Window into the Past

By princess_leah_organa

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Joanna "Joy" Jones gets her letter to Hogwarts and attends there, along with the Boy Who Lived. Although, Joy... More



52 4 1
By princess_leah_organa

I woke up once a pillow collided with my face. "Why?" I groaned.

"Joy when is.." Hermione asked me. "It was a few days ago, next one isn't until the end of the month," I sighed, getting out of bed.

"I'm just worried," Hermione mumbled. "I know, I appreciate it," I gave her a small smile. "If one bloody Dementor comes near me during that...ugh having two times of month is the worst..first it's me acting like a monster and the second is me acting like one because of blood."

"Now I understand why you need all that chocolate," Hermione laughed.

After I got dressed, the two of us walked to the Great Hall for breakfast. "Dementor Potter! Be careful!" I heard Malfoy taunt Harry.

"That bastard," I grumbled. "Would you stop swearing?!" Hermione scolded me.

"I've earned the right to swear," I mumbled.

"Don't mind him, Joy," George comforted me. "Slimy git wasn't so brave, nearly wet himself."

We got handed our timetables. "We'll wipe that smile off his face after we whoop his arse at Quidditch," I muttered.

"That's my girl!" Fred praised me. "Use a little bit of werewolf power."

"Honestly, she only has it during full moons," Hermione rolled her eyes. 

"Okay, what's first?"

"Divination," Harry told me. I started whining like a two year old. "Kill me."

"You chose to do it," he pointed out. "Yeah, I'm regretting it now," I sighed. "For some reason, Tia wasn't thrilled I picked Divination." 

"She wasn't?" Harry frowned

"Hermione?" Ron looked at her timetable. "They messed up your timetable."

"I fixed it with Professor McGonagall," Hermione told him. "Listen to this," Ron turned to me and Harry. "At nine she has Divination, Arithmancy and Muggle Studies!"

"Are you cloning yourself?" I asked Hermione. "No!" she exclaimed. "That's the only way to explain being in three classes at once," Harry agreed with me.

"I'm not going to be in three classes at once, don't be ridiculous," Hermione rolled her eyes.

I looked at my timetable and I smiled. "We have Hagrid today!"

"Well, let's go, Divination is miles away," Harry told us.

We got lost about three times.  "There has to be a quicker way," I sighed, panting.

"Do you know the way to the North Tower?" Harry asked the painting of a knight, who was yelling at both him and Ron.

"A quest!" the knight declared. I looked at the painting to see the knight's eyes bulging, overexcited. "Follow me dear friends! We will either find our goal or perish bravely!"

My head turned towards the boys. "On then good sirs! Good ladies!"

We followed him down the corridor. "Who is that?" I whispered to Harry. "Sir Cadagon," Harry told me.

We ran down the corridor, following the insane knight. This included running up a spiral staircase that Ron nearly fell down. Three times if we're looking for the accurate story.

I did trip once or twice as well.

We were out of breath after all the running we have done. "If you ever need me again, call upon Sir Cadagon!" the knight declared.

"If we ever need someone completely mental," Ron rolled his eyes.

A trapdoor opened and a silver ladder slowly glided down and stopped at Harry's feet. "After you boys," I smirked. Harry and Ron both shot me the death stare and climbed the ladder.

"This will be fun," Hermione rolled her eyes. "Cheer up Mione, could be worse," I said optimistically.

I climbed up and the classroom looked sort of weird. It was a cross between a crazy cat lady's attic and an old teashop.

"What the.." Hermione muttered, looking around. "I feel like I'm at an old lady's house," I whispered to her.

"Hello," a soft voice greeted us. "How lovely it is to see you in the physical world."

Professor Trelawney was a very thin woman with glasses that made her eyes seem ten times bigger than they actually were. She wore a lot of beads and a huge shawl.

"Sit, my children, sit," she instructed us. The four of us huddled around one table.

Trelawney sat in an armchair next to the fireplace. "Welcome to Divination," she announced. "I am Professor Trelawney, you may not have seen me before, I find that descending too often will cloud my inner eye. You have chosen to study to most difficult form of the magical arts. Books can only take you so far."

Hermione gulped and looked uncomfortable, which Ron found quite amusing.

"You boy!" she suddenly pointed at Neville, making him jump. "Is your grandmother well?"

"Uh, I think so," Neville stuttered. "Hmm I wouldn't be so sure," Trelawney muttered.

She turned to Parvati and had a look of horror on her face. "Beware the red haired man."

Everyone turned to look at Ron. "Oh bloody hell," he swore. "By Easter, two of us will leave our number forever," Trelawney predicted. She turned to Lavender. "The thing you are dreading most will happen October sixteenth."

Lavender shuddered in fear. "I wonder dear," Trelawney turned to me. "If you could pass me the largest silver teapot?"

"Oh," I mumbled. "Okay."

I stood up and grabbed the teapot and handed it to Trelawney. "Summer, you will find what you've always been looking for."

"Okay?" I mumbled. 

"Divide into pairs, collect a teacup and drink the tea until the dregs remain, swirl three times and turn the cup upside down onto the saucer to let the last of the tea drain away the give the cup to your partner."

I paired up with Hermione while Harry and Ron paired up together. I drank the tea quite quickly and swirled the cup.

I put it upside down to let it drain then I picked up the cup. "Oh bloody hell," I complained.

"What?" Hermione asked me. I handed her the cup which was in the shape of a moon. "Stating the obvious much?"

I took Hermione's cup which was in the shape of a bird. "Well, yours is a bird which symbolises knowledge and wisdom, maybe top marks in your exams..oh I don't bloody know."

"Well yours is basically saying you have a furry little problem," Hermione told me. "Great," I sighed. "So you're smart and I'm a werewolf."

Hermione looked over at Harry who Trelawney was hovering over. "The falcon, you have an enemy."

"Well duh," Hermione whispered to me. "Everyone knows about You-Know-Who."

"And everyone can hear you," I responded. Trelawney decided not to respond to Hermione's remark.

I jumped once Trelawney screamed. "Oh no, no, my dear boy, you have..the Grim. The worst kind of omen of death."

Hermione peered into Harry's cup. "Doesn't look like a Grim to me."

Trelawney glared at her. "I perceive very little aura around you."

Everyone looked into Harry's cup. "It looks like one if you tilt it that way," Seamus said. "No the other way," Dean argued.

"Are you all finished debating whether I'm going to die or not?!" Harry snapped, fed up.


We all headed to Transfiguration. Harry was in a foul mood, he hardly talked to me, Ron or Hermione. I sat beside him at the back.

"I have a feeling I'm going to hate Divination," he murmured. "Yeah, perfect prediction, apparently I'm going to find what I've always been looking for..." I was in deep thought.

"You don't actually believe that do you?" Harry asked me. I just shrugged in response. "I don't know whether it's true or not but it could be. Unless you've seen a big black dog, I think you're grand."

"What if I told you that I did see one, the night I left Magnolia Crescent," Harry muttered.

I whacked him on the arm, hard. "Why didn't you say anything?!"

"I didn't think it was a big deal until now," he admitted, rubbing his arm. " don't think that the Grim is a big deal right?"

"No," I told him honestly. "It's probably nothing."

"I mean, things have been trying to kill us since we came into Hogwarts...think it could be something to do with Black?" Harry asked me.

"It's not impossible," I muttered. "I don't think we know the whole story and we need to find out what it is, in case Black is really after you."

After Transfiguration, the four of us were walking down the corridor and Hermione was still ranting on about Divination. "Honestly, it is a waste of time," she complained. "Nothing compared to Arithmancy."

"But you haven't been to one yet!" Ron exclaimed. "It was at the same time as Divination!"

I looked at Harry and he just shook his head. "Keep walking."


While Ron and Hermione argued about the irregularities on her timetable, I was walking with Harry, helping myself to chocolate.

"Oi!" Harry held his hand out. I rolled my eyes and broke off a piece. "Such a moocher."

"Is that the bar Professor Lupin gave you?"

"Yep," I nodded. "He knows his chocolate, I'll give him that."

We were walking towards Hagrid's hut and I let out an audible sigh of frustration. "Oh no! We're with the Slytherins!"

Harry groaned. "Great, trust them to muck everything up."

Ron groaned very loudly the second he laid eyes on Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. I let out a small growl once I saw Parkinson, not forgetting what happened last year.

"Come on now! Hurry up!" Hagrid ushered us. "I have a real treat for you all today! Come on! Gather around!"

I stuck by Harry's side as we walked towards the edge of the forest. "Oh crap," I muttered.

"Okay, you need to open your books..."

"How?" Malfoy interrupted him. "How do we open these?"

"Has no one been able to open their books?" Hagrid looked at us. I had to use a very strong belt to keep the damn book shut. "You have to stroke it! Joy, can I have your book?"

I handed my book to Hagrid and he took the belt off. It tried to bite him but he ran his finger down the spine. It relaxed and fell open.

"Oh look at that, we were so stupid," Malfoy sneered as I got my book back. "We should have stroked them."

"I thought they were funny," Hagrid said to me. "Oh yeah, very witty, giving us books that try to bite our hands off!" Malfoy hissed at him.

"Shut up, Malfoy," Harry grumbled.

"Wait until my father hears about this! This oaf teaching us.."

"Do you ever stop talking?!" I snapped. "Ooh careful there Jones, don't want the Dementors to make you cry again." 

"Best day ever," I smiled sarcastically. 

Hagrid brought this creature out of the forest that was basically an eagle-horse hybrid. It was beautiful.

"Hippogriffs! Beautiful creatures..aren't they?" Hagrid announced. "Now Hippogriffs are very proud creatures, they get very easily offended. Don't ever insult one because it might be the last thing you ever do."

That's when I noticed there was more than one. There were about five of them.

"Hippogriffs must always make the first move, okay? Walk towards him and bow, if he bows back you can touch him, if not then get away, alright, who's up first?"

No one wanted to go forward. I looked back to see them all wide eyed and I sighed.

"I'll do it."

I walked forward and I climbed over the paddocked fence.

"Good girl, Joy! Let's see how you get on with Buckbeak."

Hagrid untied the grey Hippogriff, I looked behind me to see Harry, Ron and Hermione, looking at me fearfully.

Buckbeak was staring right at me with his bright orange eyes. "Okay Joy, don't blink too much, he won't trust you if you blink too much."

My eyes were watering but I didn't blink, despite the temptation. "Okay, now bow Joy," Hagrid instructed me.

I bowed slowly, letting my hair fall in front of my face. All I could see was a cloud of light yellow and Buckbeak's orange eyes.

"Joy back off," Hagrid warned me. Before I could move, Buckbeak sank into a very clear bow. I let out a small sigh of relief.

The Gryffindors were clapping and cheering. The Slytherins were annoyed that Buckbeak didn't want to kill me.

"Okay, now you can go pat his beak," Hagrid told me excitedly. I slowly reached out my hand towards Buckbeak and patted his beak. He seemed to enjoy it, judging by the look on his face.

Buckbeak suddenly seized my robes with his beak and threw me up. I shrieked, as did Hermione, in fear.

I landed on Buckbeak's back and my eyes widened. That's it, I'm dead, I'm definitely dead now. "It's alright Joy, he wants you to have a ride."

"I'm sorry..what?!" I panicked. Buckbeak spread his wings and I wrapped my arms around the creature's neck.

He took off into the air and flew away. For some reason, I felt a lot calmer. My hair was flowing behind me like a kite. I looked ahead to see the lake and the castle.

"This isn't so bad!" I laughed. I looked down to see Buckbeak's talons gliding along the lake. I saw my reflection in the water. Pale face with dark green eyes to contrast. I was a clone of my mother, expect for the eyes and lycanthropy.

Buckbeak was heading back towards the edge of the forest and I could hear the Gryffindors cheering. I let out a small grunt once Buckbeak landed and I leapt off his back.

"Well that was exhilarating," I gasped. "Well done, Joy!" Hagrid praised me. Everyone was cheering, even some of the Slytherins were cheering too. I climbed out of the paddock and I had this big goofy smile on my face.

"Nearly crapped myself," I chuckled. "I got frightened when you were thrown onto his back," Hermione sighed with relief.

"I thought that Buckbeak was going to tear me apart," I giggled. I stood back as Harry, Ron and Hermione went into the paddock.

It was a piece of cake in the end. I'm just praying that there'll be cake after dinner tonight, I am starving.

Harry went up to Buckbeak but Buckbeak didn't fly around as much as he did with me.

He climbed out of the paddock and walked up to me, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "So.."

"So...exhilarating right?" I wiggled my eyebrows. "In a way," Harry nodded. "Joy, there's a twig in your hair."

"What?!" I groaned. "Here," Harry reached out and took the twig out from my hair. "Thanks," I muttered. "Joy..can I ask you something?" Harry mumbled. "Yeah, what is it?"

"You said on the train you heard screaming, was it a woman?" Harry wondered.

"Yeah, I heard a woman saying 'keep her out of this, she didn't do anything wrong'," I said to him.

"This is easy!" Malfoy declared loudly, making me and Harry turn around. I wanted to tell him about that memory but I had no idea where to start. "I knew it! Since Potter and Jones could do it, you're not dangerous are you, you great big ugly brute."

Buckbeak suddenly stood on his hindquarters and slashed Malfoy's arm. "I'M DYING! IT'S KILLED ME!"

There was uproar amongst the Slytherins once Hagrid was forced to carry Draco out due to his 'oh so fatal' injury.


The Gryffindors were standing up for Hagrid. Hagrid did say that Hippogriffs attack when insulted, Malfoy was chatting away to Crabbe and Goyle when he said this.

"It was Malfoy's fault!"

"His arm isn't that bad!"

"He's faking it!"

It was all out war between the Gryffindors and the Slytherins. For the first day back at Hogwarts, it was quite eventful.

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