Vampire Uprising I (Book 1 I...

By BlkQween

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πŸ‘‘βœ… Black Vampire king & His BBW vampire Queen. The hood made of burlap was stifling, causing discomfort. Wit... More

Damn This Heat!
I'm In Love
The Turn
If I Can't Have You
Bloody Tracks
Forget Me Not
Welcome Home Pharoah
Birth of a Queen
The Engagement Party
Troubled waters
When River's Run Red
Kill Him!
Joan & Zion
Meet your maker
Let the games begin!
Lets get it started
Keep ya head up!
Pharaoh Origin
Blood Ties
Prodigal Sons
Forbidden Fruit
Bathe in blood
One more Chance
Love is serious business
Twin Oaks the return
Hook Line & Sinker
Strike It Rich $
Control your savage
The devil's in the detail
Shit just got real
Red Handed
Skeletons in the closet
Heads will roll
Throw the book at her
Poison Plot
Side chick slick
Old Friend
First impressions
Blood Rain
Sunday kind of love
30 Day's
Murder she wrote
Tempo Slow
Sex Room XXX
Death Reading##
Family reunion#
This Bitch! #
Here comes the bride ##
Taken ##
Silver Bullet ##
Daddy's home ##
Gold Skeleton Key #
Unfaithful ##
Confession ##
Bread Crumbs##
Bounty #
Covet #
Banking on it ##
Gone with the wind

Niarchos Origin

193 25 19
By BlkQween

Chapter 53
Niarchos Origin

Caleb walked into the beautiful house in Georgia. It was a small vintage house but as soon as he walked in he could feel the house was full of love although his grandson was the son of Alijawan Baptiste his blood still coursed strong in his veins.

Grandma! Saintina called out in here. The small cozy dining room table was set as soon as Caleb walked in and looked upon her a vision of her making a deal with the voodoo king when she was human came to him.

He saw his daughter explain what happened on the road to freedom how she tried to pay vampire's to bite her but they wouldn't because they knew she had the gift of sight. Instantly the tears began to fall papa?

Marie my love he hugged his daughter so long he didn't want to let go.

Saint cried seeing the reunion he video taped for Clarence and the Elders hoping his grandfather would show on film. He sat they spoke of what she realled as his daughter, and what type of life she had now as his great great grand daughter.

They chatted until she fell asleep Caleb picked her up tucking her in. He stared at her sitting on vintage settee in her bedroom he wasn't ready to leave not now not after so many year's of her being
without her papa and he without his beloved daughter.

He sat staring at her as she slept touching her silver strands of curly hair. Rubbing her cocoa soft skin seeing his daughter's high cheek bones which favored his late wife.

If nothing ever good happened for him this was it this moment in time seeing his baby again and meeting members of his bloodlines from the one child he had.

He felt pride and extreme happiness Saint finished the dishes stood in the door way staring at his grandfather his love and happiness resonated from him like a rainbow after a bad storm. Saint closed the bedroom door allowing him to bask in his moment.

Hello Saint. Queen Gabriel what do I owe this honor great Queen. I don't want Niarchos hurt I don't know you people.

Saint sat why would he be hurt? We don't know you he is seriously thinking of coming there to lead, Saint smiled. I don't want him to go Saint If I stress that he won't leave me.

You won't be the first Queen to use her power's of persuasion and seduction over her man to sway a king's decision.

Great Queen how can you stop Niarchos from his destiny? His heritage? Birth right? My brother must take his rightful place he must lead his people as Alpha as King.

We are his people Great Queen no disrespect but not vampire's.

No they aren't Nicky was adopted into vampire life Saint. He was bitten as Lycan by my father at two year's of age before Clarence found him. Niarchos was unable to heed his calling because Clarence's vampire venom was stronger than lycan venom already coursing in his veins.

When Clarence bit him it overpowered his system slowing the werewolf saliva down not allowing it to surface until the radiation in your blood activated it. How do you know about that Saint? Don't answer that.

Clarence Saved him from that disgusting rapist Calabasas. Clarence wiped his memories clean of those incidents.

Saint felt good a woman loved his brother deeply. You will never speak if it this is a command Saint. Yes Great Queen.

Saint smiled she was in love with his oldest brother there was no way she was letting go. If she said don't go Saint knew Niarchos would obey.

Pack's would be doomed to mayhem and Chaos. Saint knew Khallah couldn't hold order and maintain respect on Alijawan's name alone. Buzzing of hostile war take over brewed in the pack's. Saint had to be honest with Gabriel as Mama Fi was with his father year's before. He had to reveal truth appealing to her sympathetic human side before she lost that part to the vampire.

Great one the streets will flood with human blood. Werewolves killing human's openly forcing them to share the world and accept them in it as a known society instead of a hidden one.

We need Niarchos to keep order Alijawan started Gabriel. Niarchos is an excellent leader he sits on the high vampire court as an Elder and is wiser then us brother's put together. He's old as Alijawan Niarchos is 17 year's younger then our father.

Great and wise Queen may I offer a glimpse of what I've seen? Please. Niarchos MUST rule I have seen blood pour in the streets staining the pavement because he hasn't taken his place to keep werewolves in line.

Children will be slain by wolves innocents Gabriel werewolves are dog's and dog's need a master.

With no master no Alpha dog's run loose doing whatever they please. Niarchos is their master Gabriel. If he doesn't control the dog's the wolves will be at our doors. No one will be exempt not even vampire's. A war will break out between vampire's and Lycan's a war that's not needed if Niarchos rule.

I beg you release your hold on him let him lead. You are bound to one another stronger than you realize. My eldest brother will never ever leave you his heart's chained to yours. No woman shall stand in your place my brother won't cleave or belong to anyone except you.

Please Gabriel stop crying you're husband will be cross with me. I'm not with Clarence right now Saint.

Not that husband Queen of Lycan's I bow to you welcome to your destiny. Tell me great seer how can one woman be Queen to two king's? What makes a woman a man's husband Gabriel? A piece of paper Saint. That's one way and? A man an womans word that's all we had long before the government made us document every move to get them rich. You sound like a vampire Saint she giggled.

If I say you're my wife then that's who you are I can hear you smiling Gabriel. I am.

Who's that Gabriel? No one Nicky hiding the phone behind her back. Why were you crying? I wasn't baby I'm fine. Now we lie to each other woman?

Gimme the phone asking calm Gabriel was hesitant holding out his large hand I'm not asking again Gabriel I'll call security and have the call drawn from your phone record.

Saint was laughing it's not funny she whispered in the phone. See Gabriel Alpha material She handed Niarchos the phone here!

Who's this? It's Saint brother. Why are you calling the Queen of coven's? On the contrary the Queen of coven's called me he darted her a look. Why? Simple brother she's madly in love with you and know's you're leaving. Then I won't go her desire means more to me than leading brother.

It's your call Alpha. Don't call me that Saint. Why not Nick?
Our biological father was Alpha over lycans accept your path have you found those letter's Alijawan left? No. They're in your mother's trunk she lined it with pink gingham paper.

We were in that trunk looking for medical cure's for Chance I saw nothing Saint.
She hid them there's a false bottom Benjamin Baneeker made pull the bottom up you'll find the letter's amongst other item's. Thank you Saint. You're welcome brother.

I want to ask a question will I loose Gabriel if I take my place as Lycan? Gabriel was holding his waist her head on his stomach.

No Nick. I won't leave her she need's me Saint. You need her big brother. I do.
Saint smiled it felt good talking to his big brother I'll get Alijawan's bedroom ready for you both
Niarchos let out a roaring laugh who's in it now? No one pop said it's your bedroom no one is to sleep in it according to his will it's to be left exactly as he left it he said you'd know why Nick. It's settled you're coming after the babies Niarchos. Agreed Saint.

The moon is full in two night's you'll probably turn again stay in the house make sure Clarence is there Nick. Why Saint? You're vulnerable still a puppy stay in is Clarence home Nick.

Why? Alijawan made it law he's never to be harmed if a lycan hurts him it's death he knew how much you love Clarence he made sure he wasn't harmed. I'll instruct my father to lock the house Saint.

Once you're an older wolf you can come out when you get home check your mail I sent something goodnight brother, Lycan Queen. Goodnight Saint.

Kissing her tears away it's ok ma all you have to say is don't go two word's. Ok Nicky I'll let you know smiling wryly.

When I'm in wolf form keep your gun filled with silver bullet's I'll inform the guard's and pop the same.
Shoot anything trying coming for me. I will Nicky he kissed her fore-head. What's tonight's movie? Eli starring Denzel. Let me get ya popcorn.

Clarence called hey Sugar. What's up with Lee? Have you reached an agreement? I invited her to talk she made her demands Sugar. What are they Clarence?

Don't shoot the messenger he inhaled come out with it Vampire King she said playfully as Niarchos bought a cup of tea to put the babies to sleep.

Lee want's to have sex with me one last time Gabriel. That's all? You have to watch Sugar.

Hell No! What? Niarchos asked she's tripping she want's to have sex with your father and I watch them.

Haha Lee is fuckin reaching leave her ass on paper pop. Legally does she have right's to the crown? If you died Clarence what does she stand to get? Die? They laughed mocking her silly notion. I don't see anything funny I'll call Jackie I feel Hunter dosen't have my interests at heart.

Pop you upset her Sugar--

Don't sugar me I ask a serious question you mock me Clarence? What the fuck is that about? Watch ya mouth woman don't cuss at me she was silent rolling her eyes frustrated.

Lee has no claims the agreement say's she's compensated financially. How much? Why does it matter Gabriel? It's not like I can't afford it.

I won't marry a man I have to share. Gabriel Sugar please--

NO! Clarence this is your mess You knew about her three year's before we met you should've cleared your yard before that but you didn't? Me and these babies will stay in this tiny cabin if you don't make a way out get rid of her, fuck her I don't want to know. I'm damn sure not watching she can go to hell goodnight hanging up abruptly. Niarchos text Clarence.


Yeah Niarchos?

You gotta fuck the bitch one last time. Don't you think I know that? Do it at the batchelor party I'll arrange it finish it so you can bring Gabriel to the new house is it ready? Almost son. If you do it at the party you can show Gabriel the house and paper work Lee signed the next day. Sound's good Niarchos. Call Hunter tell him if Lee contact's Gabriel you're excommunicating her and she get's nothing. The concubine contract in exchange for her fuck and signatures. Sound's good Nick.

Pop? Don't let Hunter tell her you tell her.

You and Chance were better at handling women then me. Cause you spoil them papa. You don't Niarchos? What was Gabriel doing with all that money at the hotel Niarchos? Where did she get it?

You, me, Chance, Caleb and the vampire game's gifted money. The Elders gave her she saved the cash who know's why pop.

It's the human in her hording money she never had any like this that's why I'll pass when she figures out she's wealthy there's no need to horde.

Pop, ain't no pillow talk fuck Lee like a filthy street tramp then have the guard's take her out the room don't show love, attachment or respect and no kissing that's for women you love pop. Haha why Niarchos?

Women today believe if a man doesn't kiss them he don't love them if he does kiss he has feelings. Don't make love to her fuck her there's a difference pop.

The children vamps still there pop? Malachi went home on business Savannah is helping with the house and parties. Creepy ass kid's papa. They're not children they're fifty year's old inside.

Crazy's staying he's learning security. I'll have him at the new house he's happy Nick. You don't need me papa?

You're starting a journey son I've stopped you long enough I have to let go. You didn't stop me pop you loved me. Thank you son.

You're welcome go work on that so this woman don't move up in here with all them babies. Haha.

What you and him texting Nicky you're not watching the movie. I am snuggling next to her come on she lay back on his strong chest sipping tea he knew she wasn't gonna stay up till the end.

Gabriel was already sleepy it was in her eyes he rubbed her shoulder's thirty minutes in she was fast asleep.
Niarchos lay her down staring he had to fulfill his destiny and wasn't leaving his Gabriel ever pulling her close.

Hello Lee Hi Great one. I called to discuss the agreement. I'm listening she said smug.

I can have sex with you here is my only offer Queen Gabriel will not be in attendance she's pregnant and was shot at Ginger's funeral stress can kill the babies she won't watch.

Second you relinquish all financial right's and agreements of the original concubine contract making it knoll and void. If you agree Niarchos will be in touch for our appointment.

There was silence he tried tapping her thought's but failed. Deal?

What about past gift's Pharoah? Keep them. The house's too? Yes you maintain them Lee. I agree Great One. Clarence thought her a fool giving up residual income for sex but didn't question her acceptance of the deal. Clarence I love you. Goodnight Lee.

Niarchos and Gabriel got to Clarence's house 7 a.m the next morning. She was weak so Niarchos carried her in to the bedroom where Clarence rested.

hy are you carrying her son? I'm really tired Clarence.

Have you been drinking my blood? Yes the ones I left? He gave Niarchos a look cause he knew they were spiked with her pill she drew the blanket on her snuggling on Clarence falling sleep.

She's turning again Clarence covered her is her soil under the mattress pop? Yes I have them add it fresh 2x a week. I can smell your's crispy red apples love it.

he's drinking 10 16 oz bottle's of blood per day not a lot of food.

Babies crave blood what if they're vampire's Niarchos? We'll deal with it pop love them like you love us.
Gabriel's warm Niarchos send for Zion. Yes pop.
Niarchos updated Joan alright I'll wake Zion and see you soon.

Niarchos headed to the attic locating his mother's trunk checking for a false bottom and as sure as Saint told him the letter's were there written in the hand of Alijawan. His mother's letter on top Alijawan's in date order below. There was a brown package tied in string Niarchos carried all to his room.

He looked at all of it for thirty minutes before untying the pink ribbon his mother used to tie the letter's. He picked her's up first his hand trembling opening the letter gently as not to tear the fragile paper with his clumsy finger's.

April 1st, 1937

Dearest Niarchos;

I don't know what year it will be when you get these letter's but I know if you have them you are aware of your werewolf heritage.

Let me apologize to you my son I'm so very sorry for not telling you about your family. Inside I screamed at myself for hiding you from them telling myself I was no better than the slave owner's who kept us from our mother's and father's whom they knew lived one plantation over from their's never telling us even upon freedom day.

The other side of me say's you are my son! A vampire, my strong tall and beautiful negro son who walk's head up raised in his father's image.

Fearless and beautiful in every single way personality and looks. My son my boy I tried Niarchos I swear by the good book I did. I tried to let you go but deep inside something just would not let me turn you loose.

Although we had many adopted children you were my first you made me a mother a crown no one could gave me but you. Your father in all his riches couldn't bestow that honor upon me. A woman with a ripe womb married to a vampire who couldn't fill with baby.

He bought home my first son whom I loved and raised as such. My Niarchos you filled that void to mother, love, nest and spoil teach and watch grow.

I know what you are thinking I was already grown in body yes but in mind you were a ten year old child. As with a lot of us slave's we were behind educationally and maturity. Thank God for your father he was ahead of his time a self taught millionaire and real estate tycoon by the age of 35. He taught us all to read making it mandatory remember that? Remember you hated learning your letter's? The day you told Clarence you didn't need no education I was filled with laughter by the look on his face it was as if the floor swallow him whole.

You can imagine my surprise when this black man in your likeness come to me in the market and say he your real father. Niarchos I looked upon this man had no lie behind his eyes. He come to claim his child and meant business.

I knowed at that moment there be a war because Clarence Hollings wasn't giving up his child no sir! He would've stepped over his dead vampire body before he allow your real daddy to drag you off.

had no choice, I the Queen of vampire's in a market full of white and negro folk dropped to my knees begging this negro man not to tear my child from my arms. We'd just lost Rose son ain't no way he was gonna snatch my big old baby from me.

Once he gets to calming me down we went for coffee I told the whole truth. See? Alijawan that's your real daddy said he upset when he spy and see's a white man teach his son to ride that bad black stallion you pick out.

I want to laugh and later we did but I understand his anger so I tells the truth so he knowed Clarence a negro masquerading as white to help us escape slavery.

When I says that it put him to ease I agree he could stop over check on you pretending he come to see me as a customer or when we go to night sales and festival's he see you there.

When you marry Liza I invited him he gives you more then money at the wedding Niarchos yes son he leaves you something real special.

I wrap it in that package but you don't open it till you get to Alijawan letter where he say open it. Now promise cause I know you excited and nosey ya mama know's that about her baby you say yes mama like I make you say when you was defiant about them letter's and reading. Yes mama he whispered wiping his face.

Good! I hear you from heaven I love you Niarchos you alway's be my son. Again Ise sorry mama hold you from your daddy can you forgive's ya old mama? It was my selfish love make me hold you to me till God see me home I can't say I regrets one minute. Now you gots a destiny to fill and if you reading these notes them werewolf people need's you son.

They is good people Niarchos Alijawan a good man with kind eyes. He was sweet on your mama you know I say man you don't want no problem with that old jealous vampire! We laugh about that when I come calling he teach me werewolf culture. Everything be fine baby do what Alijawan ask he need you.

Love and kisses Niarchos

Niarchos wiped his face the letter brought back fond memories of her that lightened his heart the first letter was from Alijawan. He took a deep breath gently opening the letter.

April 1st, 1870

Dear Niarchos;

Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Alijawan Francis Baptiste I am your father. The one who made you and watched you come into this world. I at the age if 17 helped your mother push you out alone with one candle in a dirty slave shack.

Once born I held you, washed you, swaddled you in my old work shirt you mother scrubbed clean for your arrival I then handed you to your mother my wife Sophie.

At the time of your birth she was 15 year's of age. When I saw you my heart for the first time in my life was light. A part of she and I you have her eyes and pretty hair. You're the proof of the love we shared and she ever existed I was holding you my precious beautiful son.

The name we bestowed upon you? Angel after my father of course calabassas changed it but your name was Angel and still is in our record's Angel Alijawan Baptiste.

One night Calabasas called your mother to comfort guests he had I refused she would go and come back mentally horrified for day's the thing's they'd do. Unmentionable acts at this age you know they displayed their savagery upon us I don't think you need the details of the matter.

In my anger I defied Calabassas raising my hand to him he took you mother selling her to the animal guest who sexually mistreated her most. He tied me to a post whipping me within inches of my life. He promised he'd would pitch you to the alligators.

To make sure I didn't get to you he had the worse slave collector's come for me that very night dragging me half dead into the dark wood under the full luna moon.

As we slept I was in and out of consciousness I knew I was going to bleed to death I lost count at 80 lashes son. All I heard was your mother screaming begging for my life.

When I woke there were huge wolves in our the camp. I was half dead to weak to move
I felt a bite a big one on my thigh my left thigh I knew the wolves were eating me because of my blood shed I think I screamed. The wolf spoke he said you stood up to a master for this you shall be rewarded. I lost my mind and I probably died already I told myself hearing him speak.

After that I blacked out for hours when I woke it was 6 a.m. Everyone in camp was dead except us slaves we were bitten some where but the wound's aches and pain's gone. I took clothes weapons hid a horse and money from the slavers returning for you both.

Sophie was gone with that horrible dog where I didn't know. I went to the river to see if he done what he said with you there was no sign I had to hide so I did. A month later I came back and saw you on the back porch I waited till you was alone to snatch you but it was too busy being day so I bit you knowing one day you'd turn and your scent would lead me to you.

I didn't want to be seen for fear the slave owner would sell you and I wouldn't be able to track you. It killed me Angel, killed me to leave you there I swear to God it did. He had his clutches on you kept you so damn close to him even had other slave's watching you it was as if he knew I'd be back. Then a slave told me a man came and picked you up on slave freedom day a white man. I got some information from a she wolf and that's how I found your mother.

I'm sure she with her sweet self told you about how we met and what happened. I couldn't do it Angel I couldn't break her heart. No sir, she looked up at me with that pretty face and beautiful smile crying with that chocolate flawless skin there wasn't no way I could take you away from a second mama.

So we decided to quietly share you that she did. I wrote you these letter's if you're reading them it means you know what you are and it's time to come home.

I love you son


When he looked up Gabriel was in the door way trembling what the hell are you doing out of bed? How did you get away from pop? Come ma you're turning again. I want tea Nicky. Why didn't you call Viola or tell pop? Cause pop and Viola ain't you found ya letter's I see? Yes my Queen. Well? She stopped in the hall holding onto his chest and arm. Well what ma? What did you find out? I only read two letter's one from mama and the other from Alijawan.

What'd say? He told me my birth given name. She smiled name? He picked her up lay her down no blanket Nicky.

Yes blanket she barely kept her eyes open what's today's date Nicky? September 26th ma. It's my birthday he looked at her shocked you playin. No I'm not she pointed at her purse, getting her license out. Happy birthday baby Shhh. What Gabriel? She pointed at the bathroom he dosen't remember.

Don't do that hahaha. He's supposed to know he's my husband.
I told him and we celebrated the first three year's we were together he's my husband isn't he supposed to know?

Niarchos mouthed I didn't know I'm your second. I never told you now you're on the hook today Nicky.

Angel. Huh? My name woman Angel. She yawned smiling I got my new nick name Angel she said as she dozing out that's so sweet.

It was my grandfather's name. My goodness pulling his beard playfully.

Clarence entered Was she up? She was Pop? Humm? You in trouble haha. What now dammit?

What's today's date? Clarence looked at his phone the 26th. Pop? What is the month and the day? September 26th DAMN! Thank you Niarchos. You're welcome pop.

Clarence walked in the kitchen with Joan and Niarchos where's that Doctor husband of your's? He's with Gabriel Clarence. What are you getting Gabriel pop?

What's today? Her birthday Joan she think's pop forgot. Make her that pound cake she love's Clarence. That cake was the best I loved and grew up on it guy's.

That's true Clarence agreed. Remember how you would make cake and mom hid it until your guest's left Clarence? Sure do haha.

You heard from ya brother Niarchos? Which one? Don't play with me son. He's moving in Elijah's old house. Clarence shot a look of displeasure I'm getting to the bottom of it Niarchos. You always do pop.

Viola walked in Grip is here Great One Clarence looked at the kitchen door Grip entered alone hey pop Clarence ignored him. Pop?

Come Grip Niarchos walked him to the living room you're in big fucking trouble Grip. Why? Niarchos took the letter out handing it over Grip shot Niarchos a look.

Ginger did this to get me in trouble Nick. You told pop and Blaise you never married Ginger what the fuck is that Grip? Pop's tracing the license he got people in New York's record hall.

Did you set Ginger up Grip? Don't tell me. This is between you and pop I don't want no part's. What you mean Nick? I got my plate full with this Lycan shit. You're just back and you're mixed in a potential murder charge of a vampire a old one at that? I'm not saying I don't trust you but as a court Elder less is more.

I'm here if you need my help fix this shit I need you here and when I go with the Lycans Grip.

You're going? Yeah man. You leaving Gabriel? Yes Grip that's pop's wife I gotta move on.

Finally some damn sense Gabriel was at the door and heard Niarchos She ran outside to the porch on the swing with the door open.

Clarence heard comotion and came out honey come in. I am I just want a little sun close the door it's fine. Ok Sugar.


lose the door Niarchos. The sun makes her weak pop. She'll be in soon Nick.

Zion came down we've got big problem's Clarence one of the babies is almost to term.
Oh my god. I'm going to have to take him out and close her back up he's huge.

How much time Zion? Three four week's top's Clarence. Then we wait I trust the baby he's smart and know's what is going on if they are in danger he will tell me.

If Gabriel goes into early labor they'll make it. It's the little one I'm worried about. Clarence read Zion's mind sensing fear brother why are you in fear? I don't want her to die Clarence. She won't the vampire in her is killing the human did you take blood Zion? Yes of course. Ket me know the result. Alright give me a hour after I check on Caine if that's ok. Sure.

Niarchos paced he paced when he was nervous or divided on a situation it'll be fine Nick.

Pop Rose died during child birth. Rose wasn't half vampire Niarchos.

How can you be so cavalier pop? My son told me not to remove his brother that they're fine. Niarchos gave him a look a unborn baby told you what to do? He did son. You're trusting a fetus over a seasoned Doctor? I am. Have you gone mad pop? Clarence laughed sometimes I think I have.

Niarchos text Gabriel Honey please come inside. I heard you Nicky!
I said that cause I know about Ginger if I'm leaving he won't report us to pop
honey come inside it's fucking hot.
I won't marry a woman who don't listen! So.
Now you're being fresh Gabriel lol.

I think I'll steal the babies and hide from all of you Niarchos. Hahah!
What's fucking funny Nicky?
Steal from a vampire? And one of those babies is a telepath linked to pop? You better leave that one here haha. You alway's make me laugh when I'm upset Nicky.

The door opened the sun hit Niarchos through the crack fuck! Sorry.

Come Gabriel he walked her to the kitchen pop ice water. He got her a tall glass what you doing in here on such a hot day messin up my kitchen Clarence?

Haha there was a tile on the wall behind the stove he tapped it 3x it opened she smiled but this is your kitchen Gabriel? What's in there?

I don't know go see Gabriel looked in the wall pulling a velvet bag dumping it on the table.

Oh my god Clarence a mood ring from the bubble gum machine he was stirring a pot and smiling.

What's that? Niarchos asked. The first thing he ever gave me said he was too poor to buy a ring for my birthday and would this do.

Clarence slipped it on her swollen finger happy birthday my love. You remembered hugging hin of course I did Sugar.

Niarchos smiled at his father look at that cheap crap she laughed.

That's when he was parading as a poor man Gabriel wiping the ring you took it from Queens Clarence?

I did Sugar. Thank you honey. Can you do me a favor Sugar? Yes baby staring at the ring. Lay down let Niarchos carry you you're unsteady Grip looked on smiling.

Viola please let me speak to my son alone? Yes Pharoah she exited as he slid Gabriel's cake in the oven.

Did your brother show you that letter Grip? Yes pop. Before you open your mouth think boy do not lie to me do not understand me Grip? Yes pop.

Grip held down his head in shame be judged privately before the Elders get's wind.

Before you lie Grip, Clarence went in his apron tossing an unopened letter from New York's hall of record's at him this is for you.

Did you and Sunday kill Ginger?


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