What We Do In the Shadows: "J...

By regertz

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There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar... More

What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part I
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part II...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part III...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part IV...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part V...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part VI...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part VII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part VIII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part IX...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part X...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XI...
What We Do In The Shawdows: "Jen..." Part XII..
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XIII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XIV...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XV...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XVI...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XVII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XVIII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XIX...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XX...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXI
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXIII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXIV...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXV...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXVI...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXVII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXVIII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXIX...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXX...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXXI...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXXII
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXXIII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXXIV...
What We Do It The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXXV...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXXVI...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXXVII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXXVIII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXXIX...
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What We Do in The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LIV...
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What We Do in The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LVII...
What We Do in The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LVIII...
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What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXIV...
What We Do in The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXV...
What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXVI...
What We Do in The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXVII...
What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXVIII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXIX...
What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXX...
What We Do in The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXII...
What We Do in The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXIII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXIV...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXV...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXVI...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXVII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXVIII...
What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXIX...
What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXX...
What We Do in The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXI...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXIII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXIV...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXV...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXVI...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXVII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXVIII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXIX...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXX...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXXI...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXXII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXXIII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXXIV...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXXV...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXXVI...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXXVII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXXVIII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."Part XCIX...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part C...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part CI...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part CII...
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part CIII.
What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part CIV...

What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXI...

16 1 0
By regertz

What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part LXXI...

"Just on my way to the bus for work." Colin Robinson smiles at camera, hailed in the front parlor by the camera crew on his way out. "What's up? Need more background on the financial doins'? Alls well there. Nandor and Laszlo didn't even have to hypnotize the sellers, they were so eager to grab the deal. Big place like that isn't the easiest thing to unload, you know. You know, though, the biggest single private property on Staten Island to ever sell is actually...What? Oh. Really?" somewhat sneering chuckle.

"The great expedition to Poughkeepsievania failed, eh? Nandor couldn't even snatch a teenaged human daughter of Dracula? Well, sure...Dracula. But wasn't she adopted, not bloodline?" some curiosity. "Unless she's a resurrectant?" considerable curiosity, especially for Colin.

"Well, I guess we'll find out. She must have something. Hey, Eloise? You on guard duty today?" Colin smiles at Eloise in t-shirt and dungaree jacket and jeans, entering.

"Ginny asked to me to...Guess the enthralled girls are worked up about what happened last night?" shrug. "Hey." She waves to camera. "I brought donuts!" holds up box. "What the fuck, Colin?" she eyes him. "Did those idiots really try to snatch Dracula's little girl?"

"Dracula's little black girl, adopted. And just a little hypno session was planned, I understand." Colin notes, thin smile.

"So Jen told me." Eyeing him. "Nice he's open-minded. Seems she's a pretty capable little sister, too."

"Ah, yes...Fought off the great Nandor's Dark Power." Colin, wiggling fingers, chuckling nastily. "Well, good luck if Dracula decides to take vengeance, I'll be just a phone call too late away at the office." He steps back at her sudden snarl.

"Colin..." cold growl... "Don't ever pull shit like that with me. I can feel you trying to drain me. And I like it less when you do it after a crack like that."

"Sorry...It's my nature." Depreciative hand gesture. "I really will be just a phone call away, if you and the guys need me."

Lord knows I wouldn't want them to possibly die nobly at Dracula's hands. Though that wuss is hardly likely to jeopardize his "Great Redemption"...Ooooh...for kicking ass on our bunch. No, the problem there is he's not the good ole Impaler anymore. He's gone and got 'religion', redemption-style.

But even a committed Redemptionist can find himself losing it when family is threatened. Nandor the Idiotic and his sidekick, Laszlo the Pudgy Wonder probably did me a favor with this stunt.

"Sure..." she notes, sourly. "Give my best to the girls at the office. I'll be in before I go home."

"Will do." Colin, leaving with smirking grin.

"I know that dude can't help what he is or how he feeds but I don't like him." Eloise frowns at the shut front door, after Colin. "I always get the feeling he's up to something...So..." she turns to smile at the crew. "The boys went to 'Castle Dracula', Poughkeepsie? Wish I'd been there." Grin. "I'm glad no one got hurt though, especially the kid. What were they thinking? If this really is Dracula, dudes...The Dracula...He's not gonna take kindly to this sorta disrespect even if he's become Jesus' second Comin'. Nandor was crazy to think he wouldn't notice his little girl'd been hypnotized and spent the night outside talking to some weird guy. Heck, she could've got sick wandering around outside."

Hmmn? "Oh, sure...I still go to Church, doesn't bother me. I say, if God don't want me, She can chase me out, I didn't ask for this shit. Though I don't know what'd happen if I ever were in the wolf there." Shrug. "Roy, our pack leader, says he did trans once in church, during some funeral for a cousin that started way too late and he was sick for a couple of days later. But he couldn't remember if he'd eaten something or someone bad. That coulda been it."

"Yeah...I won't deny I was a little...Uncertain...About comin' today." Shy smile, shrug. "Dracula, dudes...Drac-u-la. Sounds like a bad ole horror flick, 'Dracula versus the Werewolf', huh?" wry grin. "I mean according to everyone so far, he's a nicer guy these days but if it's Dracula then it's likely to be rough if it comes to fightin', Redemption or no. Still, I made a promise and these guys have done right by me so far. And I feel like I should be around, to look after the girls and keep 'em from doing anything crazy, like with going right in after Devious the other day and Ginny, my girl, taking him on like that. I mean, great job..." she puts up hand. "But we need to keep it cool and the girls right now are all hot and bothered for their owners. Martha nearly freaked yesterday, I understand, when she heard Nandor was going on his Drac hunt. And then that Devious is bad news even if we manage an alliance. Not that I'd trust him for a moment. Any new stuff on him by the way? No?" sigh. "Well, busy times. I guess though if Drac is working with Van Helsing here it can't be too bad, his goals I mean...He must mean well...At least I hope so."

She eyes the group carefully after a question...Shrugging.

"Well...I don't know. I don't say I'm pulling for it, I have a job to do and made promises and my word's my bond, ya know? And I can't be sure what the deal really is for Van Helsing and co till they show." Shrug. "I mean I've seen werewolf hunters and vamp hunters who just wanted to get their jolies out of the hunt. Want to put our heads over their fireplaces and our pelts on their floors, that's their idea of 'helping' us." Frown. "I've had that crowd after me, a bunch of militia boys who only needed the white hoods and couldn't've cared less about 'freein' me from my 'dark curse'. Hell, they've hated to 'help' me. They came to get a black werewolf pelt to match out their set. But they found it wasn't so easy to gut, stuff, and mount the Knieve." Glare, sigh.

"Still, if it would free the girls, it might not be so bad if Van Helsing and co did their thing if no one was hurt or suffered too much. I guess it would help Laszlo and the others too, right? But it's not my business and not my place here to judge anyone. I've a few things on my plate, I know, and when my time comes, I'll have to hope I can cut a deal. It would be nice to know someone's lookin' to do something for me too, after all." Nervous shrug.

She nods at another question...

"I don't want to kill anyone, I don't enjoy it, least of all good people trying to save others, including friends of mine...I see my job here as using my extras to let the guys know the folks are coming, protect the other girls much as I can, and not let anyone die if I can manage it. A good bark and show of fangs can go a long way, ya know?" coy smile.

"Who knows, after all? When my babies are older and can care for themselves without Mom, I might be looking for my Redemption. But right now, all they got is me." Shrug. "Guess God doesn't always have a lot of time to look after every child and sometimes even a werewolf's a better Mom or parent than none."


The Basilica de Santa Maria de Guadalupe...

"So, Miss Nugent..." Dr. Acura smiles at Phyllis, pleased at his quick remembrance... "Just what did you wish from me? In addition to any questions you had about my dear Rosa?"

"You're the one who came to see Guillermo, back in New York. But not just because of the aunt...And you're a... You're..." she states, firmly, then fading into vagueness.

"I'm a sort but different. I am...Dracula...Yes. But not the Dracula you may have read of or seen in those Hammer films." Wry smile. "Release the stake in your pocket, my dear." He eyes her carefully. "Let it go, it's of no use to you anyway, I wouldn't die quite that easily."

She stares...Transfixed. Hand in pocket of skirt releasing said stake...

"I...Have...To protect..."

"Yes, yes...But's lets go in, to Guillermo...He needs us now. He's in pain and you don't want him in pain, do you, Phyllis?"

"Oh...No...No..." she shakes head. "I can't let him be in pain...I love him."

"Then lets go to him and let him decide what's to be done. He will help you, Phyllis."

"Yes...He will." She intones.


Ginny and Jennifer in Ginny's office...Ginny at desk, Jen in chair beside her. Both in their standard business suits and looking lovely but both clearly a bit exhausted.

"Hey..." Ginny, smiling a bit wanly at camera. "Quite a night, huh? God...Oooh...Hunts ma tongue dere." Grin.

"Anyway...I guess we got out ok. We're still a little worried about Dr. Acura...Dracula, I guess we've confirmed...Getting po'd when he hears about our visit to his home. But I sent Eloise in to the Residence this morning and Jen's going over in a few and Sue called us from the church where they're about to hold the funeral for poor Gui's aunt, and the good doc's not gone raging from the place or so far as we know threatened Gui, though she said he did take Gui for a talk before he came in. She had to pee like blazes, poor Sue, that seems to be the only effect the place had on her..." wry smile. "But we'll keep a close watch on Dracula and hope for the best. Sue says Guillermo said not to worry and that we're not to try any action against him as far as we servants of the Overlords are concerned, unless of course the Mistress and Masters call for it. I did explain to Gui, that we only accompanied Master Nandor and Master Laszlo, we didn't ourselves engage Ms. Acura."

"I don't think Dracula'll hurt the Overlords." Jen cuts in. "If he's working with Dr. Van Helsing, it wouldn't be the way to do it. They want our friends at the right time, in the right way, whatever that may be." Slight shudder...Wan smile.

"Sorry, it freaks me to think of my Master in danger like this..." nervous nod. "But I think I'm right..."

"Well, we can't be sure what that is or when." Ginny notes, sighing. "Anyway, the girl wasn't hurt and we won't let the Mistress or the Masters be in that sort of danger again. I promised Gui I'd let him know if Master Nandor or Master Laszlo speaks of taking any action with the Draculas...I don't think that's wrong, him being the Boss Minion." Smile, slight wan look. "Of course, whatever they command, we obey..." nod. "Though we'll do all we can to dissuade them...Gui's probably the best to talk to them on that, not being enthralled." Slight twist of hands, nervous brush of hair.

" 'The Draculas'...Sounds like a bad sit-com..." Jen grins. She must be quite a girl though, to hold off Master Nandor." she reflects. "Of course, he didn't bite her...Thank you know who. That surely would've got Dr. Acura back here in a hurry."

"Yeah...But she's adopted...How did she get that kind of ability?" Ginny, shaking head. "Unless she's his wife, reborn, or it's easy to learn counter hypnosis. I think we need to know."

"Well, they have videos on You Tube on hypnosis..." Jen shrugs. "Maybe it isn't that hard to fight it off, so long as no blood transfer."

"Maybe..." Ginny sighs. "But we gotta know more about her...Without poing her Dad, of course."

"I wish I'd just gone up to her at her school and chatted her up." Jen shakes head. "But it's a private school, with security."

"We'll just have to find a way...And let her know our guys mean her no harm." Ginny, a bit stridently. "So long as she and her Dad mean no harm to them. Good thing though that Sue is with Gui in Mexico...At least we have two keeping tabs on Dracula."

"Yeah..." Jen, perturbed. "But I still don't quite get why Drac would go down there...Was he hoping to speak to Gui? And what was his thing with Aunt Rosa? I mean I guess it could have just been an innocent friendship, but..."

"Yeah...It's not adding up. That's why we've still got to find out more about Miss Dracula." Ginny sighs. "I'm gonna speak to Simon. He may know something about them. And if Dracula is working with Dr. Van Helsing and his people, that makes Althea Acura a key piece, even if we didn't get off to too good a start."

"Gin? We can't fool around here." Jennifer shakes head. "She's Dracula's daughter, even if adopted. We start messing with her again and he may not worry about the proper Redemptive method of killing our friends. I think Gui was right. No action unless approved or ordered."

"We'll take it slow..." buzz. "Just seeing what we can find out without actually confronting her." Taking up phone. "I hope this is Phyllis. I'm starting to wonder just how ill her boy is..."

"Well, she can't just blow a sick kid off, Gin..." Jen notes. "It would look odd, she being a good mom."

"Yeah, Annie?" Ginny, answering...

"Though it is odd..." Jen notes to camera... "Phyl not asking to come by and check on Nadja's safety..." Shrugging. "I mean I wouldn't leave Suzette for a moment while Dave was at work, unless I was sure Master Laszlo was in danger, and then I'd probably bring her, but I'd be on the phone constantly and once he got home...I'd be over soon as I could get away."

"Simon Devious, on line 2." Annie's voice on phone. "Hey, Colin..." they hear her greeting.


Guillermo and Susan in the cathedral, front row, seated next to Roderigo and several female cousins...

"You gonna tell me what he wanted, Gui?" she hisses to him when Roderigo turned to welcome new arrivals of relatives, as they sat, trying to look solemn...Guillermo blushing a bit at each introduction by his cousin of Susan as his "intended', to Roderigo's and Susan's intense amusement.

"He just told me what he was going to read and hoped I was holding up ok."

"Uh-huh...And 'stay away from my house and daughter or else'?"

"He didn't mention it. Maybe he's not heard, yet."

"Guillermo..." stern look. "Hey..." Pleasant smile as Roderigo introduces yet another female cousin... "Guillermo's fiancée, nice to meet you." Offering hand.

"And what was that with Phyl?" she resumes as the cousin beams and moves on...Giving Guillermo a quick newly appraising glance.

The little so-and-so must really do have something...Even considering what Rosa's likely to have left him...Given he won this blonde gringo even without a fortune.

"She asked to speak with him..."

"Guillermo..." arms folding. "I won't make a scene at your aunt's funeral but you better damn tell me what's up here!" harsh hiss, sigh... "Sorry, I only want to help."

"Later...I'll tell you more...Later..." he takes her hand as a choir begins singing, he and Susan turning back to see Dr. Acura leading a slightly wan Phyllis in...

"She looks..." Susan hisses.

"Hypnotized at worst, probably just tired... Can we not do this now, please?" he whispers to her grim look.

Holy shit...We're a couple, he realizes.


Laszlo and Nadja, seated, in the about half-and-half, rendered so by the presence of Eloise, on guard duty, Jacqueline, attentively maiding, and the newly arrived Erika anxious to see that all was well, given the boys' escapade in Poughkeepsie, living room. Colin contributing the occasional third vampire, showing at moments in the doorway, otherwise occupied in, he'd told them, saying "goodbye" the house...Sucking the last energy of the many dead from the very walls.

"Or so he's told us..." Laszlo looking after his latest departure. "Personally I don't believe he can do it nor do I believe in such twaddle as the energy of the dead storing in the house itself."

"That sounds like an old Roddy McDowell horror film...The evil dead scientist had his psychic energy stored in the house..." Jen notes.

"Really?" Laszlo stares. Hmmn... "Well, maybe...Never heard of it myself but more things in Heaven and Earth, I suppose. Anyway, now we have plans to make. Yes..." shrewd nod.

"My trunks go first..." Nadja, firmly. "I'm not having them get messed up when you toss all your old junk into a couple of crates at the very last minute. Jacqueline? Note that down on your paper clipped to board."

"Yes, Mistress." Jackie nodded, writing.

"Fine by me..." Laszlo shrugs. "Get you cleared out and I have space and time to plan...Yes, I definitely want my first-edition books on the hardest cored pornography on the first floor bookcases of the new library, the glassed-in ones. Jennifer? We'll want a suitable mount for my witch's skin hat, I want it out and proudly proclaiming to the world 'Yes, I am a witch's skin hat and I am the proud property of Laszlo Cravensworth, Esq."

"Esq. means Esquire, a title conferring gentlemanly status..." Laszlo explains. "Normally it should be conferred upon one by others, as a sort of gentlemanly hail fellow well met but these days it's hard to find a group or individual who will hail fellow, let alone meet well."

Nadja rolling eyes...

Soul Doll making eyes... "You are more Prince than Esquire, my Laszlo..." coo.

"My Esquire! My Prince! You bitch!" Nadja, furious, rising off the couch. "Jacqueline! Kill this doll!"

"Yes, ma'am." Bow, quickly laying aside clipboard and pen...

"No, wait!" Laszlo calls... "Nadja?! We discussed this!"

"I answer only to the Mistress! After you, sir." Jacqueline, solemnly, moving to grab the Doll which suddenly found its legs...And arms...And hastily crawled off, out of her reach, under the couch.

"Laszlo, my darling!...Save me!" the Doll cries.

"Excuse me, Master Cravensworth..." Jacqueline, lifting the couch with a startled Laszlo with one adrenalin-powered hand, the other batting a duster from a clip on her maid's outfit under the couch at the Doll which deftly dodged the blows.

Laszlo batting just briefly to settle back on floor... "Now darling, stop this! Miss Jacqueline, your Mistress will be very annoyed tomorrow if you kill her Soul Doll and it wouldn't kill the Soul anyway!"

"No..." Jacqueline suddenly stood up, smiling as the Doll collapsed. "It wouldn't, my honeys bear..." in Romanian accent.

"You....!" Nadja, furious.

"Just showing you what I'm capable of..." the Doll spoke, smiling. Jacqueline standing blank, staring...

"Mistress? Did I...Do wrong?"

Hmmn...Laszlo, staring...

Well, one must admit...Does offer some interesting possibilities. One could have sex with thousands of women and never be unfaithful to one's insanely jealous wife.

I know, the Soul and all, but come now...Nadja? Soul or Essence, insanely jealous is her personal flag...

"No, child...I forgot myself. Go back to your clipped paper board notes taking."

Jacqueline, a bit woosy, picking up clipboard...

"Do not push me like that again, bitch." Nadja coldly to the Doll. "I thought you were my Soul, is putting our poor minions in danger of my biting their heads off, being a good Soul?"

"I'm the Soul not the Saint." Shrug.

"Jennifer? You did get my point on the witch's hat? Which you and the girls are not to handle, let some poor schnook mover...Someone leering at you girls...Take care of it."

"Yes, Master." Jen nods.

"Master mein Herr?" Erika now cutting in, nervously. Still a bit tired from her morning blood donation but determined...

"Shouldn't we discuss our strategies with Dracula and Van Helsing and the Devious One?"

"Oh, yes, of course...In due time. But it's important our strategic withdrawl to Fortress Cravensworth is accomplished stealthily and with speed." Shrewd nod.

"'Fortress Cravensworth'? Nadja eyes him. "Nandor will never go for it..."

"I could seduce him to accept it, mein Herr!" Erika offers.

Sudden pause...All looking...

"What...?" Nadja, amused. "You like Nandor, child?"

"I...Love only the Master, Mistress...Without any intention of making sexual overtures as you have both so ordered, Mistress!" Erika, stridently, desperately pleading glance to Laszlo...

"Oh, Lord...The poor girl fancies Nandor." Nadja grins. "Sorry, child...I don't mean to make the fun of you..." to her downcast face. "He is tall, dark, eastern European, you are European, if daughter of blonde Nazi Germans...Is understandable." Patting her.

"Only mein papa, ma'am...And he only joined the Party to keep his job, he always told me he resisted in secret..." Erika, anxiously, brushing back mussed hair.

"Well, Laszlo doesn't mind, do you, Laszlo?" Nadja eyes him.

Be nice...

Oddly enough the Doll doing it too...

"Of course, certainly...Fuck his brains out if you like my dear." Laszlo nods.

Ooops...As Erika hurries off.

"Idiot..." Nadja frowns.


"Well..." Jen, slight smile to camera, reviewing list of chores for the move. "What about that? I did think Rika liked Nandor but...Not that I wouldn't be all over him if Master Laszlo wished it or I thought it would help the Master. But I think Lady Nadja's right. Erika's pushing a bit hard for a guy not her own Master, even if it's ostensibly to help him. I think it's real. Of course, really...I would never hesitate." Anxious look. "If it would persuade Nandor about the estate name...And of course, I do love him like I love them all, only Laszlo more so...It's just..." twisting fingers in lap.

"But really, I doubt it's necessary...Anyway, I do think Erika's got the hots for the Relentless." Smile.

"Poor Martha...Though frankly, I suspect Rika's got real competition there. Lord Nandor really lights up whenever he's around her." Warm smile.

"Miss Jen?" Jacqueline, pausing in dusting. "Should I go fuck out Master Nandor's brains too?"


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