What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXXV...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part LXXXXV...

[Note-Naturally we are diverging from the new season storyline into AU territory]

The new residence...The grand dining room...

"Quite the party..." Jacqueline/the Soul Doll smiles at camera... "Nadja's taking her friend Char and Miss Martha on the grand tour and I managed to beg off, to keep an eye on things here, I said..."

Hmmn...Eyes group.

"No, I don't expect troubles...Right, thank you, trouble, but I want to be sure there is none. Also, best to keep my distance from my Lady Nadja, she might sense my presence here and get upset, fearing worse. Don't worry, I will keep my word to let you people know when things I know of are starting to happen. Oh, there is Nandor with the Count Doctor...They seem to be getting on very well, but they were friends as long as they were enemies. Hmmn?" she eyes.

"Oh, I have heard a few things...Really? His wife?" Looks over to where Acura and Nandor were observing the chandelier and Nandor was waving arms to describe the grounds. Althea smiling at the two...

"Yes. Well, that was hundreds of years ago and surely Dracula..." Lowering voice... "Has done much he must regret. Besides, he is reunited with her now, to an extent. A bit like me and Laszlo. Isn't his daughter a lovely thing? She ought to lose the glasses, though. Must be quite a life, being the Slayer and the adopted daughter of Count Dracula." Smile. Looking at her hands a moment.

"This girl is quite lovely...I hope she finds peace when all is done, I can feel great turmoil within her. What?" pauses. "Oh, no...Not so much the 'mind control'...That is rather a help to her...Restful, you know? No, it's her own problems and regrets...I sense she has many, poor thing. This modern world of yours is so complex, so many opportunities to stumble and fall." Rueful look... "As I have known too well in my own time..." Sighing.

"Hmmn?" to a question...Glancing about just in case of being overheard. "No...Though I am careful, it is rather the addictive to be here..." smiles. "But I have my own option for permanance..." shrugging. Slight move of hand for silence as Erika approaches.

"Jackie? How are you?"

"Oh, very well...Erika, thank you. Just sorry I can't be of more use here. You look lovely."

"Thanks. Well, remember, we're guests here..." Erika cautions.

"It's very kind of the Cravensworths and Mr. Relentless to have us." Jacqueline, nodding.

"Everything copacetic, guys?" Eloise had come over, bearing a glass of champagne.

"Just fine...Wonderful party, eh?" Erika smiles.

"Real soiree...As they say." Eloise nods. "You look good, Jackie. Like you got a little rest."

"Thanks, Eloise..." gentle smile. "You look great, lovely gown, very chic. So, everything is well? No problems?"

"Thanks...And smooth as silken fur..." grin. "I'm gonna have me a look at the grounds from that foyer, the view at night to the water's something. You should eat something, Jacks."

"I'll take her over...See you later, Ellie." Erika nods. "Jackie? Lets go get something to eat. I'm dying to try a few of the things I can't pronounce."

"Sure..." smile. "I've not eaten in quite a while." Wry grin to camera...

"But I am quite all right, Erika..." smiling whisper to her companion as they moved to the huge dining room table. "I understand how I'm to act tonight, don't worry."

What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..."Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora