Vampire Uprising I (Book 1 I...

By BlkQween

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👑✅ Black Vampire king & His BBW vampire Queen. The hood made of burlap was stifling, causing discomfort. Wit... More

Damn This Heat!
I'm In Love
The Turn
If I Can't Have You
Bloody Tracks
Forget Me Not
Welcome Home Pharoah
Birth of a Queen
The Engagement Party
Troubled waters
When River's Run Red
Kill Him!
Joan & Zion
Meet your maker
Let the games begin!
Lets get it started
Keep ya head up!
Pharaoh Origin
Blood Ties
Prodigal Sons
Forbidden Fruit
Bathe in blood
One more Chance
Love is serious business
Twin Oaks the return
Hook Line & Sinker
Strike It Rich $
Control your savage
The devil's in the detail
Shit just got real
Red Handed
Skeletons in the closet
Heads will roll
Throw the book at her
Poison Plot
Side chick slick
Old Friend
First impressions
Blood Rain
Sunday kind of love
30 Day's
Murder she wrote
Tempo Slow
Niarchos Origin
Sex Room XXX
Death Reading##
Family reunion#
Here comes the bride ##
Taken ##
Silver Bullet ##
Daddy's home ##
Gold Skeleton Key #
Unfaithful ##
Confession ##
Bread Crumbs##
Bounty #
Covet #
Banking on it ##
Gone with the wind

This Bitch! #

247 25 5
By BlkQween

Chapter 57
The Bitch

She ain't got no living relative's that ain't your family inmate. Yes she is Elder Niarchos.

What's your relation Clarence asked? The inmate
hesitated kneeling the Pharaoh has spoken he won't speak again.

I'm Gabriel's Uncle her mother's younger brother Clarence glared angrily knowing what he did.

My wife told me you died inmate hot in a drug deal gone wrong Gabriel was happy you were dead I'm sure you know why.

Niarchos shot Clarence a look of confusion Grip cocked his rifle vampires looking out their cell's the family buried she saw you in the covered in dirt inmate. They did great one I was bitten deep in slumber no heart beat pronounced dead.

The vampress who made me dug me up Great Pharoah. I don't recall judging you vampire.

You were away Elder Chance judged me. What was your charge convict? Niarchos' voice boomed. Rape of a minor.

This nigga Niarchos growling the inmate afraid. How much time did the Prince of coven's hand down? 75 hard year's twenty down Great Pharaoh the evidence was undeniable great one.

Did you kill the child? No, I hurt her very badly Pharaoh with shame in his eyes.

Clarence handed her off to Niarchos gently who handed her to Grip gimme the gun Grip.

Hell no Nick. Grip give her back to Niarchos son take Gabriel to the office turn on the air give her my blood.

Clarence never broke his gaze with the rapist and neither did Grip open the cell.

Open 634 the guard yelled leave us Grip and the guard's cleared the cell. Clarence stared at the vampire on his knees scaring him. He knew Clarence could snap his in spine with one blow.

Grip walked to the tier above, laying on his stomach where he had a clear shot at the vampire's temple.

I'm going to ask my wife if she want's her memory clean of your disgust. If she agrees you're never to contact her. If she disagrees you are never to contact her understand? Yes Alpha. I'll kill you if you try.

Clarence exited Grip yelled close the cell both walked back to the office pardon Great Pharoah! Clarence stopped speaking as though they were standing next to him the halls grew pin drop quiet everyone's record will be reviewed for pardon.

The legal team will be here everyday next week reviewing file's. No promises anyone eligible for pardon under guidelines set by the Elders will be set free.
Thank you Great one yelling and cheering from the cells.

Clarence entered the office She still out Niarchos? Yes pop the stress sent her over the edge Niarchos fanning her.

Call the prision doctor tell him to bring blood transfusion kit. Yes pop. The doctor arrived transfer my blood to her. Yes Great one he set up the line. Clarence spoke in Haitian Creole to the Doctor he hired.

Please check the Queen She's a half breed a sun seeker. She's also with child the Doctor dropped the stethoscope.

You will mention this to no one. Of course not Great Pharoah. Her heart still beats? Yes it does Doctor he was amazed with her medically.

Her pressure is up slightly but other than that she's fine the babies heart beat's are good I can hear them without the scope Great one. The Doctor touched her tummy screaming in pain.

It's the babies pop they think he's hurting her. Clarence closed his eyes locking on to his son which one he wasn't sure the pain stopped.

Jesus! What was that? The Doctor wiped his bloody nose. One of the babies is a hot head he dosen't like anyone touching his mother. Oh my he chuckled. Sit Niarchos water please for the Doctor. How did you get the baby to stop Great one? I locked into his thought's demanding he stop. Which baby is it Pharoah? I'm not sure Doctor their thought's are connected three are one.

They list6en to thier papa. They do not have a choice. Talk about old school parenting Clarence smiled.
She should wake soon. Thank you Doctor.

Pharaoh Ive all updated the medical files in the system one thing I didn't allow that fool warden to mess with the medical department.

I said the Alpha placed me here himself if want's change's he'll tell me himself.

I appreciate that Jaques thank you. You're very welcome Pharaoh the Doctor exited.

What did he do pop? It's not for me to say son, you have to ask Gabriel yourself.

I'm cold Clarence. Grip turn off the air please Gabriel raised her hand for Clarence to hold and the other for Niarchos.

They looked on her with doting eyes. That was a woozy wasn't it guy's? They laughed softly I'm assuming it was sugar.

My god if it ain't one thing it's another. What the hell is he doing here? Why is he a vampire? I called for his prison record Sugar.

Apparently he's in here for rape of a minor Chance put him here some time back.

I was there pop we found him guilty that girl was beaten inches within her life. I remember his case feeling disgusted. He mamed the girl she can't have children he can never leave here pop.

I'll speak with Blaise about implementing a mental health department. I want Blaise to work with so he won't offend once released. He and the other's like him.

Sugar I know you hate this do you want me to wipe your memory?

She squeezed both thier hand's with a shaky and tearful voice no.

Why not Gabriel?
Niarchos asked some memories are to painful.

What if one of them is a girl guy's? She has to be warned about him. It's a part of me made me wiser, stronger.

It made me realize a good man from a bad one. That's why when you said you were vampire I wasn't afraid because you had kind and loving eyes Clarence they weren't evil like his.

Nicky same kind eyes Chance you too Grip. You'd never kill Ginger on your own or you would've done it year's ago. You aren't wicked but that Sunday?
That's another story.

Gabriel sat up hugging Clarence the IV line tangling.

Come on get this mess off me Clarence. Sugar I--

I came to hand out supplies and meet prisoner's nothing's stopping me from doing God's work.
But sugar--

Clarence that's the devil in hell trying to stop these vampire's from meeting me and receiving a blessing from us not today devil.

Gabriel had a tea and water Clarence removed the I.V. I feel much better! Pharaoh may we see you a minute please? Sure be right back sugar.

What's wrong Nicky? Nothing honey. now we lie to each other? What did he do Gabriel? It's best I tell you once we leave I know your temper when it comes to me if I say you're going to kill him.

can we wait till we are alone please? Yes anything for you my Queen.

Clarence walked in while Niarchos hugged her did you tell him Sugar? No way he will kill him. That's what I said Sugar. Stop talking about me like I'm not standing here. Heehe, haha.

Gabriel finished giving out the item's the woman loved the soap and lip gloss loving her crown.

One of the vampire told her Gabriel her cousin wrote explaining Gabriel allowed them to try on her crown and jewelry. Is it true Great Queen? Yes it is. She said your guard was fine as hell she they ain't lying the vampire was giggling.

Niarchos stood straight faced. May I try it on Great one? One one condition. Anything for you. Promise that if I allow you to try it on when you're released you'll alway's act royal the vampire cried. I don't have a coven.

I'm working on that all of you will be assigned a coven upon release. Really! Yes.

Clarence was speaking with the other vampire women they were trying to braid his hair he was laughing because it was too soft.
They asked him about being a slave he answered questions.

You're a she-wolf? She whispered to Gabriel No he is pointing to Niarchos. The inmate looked at his red string kneeling before him please rise he said.

How do you know if you are vampire. I got a man on the outside he's a werewolf Queen he said they have a new Alpha and he a new Queen.

How did you know it was him? The strings Great Queen. He said the Alpha werewolf has that as a sign to all he's a married Alpha. Do you have string Queen? Gabriel avoided an answer.

Let's get this crown on you putting it on her head can you see your reflection? I can touching her head. It's fading in and out but I can see it some wait till I tell my cousin this giving it back gently.

Thank you. Alpha, can a vampire marry a wolf? Yes they can. My man is lying saying he can't. I don't know his pack rules I can find out ask him what pack he's in I can assist from there. Thank you Alpha. Man I met two Alpha's today and a Queen. Gabriel and Niarchos left her.

The women were braiding Clarence's hair It's not gonna stay they laughed it was too soft to hold gel, spray, nothing worked.

I look like a pimp they burst out laughing Gabriel laughed too who has a radio? I do great Queen work's when it want's in this mountain.

Who's never waltzed before? A few women raised a hand. Pick one Pharaoh vampire inmate's squealed excited. The vampress with the radio tuned into classical music he waltzed her up off the floor they were amazed holding one another. Twirling her slow he bought her down curtsey he whispered, he bowed. The women touched Niarchos giggling he stood emotionless.

An older vampire woman in her cell called to Niarchos yes ma'am how old are you vampire? When I was turned Elder? Yes. Seventy year's old Elder.

Who did that? A rouge vampire I was attacked for money and blood. Why are you here? I went back thirsty publicy I drained his blood police caught me Elder Elijah transferred me here Elder. I don't remember your case.

I pleaded out Elder Elijah offered a ten flat I took it Elder three to go. You asking a pardon? Should I Elder? I think so. Sit old vampire Niarchos sat with her.

How are you son of Alijawan? How do you know him? I was his made in 69 you're his split image the wedding string a married Alpha.

She dealt tarot cards smiling What? Big surprise let it be.

Another seer fore told the same what is it? Card's don't want it told Alpha.

What else? Jealous for that woman jealous against the vampire who turn her. No.

Card's no lie boy deep in here touching his heart don't nt let your love vine into jealousy.

That's a light born to this cursed earth to be a blessing to the unblessed. A natural beauty vampires and men adore not her fault it come from within her.

Control your envy werewolf see your vampire father? Trouble come his way for sure for his jealousy he'll pay. How seer? Not for you to know what card's say on someone else.
Bad luck come for revealing what ain't your's.

No follow his steps young vampire her heart no stray from you her love strong for you very strong nothing break's the bind that hold her heart to your's. Nothing Vampire!

It's Strong as steel even in death her soul searched you found you is that so vampire? Hehe.

That she did seer she picked off card's dropping the rest on the floor to the cell. Pick up 5 vampire Niarchos did. Blow life into them he blew she held out her hand for them. She tossed down the cards one at a time with each a glimpse into his life.

You have an enemy coming no jail Kill him you're werewolf smite him where he stand no weakness. Yes ma'am.

She looked at the next card the one you'll choose as second Alpha judge with your heart not ears.

She glared at card three the fool cackling happily new beginnings you spoil her terribly Alpha Yes? Niarchos grinned yes.

The woman can have what she wants her heart is not black it's gold show her no hurt vampire she'll turn from you her love vines deep yes? Yes ma'am. The woman loves you Alpha you not your money ease your mind.

Card four house of wands she gave him a shocked look
egotistical behaviour impulsiveness marrying the Alpha's Queen haha you are Alijawan's blood you see you take!

That be lycan blood in you doing your bidding I warned Alijawan he didn't listen you do better.

You're Alijawan's first born embrace your purpose with direction the path is clear powerful empire's equal forever Alpha.

What are you having trouble deciding? Don't tell him I advise against it you struggle with it. The vampire's jealousy know's no limits he's not ready. You feel guilt say nothing time shall release your tounge to say.

Card Five the Final word prosperity wealth before Alijawan. Alijawan leave you all, money has no meaning you're happy poor, rich nothing matter's except that woman. Niarchos laughed yes thank you gifted seer Niarchos held out his wrist for her to feed as payment she fed five minutes. Blood is life Vampire. Blood is life Elder.

I choose your coven Elder? Sure. She hugged him grinning the women be jealous you hug me. He laughed hugging her for all to see Coven three. Thank you. I'll have a bed for you she smiled.

They stepped out the jail to the limo look up Clarence told Gabriel saw a hawk. Who's is that? Niarchos'. I never noticed that call him Nicky. He put on his leather jacket from the car whistling a few time's he landed on his arm.

May I? She touched him lightly it's a girl. What's her name Nicky? Liza.

Gabriel took a picture of Niarchos and Liza I hope you come out. Yep you did Nicky.

They arrived home I'll meet you upstairs I'm going to have a cup of tea in the kitchen. I'm going to shower this mess out my hair.

She looked in the fridge she reached grabbing blood one said Perc blood. Perc blood? She put it in her purse to drink upstairs taking five to the basement with a turkey baster.

Gabriel got off the elevator Caine dropped to his knee's she gave him four keeping one for herself.

Two week's passed since the vampire stripper had any blood Clarence ordered water three times a day which angered her.

I spoke to Lilly Caine she asked about you I told her you were fine
she will try and make the wedding.
I'll ask Blaise to let her attend.

What do we have here? Gabriel feeling sinister the vampire clearly surfacing Caine sat back sipping enjoying the show.

What are you doing down here alone? Caine asked. I'm with Elder Caine I'm not alone you wouldn't hurt me Caine smiled.

Security? Yes Great one? They spoke on the speaker's. Making sure you're watching. I am Great Queen. Gabriel moved her chair in front of the strippers cell. You don't look so good her fangs popped you look weak you stink like death.

He glared at her from his cot. You want a shower? Blood? He didn't answer. Caine? Yes Great Queen?

What happens when a vampire is starved of blood? I've seen them feed on themselves to survive. How many day's? You mean how long passes before that happens? Yes as she stared at her caged animal varies I've seen Vampires drain themselves to death drinking so fast the brian not understanding fast enough to process the blood that was cyfered.

Great one? Yes Elder? I'm not an Elder any more. Yes Elder ignoring him does Clarence and Niarchos know you're here?

Why do I have to report where I'm going in my own house? This is Niarchos' house. Caine? Yes my Queen? Niarchos gifted me this house he inherited Alijawan's mansion. She opened her phone showing him the house That's HUGE. It has wing's Caine left as a gift for Alijawan's eldest son.

Cracking the blood open she put her turkey baster in pinching drops of blood the floor to the stripper's cell.

The vampire jumped on the floor licking desperately haha she laughed evil Oh my God hehe.

Caine was grinning seeing her amusement she was slowly turning vampire the evil of a vampire creeping into her Caine enjoyed her sexy wicked.

Security turn on the water in the last cell ice cold water hit the hungry vampie he was gasped for air.

Off. The water went off. Turn on the air thirty degrees yes Great one.

He won't get cold Gabriel he's a vampire. That's right!

Air off Gabriel pinched three drops of blood close to the bars. If you lick it you're gonna burn stripper.

Caine was grinning he used his finger's cheating booooo!

Caine cheered her evil tortures clapping making matter's worse. Gabriel humm? what kind of blood is that?

It was in the fridge Caine. It's perc blood the stripper called out.

What's that? Nothing Gabriel. You're high bitch! You didn't learn when my bestie punched ya ass in the mouth did you? Ohhh I'm tellin when he comes.

My husband will forgive me I don't know what I'm doing she said innocently.

Caine look what I found paid a kid to go inside the catholic church to get some.

Gabrielllll? Back up Caine. Oh man! Gabriel used her turkey baster mixing holy water and blood pinching it in the cell drop's inside. Now what nigga? You talking slick now who's the bitch?

Call me a bitch again. Fuck you Bitch! Bring a UV flashlight. Yes Queen. They came down Caine mouthed to security call the Pharaoh I heard that Caine she giggled.

You will do no such thing if you call the Pharaoh your fired.

You want a tox Caine? We're having a party. Security bring Elder Caine Tox blood.

The vampire came dropped off the flashlight and the tox for Caine get the pharoah now Caine commanded.

Gabriel can you drink a tea please? You're not drinking tea we're having a party Caine!

When you getting outta there? 10 year's I took a flat.

I know you didn't mean it Caine she was high as kite Caine knew it. I told Clarence Caine ain't mean it period she was yelling! Thank you Great one.

I said I don't want Caine in jail what if we need him? Caine laughed thank you. Guess what? what? I'll make him let you out in five Shh.

How you gonna do that? There's power in pussy! Haha they burst out laughing there sure is Great one.

No more hitting women that ain't nice Caine. I'm seeing Blaise Good! Cause if Clarence
hit me oh my god guess what? What?

I'm telling Niarchos. He smiled don't do that Queen. Then he'd better keep his hand's to himself.

The stripper went for a blood drop Gabriel pointed the U.V light on a drop.

Get it she started turning it off an on hurry! He used his finger to get most of the drop but got burned the sizzle of his skin made Gabriel roar in laughter.

She turned the light on and off on his skin laughing when he winced or screamed.
Ms. please I'm weak I won't heal fast.

Tell her what you did he looked at her. I'll tell my personal guard Nicky let him walk! Slapping her hand's on her lap yes sir asap.

You're lying.

Nope flicking the flash light adding his 30th burn. The stripper began to tell his truth.

You said you didn't want to have sex I didnt believe you, all women say no then they wanna fuck you're different.

I'm pregnant you idiot I'm the wife of a 200 year old vampire whose dick game is off the fucking rack!
What do I want with you nigger? He's been fuckin since he was 12 shit that sex is priceless trust me you can't hold a candle to his dick or tounge game fool you barked up the wrong fucking tree.

Caine laughed uncontrollably he has a big fat fucking fourteen inch hard ass dick good feeling dig me out dick. Nigga? The vampire got a bitch pregnant that's how good that dick is. What you got five inches? Fuck out here clown!

We're Listening, I grabbed you pushed you down I choked you I pulled it out but I never got a chance to put it in because something put pain on me I haven't felt since I was human.

You touched my pussy? She stood up Gabriel calm down no just the tip touched you that's all I swear.

Why didn't she remember that? That's the truth! Now can I go? Nope my finger's were crossed hehe. Clarence walked down the steps Caine kneeled and so did the stripper.

Clarence Gabriel's has been drinking blood giving him a look. Let me see Gabriel handed him the bottle jesus.

That must've been from the party. How many Caine? I saw her with two. Baby look pinching the blood to the cell floor the vampire scrambled to get it hehe thirsty ass nigga. She flashlight touched him showing Clarence proudly her evil.

Caine I know you're in jail and the Pharoah froze your assets ask my husband can you borrow $100? May I borrow $100 Clarence? Clarence obliged. Gabriel took $100 from her purse.

I bet he can't get to the blood before he gets burned Caine. He's vampire he moves fast Queen. Put your money where your mouth is Caine. Go ahead vampire he went for the drop screaming. Yassss!

Vampire tell the Pharoah what you did. I told you. Gabriel let a drop go on the floor he scrambled to lick it coughing traces of holy water Clarence looked at her shocked.

Holy water where'd you get it? The church. I can touch it dabbing it on her wrist.

Gabriel went in her purse, twisting a spray bottle nozzle on the holy water bottle. Caine? Don't encourage her brother.

She started spraying the water in the cell. He was moving it wasn't working because he was stepping on the blood holy water mix. She made it worse pointing the light in the cell.

When she couldn't catch him Gabriel sprayed it in the air like freshener inside his cell misty drops fell on him.

The smell of burning flesh and the sweet sound of sizzling elated Gabriel as the drops penetrated his skin.

I thought we were watching a movie it's Friday Sugar you promised.

Ask him Daddy! Vampire what did you do? Kneel he knelt crying in pain the faster you say it the quicker you may rise.

One lie nigga and you're getting it between the eyes pointing her spray bottle at his forehead. The stripper told the whole truth tell the King who your baby mother is.

Her name is Sunday. Clarence looked at Caine shaking his head in disbelief. Gabriel sugar he told me now we can leave. I'm hungry. I ordered you sushi it's coming. She sprayed him anyway between the eyes he screamed terribly. Gabriel you could blind him sugar.

He isn't going blind fucking big ass baby FUCK UP NIGGA! She threw the rest of the blood on the floor on top of the drain in his cell. That shit is sexy Great Queen. Thank you Caine blowing a kiss at him good night. Good night my friend. Caine stop encouraging it. He smiled at Clarence.

Clarence carried her to the bedroom dropping her on the bed.

What the fuck was that Sugar? I did what I wanted I don't owe you any explanation Clarence. Yes you do Gabriel.

He tried to rape me and you're arguing with me about my actions? Go ahead with that.

What? Go ahead. Gabriel? What do you want? Clarence was visibly angry with her but he knew she was high and not in her right mind. He also knew deep down seeing her Uncle was alarming taking it on the man who violated her.

Sugar? Leave me alone. He went toward her and she kicked at him. Stop. Or what? She kicked at him again. Go get your bath so you can calm down I ran water. No.

Clarence was getting angry with the No's. Well lay down so we can look at a movie. NO! He grabbed her arm to calm her she slapped him across Clarence's face.

Don't touch me liar! That's why your being defiant you're angry still over the stripper and Lee. Gabriel reached up scratching his neck. Stop it Gabriel. She slapped him harder.

Grabbing her wrists stop it woman alay down. Viola! She came running yes great one Hot tea please two cups One with honey and sugar.

One without. She knew the one with honey would have the sleep aide come in Niarchos he heard his footsteps from the stairs what's wrong with her?

Clarence handed him the percocet blood bottle. How did she get this? It was in the fridge she didn't know. She was giggling loud and rowdy. Go down to the basement and see what your bestie did. Niarchos left and returned.

Pop she has a sinister side she's vampire it's starting to surface. That's not what that is son she's upset at me, that uncle and that fool downstairs she's taking all of that out on him like a caged animal watch this.

Don't touch me cheater! See? It's ok pop hugging his dad. She hates me Niarchos.

Gabriel? Honey? It's me Nicky. Don't hit me I have your tea you'll burn me. She hugged him kissing his neck. Come now few spoons. He hand fed her ten table spoons she was sleep. He was nervous she'd spill the beans.

Clarence touched her stomach they ok? Yes Nick. Goodnight pop. Thank you son.

It was 1:15 am when she woke head hurting, Clarence asleep next to her. She straddled him reverse cowgirl sat down on his hard sleeping dick he woke to ass and waist in his face pretending to stay sleep watching himself glide in and out of her.

When she looked back he closed his eyes allowing her to think an old vampire didn't hear her.

Gabriel forced herself not to moan stealing dick from her sleeping husband.

Hair loose and beautiful it grew since she was pregnant. He reached up touching the tips of her beautiful hair glowing in the moonlight that shone on their bed.

Gabriel was excited believing she was stealing sex he played along allowing full control.

When Gabriel released she left a wet mess behind. Covering him with a sheet, patting him dry as light as she could she lay on his chest snuggling next to him.

You can speak now old man he smiled. How did you know I was awake? A vampire can't hear me move? Niarchos can hear me put my foot on the floor.

I heard you crying during the baby shower over the music. Why didn't you come? You hate me right now I know you're very upset with me.

If you want a woman other then me say it. I don't. Yet you sleep with other women. Won't happen again. We will see old man.

Gabriel had a headache so bad she took a hot bath and darkened the room after dressing she went to the barn for her car when her phone rang. Where you going wifey? She looked back at his window yoga. With no guard's? With no guard's. Have a good class. That was easy. Was it? He hung up.

Niarchos he came to Clarence's office why is my wife leaving the property guard less? Correction why does your wife think she's leaving without out a guard? I'm sure you will get a complaint call.

The fresh air and the drive to town did Gabriel well.

She stopped by Mary's haberdashery before going to yoga as soon as she walked in vampire's kneeled please rise.

They gave her a scan gun allowing her to scan all she wanted to have delivered for the grand total of $7,690.83. We have your address on file Great one. Thank you.

Gabriel walked next door to the jewelry store she picked a wedding band for Niarchos. I'd like this one please with the vines wrapped around the band in white gold yellow leaves.

Inscription? Alway's come for me Gabriel. Surprise please dont mention it to the Pharaoh I won't.

Thank you Great one. You're welcome.

She walked a few doors down to the yoga studio Queen Gabriel Baptiste? Who's asking?I've e been assigned to you I'm your guard. I have a guard my husband raising her sleeve showing her red string.
Our Alpha is a half breed as such he's unable to protect you by day he's commissioned me to protect you when you step into the light.

I am Alpha Queen you may go. No disrespect wise Queen the werewolf Alpha has the final say you can not dismiss me. We'll see about that. He bowed his head and eyes I'll wait here. She went in with her yoga roll under her arm Niarchos!

Pop and I are here we have you on speaker phone. What happened sugar? Niarchos is using his power as a Alpha werewolf there is a werewolf guard outside the door.

I don't know the man Clarence call him make Nicky send him home.

My love people hunt us we don't know who they will try and snatch or when. How could either of us live with ourselves if we knew what was going on and failed to protect you and the children my love?

Two Alpha's against one Queen? God sit's high and looks low he ain't taking to kindly to what you both are doing.
Finally they fixed her for stepping into the light knowing it was their weakness.

She had a good class arrived home showered and turned on the T.V. when Niarchos entered. Gabriel sneak off with me. How?
Just go along ma I have a gift for you. I have to go to town anyway Nicky I want to get some stuff from the cabin and drop some stuff Start taking stuff for the babies Nicky.

Saint saying I have to offer a dowry ma. I told them after you give birth but they're pushing. Get sworn in Nicky tell them senior werewolves only for security reason's cause you're not a full grown wolf. Makes sense ma.

I have a meeting Wednesday to meet the senior wolves. Nervous? Nah. Why not? Because I'm the son of Clarence Hollings, we are vampire we don't show fear or.

Those are emotions that have to be killed in business. Who said that? Pop. What say you wise Queen? Depends on the situation it's case by case some people do business with other's based on feeling I'm one of them. If you have wicked eyes I can't fuck with you. That's a human thing ma.
Were you not once a human Great Alpha? Draw on those feelings and remember them.

Go Nicky I gotta get dressed.

Clarence where are you? She knew where he was she just wanted to hear the lie. Twin oaks. I'm coming. No! Why Clarence? I'm about to leave. I'm going to town Clarence I have to pick up some thing's I ordered for the babies and I got you a present. I don't need one Sugar.

So I can't buy my man a gift? I'm excited Sugar love you. Wear Chance's necklace. I got it I'll call you when we get back Clarence.

Gabriel came downstairs to Nick in the limo
we're going to Cecil's Jewel's driver. Gabriel held Niarchos' hand.

I gotta hurry and get you home Nicky you're breathing off. I feel hot ma she turned up the air we can turn around Nicky. I'll be fine tapping the top of her hand. Gabriel picked up her phone texting.

Yes Alpha Queen?
How about I call you sis I never had one. That's fine Christopher.

Sis how can I help? Will the werewolf family be at the house tonight Chris?
Yes ma'am.
How many?
Well last time we were 250 this time the word is 1000. Khallah's coming too.

Can you come inside this time Christopher?
Are you serious Gabriel? Yes he should have his brother's by his side. Niarchos can't defend himself against two of you and I don't want to kill anyone but I will if I'm forced. Saint told us you'll kill no hesitation. Thank's Chris I'll see you tonight.

They got to Cecil's Gabriel picked up Niarchos' ring and the baby ring's she wanted to buy Clarence a baby shower gift but forgot.

Nicky had the window down careful not to let the sun touch him Gucci frames on staring out the window dam she's sexy thinking to himself. Gabriel got in the car Niarchos was burning up driver please take us home.

Driver take us to the cabin. I'm the Queen of covens take us back driver. Elder the Queen out ranks you.
Stop the car driver Niarchos raising the privacy window.

I need it ma.
You're burning up Nicky. He gave her a look

I'm in heat like a animal type heat I have to have it it'd uncontrollable ma please. Okay Nicky.

Resse take us to the house I'll get my car. Gabriel let's go straight. The driver has to go you want him to wait while we fuck? You're not thinking she whispered knowing the driver was human.

They got to the house drop the Elder in the barn please out of the light. Yes Great Queen.

She went to get the car he didn't get in Gabriel got out Nicky? She walked in deeper the barn past the horses individual stalls. Nicky? He grabbed her into an empty stall full of fresh hay. Shhhhh lifting her dress pushing her panties to the side lifting her up on the back stall wall pushing himself inside of her.

I can't get in it too tight Gabriel he was trembling one eye vampire color the other a wolf.

Gabriel licked her finger's spit sloppy rubbing her pussy crack try now.

Niarchos pushed in her with a sigh of relieft hank you ma pushed in her moving the back wall with his weight.

Gabriel covered his mouth with her hand she was super nervous she looking out the tiny stall window seeing the Limosine leave which meant he was going to get Clarence. Hurry Nicky the limo left.

I'm almost there bae his voice low and raspy sweating like a human Gabriel licked his brow dry Niarchos moaned at the cool of her tounge touching his burning forehead sending shiver's up his spine.

It would be ten more minutes before pouring his love inside of her fucking the fever out of himself or so he tried.

Holding her on the wall careful not to drop her legs wrapped around him she came while looking out the window.

Niarchos bit her hand 3x by accident when he put her down Gabriel slapped him don't do that again it's disrespectful to Clarence.

We know he's on his way home we could've been caught. I'm sorry mama kissing her hand and tummy Gabriel snatched her dress down get in the car so I can drive you up to the house nigga.

I was sick I swear it's like something come over me sorry honey can I have a kiss? Later when you are a wolf. Stop petting me woman. How did you know? The video you were petting me Gabriel. So. I'm not a dog. Yeah!.... you are! She said playfully pointing to the barn.

She went straight to the tub
when she got out Clarence was back. Why are you dirty baby? I was doing yard work Sugar the roses were out of control. Oh ok Khallah and Chris are coming Niarchos need's support when he's turning Clarence. Let them stay outside.

They were there for each other's turn's it's a family thing Niarchos need's that bond with his brother's.

They talk about each other's turn's but not Niarchos' that's a part of his life he and they missed out on it's a surprise for him Clarence.

Speaking of surprise's I got you a baby shower gift daddy.

Me? Gabriel took out the box. The ring's are beautiful Sugar.
For our little princes daddy. Or princess' mommy they are beautiful thank you i'll ask papa to bless them.

Gabriel? Hum? Let's get married in the house this is where we all married. We can have a small private ceremony.
You have to call Mary and Ann to see If my dress is ready Clarence.

He picked up his phone Annie you're on speaker you had all summer you and Mary make magic. Anything for Gabriel Clarence. Thank you Ann.

I gotta go lock the grounds honey i'll send Niarchos in kissing her. I have my phone adorning his shot gun and utility belt with bullet's chinese star's and small knives.

Niarchos walked in before the door closed clothes soaked come on lay down.

Niarchos stripped obeying Gabriel wiped him with cool water the moon is almost full.

It's burning he put on his shorts pacing there was a knock on the door. Who the fuck is it?

We're here brother! Niarchos smiled surprise! Thank you honey. Awww shit khallah said it's going down popping champagne. Pop alway's popped a cold bottle when we first turned.

This ain't my first turn Khallah. We're pretending it is whoooo they drank pouring the rest on Niarchos. That felt good brother they laughed.

Gabriel wiped him down with the rag. He don't need all that big baby! Niarchos needs to run The turn's become easier if he runs Gabriel. Jupiter ran out the corner barking and growling at Chris and Khallah.

Down Jupe! Niarchos growled Gabriel she went to him.

Back up Sis look at his nails they're long. Move please.
No Chris. Gabriel it's our job to protect you Ahhhhhh! Move! No drawing her gun.

Woah! Move khallah Gabriel demanded. Chris put Saint on speaker. Saint Gabriel just drew a gun on khallah because he won't move aside for her to hug Niarchos but his claws are drawn and his eyes are red.

So soon Chris? Yes. Lycan Queen? What! Nick can't touch you he does he will infect you and the babies. Niarchos gave the order we are to protect you even from him when needed put the gun away honey we are all family. Gabriel put the gun in her bag she was crying don't cry you prolong his turn Queen.

Niarchos fell to his knees FUCK! his hand's turned to paws his spine and body curved his fangs extending hair growing from his pores.

Yes Alpha his brother's screamed arms and legs covered with black fur eyes that were once brown now blood red yellow cornea's flickering in the moonlight Niarchos' trandformation from vampire to werewolf complete.

Niarchos jumped on the bed going straight to Gabriel much bigger 70 pounds.

She hugged his neck crying he licked Nick tears. Khallah in the air and upon landing he was a wolf.

Christopher moon walked from one side of the room to the next once he stopped werewolf.

Niarchos jumped off the bed the brothers rubbing faces Gabriel opened the door Niarchos leadibg they way Jupiter followed Niarchos.

Clarence don't shoot! It's Niarchos and his brother's. They ran 300 acres inside the wall's.

1000 wolves were outside the wall's howling and barking they smelled Niarchos' scent outside the wall.

Clarence was on a horse running the perimeter a wokf jumped over Clarence's head startling his horse.

Gabriel why did you let them out? He yelled knowing she can hear him, because she spoke lightly his brother's said he need's to run makes the next turn easier he had pinned up energy it was driving him crazy daddy.

The sun is about to come up he's running loose Gabriel.

Shift to dingo bring him back Daddy don't let Nicky get caught in the light she was crying. Clarence dismounted horse removing his Clothes.

Clarence running shifted dingo following the scent of Jupiter who was running with them.

When Clarence found them Chris and Khallah started growling Niarchos walked in front of them rubbing heads with Clarence Jupiter stood behind Clarence.

Niarchos followed Clarence to the house they all Gabriel had the door open minutes before sunrise.

Clarence jumped through the door shifting human Gabriel handing him his robe. Khallah and Chris shifted she handed them towels.

She hugged Clarence thank you. She bent down hugging Niarchos you know the sun was coming Niarchos whined looking down sad.

Niarchos was going to turn back Gabriel grabbed his silk Versace robe.

Khallah counted down from twenty when he got to one Niarchos howled loud Gabriel gave Clarence his robe turning her eyes away from his nakedness.

Why are you naked Clarence? I had to find my son before sunrise. You can shift Clarence? Christopher asked. Dingo not a dog.

How many are you? In this house I'm Alpha. This is my brother's house he is Alpha.

Niarchos is under my law VAMPIRE LAW Clarence popped his fangs. Come on honey it's been a long night she made her eyes big at Chris. Sorry he mouthed to Gabriel. I heard that boy.

Christopher went to Niarchos room what did you do to my father Chris? Why do you say that? He called you boy Niarchos. He call's us that when we piss him the fuck off.

We were called that by the white man as slaves a reminder we are not as smart as we think we are and we are not as smart as he a humbling term.

I asked about being dingo Nick. Bad move. Chris! Khallah called him you do to fucking much you know Clarence hates us why you fucking with him?

He reminded me of pop strong, stern Khallah. You tried pop to Chris he didn't use boy what did he use?

Saint? Yeah? What did pop say when we him upset him?

Don't test me boy you ain't gonna like the result. Yeah! They laughed.

When Khallah and Chris looked down Niarchos was fast asleep. Gabriel is so beautiful Khallah stopped Chris pointing to her bedroom they left. When they got in their car Chris continued she's beautiful Khallah you can tell she wanted to lay with Niarchos.

She will Chris. I wouldn't share her Khallah. Why not? We share women all the time Chris.

Pop didn't share your mom's or mine Khallah.

What if Sophia were alive? Hell no pop would never allow Niarchos' mom to be shared she was his first love Chris. That's true.

Niarchos meets with the senior's next week Chris that big nigga gonna shake the room they fist bumped laughing.

Clarence fell asleep Gabriel got up to check on Niarchos cracking his door easy Nicky? She She leaned in to kiss his lips Niarchos grabbed her down you ok? Yes honey I'm ok.

Gabriel wrapped his red wedding strings on his arm. Thank you honey he was tired and weak yawning as the moon lit the newlyweds speaking on his bed.

Gabriel went into pocket again for you Nicky sitting up he opened the box.

It's beautiful honey. The vines symbolize the ones you've wrapped around my heart I had it inscribed baby.

Niarchos read it tearing up she kissed his eyes holding his left hand placing the wedding band on his left ring finger sealing it with a kiss I love you Niarchos Hollings.

I love you ma rubbing his finger's over it.

I'm getting married for the third time Saturday Nicky. He laughed yeah? Yeah you want to? She looked down hair covering her truth no. Why ma?

No one loves me like you Niarchos. You're so wrong Pop loves you honey No. Yes. You're already married pop's trying to make you happy fix what he did wrong ma that's all.

Don't do anything that you don't want Gabriel. Is that my husband speaking, my best friend, or my stepson? She giggled.

We are one hugging her. Stepson ewww. They make porn movies like that ma. Shut up yuck. Hahaah.

I know what we're doing makes us feel a way cause we haven't said anything to pop but we will I'm waiting for a window Gabriel.

You want to tell him or should we say it together Niarchos? Let me do it incase he get's violent sweetheart.

You think it will go left like that Nicky? You have no idea and what ever pop does do not defend me or try and keep me from his wrath.

I won't let him hurt you Nicky. You have to ma I was wrong in my actions I have to take the punishment that comes with it.
I won't let Clarence hurt you Nicky. Gabrie I'm commanding you as Alpha of werewolves and begging you as your husband, friend and step son she smiled not to interfere please. It will only make matter's worse. If you say so Nicky. I say so kissing her nose.

Niarchos arrived at Alijawan's Estate he wondered if pack's had names like vampire's if not he'd implement that.

Clarence father had the UV ray sun port installed in the front of the house with the letter B on it.

There was a card on the pole Niarchos opened it I won't have the sun scorch my precious son I'm proud of you papa.

Smiling Niarchos walked up to the house is swung opened.

Alpha welcome home when Niarchos entered werewolves sat around they kneeled before him.

Niarchos was adorned in Alijawan's jacket in one of his latter's he told suggested when atrending a meeting with seniors to wear it.

Wolves stared as though they'd seen a ghost this way Alpha don't mind them please rise they didn't.

Alpha they can't rise until you leave the room to do so is considered a threat to you and the other wolves will attack the rising one on your defense.

If I'm sitting in the room they all stay kneeled even if I say rise? Typically yes.

Interesting she led him to his birth father's office opening huge double door's there was a feast set on the table.

They were sure to have different types of blood warm and cold as well as the coffee Gabriel gave Chris.

Welcome Alpha eight senior's kneeling please rise. They won't rise until you sit Alpha.

Niarchos sat they sat everyone smiled at him I'm sure you all know who I am, for those who may not I can introduce myself.

My birth name was Angel Baptiste I was born a slave on the Calabassas plantation north of here I was raised by other slaves.

To my knowledge growing up I had no family I was the first and last of my line. Recently I almost died in an assasination attempt my Queen who is a half breed saved my life.

I drank her blood which included radiation from Chemo therapy treatment's in her blood before she became a vampire.

Normally chemo is poison in human's meant to eradicate a disease however in her it acted as an antibiotic when fused with vampire venom.

When I fed of her that same radiation within her activated the werewolf venon placed in me as a child forcing me into a werewolf shift.

Once this happened Saintina found me with vision's leading him to me via my wife.

When Saint approached Gabriel I was a the hotel room as her guard hiding in the bathroom.

I was going to kill him but my wife who is also the Queen of vampire's forbade me thus sparing his life.

They were smiling those event's have led me home. Before opening the floor to questioning please introduce yourself before speaking so I know who you are please.

Alpha I am Rashid I am not as old as Choi but your father saved me from hanging unjust after slavery allegedly ended. I say alleged because the emancipation proclamation did not grant freedom then or now.

I have a question Alpha are you married to a Queen who doubles as the vampire Queen Alpha?

I'm married to OUR Lycan Queen not a queen. Apologies Alpha.

Accepted to answer your question yes. The vampire Alpha is ok with it? Chris sat quiet I will choose the time to let my father know our decision to marry.

Until this time he is not to be informed by the senior's in this room Niarchos nodded at Christopher.

My brother is handing out an agreement binding discussion my marriage outside of this room they were impressed how he handled business. Please understand the vampire Alpha raised me he's my father.

Alijawan is my birth father the man who allowed him to raise me and the man who gave me away twice.

ne because he was forced to and once because his love for me betrayed his self deserving desires to have his first born son in his house.

I ask this vampire alway's be respected and no harm come to him emotionally or physically this vampire saved me from the clutches of a cruel slave master a debt I will never be able to satisfy.

There is a law in place Alpha by Alijawan Clarence your adoptive father is not to be harmed or it results in death no trial. Please amend the law to include emotionally as well Choi. As you wish Alpha.

Alpha it is a pleasure to meet you my name is Sister Latif. How are you Sister? They laughed sorry did I say something offensive?

You're father Alijawan called her sister people thought she was a nun Alpha.

I'd argue with Alijawan to stop calling me sister alone because wolves don't want me.

He said you'll alway's be my sister you may call me sister Alpha. Sister? Yes Alpha.

None of you have to specify which father I revere Alijawan as my natural father I love him as much Alijawan loved me.

No need to specify or down play his title I won't take offense.

Thank you Alpha. The Senior's nodded and smiled happy with his response they loved his respect for Alijawan and his humble demeanor.

They were enamored with his intelligence and willingness to listen and learn I have a question Alpha were you married before Queen Gabriel?

I was her name was Liza she died of bone cancer when she returned to this life reincarnated she returned as Gabriel.

They dropped their forks Saint? It's true? Yes Sister Latif I and my grandfather Caleb has seen it several time's.

When she returned my father found her fell in love with her and married her. I believed he was supposed to be the tool to lead her to me instead he fell in love Gabriel creating a fork in the road in leading her to me.

Your honesty is refreshing Choi said. I wasn't raised to lie especially to the people who will be my new family my eyes, ears and and an extension me.

If my father trusted you that's good enough for me now you understand family why I married her again. We do Alpha

Alpha, my name is Rashid I met your brother Chance Hollings in 1940 I was shot during a card game. He smiled.

You gamble professionally? I do Alpha. I've been in private games and have never won loosing millions to him.

Stop trying Rashid he is my brother first in the vampire prince line and he's a natural born mathematical genius.

NASA wanted to hire him 3x and 3x he declined. Wow.

He let the Queen win at poker they laughed lying saying she won fair and square your question was Rashid?

What is your role or title in your Vampire home Alpha?

My name is Niarchos Hollings that name was the name of my mother's brother. I am the second son of the Alpha vampire and king of coven's.

I am the second prince of five and head of two security teams the Pharoah's Elite Madjai and temporarily appointed head of corrections for the vampire prision.

I am the head of security of nine covens and the head mercenary to the Pharoah as well as his Queens security guard.

I'm also a coven master and a vampire Elder I sit on the high court of vampire's judging those who have committed crimes against humanity and vampire's.

Impressive how will you juggle those responsibilities and ours Alpha?

My father know's I'm to take my rightful place as Alpha and is preparing for my resignation in several areas.

However I'll remain a coven master and Vampire Elder.

I'll alway's be lead security to the Queen of coven's they laughed at his sense of humor.

Vampire's have their own prison? Yes we have many business, bank's, store's, land, casino's, hotel's, motel's, building's, daycare's the list goes on.

They were impressed but felt behind with werewolf accomplishments. They knew Niarchos would implement all these thing's and were looking forward to it.

Khallah entered the seniors sighed with frustration Kneeling before him Khallah had a woman with him. Rise family Niarchos instructed.

Niarchos jumped up drawing his gun. Lycan seniors shifted to wolves protecting their Alpha growling, scratching the floor Sister Latif jumped on the table in front of Niarchos.

What the fuck are you doing with her Khallah? What's wrong Khallah?! Christopher shouted you two know one another?

We do. Bitch what the fuck are you doing here?

Khallah you never mentioned Niarchos is your brother. Humm hello brother Lee waving at him in a petty manor her new wedding band's announcing themselves.

Everyone! Meet my new wife Mrs. Lee Larue Baptiste!

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