He knows I'm into Hentai (Vko...

By cookie_n_tea

419K 22K 10.8K

Jeon Jungkook was conflicted about his sexuality after breaking up with his girlfriend. He had his own theori... More

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Lord of Seoul (new book!)


4.3K 232 40
By cookie_n_tea

Taehyung and Goongmin were welcomed to the Park residence by a brightly smiling Seulgi. She handed them refreshments in the living room and asked her husband to entertain them while she gave some last moment touches to the dinner she's been preparing since this afternoon. Hyungsik and Goongmin quickly fell into a comfortable conversation about economy and politics while taehyung just sat there staring at a beautiful red lamp that was only meant for decoration purpose. The lamp was hanging from the ceiling and cast a light glow on the wall, barely noticeable. Taehyung smiled, wondering why such a beautiful lamp was hanging in the corner of the room.

Taehyung snapped his eyes away from the lamp when he heard footsteps and saw Jimin entering the living room. He wore a buttoned up white shirt and light blue jeans, his hair covering his forehead. Jimin had a distant look on his face. Taehyung understood and realised his reason for being uncomfortable. He gave Jimin a smile when Jimin looked at him accidently. Taehyung had half expected Jimin to approach him as soon as he entered his house but apparently Jimin was keen on keeping some good distance between them. However, the awkwardness of starting a conversation was avoided by Seulgi's announcement about the dinner being ready to eat and placed on the dinning table.

"Goongmin-ssi, thank you so much for accepting my invitation." Seulgi said, settling in her seat along with the others. "I don't have words to express how embarrassed I am of myself for causing you and your family so much trouble. I truly am sorry for that day Goongmin-ssi."

"Apology accepted, Seulgi-ssi." Goongmin smiled. "And thank you. If it weren't for you, then maybe the bond between my son and I wouldn't have gotten as strong as it is now."

Taehyung nodded agreeing with his papa making Hyungsik and Seulgi smile as well. Goongmin ruffled his son's hair receiving a whine from him. The dinner table was then filled with laughter and heartwarming conversations about jimin's and Taehyung's childhood embarrassments. Both the fathers heavily debating on whose son could be fooled easily back then. The conversation then drifted to the school festival and Taehyung enthusiastically spoke about his ideas for the event.

"Aww I really wish I could attend the festival to see the costumes designed by you." Seulgi said when taehyung proudly told them about his conversation with the drama club's head.

"You can attend the exhibition day." Jimin pointed. "Taehyung's paintings are just as amazing as his fashion sense."

"You paint? That's great!" Hyungsik complimented.

"He's an amazing artist dad. I remember he had gotten into digital art in tenth grade and oh God, he learnt it so quickly! He even animated a picture of us. It was my birthday gift an-" Jimin abruptly stopped himself remembering the events of that day and how much of a jerk he was to taehyung.

Taehyung had stopped eating and was staring at Jimin with sad eyes. There were so many good memories. But the bad ones are so painful that even if he tried to remember the good times, it wouldn't heal the wound caused by the bad.

"I don't understand..." Goongmin muttered, sighing.

"Taehyung-ah, please don't mind me asking but, why did you break up with my son?" Seulgi asked.

Taehyung didn't know what to say. He obviously didn't want to make Jimin look like the bad guy. But there was no other explanation to it. He thought it would be better to just brush this away with a false excuse and jump back into the lively discussion.

"It was just wrong timing.." Taehyung said shortly. Seulgi nodded, dismissing the topic as well but before she could say something else her son interrupted her in a harsh tone.

"I cheated on him." Jimin said gritting his teeth. "That's why we broke up."

"Park Jimin." Hyungsik's voice was stern and laced with anger when he took his son's name.

"I ruined the best thing in my life.. If only I could wait for him! I was so goddamn desperate that I-"

"Stop." Taehyung cut Jimin off mid sentence. He looked straight into jimin's eyes watching them tear up with the same hurt he was feeling right now. No words were needed to convey Jimin regret.

Jimin couldn't take it anymore. He slammed his chopsticks on the table, getting up and walking out of the dinning room. Taehyung immediately followed him ignoring the calls of the three adults. He followed Jimin out into the backyard of his house. Jimin had completely lost it. He kicked the chair and the table that was kept in the backyard, then picked the chair and threw it back to the ground, cursing loudly. His hand ran through his hair as tears escaped his eyes. He grabbed a flower pot off the ground and threw it, kicking another flower pot after.

"Jimin enough." Taehyung sniffled, wiping his tears and attempting to stop Jimin. But Jimin kept breaking everything that caught his sight.

"I said enough Jimin! Stop it!" Taehyung grabbed jimin's arm with both his hands and pulled him.

Jimin jerked away from him and took a few steps back.

"Why!?" He screamed. "Why are you being nice to me?! Why?!"

Taehyung cried along with Jimin. He didn't know what to say so he just shook his head and stepped towards him. Jimin's faces was red as he cried looking at Taehyung, remembering how much he hurt this precious boy.

"I broke your heart! I made jinyoung hate you! I ruined your friendship with jaebum! I ruined your relationship with your mother.. how can you be nice to me? How can you be kind? Huh taehyung?!" Jimin yelled crying harder. "How can you forgive me for hurting you so much?!"

"Who said that I forgave you?" Taehyung aggressively wiped his tears away, only to have a new set of them collect in his eyes.

"I agreed to come here because of your mother. I'm not like you Jimin, I can't see people hurting because of me." Taehyung spat but felt himself crumbling inside. "And even right now, no matter what you've done, I can't see you hurting because... because.. there was a time when I loved you a lot Jimin."

Jimin sobbed, pulling his hair. He fell to his knees and cried out apologises. His chest felt so heavy with pain that he wanted to scream aloud, claw the pain out of his chest even. Jimin's throat was sore with the amount of guilt he was trying to swallow but couldn't manage to get even an ounce inside. He hated himself for making such a huge mistake. Taehyung loved him once so dearly that he drew him all the time. His birthday two years ago could have been a beautiful memory if only he hadn't forced himself on his Tae. He didn't think things through. His mind fogged with lust that he mistook for love. Taehyung could have been laughing and giggling that day but instead he was screaming and pleading in fear. There could have been bruises of love on his neck but instead there were bruises of restraints on his arms. Jimin ruined everything. Everything!

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry taehyung, I'm so fucking sorry!" Jimin's body shook with each sob he let out.

Taehyung walked closer to his former lover and kneeled in front of him. He gently took jimin's hands in his prying them out of his hair so that he would stop hurting himself by pulling at his roots. Jimin looked at Taehyung, still sobbing.

"I know you regret it.. But you have to let go." Taehyung whispered softly. "I don't know if I forgive you yet or no. But, Jimin, I don't hate you. I could never."

Taehyung brought his hand up to wipe jimin's tears. He caressed jimin's cheek. Jimin closed his eyes and leaned into Taehyung's touch, the warmth that his palm provided was bliss.

"H-How can you not hate me?" Jimin sniffled.

"Because you're not a bad person.."

"T-tae.." Jimin whimpered.

Taehyung hugged Jimin as he cried into the crook of his neck. He knew the dinner would be eventful but he was not expecting things to go to this extent. Taehyung was being honest when he said he didn't hate Jimin. But that doesn't mean he forgives him for everything he's done. Jimin left some huge scars behind, the last time he was in Taehyung's life, from which he had not yet recovered. The most logical example being his response towards jungkook's declaration of love.

Taehyung patted jimin's back to comfort him. Hyungsik soon came outside to check on the teenage boys. He sighed defeatedly when he found his son crying in Taehyung's arms. Hyungsik kneeled down and took Jimin from Taehyung's embrace, helping him get up and go inside the house. Taehyung stood there looking at the damage caused by jimin's anger. He exhaled the breath he had been holding and walked back inside. Goongmin and Seulgi smiled sadly when they saw Taehyung but didn't say anything. What could they even say? There wasn't any way to console taehyung right now.

Seulgi was the only one to bid Goongmin and Taehyung goodnight because Hyungsik was upstairs with his son. They, of course, understood and left the Park residence expressing their gratitude for the dinner one last time. Taehyung didn't speak the entire way back and Goongmin decided it was best to give his son some space. Once they reached the house taehyung took a hot shower then went straight to his room. Goongmin came to Taehyung's room to check on him but when he saw taehyung hiding under his duvet he just sighed and closed the door quietly.

Taehyung was trying to get some sleep but all he could do was toss and turn every few seconds. He let out a frustrated sigh and grabbed his phone from the nightstand texting the only person he needed the most.

11:34 pm
kookie.. I need you.

Baby is everything okay? Want me to call?

Can you come to my house? Right now?

Of course babe. I'll be there in twenty. Keep your window open.

Taehyung got up to open his window and waited patiently for his boyfriend. Ten minutes past midnight he heard shuffling underneath his window and soon saw jungkook emerging into his room. Taehyung ran towards him and hugged him once he was securely inside. Jungkook was surprised to say the least but he didn't mind the sudden affection.

"Baby.. are you okay?" Jungkook asked. He felt Taehyung shake his head 'no' against his neck.

"What's wrong Tae?"

Instead of answering jungkook, taehyung just pulled him in for a kiss. Jungkook was caught off guard but kissed him back nonetheless. Taehyung clung onto the fabric of jungkook's sweatshirt and deepened the kiss. Jungkook's hands circled around Taehyung's waist pulling him closer. Taehyung subtly started moving backwards while kissing his boyfriend. He fell back into his bed along with jungkook, making the latter gasp because of the sudden fall. Taehyung took this opportunity to slide his tongue inside jungkook's mouth. Taehyung pulled at jungkook's roots making him moan. His hands then traveled down jungkook's back and he began taking jungkook's sweatshirt off.

Jungkook stopped kissing taehyung, pulling away and looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Tae, what's wrong?" Jungkook asked again caressing Taehyung's cheek.

"I want you koo.. please.." taehyung pleaded trying to kiss jungkook again but jungkook resisted.

"I won't do anything until you tell me what's bothering you." Jungkook said sternly making taehyung whine.

"I want to forget the dinner. I want to forget Jimin."

"Did he do something?" Jungkook frowned.

"No. I just.. I don't want feel guilty for breaking up with him. I know I did the right thing. I just.. I don't want to remember it."

"Oh. Okay then baby. I'll make sure my name is the only thing that you remember. " Jungkook smirked and kissed taehyung again.

They passionately made out for a few more minutes before jungkook pulled away completely getting off of the bed. He took his shoes off then his sweatshirt. Taehyung licked his lips crawling upwards on the bed. He opened his legs for jungkook to settle between them which he gladly did. Jungkook attacked Taehyung's neck, marking his territory, leaving beautiful purple hues on his skin. He went down to Taehyung's tummy lifting his t-shirt up and going under it. Taehyung gasped, arching his back when jungkook bit just below his nipple. He panted and moaned as jungkook rubbed against his hard member.

Jungkook swiftly pulled Taehyung's t-shirt over his head, kissing him again. Taehyung wrapped his legs around jungkook's waist gasping into the kiss as jungkook grinded harder against him.

"Baby.. I don't have a condom.." jungkook whispered against Taehyung's lips.

"I don't care... Jungkook... Please..." Taehyung moaned pulling jungkook closer.

Jungkook didn't waste any time after that. He slowly slid Taehyung's pajama shorts and boxers down his soft tan legs admiring their perfect shape. He went down and kissed Taehyung's inner thigh claiming them as his only. Taehyung squirmed, moaning his boyfriend's name into the palm of his hand. His father was just down the hall and he couldn't be too loud. Jungkook prepped taehyung, kissing him and marking his collarbone.

Taehyung bit jungkook's shoulder when jungkook slowly started thrusting into him. He was feeling that familiar pleasurable burn which sent him into another state of mind. And that's when he realized that he would only let jungkook make him feel this way. He cannot imagine being this intimate with Jimin or even jaebum for that matter. Jungkook knew exactly what to do to make him see a cluster of stars and send him over the edge. Taehyung's breath hitched as jungkook hit the spot, slow yet deep. His eyes closed, mouth hung open, listening to jungkook's heavy breaths and pants as he too felt the euphoric pleasure. Taehyung feels his body shake as he hit his climax, nails digging into jungkook's back and ears filling with the sound of jungkook's moans.

"Tae... My Tae..." Is the last thing taehyung hears before slipping into a peaceful slumber.

Hey, how's everyone doing? I'll be honest, I'm not doing well. With all the chaos going on in our world; the virus, George floyd, killing a pregnant elephant... I just, I can't. It's so heartbreaking. We are already going through so much on an individual level; anxiety, depression and what not! Why can't we give ourselves a break? Why can't we be humans for just one day?

The only thing that got me motivated to update was txt's new music video. I hadn't concentrated on this song before but now, puma's lyrics gave me courage. :)

(P.s. the meaning of the song could be completely different.)

Thank you for reading and voting. Stay strong.💜

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