probably forbid him from eating any kind of sweet for a week. Because Soobin had a major sweet tooth which could not go a single day without his treats he decided to order just one chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cake.

Hoseok sent a text to both Seokjin and Namjoon that Soobin and him are stopping by a café for a little snack, just to keep them informed about their younger one's whereabouts. He orders root beer float ice cream cake for himself, recommended by Soobin of course. They sit at one of the tables enjoying their dessert; Hoseok enjoying the way Soobin talks about cakes and sweet bread specifically.

"I bake with Appa on Sundays and it's so much fun! I really want to own a bakery one day!" Soobin chirps enthusiastically.

"You must be good at it. I'd love to eat cookies or cake baked by you one day." Hoseok said taking a bite of his ice cream cake.

They stayed there for a while talking about baking, cooking, cleaning, relaxing and even dancing. Soobin was shocked when he found out about Hoseok's dance interest and the numerous awards he won during his school days. Once they were done with their dessert Hoseok drove Soobin to the hospital Seokjin worked at. In the car they spoke about their music interests and Soobin told Hoseok about his love for piano. Soobin absolutely loved talking to Hoseok because one, the guy is always smiling at literally everything he says, and two, he does not ask tedious uncomfortable questions. Hoseok's questions are always about him and his likes. The moment Soobin says he doesn't like something, Hoseok drops it immediately. Hoseok doesn't ask anything to be precise. He just talks about his childhood and funny things that he experienced, which compels Soobin to add his own stories too.

Hoseok is not only taking from Soobin but, giving back to Soobin as well.

They reach the hospital in no time but Soobin isn't ready to leave Hoseok yet. He's happy when Hoseok parks the car in the lot and follows him to the elevator. He thought that Hoseok will only walk him to the elevator since he too enjoyed soobin's company. But, Hoseok follows him inside, going up to the fourth floor and when they near his appa's office Soobin shoots Hoseok a suspicious glance. Hoseok only smiles opening the door for Soobin.

"Baby!" Seokjin welcomes his younger son with a huge smile and tight hug. "How was school?"

"Fun. I had my first script reading today." Soobin gave a hesitant smile, noticing another man sitting in one of the chairs inside the office.

"No headaches or dizziness?" Seokjin asked cautiously, receiving a whispered 'no' from Soobin.

Seokjin then licked his lip, briefly glancing towards Hoseok. The officer got the hint and left the room with a respectful bow. Soobin stared at the door, suddenly wanting Hoseok to stay for a bit longer.

"Binnie, come here baby." Seokjin reckoned his younger bunny towards the unknown man who was smiling reassuringly as he stood up from his seat.

"This is my really good friend, Dr.Lee Jongsuk. He's a well experienced neurologist, one of the best in our hospital."

"Hello Soobin-ssi. It's nice to finally meet you." Dr.Lee extended his hand for Soobin to shake but the boy only looked at his father with fear in his eyes.

"I want to go home." Soobin whimpered unsure of the situation. Seokjin cupped his younger bunny's face, kissing his forehead.

"You're going to be alright binnie. Don't-"

"I am alright Appa. There really is nothing to worry! I don't have any mental disorder or whatever you're trying to test!" Soobin screams pushing Seokjin away.

Seokjin won't lie, he was some what expecting such a reaction from Soobin.

"Binnie, listen to me. I know you don't have any disease. I just need a proof for the sake of my mental health. Please baby, do it for your Appa. Please?"

"Why can't you just trust my word?!" Soobin frustratedly throws his hands in the air.

"How?! How am I supposed to trust your word when you're showing symptoms of some kind of illness?! Fainting in school! Hallucinating! Disorientation! Insomnia! Trembling limbs! Not remembering how you end up getting hurt! Tell me Soobin! Tell me how am I supposed to ignore all of this!"

"I didn't hallucinate! I'm fine!"

"Then tell me what happened that night huh? Did you really just sleep walked to that park? With your phone!"

"Appa please-"

"The truth Soobin. That's the only thing I'm willing to hear from your mouth." Seokjin said sternly crossing his arms over his chest. He couldn't see his son crying but he had to be strict right now. That's the only way he'd be able to help Soobin.

"I was smoking okay! I was smoking and I didn't want you to know!" Soobin yelled out of the blue shocking both the doctors. Dr.Lee excused himself, giving the father-son duo their privacy.

Tears of frustration finally escaped Soobin's eyes as he plopped down on one of the office chairs.

"I went for a walk that evening. There's a lot of shit going on that I don't want to tell you Appa! I needed an escape!" Soobin hiccuped speaking only half the truth.

He wished he could gather a little amount of courage to tell Seokjin how kangjoon forced him to take a drag, also how, when he double over clutching his throat and coughing his lungs out, he got punched square in the face for being a weakling.

"I didn't smell any cigarette on you." Seokjin simply said, unable to believe his son's confession.

"B-because I got in trouble when- when a guy saw me a-and I had to throw it away a-after inhaling just once.."

Seokjin had a gut feeling that his son was lying. Or at least he wasn't telling him the whole truth. He wanted to dig further. Maybe even pressurise Soobin to tell him the truth. But he knew he couldn't. He sighed, leaning heavily onto his desk and running a stressful hand through his hair. All the while Soobin stared at the floor, ashamed of himself. Soobin's blurry vision was suddenly occupied by Seokjin kneeling in front of him, holding his hands to reassure him.

"Binnie.." Seokjin whispered. "I promise to end all your misery if you just let me in."

Soobin sobbed, wanting to spill all his secrets right there. But he couldn't. He had already messed up once. He couldn't repeat the same mistake again. He shook his head crying in his father's embrace pleading to be taken home. Seokjin only sighed dejected, calling out Hoseok's name. The officer opened the door upon hearing his name. His heart breaking at the sight of Soobin crying into seokjin's chest.

"Please take him home." Seokjin requests Hoseok, who nods and steps forward to take the crying bunny from his arms.

Soobin sniffles, wiping his tears and walks straight out of the office without sparing either of the two adults a glance. Hoseok smiles a little at Seokjin before following the doctor's son. He doesn't ask any questions, just walks behind Soobin letting him know that he's there. Hoseok wished he could just hug the little boy and transmit all of his sunshine energy into his trembling body. Even though he didn't know Soobin well enough, he's willing to do anything to help the bunny boy and bring that dimpled smile back.

I changed the scenes twice before sticking with this one hehe! Hope y'all liked it! Thank you so much for 50k reads 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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