Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNati...

By randomreader000000

302K 6K 2.7K

After surviving three years into the apocalypse Bailey Hawthorne strongly believes she has the new world figu... More

S1E03: Part 1
S1E03: Part 2
S1E04: Part 1
S1E04: Part 2
S1E05: Part 1
S1E05: Part 2
S1E10: Part 1
S1E10: Part 2
S1E11: Part 1
S1E11: Part 2
S1E12: Part 1
S1E12: Part 2
S1E13: Part 1
S1E13: Part 2
S2E01: Part 1
S2E01: Part 2
S2E05: Part 1
S2E05: Part 2
S2E06: Part 1
S2E06: Part 2
S2E07: Part 1
S2E07: Part 2
S2E09: Part 1
S2E09: Part 2
S2E14: Part 1
S2E14: Part 2
S2E15: Part 1
S2E15: Part 2
S3E03: Part 1
S3E03: Part 2
S3E05: Part 1
S3E05: Part 2
S3E05: Part 3
S3E06: Part 1
S3E12: Part 1
S3E12: Part 2
S4E01 & S4E02
S5E01 & S5E02: Part 1
S5E02: Part 2
S5E02: Part 3
S5E02: Part 4
S5E02: Part 5
S5E02: Part 6
S5E02: Part 7
S5E02: Part 8
S5E02: Part 9
S5E02: Part 10
S5E03: Part 1
S5E03: Part 2
S5E04: Part 1
S5E04: Part 2
S6E10: Part 1
S6E10: Part 2
Oneshots pt 1 of 4
Oneshots pt 2 of 4
Oneshots pt 3 of 4
Oneshots pt 4 of 4
Oneshots pt 1 of 4
Oneshots pt 2 of 4
Oneshots pt 3 of 4
Not an Update - A Memorial
Oneshots pt 4 of 4
S8E01: Part 1
S8E01: Part 2
S8E06: Part 2
Deleted Scenes
Update - Big News!

S3E06: Part 2

1.6K 38 10
By randomreader000000

S3E06: Part 2

Bailey POV

Doc went back to help the nurse pass out meds to the patients and left Bailey with 10K while Elvis watched the hall. He hadn't seized since Doc injected him so she hoped that whatever he'd given 10K was working. After a while of her sitting beside him and stroking his jaw and running her fingers through his hair his eyes slowly opened.

"Bailey?" he asked sounding more in his right mind then he had before.

"Shhh." She said hearing Elvis approach also having heard 10K wake up. "We're not alone."

Then he looked to the door and his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, "Is that a black Elvis?" he asked nervously.

"Yes. Don't worry, he's real. That's not another hallucination."


"Hang on Doctor hippie." Elvis said helping Bailey bring 10K into the large white room with the others, "We've got one more."

"Hey –eyy Doc." 10K said with a slightly out of it grin as Doc rushed over.

"Thanks Elvis." He said taking his place and helping Bailey bring 10K to a table along the wall away from the nurse as she continued to pass out meds though now she cast weary glances at them every few minutes.

"Just be cool man, they don't know we know you." Doc said sitting across from him while Bailey dragged a chair over to sit beside 10K who leaned back against the wall and put his elbow on the table resting his face in his palm.

"How you feeling?" Doc asked.

"Like, super mellow." 10K replied with a smirk, his voice deep and cracking a bit.

"You know everybody thought you were dead." Doc said leaning forward, "Not me. I knew you were alive, you little cockroach. I knew it." Doc said smiling as 10K got an ear to ear grin and leaned further into his hand as his elbow slid on the table "But how'd you survive it? The last time I saw you, you were on that sinking submarine."

"Murphy saved me." 10K replied still smirking as he gave a shrug.

"Murphy?" Doc asked and Bailey grit her teeth trying not to let her hate show.

"Hmm." 10K nodded.

"Are you kidding?"


"The Murphy? Mr. I-am-the-chosen-one-so-I-get-to-act-like-a-selfish-pain-in-the-ass Murphy?" Doc asked and Bailey smirked at his description.

"He's not like that anymore. He's different." 10K said harshly as he sat up straighter and got a serious look on his face which made Bailey's smile fall. Why would he be defending Murphy? He couldn't need another injection so soon could he? They just fixed the side effects of the last one. Doc saw the change too knowing 10K would never defend Murphy that way.

"Did something happen?" he asked. 

"No. Yes." 10K said quickly his eyes wide and shifting side to side.

"Huh?" Doc asked and Bailey's expression grew concerned.

"I dunno." 10K said softly, "Everything's so. . . fuzzy." He continued, not making eye contact with either of them as he leaned against the wall and slid down a bit, Bailey rested her hand on his thigh as he looked down at his lap like he was trying hard to concentrate on his train of thought, then he sighed, "The harder I think about it the further away it goes. Where's Warren? Addy?" he asked looking up at them again.

"They're not here and we shouldn't be either." Doc said and 10K sat up straighter looking serious again but this time when he spoke the words sounded more like 10K, less blend.

"Gotta get to Warren. Murphy's taking over." He said leaning forward on the table and began to whisper urgently, "She's gotta stop him."

"Where is Murphy?" Doc asked.

"Spokane." Both Bailey and 10K said but 10K rolled his tongue a bit more when he pronounced it.

"Spokane, Washington?" Doc clarified and they both nodded, "Of course." He scoffed.

"He's starting a new world odor." 10K said with a dark look in his gaze.


"New. . . world . . .older." 10K said still trying to get it right, "Nude. . . whole. . . under." 10K kept going still looking serious but his words were not making any sense.

"Kid you gotta hold it together." Doc said desperately, "Look man, we're gonna bust out of here, okay?"


"And we stretch up and down, bend your knees and down." The nurse said after she'd called for daily stretches. She had everyone stand up as she stood in front of the room and guided them. Doc made sure he, Bailey and 10K were in the back and Bailey knew he was planning to make their move.  "Stretch to the sky and down. And up and down. Winona you can do this. And down. You're getting tubby and down. Just stretch and down, bend your knees and down. Don't hurt your back and down, it feels good and down, looking good and down."

Bailey noticed Winona and Bob weren't doing as the nurse instructed but she didn't seem too concerned about that. Elvis was rocking to his own version and Liddy was going nuts moving all about the room jumping around, even around Winona who glared at him. As Doc pulled 10K's arm over his shoulders and tried to discreetly take him out of the room Bailey noticed Bob, who had just been spinning in a circle, stared at them as they left. She hoped he was too out of it to report them to the nurse as they ducked into the next room full of bunk beds and 10K grabbed a pillow off one of the mattresses.

"No napping." Doc scolded taking the pillow from him and tossing it on another bed. They dragged 10K into the hall and hurried for the nearest exit. Doc stopped and pulled them back before he turned and Bailey saw they were in front of the storage room. Doc left 10K with Bailey as he rushed in and grabbed their stuff quickly getting it back on him as Bailey took her bags and weapons.

As they continued their escape - which was difficult with 10K walking funny like he hadn't readjusted to his boots - 10K kept staring at the glove on his hand flipping his palm back and forth.

"There's only one." He said seeming in a daze.

"Apparently you like wearing it that way." Bailey said as they rushed him down the steps. At the bottom was a door barricaded by furniture but it was starting to come loose from so many Z's now pounding on it. The whole thing would probably topple over by the end of the day.

"Oh, we can't go that way." Doc said pulling 10K to a halt.

"Look." 10K said his voice deep and rough as he pointed at the door.

"Yeah, I know. That barricade's not gonna hold much longer." Doc said and Bailey readjusted the strap of her bag across her torso.

"We gotta tell Warren." 10K said staring at the floor, his voice still deep and rough as his hand moved from pointing at the door to Doc, "Gotta. . . about the. . . " he said looking up at them, "Tell her."

"I know. I know." Doc said then turned to Bailey. "Look. We can't just leave those folks back there. I know it's crazy but we got to go warn them. Damn I hate having scruples." He said but when they went to turn back they saw the nurse, Bob and Elvis at the bottom of the steps behind them. 

"This area is out of bounds." The nurse said with a smile but Bailey saw something different then kindness shining in her eyes.

"Well this whole institution is gonna be out of bounds when them zombies bust through." Doc said letting go of 10K who leaned more on Bailey with his arm around her shoulders and her hand resting on his chest to help keep him upright. But Doc's warning was ignored as the nurse nodded to Elvis who had a new guitar.

"Oh come on man I thought we were friends. Don't be cruel." Doc said but Elvis knocked him out anyway, though he did look reluctant to. Bob stepped forward toward Bailey and 10K seemed to have enough of his mind to try and defend her.

"No." he said deeply, moving to stand in front of her but he was still off balance and Bob easily grabbed his biceps and threw him aside where he landed in a stack of desks and metal chairs that crashed down on him. Bailey didn't have time to grab her weapons before Bob had his arms around her again as she and the guys were put in strait jackets and brought to the large white room.


"I knew it would eventually come to this." The nurse said when he'd come to, tangled up in a strait jacket again sitting in that same damn circle now with 10K on his left and Bailey next to 10K.

"As you all know hospital policy is to let patients make as many decisions as possible by democratic vote. In light of recent events, I move that we revoke all hospital privileges for this doctor and his intern effective immediately. Who's in favor?"

Immediately Liddy raised his hand as his legs twitched and his feet tapped the ground. 

"Do we get a say in this decision making process?" Doc asked as 10K kept opening and closing his eyes like he was trying to keep himself from falling asleep.

"If they don't want to be here, we should let them go." Re-Pete said. "We were doing fine before they got here."

"Releasing them isn't the answer." The nurse said, "These three pose continuing threats to themselves and others."

"She means us. She means us." Liddy said wagging a finger in the air, "I knew this. I knew it. I vote yes." He said raising his hand, then he reached across Re-Pete to lift Bob's hand into the air too. The nurse looked down the line at the others, Elvis avoided her gaze but raised his hand, then Winona shifted uncomfortably in her seat as the nurse stared her down.

"Don't do it Winona." He said but then she gave in.

"It's unanimous." The nurse said with a smile.

"So now what? You gonna feed us to the zombies?" he asked, "We were coming back to warn you."

"Liar!" Liddy shouted but the nurse raised her hand shushing him.

"We're caregivers here at the Serenity Falls Institution, not murderers. So we won't be feeding you to the zombies. Of course, we can't let you stay among us without treating your aggression and delusions about this mission of yours."

At the mention of the mission 10K lifted his head finally coming out of his groggy state. His eyes widened as he looked around the room.

"Let me guess? Lobotomy?" Doc asked.

"I'm glad you concur with my diagnosis." The nurse said still smiling.

"Well I want a second opinion." He said.

"I like your beard." Winona said.

"He means a medical opinion sticky fingers." Liddy snapped at her.

"Who are you calling sticky fingers, Mr. I-never-met-a-conspiracy-theory-I-didn't-believe?"

"At least I was prepared for this." Liddy said.

"Shoplifter!" Re-Pete shouted at Winona, "Shoplifter! Shoplifter!"

"Hey, hey." He tried calming them all down as 10K zoned out again. Bailey, who'd been abnormally quiet, kept fidgeting in her seat probably trying to get free of the jacket without the others noticing.

"Listen." He tried again, "If we keep sitting around here arguing we're all gonna be zombie chow. That barricade ain't gonna hold forever."

"We need to stop. . Murphy." 10K muttered turning to him and the nurse stood up.

"I can help you with those delusions."

"He's not crazy!" Doc and Bailey both shouted defending 10K as his eyes grew wide again as he looked at the others.

"We are on a mission." Doc continued, "A mission to save humanity. The blue man he talks about, it's a guy named Murphy, maybe you've heard of him. His blood contains the antibodies for a zombie vaccine. And you see, we're part of the team that's gonna get him back to the CDC." He explained figuring he had nothing to lose.

"Bad move Doc." He heard Bailey say and when he turned to her she was shaking her head disapprovingly. Then the laughter started, the whole room filled with it as all the patients and the nurse started cracking up like it was the most ridiculous thing they'd ever heard.

"You really are insane." Liddy said and the nurse's face lit up.

"Well, there's your second opinion." She said. "I think we can keep them in their strait jackets for this. Please help me get them to the floor." She said moving to a table where she'd already had her surgical tools set up. 10K's eyes were wide again and Bailey's chair made a scratching noise as she pushed herself back and away from the others as Liddy and Elvis stood to follow the nurses orders.

"Don't listen to her." Doc pleaded, "Those zombies are about to bust out of that barricade. She's gonna get you all killed."

He saw them hesitate and so did the nurse, "Do what I say. Now."

But they still hesitated, "The only one delusional around here is you if you think you can stay here forever and be safe."

Then there was a loud crash and they turned to the door hearing more banging. 10K's eyes were still wide and Doc saw Bailey had started to get one arm free but she still had a long way to go before she'd get that jacket off.

"We don't have much time." he told the patients.

"Mr. Liddy. Mr. Washington. Please prep the doctor for surgery." There was more thudding as the nurse smiled at her sharp tools, "Do what I say now." She said sternly when she saw Liddy and Elvis still hesitant.

"You talking to me? Are you talking to me? Cause I'm the only one here, and the names' Elvis!" He said striking a pose.

"Is that Travis-Bickle-Elvis?" Doc asked whispering to 10K who looked confused as his eyebrows scrunched together.

"Doc." Bailey said leaning over, "No TV, no internet, no porn, remember?" she said nodding at 10K.

"Oh, yeah." He said remembering the kid wouldn't get the reference even if he was all right in the head.

"Mr. Washington." The nurse sneered, "You stop this Elvis nonsense right now. And hold that man down!"

"What-what if, what if, the doctor's right?" Liddy asked, "What- what if those things get in here?"

"That's just another one of your conspiracy theories!" she shouted at him, "Stop being such a bed wetter and do as I say!"

"You know your ego and stubbornness is gonna get us all killed!" Doc shouted, "You're the crazy one!"

Then she stomped over to him, "That's enough. I will not be disrespected!" she shouted slapping him so hard across the face he fell out of his chair and onto the floor.

"Doc!" Bailey shouted as 10K looked at him wide eyed and the nurse bent over him with her sharpest tool ready in her hand.

"I had hoped we would be colleagues, but you've given me no choice. Hold still. Hold still." She said bringing the tool closer to his face. Then a pair of hands grabbed her head and she screamed before the person snapped her neck and she fell down beside him. He looked up to see Bob who turned to her and took the tool from her hand stabbing her in the head repeatedly as she'd done to him.

The thudding and banging continued and seeing them as their best option the patients quickly got the jackets off him, 10K and Bailey. He went for the meds filling a sack with everything cause these days who knew what you'd need down the road. Meanwhile Bailey grabbed what was left of the nurse's supply of trail mix and fresh water and stuffed it in her rucksack. 10K had his hands on the open zipper of his jumpsuit, his fingers tapping at the fabric as he looked like he was deep in thought.

"Okay, I got the meds." He said.

"I got the food." Bailey said throwing her backpack over her shoulders along with her messenger bag.

"What's the fastest way out of here?" he asked.

"There's a bus out back." Re-Pete said.

"Well great, how do we get there?"

"You have to go through the Z ward." Liddy said stuttering and waving his hands nervously.

"Of course. Okay, well, come on. Let's go." He said as they began to file through the door and Bailey wrapped 10K's arm over her shoulders, "Double time. Double time. Keep it tight." He said and as Winona passed him she returned his stash that she must have gotten her hands on again at some point.

"Hey." He said stopping Bob, "I want to thank you for what you did for me. Blink if you know what I'm saying." And he did, "All right. I knew it. I knew it! Come on let's make haste." And Bob went out the door with him, 10K and Bailey following behind.


"Okay here we go nice and easy." He said leading them through the Z ward. He kept giving words of encouragement as 10K muttered to himself.

"Murphy. . . Warren. . . Murphy. . . Red. . . 5K. . . Murphy. . . Bailey."

"Shhh. Shhh." Bailey tried consoling him as she helped him along, "I know. I know."

Then he saw Bailey and 10K staring at a dead Z with a helmet covered in wires, "Shocker zombie." He told them, "Extra crispy."

They made it through the Z ward and out the doors into the next hall. There was a doctor zombie walking around that Liddy took out smashing it's head way more than necessary, apparently the man had been Liddy's doctor back when he'd been alive. Doc got the impression that they didn't get along. Then from the next set of doors in front of them a zombie in a wheelchair with another shocker helmet rolled in blocking their path.

"Somebody kill it!" Re-Pete shouted.

"Somebody already did." Winona said.

"Well, kill it again!"

"Don't panic I got this." He told them going forward and pushing the chair back down the hall, then he retrieved the wires from the Z's helmet and jammed the frayed ends into the flickering light above them. The zombie twitched violently as it was shocked and one of the tanks on the back of the chair caught fire.

"Everybody back! Back! Back!" he shouted as they took cover in one of the rooms. Then they heard a pop and a moment later the wheelchair with the zombie up in flames rolled by until it crashed at the other end of the hall and he smiled, "I still got the touch."

They were able to make it to the exit and quickly began to dismantle the barricade. From behind them they saw the rest of the zombies from the Z ward stumbling after them. They were able to make it outside just as the Z pack caught up with them and Liddy shut and locked the door but that wouldn't hold that many zombies back for long.

"Viva Las Vegas." Elvis said.

"Alright guys head for the bus." He instructed as they went down the stairs and across the yard. Then he heard Bailey shout from behind their group.

"Doc!" and he turned to see she'd been dragged to the ground when 10K fell over. She was sitting him up against a tree and he rushed over to help.

"Come on kid, just ten more yards and you can sleep on the bus."

"No, Doc I don't think I can make it." 10K grumbled.

"No, no, sure you can. Come on. Baby steps. Come on." He tried getting 10K back on his feet only for him to tip over onto the ground again.

"No, I can't."

"Oh not now." He said looking around and seeing more Z's from the field by the building drawn to their commotion.

"Ten, come on." Bailey was saying as she cupped his face in her hand getting him to look at her, "Ten, it's not. . .not that far." She said looking at the distance then at 10K's condition and clearly getting discouraged.

"All right, we've got to go." He said seeing the Z's get closer as he knelt by Bailey and 10K, "How you feeling?" he asked tapping on 10K's shoulder trying to perk him up enough to walk. "Come on. We've got to get out of here. Right?"

"Hurry up they're coming closer!" Liddy shouted as the others piled onto the bus.

Doc grabbed 10K and pulled him up, hell he might be old but he'd throw out his back before he gave up on the kid. Then he saw the bus pull away with the others on it, Oh real nice guys, he thought then turned his attention back to 10K.

"Let's go kid, come on." He said as 10K fell forward on his knees and Doc was able to grab him by the collar while Bailey got her hands on his chest and together they got him sitting upright again, that's when he saw it. The two crescent shapes on the back of 10K's neck, Murphy's bite.  

"You've been bit! Murphy bit you!" he said in shock and sadness looking to Bailey who looked. . . not shocked at all, "You knew?" he asked and she turned her gaze to the ground.

"That's what's wrong with you." He said pulling the kid in for a hug, "Damn it Murphy. I'm so sorry kid. I'm gonna fix this, if I have to track down that bastard and make the damn vaccine myself." He said before leaning 10K back against the tree and turning to the satchel of injectors.

"So what are these anyway?" he asked pulling one out, "Is that the cure? Or is that what's making you sick?" he asked but 10K only ran his finger along the vial.

"Merch made it." Bailey said and he turned to her as she looked back up at him shyly, "It keeps Murphy out of 10K's head, gives him his free will."

"But look at what it does to him." he said gesturing to the kid, "The hallucinations, the seizures. . . we got to get you back to Warren and Sun Mei. They'll know what to do." He said putting the injector back in the bag as 10K sat up taking a deep breath, his eyes going wide again.

"No, you can't tell Warren about the bite. Not anybody."

"Well, we have to kid. Otherwise they can't help you."

"Don't tell them. Please." He said his voice still deep and kinda spacy, "I'm not like Cassandra. I don't want them to think of me like that. I'm not one of those. . . promise me."

"I don't know kid." He said sadly as he saw how weak the kid was as he begged, Bailey looked miserable too seeing what Murphy had done to the guy she cared so much for.

"Promise me." Then 10K fell forward into him again, his face against his shoulder and Doc wrapped his arms around him again in a hug.

"When I see Murphy, I am gonna punch his teeth in." then there was a bang and the Z's from the asylum got out and started making their way down the steps toward them.

"Puppies and kittens." He said and Bailey collected their stuff then helped him get 10K off the ground. They made it to the door in the fence, Bailey jammed it shut behind them as they made their way down the road trying to keep 10K from tripping over his own feet.

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