I-Island Academy's Class Pres...

By LuckyyBubbles

587K 26.8K 11.3K

After the final exams for Class 1-A, the school took an unexpected turn to collab with a couple of other hero... More

Chapter 1: The Hero-Teamwork Project
Chapter 2: Arrival in UA
Chapter 3: One Minute and Thirty Seconds
Chapter 4: Only Four?
Chapter 5: Lunch Rush's Cafeteria
Chapter 6: Ketsubutsu Academy
Chapter 7: Disapproval of the Class Presidents
Chapter 8: Another Dorm-mate!?
Chapter 9: The Good/Bad News
Chapter 10: Unexpected Apologies
Chapter 11: Warm-Up
Chapter 12: Naval Battle
Chapter 13: Lousy Kisser
Chapter 14: Proper Introductions
Chapter 15: Roleplay
Chapter 16: Kissed then Hugged
Chapter 17: Overly Competitive
Chapter 18: Inconveniences
Chapter 19: Cold Soft Shoulders
Chapter 20: Encounters
Chapter 21: Snacks Before a Mission
Chapter 22: The Unexpected
Alternate Timeline: OVA 1- 2K reads special edition!
Chapter 23: Divine Punishment
Chapter 24: More Responsibilities
Alternate Timeline: OVA 2 - 3K reads special edition!
Chapter 25: Temporary Transfer Student
Chapter 26: Free Meal
Chapter 27: Eating with Kyo-kun
Alternate Timeline: OVA 3 - 4K reads special
Alternate Timeline: OVA 4 - 5K reads special
Alternate Timeline: OVA 5 - 6K reads special
Alternate Timeline: OVA 6 - 7K reads special
Chapter 28: The Assault
Chapter 29: Lockdown
Chapter 30: Lucas?
Chapter 31: Flatline
Chapter 32: Bakugou's Guilt
Chapter 33: Frustrations
Chapter 34: Monday
Chapter 35: The Consequences
Chapter 36: Mercy
Chapter 37: Cu?
Chapter 38: Fever
Chapter 39: Granola Bar or Seafood Udon?
Chapter 40: The Name-Tag Ripping!
Chapter 41: Surprise Attack VS Unimaginable Speed
Chapter 42: The Battle Starts!
Chapter 43: (L/n) (Y/n) VS Ibara Shiozaki
Chapter 44:Their Rampage: (L/n) (Y/n) VS Takaki Nui!
Chapter 45: The Clash of Emotions
Chapter 46: Quirk Limiter
The Author's not so typical day
Chapter 47: The Desperate Boy! (100K READS SPECIAL!)
Chapter 48: Bridal Hugger
Chapter 49: More Drawbacks
Chapter 50: Kageyasu's Mess
Chapter 51: Incoming Call
Chapter 52: The Villain
Chapter 53: Dread
Chapter 54: Omelette Rice
Chapter 55: More Omelette Rice?
Chapter 56: The Reveal- Part 1: Axel
Chapter 57: The Reveal - Part 2: Lucas
Chapter 58: The Reveal - Part 3: Suzu & Kai
Chapter 59: Nicknames
Chapter 61: Complex Planning
Chapter 62: Sent and Received
Chapter 63: Forthcoming Assembly

Chapter 60: Fire & Squishy Incident

3.9K 230 106
By LuckyyBubbles



After the smoke has escaped the building, you took no time to sit back down on the green couch again since you were still feeling a bit groggy.

"I can't believe we forgot what happens to (L/n)-san when she passes out and wakes up the next day," Suzu mumbled to herself.

"What do you mean?" Kirishima perked next to Suzu.

"It's just that her quirk actually has two drawbacks. The most common one being, drooling and spitting ice and the other one is exhaling and drooling fire and magma," Suzu explained.

Todoroki looked at (Y/n) and furrowed his brows. "Is she not able to control her quirk properly? She seems to be doing pretty well in the past lessons we've had so far."

Suzu grinned, "that's the thing! She usually depends on her combatant skills or uses her quirk once in a while... or barely. It's just it seems that she is pushing herself for the past couple of weeks we've been here."

Kai rolled his eyes, picking up the littered pillow on the floors where they slept. "We all know she's pushed beyond what her weak body can do. So far to the point that she's missed classes from exhaustion and recovery."

Axel nodded, "it appears Suzu's quirk also did a number on her. I mean, you did knock her out two times. I'm sure the changes in her air pressure may have caused such massive drawbacks."

Suzu sighed heavily, "don't look at me, it was all Kai's idea," he replies while walking towards the couch with Todoroki and Kirishima on his trail.

Todoroki looked over to you, "when does your drawback for fire vomit usually cease?"

You grunted and almost opened her mouth to reply.

"Don't even think about it! You've caused class 1-A some of their pillows and a wake of a lifetime. We don't need another one of those," Kai yelled at you.

You gulped and used your hands to communicate instead. You looked at Midoriya and Bakugou and gestured them a notebook as if the three of you were playing charades.

Midoriya nodded, knowing what you needed. "There should be some paper and pen around here," he stood up. You looked up to him and watched your right arm raise with him. You blinked rapidly at him, trying to keep up with his pace. However, you and Bakugou were too slow and Midoriya ended up pulling both of you to the ground.

Bakugou rightfully fell on top of you, and you almost told him to get off. But, what you didn't expect was multiple shrieks that echoed around the dorm. You widened your eyes, wondering why the guys around you stared with such horrified expressions. If you thought the day could not get any worse, you felt an unusual heaviness on your chest. It didn't register to you at first, but the blown red eyes that stared back at you snapped you out of your faze.


Bakugou stared intensely into (Y/n)'s eyes, as he slowly huffed. It didn't register to him at first, no— Bakugou did not even bother looking away from (Y/n) in the new position. (Y/n) blanked out, decided to just stare into Bakugou's eyes like she was entranced by them. However, the other boys around you two flushed bright red at Midoriya's doing.

Unfortunately and fortunately for Bakugou, everyone but (Y/n), Todoroki, and Takoyami, were thinking the same thing; 'boobs,' is all they could think.

Kai, however, quickly shook off the thought, gritted his teeth angrily, and shamelessly thought: "when will I have my moment!?"

Suzu, in no time, reached for one of the pillows on the ground to rightfully throw it to Bakugou. Midoriya's body sweated in anxiety and fear for his little incident. Although, he took great notice of the lack of quick response from his childhood friend. He should have been called a 'damn deku' by now. But Bakugou's attention is steered to the girl in front of him... literally.

(Y/n) left eye blinked rapidly, now noticing the amount of seconds that are passing by. She could feel Bakugou's warm breath seeping through her shirt and it sent unannounced tingles around her cheeks. She knows she might still have her fire vomit drawback, but at this rate her racing heart managed to pry her mouth open and a newly discovered heat pool rumbled from her throat.

(Y/n) shrieked at her highest tone, finally registering Bakugou face-planting on her boobs and not moving an inch since. Her shriek came with the fire breath, ultimately firing it at Bakugou's intense gaze.

The ash-blonde boy took the fire breath face on, scorching his face within a matter of seconds. However, what he didn't expect was someone punching his sides, forcing his whole body to flip away from (Y/n).

"Get off of her," a voice growled.

Bakugou groaned at his acquired pain, not minding the black smog atop his face. Midoriya turned to the whoever punched Bakugou off of (Y/n), and yelped at the dominating presence they held.

(Y/n) turned to her side to watch Dark Shadow floating beside her again. Dark Shadow saved her yet again from the eyes of perverts. Her left left eye watered at the sight of her heroic friend and practically leaped at the black creature. She gave him a tight hug as a thank you.

"Thank you so much Dark Shadow," her heart practically swelled.

"Dark Shadow!?" Tokoyami dramatically screeched in surprise.

The other boys in the room, however, stared in shock as they slowly watched (Y/n) flip over Midoriya as she hugged Dark Shadow. Kai smirked, thinking it was some sort of revenge play. But the others were genuinely astonished by the hidden strength (Y/n) has.

"Whooah!" Kirishima cheered in admiration, raising his arms up causing Suzu to raise his arm as well.

(Y/n) pulled away from Dark shadow and peered at Kirishima.

"That was so manly! Teach me that move," Kirishima's eyes sparkled.

(Y/n) blinked and looked at her right hand where Midoriya layed on the floor with a pained expression. (Y/n) almost opened her mouth, but refained herself from preventing another round of fire breath in the room.

Kai laughed histerically, cackling and pointing at Bakugou and Midoriya who were both massacred by (Y/n)'s unidentified strengths. Everyone by then was pretty occupied with the whole ordeal that no one took notice of the elevator opening.

In out of nowhere, Iida comes running to the living room with his jaw dropping to the floor. Everyone else who also took the same elevator with Iida looked from afar and stared with tangled expressions.

"Midoriya-kun!? Bakugou-kun!? Just what is happening around here!?" Iida screamed.


"So what you're telling me is our comfort room is half burnt because of (L/n)-kun's drawbacks from her quirk?" Iida asked one more time.

"Did you not clean your ears or something, that's clearly what we've been explaining to you this whole time!" Kai slammed his hand on the table.

"Dude! At least use your other hand! You're literally going to crush my hand at this rate," Kaminari whined.

Iida scanned the living room again and heaved heavily. "I am very worried about what will happen when everyone else heads to class. There is no assurance if (L/n)-kun will not burn another room."

Uraraka covered her mouth as she laughed loudly, almost spitting. "You mean... not burn Bakugou again."

(Y/n) looked down as other boys from Class 1-A started to laugh from the Uraraka's comment.

"You've truly lived up to your name explosion boy," Sero snickered.

Kirishima, Sero, and Uraraka stared at each other, before laughing out loud again.

Bakugou growled, about to say something to the laughing group but Iida was quick to comment on their inconsiderate behavior.

"Laughing at Bakugou-kun, who is clearly the victim of (L/n)'s fire vomit, is truly a villainous act. We must aid him if needed!" Iida chopped his hands towards them but ultimately failed to stop them since they laughed harder at Iida's words.

"Who the hell are you calling a victim, damn four eyes!?" Bakugou finally screeched.

Midoirya glanced at (Y/n) who sported an indescribable expression. His brows knitted together, analyzing her facial expressions. But entirely unaware to everybody in the room, (Y/n) is finding it quite fascinating that someone other than her superiors have deemed her very dangerous. She slightly slumped though, knowing the truth about her capabilities to harness her quirk to it's fullest potential.

'I've really got to keep it together,' (Y/n) thought.

"With a dangerous and uncontrollable drawback like that, I do recommend while class 1-A is away, that Todoroki trains her fire quirk. I'm sure she needs some sort of trainer to at least cover the basics," Iida's glasses gleamed. "It's not a bad idea!" his smile widened—too proud of himself.

"Isn't that too much, Iida-kun?" asked Uraraka. "I mean we've seen how she performs in the Hero-Teamwork Project."

"I actually agree with Iida-san," Axel nodded. "It's not bad to revert back to the basics once in a while."

(Y/n) looked at Axel, but spoke nothing. There were too many people in the room to know what she had found out recently about her quirk. She gave off a look of discomfort that went unnoticed by Midoriya and Bakugou. They both simultaneously tugged a little with their attached hands to (Y/n), causing her to emit a confused look.

"Are you serious!? Now Todoroki gets a chance at her!?" wept Mineta. "Even Midoriya and Bakugou had the chance to sleep beside her!"

The girls all gasped at Mineta's lack of compassion for (Y/n) and his classmates, even making Kaminari throw a disgusted face. Sero immediately used his quirk to tape Mineta's mouth, disabling him from talking any further.

"That's enough out of you... again," Kirishima muttered under his breath.

"I'm truly sorry you had to hear that (L/n)-san," Yaoyorozu bowed deeply. The other girls also began to speak their own apologies, but (Y/n) shook her head.

"It's quite alright," she replied. "It's funny."

Everyone in the room stared blankly at her, questioning what kind of humour (Y/n) has.

"How on earth was that funny!?" Suzu screamed in a higher pitch voice. "Did you even understand what he said!?"

(Y/n) blinked, then stared at the clock on the wall near the door. "If you all don't go now, all of you will be late for class." And as soon as (Y/n) finished her sentence, a resonating bell rang around the campus making the rest of Class 1-A to scramble out of the dorms. Except for Iida, of course, since he instantaneously vanished.

"Now that was funny," (Y/n) muttered to herself. "Their faces when they heard the bell ring."


A/N: Hope you found this chapter funny :3 Had to sprinkle in some spice y'kno? Maybe spice again next chapter? but def fluff again <3

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